Princess of Draga: a space fantasy romance (Draga Court Book 1)

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Princess of Draga: a space fantasy romance (Draga Court Book 1) Page 7

by Emma Dean

  “Please do Nadyah; it’s why I asked you here.”

  Nadyah looked up into Adelina’s eyes and the princess smiled at her. She held her gaze and Nadyah saw it again. The tiny flicker of dominance she had seen earlier. Adelina had Nadyah’s senses completely crossed in confusion.

  When they first met she had smelled the sweet jasmine and saw the submissive nature in every movement, gesture, and reaction the princess had. But there were moments where a spark shone through and her nature changed completely. It almost challenged with its subtlety.

  That spark made Nadyah want to fall to her knees and beg; for what she couldn’t say.

  Her footsteps were silent as she stepped up onto the raised platform and she could practically hear Adelina’s breathing quicken in response to her nearness. Nadyah couldn’t help her smile. She loved that her princess was attracted to her.

  Her fingertips briefly traced the magnificent embroidery. “You designed this?” Nadyah asked. She pitched her voice low so only Adelina could hear her.

  There was the slight blush across her cheeks Nadyah had expected and anticipated. “Yes,” Adelina breathed.

  Another surprise when it came to her. “It’s wonderful, Princess.” She walked around her, inspecting the details. The gown really was a masterpiece but she knew what Adelina wanted. This was a gown designed for a girl. She wanted a gown made for a woman. “Does this slip have the ability to be altered?” Nadyah asked the dressmaker. She rubbed the silky fabric between her fingers, intentionally brushing against Adelina’s breast. Nadyah pretended not to notice her nipples harden and turned to Gwendolyn with a radiant smile that had the dressmaker’s frown dissolving in seconds.

  “It is designed together, but the fabric hasn’t been completely finished. It can be taken apart here and here.” She showed Nadyah where she had fastened the two pieces together. The sheer fabric over the darker slip gave the gown dimension and the layers were what created the deep, dark red.

  She nodded in understanding, admiring the design with a keen eye. “It is perfect, Gwendolyn,” she said soothingly. “But perhaps if the cut of this piece here was changed?” Nadyah traced an invisible line down Adelina’s breast and up to the other, creating another ‘V’ to mirror the one in the back. She wanted to rub the princess’s peaked nipples until they pushed the fabric out farther. She resisted, just barely.

  Adelina trembled.

  “If the solid piece is altered the sheer layer would hint at what is underneath without revealing too much, only a glimpse of a curve.” Nadyah looked up into Adelina’s eyes and the desire she saw there tempted her ironclad restraint and control. The princess’s lips were slightly parted and she was flushed.

  Being what she was made Nadyah ooze sexuality. It was normal in the House, but Nadyah had forgotten what it was like to be around those who didn’t have the courtesans’ genetic programming.

  They were the only two people in the room for a mere nanosecond and then Nadyah broke the spell by bowing and returning to her seat. The room was silent for a moment and she could see Giselle fanning herself. The dressmaker looked dazed, but she snapped out of it with a professional air.

  “I think the alteration would add some spice while leaving a bit of mystery, your highness,” Gwendolyn stated, giving a grateful smile to Nadyah. “There is still plenty of the sheer spidersilk with the embroidery to ‘see without seeing’ as the courtesan suggested.”

  Adelina clasped her hands together and looked to the floor once more, her submissive mask back in place. Nadyah wondered if it was actually a mask, rather than her true nature. Given the question Adelina had asked of her at the House, there was a possibility the princess was something more than what she appeared.

  “If that is all right with you Gwendolyn, I would be very pleased,” Adelina said quietly.

  “As you wish, Princess,” Gwendolyn murmured as she marked the dress with the new alterations. “It will be an easy change and you can come back to try it again. Now, step into those shoes so we can see about the hem. You want the skirts to trail the floor or showcase your heels?” Adelina responded quietly and the two of them spoke softly about the dress, the shoes, and the jewels.

  Giselle cleared her throat and Nadyah glanced at the sister she thought she had known the best. Giselle’s face was serious and Nadyah steeled herself for what would come next.

  “I understand my sister believes she can trust you and from my own experience with the courtesans I believe she can as well.” The older princess paused a moment as she let the full weight of her dominance fall on the courtesan. “No one knows about who Adelina becomes after midnight in the streets of Draga. No one but me, do you understand what I am saying, Nadyah?” The intensity of Giselle’s purple eyes bore into her and she was forced to drop her gaze. “If you betray us I will gut you myself – courtesan or no.”

  Nadyah shuddered at the words. She had no doubt Giselle meant them. “I swore an oath,” she managed. Nadyah was utterly loyal to the royal family. She was also loyal to the Spider. The Spider worked for the king and her loyalty to the Crown had never been in question.

  Nadyah glanced at Adelina from under her lashes. Though her loyalty was quickly shifting hard to one little princess. “It is part of my position to keep secrets, Princess Giselle.”

  Giselle’s answering grin threw her off completely. “Then I hope you have fun. It isn’t every day we bring an outsider to play.”

  Her last words sent shivers of anticipation through Nadyah. She had no idea what to expect, but the prospect excited her.

  Adelina appeared before her dressed in one of her daily gowns and waited patiently for them to stand. “Thank you so much Giselle, it really helped to have you here.”

  Giselle arched an eyebrow at her sister teasingly. “Oh really? I was under the impression all I did was sit here while Nadyah gave all the suggestions.”

  Nadyah watched Adelina blush again and felt a fierce protectiveness she hadn’t expected. Giselle didn’t need to tease her when she was already so flustered.

  “Princess it is time for another lesson, yes?” She offered her hand to Adelina and the princess took it with a quick and grateful glance. Nadyah bowed to Giselle and then escorted Adelina out of the dressing room.

  The royal dressing room was tucked behind the ballroom in a small parlor. It was a place to relax, to breathe during an event, and to enjoy a small bit of privacy. The parlor had a wonderful bathroom and couches scattered across the marble. Plush rugs were placed strategically in case one wanted to kick off their shoes and rest their feet.

  The shoes Adelina would wear could only be the best, designed to perfection and created to fit her and only her. Even still, hours on those heels would make her feet ache. Nadyah would have to remind her to rest.

  Nadyah knew they should walk around the palace a bit and give them both time to come back from the desire they felt, but she couldn’t bring herself to do so. Instead, she escorted the princess to the lift. As the machine took them up to the family wing, Nadyah wondered what exactly she thought she was doing. Could she control herself? She had only ever trained courtesans.

  Which brought Nadyah’s thoughts back to the curious state of Adelina’s reaction to sexual desire.

  As they walked down the deserted hall she could practically feel the nerves coming off the princess in waves. There was a layer of anxiety that almost tasted like fear.

  Nadyah had to calm her down and quickly. “Today I thought we could focus on the subtle act of seduction. Nothing too far out of what is comfortable for you,” she said softly, soothingly.

  Adelina’s grip on her hand loosened marginally. “I have never tried to seduce someone before. With Alpha…it just happened,” she said almost helplessly.

  Nadyah opened her door for her and stepped aside for Adelina to enter the sitting room. Her hands trembled as she thought of a way to keep them both from doing anything rash while satisfying the hunger she’d stirred up in the both of them. Perhaps a kiss would
be enough.

  “Do you remember how I touched you in the dressing room?” Nadyah asked.

  From the blush on her cheeks Adelina remembered precisely how the courtesan had touched her.

  “I wanted you to feel a spark of desire, but only a spark. So, I touched so softly it could have been an accident.” Nadyah eyed the dress Adelina was in. It was beautiful as was expected, but it was satin and covered a great deal of her skin. “The strongest reaction is usually from skin to skin contact.”

  Nadyah stepped forward and brushed her knuckles across Adelina’s exposed collarbone. “It doesn’t have to be a sexual place. The action itself should inspire a feeling.”

  She let her fingertips trail up Adelina’s neck so she could cup the princess’s face. Nadyah’s thumb rubbed her cheek and the silky feel of it mesmerized her.

  Adelina watched every move she made with wide eyes. She shook as she waited for what Nadyah would do next. Then Nadyah pulled away and let her fingertips trail down Adelina’s arm to briefly hold onto her hand before releasing her. “Now try it on me.”

  The princess hesitated, but with a look of resolve she stepped forward with trembling fingers. Adelina stopped suddenly. “These acts of subtle seduction, are they supposed to be during common acts?”

  She smiled wide at her pupil. “Yes, that is precisely when you want to perform them.”

  “So, if I were to perform the traditional kiss of greeting, I could do this?” Her fingers slid up Nadyah’s hands to tickle the inside of her wrists before clasping her arms. Then Adelina leaned forward, holding Nadyah’s gaze the entire time. Suddenly she dropped her eyes to Nadyah’s lips and brushed her own against them softly.

  Adelina lingered a fraction away from Nadyah’s lips, their breath mingling and Nadyah felt her own breathing quicken. This girl caught on rapidly and Nadyah’s own reaction shocked her. When Adelina pulled away she wasn’t smiling. Instead she stared intently at her courtesan.

  “Is this normal?” she asked, clasping her hands tightly in front of her.

  Nadyah frowned in confusion. “Is what normal, Princess?”

  “How I feel.” Adelina took a step back and Nadyah was actually grateful. There was something in the princess’s scent that clouded her mind and made her lose all rational thought.

  “How do you feel exactly?” Nadyah asked, tilting her head to study Adelina.

  Adelina shook out her hands and gave Nadyah a look with enough sass to change the spark of desire into a flame. “I feel as though every inch of me tingles, and hurts. This sensation isn’t overly painful, but it eases when you touch me. It creates a need and then a want for you to take me to the bedroom and show me what you can really do.”

  Adelina started to pace, avoiding Nadyah’s eyes at all costs. She shook her hands again and ran her fingers through her hair. “Then there is another side at war with me; a side telling me to rip off that damn dress of yours and show you what I can do.”

  When she stopped in front of Nadyah, the courtesan found herself enthralled. The amethyst of Adelina’s eyes seemed to darken and her scent deepened, though still very much jasmine. As Nadyah lost herself in those dark eyes she felt herself losing the careful grip on her control. She wanted to submit, she wanted to kneel and show Adelina all the pleasures of the camerraleto.

  Slowly, carefully Nadyah stepped forward and placed her hands on Adelina’s waist. She drew her forward, controlling the woman whose look demanded action. Nadyah pressed her lips against Adelina’s full ones, lingering this time. She tasted and tested. She slipped her tongue into her princess’s mouth and felt that same tingle Adelina had mentioned earlier.

  Nadyah gripped Adelina’s hips to keep her hands from exploring too far. Adelina’s tongue danced with hers and her hands gently tangled in Nadyah’s hair as the kiss seemed to go on forever. Nadyah felt like she pulled Adelina down in her desire – down so far they both drowned, losing themselves in the feeling and sensations. When Adelina pressed herself against Nadyah she knew she had to stop before they went too far too soon. Neither of them was prepared for this.

  Nadyah pulled back enough so she could take a breath and gave Adelina a quick peck. “What you speak of is something I have only heard of with the younger courtesans when they reach maturity at sixteen cycles. I have never heard of such a thing with any other race.” She took another step back and put more distance between them. “I could take a sample of your DNA to a discreet doctor we have at the House. It would have to be studied.”

  Adelina shook her head. “I don’t want my DNA with someone I don’t know.” She started pacing again. “Do you think I could have Ian investigate? This reaction isn’t normal, is it?” Her questions were practically shot at Nadyah as she paced off as much of the sexual energy as she could.

  “If you mean, is it more intense than I’ve seen with an average client, then yes, but it could simply be that you have deprived yourself of sexual release and it’s built up too much to control.”

  Nadyah wondered if Ian would say anything to the rest of the royals if he found anything…different with Adelina’s genetic makeup.

  “I trust Ian to keep quiet about this,” Adelina snapped. She must have sensed Nadyah’s silent doubt; another skill that reminded Nadyah of the courtesan way. Courtesans were naturally empathetic, able to sense emotions on an instinctive level which made them very good at their job.

  Nadyah narrowed her eyes as she watched the princess. This was a part of them that could be a curse if not handled properly. Until she knew exactly what ailed the princess she would have to teach her control first as all courtesans learned.

  “Have you ever given yourself pleasure?” she asked.

  Adelina nodded. She couldn’t quite look at Nadyah but she didn’t hesitate to answer.

  “Did it relieve this sensation?”

  The princess shrugged, finally forcing herself to stand still. “For the moment, but the…need was still there and it made the next encounter impossible to resist. Not that I wanted to resist, and I don’t regret it.” Adelina crossed her arms over her chest and Nadyah could see the sheen of sweat on her skin.

  “Get into your exercise gear. We’re going to work this off.” Nadyah went to her room and closed the door.

  She leaned against it and took a deep breath as she considered the possibilities. Courtesans hardly ever masturbated as it only released the itch briefly and then it would come back with a vengeance. They either had sex or they exhausted themselves physically in other ways.

  Nadyah stripped and changed into something she could comfortably run and fight in. After all, sex wasn’t the only thing courtesans were trained to do. It looked like she would have to train Adelina in more than simple bedroom games.

  Chapter Five


  Family Seat

  Planet Avvis

  Lady Veri – heir to the planet Priea – tried to make herself smaller as Hayden’s mother – the archduchess of the planet Avvis – beckoned to the servant. Veri was a guest of the Avvis family at the moment, and not a willing one. There were only two reasons she was even on Avvis to begin with and not her beloved homeworld of Priea.

  Her father, Lord Greyson was the Marquis of Priea. He had sent a request for Veri to visit the Avvis family seat and she had done so without question, but it was not for the same reasons her father had.

  Her father wanted information; he wanted to know what the Avvis family planned, he wanted to know if they were still loyal to the royal family and the soon-to-be queen, Princess Raena.

  Veri reported to him every week as required, but personally she was there for Hayden, the golden boy of the Draga galaxy and heir to the Avvis planet and fortune. Ever since they met last year at the mid-cycle party his family threw every season they’d stolen moments together whenever they could.

  Afternoon tea was dreadful and tedious. Veri tucked a teal curl behind her slightly pointed ear and sighed. The main wall of the parlor was thick plas-glass which allowed the sunlig
ht to stream in but kept the insects out. The garden right outside was a glory to behold. Avvis was the most fertile planet in the galaxy with Pedranus at a close second. Veri was envious as her own planet, Priea, was much smaller and their jungles made harvest difficult. She tried to comfort herself with the reminder Avvis would be hers one day as well as Priea when she finally married Hayden.

  The archduchess raised a brow at Veri from across the room, the letter in her hands clearly from the royal palace on Draga Terra. Veri refused to leave the parlor despite Indra’s obvious hint. She had every right to be there.

  Veri m’Lian d’Priea was the heir to all of Priea and Indra would treat her as such whether she wanted to or not. The Priea Marquise was not much lower than the Avvis Duchy in rank. Indra needed to screw her head on straight. She was not the damn queen of the galaxy.

  After an annoyed look, Indra turned to her daughter and transformed her face into that of a proud mother. “Oh Masha, it is the invitation for the Avvis family to attend the royal Choosing Ball,” Indra cooed as she read the extravagant linen invitation. Hayden’s sister Masha simply smiled and nodded, ever the submissive, knowing her mother did not actually expect a reply to her exclamation.

  The royal family of Draga did not send out simple transmissions like the rest of the galaxy. No, they wanted to ensure everyone was reminded of their wealth and power. The gold the palace must have spent on the linen, let alone the number of couriers who would need to be timed perfectly to reach each family seat on each of the nine planets of the Draga galaxy at the same time…Veri almost couldn’t fathom the resources required.

  The Draga royal family ruled over all of Draga galaxy from the first planet in their solar system – Deytis, to the last planet at the edge of their space in the outer rim – the planet Seprilles. The capitol planet Draga Terra housed the royal palace and the whole Draga family including the cousins. But the entire Draga galaxy and each noble family recognized the rule of the monarchy and pledged their banners to the Sons and Daughters of Draga.


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