Katieran Prime Miracle (Katieran Prime Series Book 9)

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Katieran Prime Miracle (Katieran Prime Series Book 9) Page 1

by KD Jones

  Katieran Prime Miracle

  Katieran Prime Series Book 9


  KD Jones

  © Copyright February 2015 KD Jones Publishing

  All cover art and logo © Copyright February 2015 by KD Jones Publishing

  Artwork by KD Jones Publishing

  All rights reserved:

  This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission. All characters, places, and events in this book are fictitious or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, actual events, locales, or organizations are strictly coincidental.

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  Warning: For Mature Adult Audiences. Contains language and actions some may deem offensive. M/F

  Medic JadEN is called back to Katiera to help with the new problems developing with inter-species breeding. He is forced to work side by side with Kat, the female he lost to another male, and with the male she mated. Tensions are high as JadEN realizes that he still cares for Kat. He hopes that traveling to Kiljor on a research mission will give him the space he needs to overcome his lingering feelings. What he doesn’t expect is to encounter a new female who draws his attention like no other. The more time he spends with Rose, the more addicted he becomes. She is a habit he fears will be hard to break.

  Rose Garrett is a therapist from Earth, a dedicated medical professional. So when she realizes that she’s developed feelings for one of her patients, she must find a way to resolve it or risk losing the position she’s worked so hard to achieve. She feels time away would benefit her, so she agrees to travel to Kiljor to help the returning Kiljorns adjust to life after experiencing a trauma. The trip is over-shadowed by the irritating Katieran doctor who does nothing but get in her way. She could overlook him having a difficult personality, but what she can’t overlook is how her body responds to his.

  Two lovers find themselves caught up in the middle of civil unrest. Nations must join alliances in order to defeat an enemy among their own people. What will it take to bring two people together who seem so different, but long for the same thing? Join JadEN and Rose as they search for their own miracle.


  The Purist leader, OrIN, threw his digital tablet across the small command center, hitting one of his lieutenants in the head. Everyone else just barely managed to duck out of its way, some tucking themselves under consoles to avoid his wrath. None of those present seemed surprised by their leader’s outburst; it was a common occurrence. Commander MarIK motioned for everyone move to a safer distance.

  “I want to know where our spies are! We had four of our people on board the Kiljorn transport, and no one seems to know where they are. That is unacceptable!” OrIN yelled furiously. But he wasn’t done yet. “I have entrusted these people to give me updates on what was going on, and all of a sudden they dropped out of contact.”

  “Sir, the last message that was sent out before communications were disconnected was encoded. The computer decoded the message, and it relayed that they had been found out and needed to get away. They planned on trying to use an Earth female to escape. Obviously, that did not happen. They must have been captured,” MarIK reported.

  OrIN punched the console in front of him. “Unacceptable! Send someone to find out what happened to my spies. If they have been captured, either recover them or eliminate them. I cannot risk them exposing any of our plans.”

  MarIK was shocked. “OrIN, we can’t start killing off our own people when we’ve sent them into a dangerous situation.”

  “I can do whatever I like. I am the true Prime Leader of Katiera, and you will address me as such.”

  MarIK nodded his head, but he glared at the Purist leader’s back as he turned away. He, like many others, had believed in the issues OrIN complained about; the biggest one being how the old Katieran leaders had allowed their people to be divided up into separate nations. The Morins hadn’t fulfilled their intentions of killing off the Katieran people, but they did succeed in tearing them apart. It never should have happened.

  Their second biggest complaint was that the current leaders hadn’t joined forces to find a way to solve their breeding issues within their own species. Instead they allowed the current Katieran leader to steal females from another species to inter-breed with. What did they know of this other species, except that they did not have the advanced technology the Katierans did? MarIK didn’t agree with all the decisions that the Katieran leader made, but OrIN was starting to take this rebellion too far. If he continued on this path, OrIN would start a civil war that neither his people nor the rest of Katiera would be prepared for. The Morins weren’t the biggest threat the Katieran people had to worry about; not with OrIN as the leader of the Purist rebels. Goddess help them all.

  Chapter 1

  “JadEN, are you coming to bed?” a woman’s voice called out from across the room.

  JadEN looked up from his digital tablet. He was checking on Prima Jaxon’s latest test results. They had managed to stabilize her pregnancy, but there were still strange readings he hadn’t seen before.

  Prima Jaxon had what was called an incompetent cervix. It had been explained to him by Kat, a female medic from Earth, that during gestation the young would grow and became heavier, pressing on Jaxon’s cervix. This pressure was causing the cervix to start to open before the young was ready to be born. If they hadn’t caught it in time, Jaxon could have lost the young.

  He was studying up on the condition, looking for ways that Katieran medicine could help with this problem. He wished that he was more specialized in breeding. But because his people suffered with breeding issues, there had been very little to study from. The last natural birth on Katiera had been almost twenty years ago, when he was still a youth. He, like most medics, was more generalized. He was grateful for Kat’s knowledge and willingness to help train others.

  Kat had been a surgeon on Earth, but she had some experience with labor and performing C-sections. She had him bring back two specialists in the field of breeding and childbirth from Earth, who would give them more insight. JadEN wanted to learn as much as possible to help his people. He researched and studied every day, from sunrise to long past sunset.

  He was so wrapped up in his work he forgot that he’d brought a female home with him after sharing a meal. While she’d gone to the bathing room to make herself more…comfortable, he had become distracted by his research. He hadn’t heard her come out or get on the bed. What was her name? Tera… Tessa...Theresa!

  “I have a few hours to spare, but then you’ll need to leave directly after we’re done. I have work to do before I go to bed.” If he didn’t have certain physical needs, he wouldn’t even bother with any of the Earth females. They were a bit clingy, and he wasn’t looking for anything serious. After being rejected by Kat, he didn’t want to risk his heart again. He could go a while without sharing sex, but he found that he was more relaxed after an encounter or two. He, like all Katierans, had a high sex drive. He satisfied his physical needs, and that allowed him to be more focused on his work.

  The female looked at him, disappointed. “You’re always working.”

  “You have my undivided attention for the next three hours.” He stood up and walke
d over to the bed, removing his pants and shirt along the way. He let his clothes fall to the floor without a care. A few hours of sharing sex with a beautiful woman would hopefully give his body the release it needed and keep his mind off Kat.

  He leaned down, placing his hands on the bed. JadEN growled as the brunette opened her thin, silky robe to reveal bare skin. She had gone to the bathroom to change into something more comfortable, which turned out to be her naked with nothing but this short, nearly transparent robe. But he wasn’t complaining; it made it easier on him to have less to take off of her.

  “Do you like what you see?” She opened her legs open wide to reveal a tiny strip of dark hair over her feminine mound.

  JadEN’s body reacted by becoming even harder. After his rejection by Kat, he had been hesitant to engage with other Earth females, but despite his initial resistance, he still found them very attractive. This particular female, Theresa, he had shared sex with a few times now, and she was always very agreeable. He nibbled a path from her ankles up her calves, legs, and thighs. He stopped at her apex and used his thumb and forefinger to rub her pussy lips.

  “You’re wet, that’s good. I like that you’re so ready for me.” He lowered his mouth to her, licking her seam.

  “Oh yes. Just like that. Go a little deeper.” The female moaned when he plunged his tongue inside of her while he rubbed her clit. He could tell she was about to release, and he was more than ready.

  He moved up her body and centered himself at her entrance. JadEN entered in one swift plunge. He set a fast, deep pace, making sure to hit the inner spot that made her moan louder. He felt the pressure building in his spine and knew he wouldn’t last much longer.

  “Yes, oh yes!” She came loudly.

  JadEN made a few more deep thrusts before he pulled out and released his seed on the bed sheet. He felt tension leave him, and he turned on his side and rested for a few minutes. For the next couple of hours, he took the female in different positions. He particularly liked taking her from behind. He didn’t have to see her face, and he could imagine that it was Kat.

  These sexual encounters would never lead to anything permanent. He made sure to only pick females who didn’t interest him for anything other than sex. He sighed when their last bout was over; that had been just what he needed to clear his head.

  He went to the bathroom, grabbed the female’s clothes and brought them to her. “Thank you for a wonderful evening.”

  She looked up at him in shock. “That’s it? You’re not even going to hold me or sleep beside me?”

  JadEN shook his head. “We had a good time. I never sleep with females that I have sex with. Sex is all I have to offer you.”

  The female grabbed her clothes and pulled them on haphazardly. “You’re such a player. I never thought coming to another planet would end up being just like Earth. One day someone will get past your playboy defenses and then you’ll be sorry, because she’ll probably rip your heart out.” She slammed the door shut behind her as she left.

  “That’s already happened,” JadEN sighed regretting hurting the female’s feelings. He knew exactly what that was like. He had to relive it every day that he worked in the medic wing.

  He took a quick shower to wash off the female’s scent, and then he pulled on a pair of pants but nothing else. He sat down at his desk and picked the tablet up again. JadEN was dedicated to his work. He wouldn’t give up until he found answers. He pulled up four different patients’ profiles at the same time and put them side by side so that he could compare the pregnancies. He didn’t have to take notes; he could quickly process and organize the data presented in his mind. What was similar? What was different?

  One of the profiles was that of his current patient, Prima Jaxon, who was currently breeding with Prime Commander KydEL’s young. Then he pulled up Kat’s, to review her stats from when she’d been carrying Prime SydEL’s young. The third was of Prima Cassie, when she had borne two young from an Earth male, and the fourth was of a female from the Colony, sister to Commander TylOR, who’d had problems giving birth. The last three pregnancies each had some problem, but the births were successful even though they all required assistance.

  He looked at their ages, their weights, and their medical histories. The only thing that was different was that Prima Jaxon didn’t have all her medical records. She had been abandoned as a child and had to grow up in different homes. That would never have happened on Katiera. They valued their females and young much more than the Earth people seemed to. He focused on the profiles and took notes for hours, until he felt drained. Then he laid on his digital pad down on the desk. He headed off to bed, praying that the Goddess, KatieRI, would keep the dreams away. He didn’t want to relive his time with Kat, only to wake to an empty bed and a broken heart.


  Rose felt the man’s hands moving over her everywhere, making her body heat up. His lips were placing kisses from her neck down over her collarbone. He stopped at a nipple and sucked the tip deep into his mouth. Fuck! That felt so good. She didn’t want him to stop, she didn’t want the feelings to stop. She couldn’t help but wrap her legs around his hips, bringing his cock to her pussy.

  “Please,” she begged for him to take her. She arched her back, making it easier for him, and moaned with pleasure as he began to enter her. She needed this, needed him so bad. But just as he was about to thrust deep into her, he seemed to disappear into nothing but mist.

  “ConEL!” She called out for him.

  Rose woke up fully aroused, her entire body covered in sweat. Her heart was pumping, and her breathing was erratic. Her nipples were hard and sensitive. She felt the wetness dripping from between her legs. Fuck!

  She’d been having a wet dream about Prime ConEL. It wasn’t the first one she’d had, and she doubted it would be the last. This wasn’t good, for several reasons. One, he was a happily mated man—mated was the same as being married for Katierans. Two, he was still her client and she was still his therapist. This was a big ethical issue for her. What the hell was she going to do?

  She’d reduced her sessions with him. She’d even referred him to another therapist, who could travel on the transport with him and have sessions with him there. But he insisted on continuing to have an occasional session with Rose; he said that he felt most comfortable with her. She doubted he would he feel that way if he knew that she’d been harboring these inappropriate feelings for him. She knew for sure that his mate Lucy wouldn’t be very understanding about it.

  Second Lieutenant Lucy Daniels was a professional soldier and would no doubt be happy to kill her in seven different ways if she knew that Rose had been wanting ConEL for herself. That woman was a little bit scary when it came to protecting those she loved. Rose sighed. Why was this one man so hard to get over?

  It wasn’t like she didn’t have offers from other men. Rose Garrett had inherited her mother’s red hair and her father’s hazel eyes, and the combination made her look both regal and soft. Men loved her fiery temper. But none of the men that asked her to share meals with them could hold a candle to the tortured Prime ConEL.

  Rose sighed as she got up and went to the bathroom. A nice cold shower was just the thing she needed. She had another session with Prime ConEL tomorrow. She kept her sessions with him at a minimum—she had to. It was hard for her to see him and try to contain her feelings for him. She didn’t just need to control these feelings, she needed to get rid of them entirely. She was a professional. She had never allowed her own personal feelings get in the way of her helping a client before, and she was determined not to let it happen now.

  Why was ConEL so intriguing to her? He was a handsome man, but there were many here on Katiera who were just as good-looking. Perhaps it was the tortured soul thing that drew her in. Wuthering Heights was one of her favorite books, and ConEL was definitely similar to the tragic hero Heathcliff. She thought that Cathy was stupid, though. Heathcliff deserved someone better, stronger.

  ConEL had been capt
ured and tortured by the Morins for years, unable to help protect his wife. He had at one time lost himself and his family. Though he now was reunited with his daughter and son and had mated an Earth woman, he still struggled with the things that he had to endure.

  Maybe she connected to ConEL so easily because of her own childhood, or lack of one. She had lost her family, too, and had to find a way to survive. She hated thinking about her childhood; it was always a weight on her heart.

  Her father had left her mother when she got pregnant with Rose. It wasn’t so bad at first growing up with a single parent. Whenever her mother worked she would have her Grandmother Rose stay to watch over her. It wasn’t until her grandmother died and her mother remarried that things got bad.

  Her mother met a man named Donald Cooper. He was a construction worker, and her mother was working as a temp receptionist at the construction site when they first met. A few months later they ran off over the weekend to Vegas and got hitched. She’d been staying with her grandmother at the time. On Friday she had no father in her life, but by the following Monday her new stepfather had moved in.

  At first nothing had changed that much except that there was a third person in the house now. She didn’t really like or dislike Donald, except for when he drank. She knew to stay out of sight then. Everything seemed to be fine until the day came that Donald lost his job. She supposed his boss at the construction site didn’t like him coming in late to work, hung over.

  With Donald jobless, he stayed home more and more. He swore to her mother that he went on job interviews, but no one wanted to pay him what he was worth. He insisted that her mother take on a second job as a waitress at night in order to make up for the loss of income. Donald would have insisted that Rose get a job, too, but her mother argued that she was still too young to work.


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