The Stranger I Know (Dark Romance)

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The Stranger I Know (Dark Romance) Page 6

by Isan, Amy

  I'm vulnerable. I'm at his mercy. His command. His will. And it feels good. I don't have to think, worry, fret, or even keep my eyes open. I can just let it wash over me. The pain, the spankings, the sudden yanks of the chain. His growls as he crawls onto the bed. His smooth hands cupping my breasts, before his fingers tighten like clamps around my nipples.

  "Ah... ah! Master..." I let out a strangled gasp. He pushes another finger into me, and when I gasp this time, he pulls the chain taut and I feel his knuckles dig into my scalp.

  "You have to be quiet. Like you're not even here," he instructs.

  I nod, a subtle gesture. I have no idea if he sees it. Like I'm not here. Where else would I be?

  At home.

  He withdraws his fingers from my body. He's leaving me wanting. There's an intense heat in my core.

  I'd probably be in bed, if not sitting on the couch thinking about work. About Stacie. About bullshit.

  Something smooth and warm touches my thigh, but it isn't his cock. It can't be. The texture is wrong.

  I'd be eating a frozen dinner. Then I'd work out from the guilt until I collapsed in a pool of sweat. Probably on my patio, despite the chance of snow fall.

  A vibration digs into my thigh. I knew it. A vibrator. Sleek. New. He teases me a little, the whirring is gentle. I tighten my lips to keep myself from gasping.

  That's what my house has. A freezer full of ice cream and a stationary bike that I've had to replace the bearings on three times this year already. What else is there? It doesn't satisfy.

  The Stranger slips the vibrator inside my body. It's effortless. Did he lube it? Or is that all me? I can't... focus on it... it's like it disappeared. I curl my hands around the sheets and bundle them between my arms. Unrelenting and ruthless waves of pleasure pulsate through me. The Stranger lets out a chuckle, I think, I can't really tell.

  Nothing is as addictive as this.

  He keeps the vibrator inside me. I can't track him in the room anymore. Too overwhelmed. Too overstimulated. I wanted to say something, but I've already forgotten. What? His hands caress my ass and he spanks me. The sound of his palm spanking me echoes in the room. For a moment, it accompanies the whirring of the vibrator, and the bunching of the sheets as I tear the bed apart. He's never had it go on this long. Usually it's a couple of seconds.

  I gasp for air, the collar suddenly claustrophobic. I can't get enough air. I'm breathing hard and my heart is racing.

  "I said you had to be quiet. You're a dirty whore, aren't you? You love being a little fuck doll?"

  "Ah..." I try to find the words, but my mind is spinning. Or is it the room? "Yes... Master."

  "And you want more... don't you?"

  I didn't realize that was possible. Isn't this enough? I steel myself and give a heavy nod. The intensity of the vibrator increases ten fold. Ten fold, at least, something... like that...

  I strain against the bed and the fitted sheet finally buckles from my grasp and flies off two corners of the bed. He pushes my arching back down to the bed again until my bare stomach touches the mattress. He makes me let go of the sheets. He grabs my wrists while I'm recovering. Cold metal. Five clinks of a lock. My hands are buckled together behind my back now. My chin is buried in the bunched up sheets. I can't imagine. My thighs are slick.

  I'm sure... I'm soaking through the sheets.

  My Dom pulls on the chain and my collar. I lift into the air, unable to bend my elbows or fight it off at all. Gravity holds the collar against my neck. I struggle for air.

  "Slow down."

  I squeeze my eyes shut and force the vibrator out of my mind. I take a breath like I'm trying to fight off hiccups. I can breathe.

  "Good. You're getting better. I thought you'd never learn."

  It's hard when you have a vibrator thrashing inside you. I want to snap at him, but I can't. I can't make myself say the words.

  I never have been able to go cold on him. He does something different. Something other men can't do. Tear me down. Make me bare. Expose me for the fraud I am. Just a woman who puts on a tough mask and a light foundation. A woman who pins her long hair, just to make sure it doesn't fall in her face. A woman who hides her cleavage from the prying eyes of her supervisors. One that didn't blow her way to the top.

  I'm still somewhat hanging in the air from the leash pulling back on me. He's groaning in my ear. His lips touch my nape. My eyes pop open and I vanish from my thoughts. Did he just kiss me? I struggle to comprehend . He's never done that. He's refused to do it before. He continues. His lips travel up to my scalp and tickle my skin. They move to my shoulders.

  The studded edges of the collar scratch his skin lightly, which makes a singing sound against his stubble. He kisses my temple, right through the blindfold. I concentrate on the figure I can barely make out through the weave, but it's useless. He's inscrutable. A phantom that appears to make me ache and vanishes to make me even worse.

  Only one other person can make me worse after he leaves. James Pierce. That... mother fucker.

  I hoped being taken by my Dom would help drown those thoughts. Dissolve the dream I had last night, but if anything, it's only worse. The Stranger's hands explore my shoulders. The forearm with the chain coiled around it ratchets me down an inch or two as he caresses me. I'm still blinded with ecstasy from the vibrator.

  He shuts it off. I breathe heavy in relief.

  "You're not finished."

  I shake my head. My mind still isn't clear. "I hope not, sir."

  A small laugh. "It wasn't a question."

  Without warning, he digs his elbow between my shoulders and pushes me all the way down to the bed again. He grabs me with his free hand, clutching my hip like his hand is a vise, and drags me to the edge of the bed. His elbow is rough and grinds against my vertebrate. I gasp, and before I could even have the chance to utter the safe word, he slides his rock hard cock into me. Not that I'd want to.

  I feel lightheaded. All I can see is white. The blood rushes back to my head and I let out a loud moan. I can't be quiet anymore. Not after that. He digs his elbow into me and pulls on the chain at the same time. I feel like I'm going to snap in half.

  I breathe. I breathe. I moan.

  "You like getting broken?" he asks. He knows the answer.

  His hips slam my ass with each stroke of his cock. The bare head of it making me feel things I thought impossible. The vibrator did something else this time, it made me hyper sensitive. "I do."

  "Say it. Say you love being broken." He's panting, that rasp in his voice only getting me going more.

  I reach up as best I can with my locked hands and rub against his arm. I feel the warm coil of chain before blindly reaching his skin. "I fucking love it when you break me."

  The look I'd give him if I could see him. It would shatter coasts; pull the bay area into the fucking ocean.

  The pain of his elbow against my spine and the choker taut against my neck transforms into pleasure. A twisted parody of pleasure, but just as authentic. My legs are weak and I'm struggling to keep my stomach flexed to hold me up. If I let go, the choker will perform it's named duty. I can't. I have to ride it out. Like a marathon, just... a couple...

  "Ah...! James!" I cry out without a thought. I can't keep my eyes open. My body feels like it wants to explode. He growls and lets out a burdened groan, his cock pulsating with each of my ragged breaths. He slowly lowers me back to the bed and pulls his elbow off of me. My eyelashes are sticky and want to stay closed. I flush. My make up ruined. Decimated.

  I'm broken. Ruined. It's the only way I can start again. Without it... I'm nothing but a pile of mistakes.

  Before I can even catch my breath, he's getting dressed. I sit up to try and trace his movements through the blindfold. Just as I do, his hands are around my neck and unbuckling the choker. He uncuffs my wrists and pockets the bracelets. I'm a sticky mess. He's stashing everything away. Into his bag.

  "Master...?" I begin. He's never this hurried. Never this... fast.
  "Who's James?" he asks, a slight tinge of venom on his voice.

  "No one important. Slip of the tongue."

  He grunts in approval. "I certainly hope so. I don't need another Dom hedging in on you. You're my property."

  "He's not a Dom. He's just a guy I have the..." I pause to think. I look around and feel my eyelashes stick to the blindfold. "...displeasure to work with."

  He turns from me and finishes getting dressed. I'm not allowed to remove the blindfold until the door closes. That's the rule. An honor bound one.

  "I have a task for you," he says. He sets something down on the nightstand. "I enjoyed your gift so much, I'd like another. Wear this for the entire workday tomorrow. Don't turn it off. I'll know if you do."

  I nod slowly, trying to recognize what it is he set down by the sound of it. It isn't very big.

  "When the day is over, we'll meet again. Call me when you're ready to give-in. Then, I want to see how filthy you can be."

  The vibrator. "Yes, sir." I agree without a thought. He chuckles and opens the door.

  After a pregnant pause, the heavy door locks shut again. I can faintly hear his footsteps walking down the hall.

  I untie the blindfold and drop it on the bed. The sheets are crumpled up under my legs. The fitted sheet is pulled off the top. The vibrator is blue. It sits right side up on the nightstand.

  I'm sweaty. A mess. I need to shower before leaving. I can't put a blindfold on everyone who will see me leaving. That'd be too convenient.


  I look in the mirror and judge his work. My neck has deep red lines etched in it from the collar. My temples are red from the tight binding of the blindfold. A bruise is glowing on one of my hips. My ass is sore. I look like a fucking wreck, and nothing could make my smile bigger. My neck isn't sore. My shoulders don't ache. My body and brain are ill with chemicals, the ones I need. The ones I lack all day long. Perfect.

  A wet fog washes over the mirror as the shower grows hot. As my reflection disappears, I curl the curtain open and step into the shower. The water splashes against my chest and sprays the wall.

  Why did I scream James' name? I can't fathom it. I try and replay the last moments of our climax, but I can't replicate it. There are no words that can really describe that rush in my blood. A thrill awakens from the ache. The tight knot that was building inside.

  I'll have to work it out when I get home. Otherwise I'll be hobbling around work tomorrow like an old woman. I need to look good. Perfect.

  I'm broken. I can heal. I can fix myself now.

  Chapter 6

  After the shower, I snatch the towel off the rack and pat myself dry. A strange feeling is stuck in my gut. I don't feel alone in the hotel room, like I did when I climbed into the shower. Did the Stranger come back? I can't shake the chilling sensation.

  He has to be out there in the room. Waiting for me. I imagine him sitting, with his bag on the ground... no. He'd be standing. His arms crossed. My heart races at the image. We'd never arranged to meet early in the week before now, so maybe he wants to punish me for it.

  The bizarre feeling vanishes as I step out of the bathroom. The hotel room is empty. The bed is still a mess. My clothes are crumpled and balled into a heap near the head of the bed. As I grab a hold of a pant leg, I realize it's trapped between the headboard and the mattress. Ridiculous. I yank it free. I pull the extra pair of panties I keep in my pocket whenever I know I'll be meeting the Stranger. After the first few times... either my underwear was too stretched and torn to wear, or missing. Naughty.

  As I finish getting dressed, the blue cylinder on the nightstand catches my eye. I cross around the bed to pick it up. Still moist, but cold. He said I have to wear it all day tomorrow and prove it to him, as if it would be a homework assignment I'd procrastinate on. No, that couldn't be farther from the truth.

  But at the same time, it's strange. I've worked hard to make this separate from my real life, and having the two start to intersect just for a bit of fun could end bad for me.

  I clench the vibrator in my hand as I think back to firing Stacie. Back to James shrugging my tactics off, like I was a weak nobody. I'm not.

  I slip the vibrator into my pocket and leave the hotel. The Stranger always leaves a hundred dollar bill on the dresser for the maids. God knows if they've probably had to throw away some of the bedding we've tortured.


  I keep my head hung low as I cross the lobby from the elevators to the main entrance. It's late and there's only one person manning the desk, but I still just don't want to even think about dealing with it. I've learned that if I hang my head low enough and look pissed off, they'll usually leave me alone. Looking sad didn't work the first time — it just got me hit on. That's the last thing that'd interest me after being with my Dom. Anyone else just looks like wet paper.

  I shake my head and I realize I'm in my car, driving back home. I don't recall the walk from the lobby to the garage. A hypnosis kind of, trapped in my wandering thoughts. The vibrator digs into my thigh as a reminder. Why did I cry out James' name? It must've been the dream from last night. That's the only thing I can think of.

  The last thing I'd want is for James to be towering over me, pinning me down, holding me against a couch arm. The last thing that I'd want is... his hand pulling my panties, then his cock thrusting into me. I shake my head and clench the wheel and my jaw.

  My teeth ache.

  I can't be this stressed after seeing my Dom. That isn't how this works.

  Back home, I undress and prepare for bed. I already showered, so there's little to do but climb under the covers and pass out. It's around two in the morning. Too late for me to be up with Michael on my ass about this merger. I need to get up at six and get shit figured out.

  I set the vibrator down on my nightstand, and for a blink of an eye, you could swear it never left its place back at the hotel. The lights are off and my room is barely lit by the moonlight peeking over the blinds. Pitch black to me.

  If I'm so stressed... maybe having 'homework' like this is exactly what I need. My secret life is bleeding into my real one. That'll keep me distracted. Keep me sharp.

  But, I just hope it doesn't create a lethal reaction, like gas on a wild fire.

  The mailroom. Firing Stacie. Everything. I've always played with fire. I wouldn't be where I am now if I hadn't.

  Marcy, how long did you think you could play with fire before it'd burn you to ashes?

  That's the last thought that makes sense.


  I wake up with a start and throw all my sheets to the floor. I shiver with surprise and fold my body from the cold. Why is it so fucking cold? I throw on my robe and move to the thermostat.

  It says it's set, but no heat is coming. It must be broken. More shit to deal with. I'll have to call an HVAC company when I get to work.

  I dress for a morning jog. It's earlier than I expected, and I don't feel nearly as tired as I should. It'll catch up to me if I let it.

  My breath freezes against my upturned collar and scarf. The last couple weeks have all been like this: bleached sky, empty trees and hard earth. The only sound my breathing, the cold raking my throat, and my hard foot falls on the concrete.

  I'd use my treadmill, but I need the cold energy.

  I get back inside my condo and start heating up coffee. There's little point in undressing since it's just as cold inside as it is outside. With a mug of hot steaming coffee tight between my fingers, I feel a little better.

  I sit down on a stool at my kitchen counter and stare at the clock on the microwave. It ticks over a minute. I take a deep breath and drag a sip into my mouth, almost scorching my tongue. The warmth spreads through me nicely. My cheeks thaw and flush.

  I choke the rest of the drink down, before slamming the mug on the counter so hard I can't believe it doesn't shatter in my hand.

  I'm on edge and for the first time, I really don't know why. It feels later in the week than it is, and that m
ust be from visiting the Stranger last night.

  Leaving the kitchen, I go into my room and get ready for work. I pause at the threshold of my room before retreating and grabbing the vibrator the Stranger left me with. My assignment.


  Back at work, I forget for a brief second that I fired Stacie. After Michael chewed me out for it, I half-expected to see her back in her place this morning, but she isn't. Gwen nods at me and I give her a polite smile, but I feel anything but. Before poking into my office, I lean over her desk and peek at her monitor. My schedule looks untouched.

  "No unannounced schedules today?" I ask. She jumps a little, before looking over her shoulder at me.

  "Uh, yeah. If you mean James. He didn't come in and make me enter anything. You just have your noon appointment with Michael to go over your assignment."

  My heart skips a beat as her lips go over the last word. I realize what she means, but I probably already look too weirded out to explain anything.

  I pat her on the shoulder and let my hand slip off her as I open my office door and step inside. She did good, but I don't feel good.

  At least I'll be able to meet with James on my own terms today.

  I set my purse down on my desk and the mouth of it opens and a blue glint shines from inside. I forgot what I promised. I can't disappoint... even though I'm still unsure if I should be letting this blurring of lives happen in the first place. Won't people hear it?

  After double checking my blinds are closed and my door screen drawn down, I reach into my purse and pull the vibrator out. It's the size of a tampon, maybe larger. I click the button on the bottom and it whirs to life. It has a dial, but turning it doesn't do anything. I frown. It's way too intense for me to handle all day.

  I don't have a choice. Not obeying his command could make me lose him as my Dom, and I don't have time to go through and find a new one. With all the bullshit I have to put up with, I can't afford that.

  I pull my pants down, bringing them inside out and exposing my pockets. I slip my panties down far enough to slip the vibrator inside my pussy. It's smooth texture is a bit chilled, but... apparently I'm wet enough from just thinking about it that it goes in without a hitch. It feels like it's rocking my bones, a slight buzz echoing through my body. I fall onto my desk and clench the edges to try and steady myself. My knees are already buckling from being reminded of last night. My mind is on fire. My heart is sweating. I manage to let go of the desk with a hand and hike my clothes back on. I need to sit down, but the movement over to my chair seems impossible. Even worse, what if sitting makes the vibration even more obvious? I push the doubt away, exposing it for the foggy dream it really is, and slowly side step around the desk. It's like I'm on ice skates for the first time, following the wall with weak arms and doing everything I can to keep my feet from sliding out and slamming my ass on the ice.


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