Katieran Prime Miracle (Katieran Prime Series Book 9)

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Katieran Prime Miracle (Katieran Prime Series Book 9) Page 11

by KD Jones

  “You love me?” JadEN asked in awe.

  “Yes, so much it hurts.” Tears came down her cheeks. She had no idea she was so emotional. Where did all this come from?

  He deepened their kiss while she pushed his shirt off of his shoulders. He loved the feel of her hands on his body as she rubbed his shoulders. When her hands lowered to the waist of his pants and opened it up until his cock was completely released, he thought he would release his seed right then.

  “Whoa, let’s slow it down.”

  “I don’t want slow.” She shook her head.

  “What do you want?”

  “I want you naked and on your back so I can lick you all over,” she told him, leaning forward to place a kiss over his heart.

  JadEN hesitated for just a moment then he stood up shoving his pants down and his shoes off. When he was naked he jumped back onto the bed causing her to bounce. He flipped onto his back and looked up at her expectantly.

  Rose giggled. “I guess you are all for my idea, huh?”

  “Yes, you may have your way with me.”

  She giggled as she moved to straddle him. She leaned forward to nibble on his chin, then moved down, licking his neck. Down she went to his chest. She sucked a tight nipple in her hot mouth.

  “Mmm.” JadEN hummed with pleasure.

  Rose gave the other nipple the same treatment, sucking and nibbling. Then she moved down to his abs and belly button. She kept moving down slowly teasing him until she hovered just above his fully roused shaft.

  “Rose?” His voice sounded hesitant.

  Could it be true? Did he have experience with receiving oral sex? There was only one way to find out. She licked his shaft slowly from the base to the tip of his cock. She gripped him and brought him to her mouth. Then she sucked him into her mouth.

  “Oh Goddess,” he moaned.

  She loved that she could undo him so easily. She wasn’t the most experienced at giving men blow jobs, but she could tell by his reactions that he liked what she was doing. When she took him deep inside her mouth and partway down her throat, he gripped her hair holding her to him. He was firm but not hurting her. He began to fuck her mouth. She sucked him and used her teeth to tease him. Then she hummed. The vibrations was enough to make him lose it. He released his seed into her mouth.

  Mmmm. He tasted sweet like candy. It was so good. She sucked and licked every drop. When she was done she released him and leaned up to look at his satisfied expression.

  “Did you like that?” she asked him.

  “No, I loved that. Now come up here and let me love you.”

  She crawled up into his arms where she belonged.

  Chapter 15

  “How do I know you’re telling me the truth?” StrykER asked the prisoner.

  HarvEY snorted. “I spoke with my contact recently and the escape is planned soon.”

  “And you trust this person? How do you know that this is not some kind of hoax made by Prime Leader KadEN?”

  “KadEN is no prime leader in my mind. Besides, my contact wore the symbol of the rebellion.”

  “What symbol?”

  “Look, it doesn’t matter. Just stay close to me and be ready to help get the others out.”

  “Tell me the symbol so I know who I’m dealing with.”

  With a frustrated sigh HarvEY shoved his sleeve up and turned his arm over to show the unfilled in rebellion tattoo. “See?”

  “Do all the rebels have this marking?”

  HarvEY shook his head. “A lot of the rebels don’t get the tattoos. Some are filled in and others have other designs incorporated around them to camouflage them.”

  “So when it is time to escape here, I just follow the person with a similar marking?”

  “Yes, and we have to be ready to leave in a hurry. There is another mission going on so we’re not the priority.”

  “What mission?”

  “I don’t know the details, I wasn’t told that much. Just go make sure the brother and his sister, RojAY and MarjAY, are going to be ready to leave.”

  “Will do.”

  “I can’t wait to see KadEN’s face when he realizes that we walked right out of here under his own nose.”

  “It should be interesting to say the least.”


  Rose waved at JadEN as he left her in the garden with Lindsey and went inside the prime building. He had been so sweet to her all night, loving her, talking to her, and holding her. She had never felt so loved in all her life.

  “You look happy this morning. Did you and JadEN work out your issues?” Lindsey asked.

  Rose smiled wide. “Oh yeah, we definitely worked it out.”

  “So when’s the mating ceremony?”

  “The what? Uh, we didn’t talk about a ceremony. I mean, we’re already mated unofficially.” The thought of being married was scary. Her mother had not been the best role model for her when it came to men and relationships. She was a co-dependent person and seeing that growing up made Rose determined she would never depend on a man for anything. Marriage had never been very important to her before. JadEN hadn’t mentioned a formal ceremony. His parents were gone; would he even want one?

  “I’m sorry, Rose, if I made you uncomfortable. I was just being nosey and hoping that you would want to have your ceremony here and possibly consider moving here.”

  She blinked at that. “I don’t know... I’ll have to talk to JadEN about where he would want to live. I always assumed he would want to go back to Katiera.”

  “I asked KadEN and he has given his approval if you both decide to remain on Kiljor. I hope you consider it. I’d like to have another friend here with me.”

  “I’ll talk to JadEN about it. Where is Lizzie today? It’s been a few days since I last saw her.”

  Lindsey shrugged. “She said she would meet us here a little later this afternoon. She was working on preparing a new culture class.”

  She noticed that everything around them sounded way too quiet. She looked over at where Lindsey’s guards were supposed to be. “Lindsey, where are your guards?”

  Lindsey pulled her coat tighter around her, looking confused. “They were there just a few minutes ago when JadEN brought you here. The workers for the fountains are gone too.”

  Rose had a bad feeling. It felt similar to what she felt when she knew her step dad was looking at her. “I think we need to get you somewhere safe.” As they began walking towards the gate to the garden they stopped and stared in horror at seeing one of Lindsey’s guards being dragged off. She reached for Lindsey’s hand. “Run.”


  JadEN was having a difficult discussion with Lead Medic TorIS regarding the schematics for the blood pressure medication that were sent to him early that morning from Prime Medic SydEL. The older man medic did not look very interested.

  “If these Earth females are so fragile, then we should not breed with them at all.”

  It was the first time that JadEN had heard anyone who was openly unhappy with the Earth females being brought here. It was shocking and concerning. This lead medic was responsible for the safety and wellbeing of Prima Lindsey and her unborn young. He would have to inform Prime Leader KadEN immediately.

  “I’ll take care of the medication.” JadEN removed the schematics from the other male’s hands.

  “Fine, I don’t want to have anything to do with a foreign medication that could cause more harm than good. Just make sure none of our people are treated with that. I should protest that it be banned from the planet.” The older medic stormed off, mumbling something about the Earth species’ weak females.

  JadEN turned to look at two of the younger medics. “Has he always been like that?”

  They nodded their heads. “He is very unbending on his views, and vocal about it.”

  “How often does Prima Lindsey come for checkups?”

  “Not very often; she seems to be uncomfortable around him. It infuriates him and he argues that she is nothing but trouble.�

  That was what JadEN suspected. “I have a meeting to attend to.” JadEN left the medic wing. He used his comm link to connect with the Kiljorn lieutenant.

  “Yes, sir?”

  “This is Medic JadEN, I need to request communications with Prime Leader KadEN immediately.”

  “What is it in regards to?”

  “A security issue.”

  “I will let him know.”

  JadEN ended his comm link only to have it ring back immediately. “Medic JadEN.”

  “This is Prime Leader KadEN, what did you need to speak with me about?”

  “I need this to be in private. Could you have Commander TylOR meet us at my suite?”

  “Very well. We’ll be there in five minutes.”

  JadEN had this overwhelming need to check on Rose. She should have been back from visiting Prima Lindsey in the gardens by now. After listening to Lead Medic TorIS talk with such dislike for Earth females, he just wanted to check to make sure she was safe and sound. He rushed to his and Rose’s suite. He opened the door and entered.

  “Rose?” He called out for her. There was no answer. He checked the bedroom, bathroom then the kitchen and balcony. The suite was empty.

  “Medic JadEN?” Commander TylOR called out as he entered the open door to the suite with Prime Leader KadEN following behind him.

  “I’m in the living area.” JadEN waited for the two males to come inside. “Thank you for meeting with me.”

  “What is this about?” TylOR asked.

  “I was just in the medic wing speaking with Lead Medic TorIS about the blood pressure medication for Prima Lindsey. He made a comment about how we should not be breeding with Earth females to begin with.”

  “He said what?” KadEN looked furious.

  “He called them fragile. I wanted to express my concern if he is the main medic to care for Prima Lindsey.”

  KadEN ran a hand through his hair. “She doesn’t like him. It’s been a struggle getting her to have her regular check ups.”

  “After spending time with him, I don’t blame her. He doesn’t have any sympathy for the things she is going through.”

  “Is he dangerous to her?”

  “I honestly don’t know. As a medic he is sworn to do no harm. As a Kiljorn he is subject to follow the Prime Laws. But he doesn’t consider Earth females worthy of Kiljorns so they would not fall in line of the laws in his mind.”

  “Is he a rebel?” TylOR asked with concern.

  “I don’t know, but he has a very judgmental attitude. Personally, I would not trust him to care for my own mate.” JadEN might be overreacting to the situation, but he had to be honest with them. He did not trust this Lead Medic TorIS one bit and worried about Prima Lindsey’s safety.

  “I will have him moved to one of the mining colonies, far away from any Earth females.” KadEN said.

  “Is that wise? Will he not be insulted and angry to be seen as unfit to care for the Prime family of Kiljor? I’m sure others would fill his spot, but can they be trustworthy?” TylOR asked.

  “We need someone familiar with Earth females, who has proven that he can be trusted to watch over the females’ well-being.” KadEN said as he looked at JadEN expectantly.

  “What are you getting at, Prime Leader?”

  “I’m offering you a position here on Kiljor as lead medic.”

  “I...don’t know what to say.” JadEN was shocked. He had always assumed that when he completed his mission here he would go back to Katiera or take another mission to Earth when it was safe for transports to travel through the wormhole again. But now he had a lot of decisions to make and those would involve Rose and what she wanted. Would she want to return to Katiera?

  “Think about it and let me know. If you decide not to accept the position, I would like to have you help pick and train someone with knowledge on Earth females.” KadEN told him.

  JadEN nodded. “Let me discuss this with Rose, she would want to be included in such a huge decision as this.”

  “Very well. Where is your mate? I had expected her and Lindsey to be done with the gardens by now.”

  “I thought so too but she wasn't here when I came in.”

  KadEN hit his comm link, trying to connect with his mate’s security guards. He got nothing but static. He tried to hit Lindsey’s comm link but it also didn’t ding. “Commander, there is no response.” KadEN’s voice was strained.

  TylOR hit his com link to connect with his mate Lizzie. She was supposed to meet the other females in the gardens. “Lizzie, where are you?”

  “I took a nap and slept late. I was about to head to the gardens to see if I could catch up with Prima Lindsey and Dr. Rose.”

  “Stay in our suite and keep the doors locked.” TylOR told her.

  “Why? What’s going on?”

  “I don’t know. Just stay there while I check out the gardens.”

  “Okay. But please let me know what is going on when you get a chance.”

  “I will my love.” TylOR ended the communications. He relayed what he found out. “My Lizzie didn’t make it out to the gardens.”

  The three males quickly left the suite heading for the gardens. TylOR contacted more security to meet them there. JadEN had never felt such a feeling of helplessness before. Goddess please watch over Rose and Prima Lindsey. He didn’t know what he would do without his mate.


  “Come on, run!” Rose was pulling Lindsey around a maze.

  “I can’t go any further. Just leave me.” Lindsey stopped and was breathing hard.

  “Honey, I don’t think they’re after me.” She looked for a hiding place. There weren’t many choices for hiding a pregnant woman. There were bushes, the fountain, and a few trees. “Hand me your coat.”

  Lindsey shrugged out of her coat and handed it to Rose. “What now?”

  Rose pointed to the tree behind Lindsey. “Climb.”

  “No way, I can’t climb a tree.”

  “Are you telling me that you never climbed trees when you were little?”

  “Of course, but I wasn’t pregnant at the time.”

  “I’ll help you.” She clasped her hands together so that Lindsey could place her foot in them. She boosted her up to the first thick branch. “Keep climbing until you are completely hidden in the leaves.”

  “What are you going to do?” Lindsey looked down at Rose with concern. “You have to climb up here with me.”

  Rose shook her head as she rolled her sweater into a ball and stuffed it into her pants making it look like a baby bump. Then she put on Lindsey’s coat, which had a hood, and tied it. “Stay there until help comes. I’m going to lead them away from you.”

  “No Rose!” Lindsey called out but it was too late. Rose couldn’t hear her. She was running to the other side of the garden behind the tall hedges, only the top of her hood could be seen.


  Lindsey moved up a couple of more branches and watched in horror as three males she didn’t recognize ran past the tree she was in. They had spotted Rose and all three went after her. She wished that her comm link hadn’t fallen out when she and Rose started running.

  God what was she going to do? How long should she stay hidden in the tree? How the hell was she going to get back down? She rubbed her extended belly. “Well kid, we are in some kind of shit here. Let’s hope your dad misses us enough to come get us out of here.”

  Chapter 16

  JadEN could see that KadEN was starting to go into protective mode. He was fighting his own instincts. They came to the gate to the garden and the smell of blood was everywhere. A blood trail led them to the corner bush. Two lieutenants reached underneath and moved the bushes to show two bodies of Prima Lindsey’s guards. He knelt down and felt their non-existent pulse.

  “Dead, both of them.”

  KadEN looked around frantically for his mate. “Where is she?”

  TylOR took control of the situation. “Calm yourself KadEN, you will not be any good to
your mate if she sees you like this.” He turned to the security arriving. “Split up in three groups. Two groups go on either side of the outside of the garden. I will take a group inside.”

  JadEN followed TylOR and KadEN into the garden. There was no way he would not help look for Rose. He prayed to the Goddess that his mate was okay. One of the security liaisons knelt down and looked at the marks on the ground.

  TylOR introduced him. “Medic JadEN, this is one of our best trackers, Lieutenant CristOF. Lieutenant, what can you find here?”

  Lieutenant CristOF didn’t glance up. He sniffed the ground, then turned in the opposite direction from the garden gate. “The two females were here recently but their scents are fading. They went in that direction.”

  “Were they taken that way by force?” TylOR asked.

  “At least two males followed after. I believe the females are trying to evade capture.” CristOF answered.

  “There’s no where for them to go. The garden walls are closed all around. There is only one gated entrance. How would they get out?” TylOR informed them.

  JadEN watched as Prime Leader KadEN took off in that direction. JadEN followed as well and he heard KadEN calling out to his mate. “Lindsey! Lindsey!”


  “KadEN!” Lindsey called from a short distance.

  KadEN and the others picked up speed running towards the sound of the Prima.

  “Lindsey!” KadEN called out again.

  “KadEN I’m here!” Lindsey responded.

  KadEN and the others stopped and looked around but couldn’t see where Lindsey was hiding. “Where are you Lindsey?”

  “Up here, I’m in this tree!” Lindsey answered. She tried to lower herself down to a lower branch but she lost her footing and had to grasp hold of the branch she was currently on. There was a reason pregnant women didn’t climb trees.

  KadEN looked. “How in Kitana did you get up there?”

  Lindsey glared down at her mate. “Ask questions later, get me the hell down!”

  “Don’t move any further you might slip and fall. I’m coming up.” KadEN climbed up the tree swiftly and gathered Lindsey in his arms. “Oh Goddess I was so worried. Are you okay? How is our young? Why are you in a tree?”


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