Xavier FINAL (Men of Steel #4)

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Xavier FINAL (Men of Steel #4) Page 2

by Mj Fields

  “Nice one Cyrus.” Zandor snickered.

  “See you in five minutes.”


  It only took an hour for everything to land in place. I was gonna work with Abe O’Donnell, Jase’s best friend for a few weeks, you know nine to five shit. Then I would be scouting out undiscovered talent in my free time.

  Now on to Momma.

  Three hours of argument and tears with Momma and finally everything was decided. Come to find out, she was more worried about what I would be doing in my personal life. She was sure someone would be after me for our families’ money and not who I am. What she wouldn’t accept was the fact that I could care less. I had not changed. They all did but I had not. I wasn’t fucking stupid; I knew how to use a condom.

  I also made sure they knew I wasn’t hiding. I was still gonna go to the shop and work when I could. Not just because I missed it but because there was a crazy amount of talent that walked in and out of Forever Steel’s doors.


  I was sitting on the floor putting on a fashion show with Bella and a crew of Barbie’s. I’m not gonna lie, it was fun. Bella was a riot. So full of imagination and life.

  That was the hardest conversation I had. She cried real tears. She even offered to play more of the things I wanted to play. I told her I’d be back for her birthday and that we could talk every day.

  The night before I left, I packed a lunch and she and I bundled up and had a picnic on the patio. When we were done I pulled out the Barbie she used when she played her and the Ken doll who apparently reminded her of me.

  I held him up and moved him as if he were speaking. “You know we can still talk every day right?”

  “Yes I do. We can face time.” She forced a smile and it upset me.

  “No fake smiles.” My Ken said.

  “I’m plastic. What do you expect?” She forced it again.

  “I’m gonna miss you too Bella Doll.”

  “Sometimes we have to do what we have to do Xavier Doll. I get it.”


  A week and a half later when the plane landed in Jersey all I could think was, thank God I’m home. And the first place I was going was Forever Steel.

  Chapter 2

  Harvard Goodbyes

  Daniel and I met three years ago when he and I were at the same party. He was drunk, so was I. I’m not the type of girl who just lays down with anyone. Well, I may have been, but being raised with three older brothers and a father who is a detective in Boston, doesn’t really allow you the luxury of dipping your feet in the sex pool. Sure I had played around but never had actually had sex.

  Growing up with three brothers who were very protective of me was a good thing when we were younger. My two oldest brothers are two years older than I am and twins. My younger brother is two years younger. We played well together when we were kids, Cops and Robbers, Cowboys and Indians, and with action figures. We loved to play all types of sports. I also learned real quickly how to fight. We always had a great time.

  Then I sprouted boobs and began going through the hormonal changes that girls go through. It was interesting back then to see while I was going through the change so were my brothers. Their friends changed too. Any boy I looked they brought over, ended up with a black eye and seemingly disappeared from their lives soon after that. Odd? I thought so until I figured out through a note I received in school from one of the boys who no longer came over. He asked if I would like to be his secret friend. Weird? Nope. I mentioned it to my brother Kaen and that boy had a black eye the next day and wouldn’t even look at me.

  What’s the female version of cock blocking? Poon goons, clam jam, the pussy police or what I call it, the K.G.P. My brothers; Kaen, Keller, and Grady Patrick. Each stood almost a foot taller than me and each had no business messing with my growth and development. But I loved them just the same.

  It was hard on them when I went to college. Mom tried her best to help me out. I wanted a new look and boy, did I get it. My brothers went crazy and my mother defended me, even against my father’s wishes.

  I looked like a girl now. Clothes that fit, make-up, and heels. Don’t get me wrong, I was still a Patrick down deep but now I could be Taelyn without three brothers, who would have preferred I was going off to a convent instead of college.

  I was a virgin until Daniel. He loved my brothers even more because ‘my flower’ was still intact. He told me so the first drunken night we spent together. He also assured me he wasn’t afraid of them. That night he touched me, all above the waist touches. I wasn’t so perfect, my hands went south and he didn’t stop me.

  After that night he courted me. He said I deserved it. He wanted to be romantic, all brought on by virtuous me. I was pleased that I had my virginity to give to him. He was in awe of such a notion. I wasn’t used to such a gentleman. I loved it though. Flowers, dinners, walks in central park while holding hands, and picnics.

  He pursued me hard and my family harder. When he won them over, he won me.

  Our first night Daniel was gentle and loving. He showed great restraint and didn’t push me too hard for the first year. He did that for me because I was precious to him.

  His kisses were light and soft and even his fingers inside of me were gentle. Now I had seen porn, and it was nothing like that. It wasn’t sweaty, cursing and screaming to God. It was perfect, just perfect. And so was every Monday, Wednesday, and Sunday at eight thirty at night. Daniel was Jewish so he chose to not have sex on Friday from sundown until Sunday sun up. He also said I was such a temptation that he stayed at a friend’s house most of those weekends.

  When we did have sex he called it, visiting the rose garden. It was so sweet, a lot better than what my brothers called red heads, fire bushes, how crude! And funny, well new improved Taelyn wouldn’t think so. Not Daniel’s Taelyn. And I loved who I was when I was with him, wouldn’t find it funny.

  Daniel moved in with me almost two years later. We shared my little studio apartment that my scholarship had paid for. He bought a little BMW sports car with the money that he would have spent on his place. It was our car; he told me when he handed me the extra set of keys. He loved that car. I loved that it made him happy.

  Daniel hadn’t done well in school. He explained that sports took up all his time. He played golf, tennis, was on a swim team, and apparently he was forced by his mother to join his high school dance team.

  His desire was to become a doctor, like both his parents. His father was a chiropractor and his mother a podiatrist. I believed in him and for two years I studied with him. He was on the Dean’s list and was applying to medical schools. His dream was to be accepted into Harvard’s medical program.

  His dream came true in December. When someone who had been in the program dropped out. He looked bothered by this. He said it wasn’t a true acceptance and that it was too far away from me anyway. He also said he wouldn’t be able to afford it with the car payment.

  His parents would pay for school but not the car. He told me he knew it would bother me if he sold it. He knew I loved it as much as he did. I told him we would figure it out. The car was paid for so the only real expense was the insurance. He said I could keep the car here. He would find a place close to his school.

  After I talked him into accepting we drove up to Cambridge, Massachusetts and looked at housing. The only place acceptable that we looked at that was still available was on Cowperthwaite Street and it was a two year lease. He was ready to hang it up then too. I hated how this was causing him to be negative and said I would get a job and help. He told me no. I pushed hard, reminding him that this was his dream and he should embrace it. I told him we could both get part time jobs. He said he would only accept my help if I agreed that after I graduated I would move here with him, and marry him. Then very quickly added that this wasn’t a proposal, he wanted that gesture to be as grand as our love but he wanted a promise that I would be able to wait. Of course I

  I applied for jobs everywhere and so did he. He got a job at a bar working two nights a week and I got a job as a restaurant hostess working two days a week and three nights at the Cheesecake Factory.

  It was a lot of work but I was able to change my class schedule so that I would only attend Tuesdays and Thursdays, from eight in the morning until four thirty. It didn’t bother me at all. I loved school and I loved Daniel.

  The weather had gotten bad, go figure it was the end of January in New York, but we had packed up the moving van and it was off before the next nor’easter was supposed to hit.

  Daniel and I walked inside our little place that was almost bare.

  “I can’t believe you wanted me to take everything,” he said as he walked around looking at our place.

  “It’s four months Daniel. I have a bed and a television that works…”

  He wrapped his arms around me and gently pulled me against him. “You have a nineteen inch television and an air mattress and that chair thing.”

  “I have a desk too.” I smiled.

  “But the bed, couch, recliner, fifty seven inch television, Bose system--.”

  “Stuff,” I interrupted him as I pushed myself up on my toes seeking a kiss. “That will actually fit in your--.”

  “Ours, Taelyn. Our new place. Four months,” he sighed as he bent down and kissed me sweetly.

  “You won’t have to leave your house on Friday nights anymore,” I bit my lip and he laughed.

  “No, but God help me, I will probably be masturbating a lot.”

  “It’s not dark yet, maybe we could--.”

  He ran his hands through my hair and let out an exaggerated sigh. “How do you feel about me driving up alone and then next weekend I come get you?”


  “The storm. I wouldn’t feel right if something happened to you in this awful weather on your drive home.”

  “Well I guess it’s fine, I can--.”

  “No, no look I can catch a train. I really don’t want you driving and I certainly don’t want you without a car. That wasn’t our agreement.”

  “Daniel. I love that you’re so protective of me. I think it’s a good idea. Great actually. Then I can see you next weekend too.”

  “You are simply amazing you know that?”

  “Show me.”

  He looked shocked and then I laughed. How embarrassing. I grabbed my knock off Coach purse and the one that I had packed for the weekend and set it on the card table that would now serve as my desk and dining table.


  “You better get going. The storm.” I smiled and then looked down.

  “I don’t have very long. Not long enough to take my time with you.”

  “I understand. I suppose it’s just that I’ll miss you.”

  I felt heat move up my throat. I didn’t cry. Never. I was strong. I was a Patrick for crying out loud.

  “We may have to alter the rules next weekend.”

  I looked up at him and nodded.

  “Would you like that?”

  “Yes. I would.”

  “Come here my sweet and give me a kiss. I really should be going.”


  I watched as the BMW pulled quickly away from the curb and waited until I no longer saw the taillights.

  I looked around for something to occupy my time. There was nothing. I sat in the beanbag chair and wanted to cry.

  The phone rang and I picked it up. Unknown number. I wasn’t in the mood to talk to a telemarketer but at least it was someone to talk to.


  “Taelyn Patrick?”

  “Yes, but I’m not interested.”

  “In what Dear?” The woman laughed.

  “Whatever you’re selling.”

  “I’m not selling anything. I’m calling to offer you a job. My name is Josephina Steel. I am looking for an assistant for Xavier Steel. It’s an evening position. From about six at night until around midnight.

  “I actually just accepted a job…”

  “I’ll double your pay.”

  “Ma’am, I’m not sure you understand that I am going to be hostess, not waiting tables. I have--.”

  “Name your price.”

  “I can’t work weekends.”

  “Every other weekend.”

  I really wasn’t sure she understood me.

  “I don’t have a car.”

  “I’ll have one sent.”

  “I’m not interested.”

  “Seven hundred dollars a week. Every other weekend off. Your résumé indicated you would enjoy a fast paced environment learning skills that you could use when you graduate. You’ll learn a lot. I promise…”

  “Ma’am I’m sorry this sounds…”

  “Too good to be true?” She didn’t let me answer. “You’ll be helping start a production company. You mentioned something about computers. Are you skilled in social media?”

  “I’m not sure it’s a skill actually.”

  She laughed, “Oh it is. I have a hard time keeping up with my sons on that twitter face thing--”

  “Two separate social media sites ma’am…”

  “Josephina dear.”

  “Josephina, they are two different--”

  “Right, you can show us Monday; a car will pick you up at five PM. Welcome to Steel Incorporated Taelyn. That’s Irish right?”

  “Yes ma’am--”


  “Yes Josephina but--”

  “I have a call coming in. I promise we’ll chat.” And she hung up.

  What the hell just happened? Steel? Steel…

  I grabbed my computer and typed in Steel Incorporated wondering if it was even a legitimate company and it was. I typed in Xavier Steel and a picture popped up of nude man with a lot of tattoos and a guitar.

  Good God.

  I called my father, told him about the call. He said he’d look into it and that I was not to get in any damn car until he looked into it. He asked a million questions and I answered what I could. He asked for her number and I messaged it to him.

  An hour later he called me back. “Looks legit. She mentioned that she looked into your background and chose you because she figured a cop’s daughter would understand what it meant to be discrete. She also looked into your brothers and mother. I like her. No arrests on the boy but if he’s the one that pops up in an online search.” He stopped.

  “What Dad?”

  “Remember Daniel.”

  “Of course I remember Daniel,” I laughed. “If that’s him I will be working for an entitled rich guy who has tattoos and has an aversion to clothing.”

  Dad laughed. “Remember who you are.”

  “Dad did you see that guy? Honestly I hope you have more conviction in my character than that. I’m with Daniel.”

  “I know Taelyn. I love you girl. Your fancy new phone has that location device on correct?”

  I laughed, “Yes and thank you for the phone. I love it. Tell Mom I’ll call her after I meet the new boss.”

  “Kind of disappointed that you won’t be working at the cake place.”

  “Cheesecake Factory.”

  “Yep that one. You sure you can handle your responsibilities at school and this?”

  “Yeah. I have every night free now you know.”

  “Are you two on your way up now?”

  “No. Daniel didn’t want me to drive back in the storm so he’ll come down this weekend.”

  “Good. I may like him after all.”

  “You already like Daniel,” I laughed.

  “A father never likes a man who lives with his daughter.”

  “Dad please don’t start that.”

  “Call tomorrow. Your mom will want to chat.”

  Chapter 3

  Shawn White - X

>   I sat in yet another meeting with Abe at Steel Incorporated. I had been doing this for four fucking weeks. What have a learned? I hated fucking suits. I hated sitting behind a desk. I hate being cooped up in a damn building and for some unknown reason, pencil skirts and buns in long hair makes me hard. Add glasses and I am fucked.

  Abe kicked me under the table. I looked away from the hot blondie and over to Abe. He was poker faced, I was not.

  “Thank you all for coming by. We should have a decision next week.” I stood and shook her hand and her partner’s.

  As soon as they left the room Abe gave me a dirty look.

  “She’s sexy.” I smirked.

  “She’s trying to sell you a building X. You should look past the sexy and at the fact that this,” he held up the info on one of the buildings I was considering, “is a shit hole.”

  “Look Abe, I know you, my brothers, and my mother think I should keep my business on this property…”

  “It makes sense.”

  “No it doesn’t. This place is stuffy as hell. There’s no creativity flowing with all the, ‘Hello Mr. Steel, good morning Mr. Steel, can I get you coffee Mr. Steel bullshit.”

  “You’re full of shit. In that twisted head of yours I’m sure you’ve come up with a few ways to creatively fuck half of them in bathrooms, offices, over desks…”

  “If that’s what I have to do then yeah. Otherwise I’d go out of my fucking mind.”



  “You’re a pain in the ass…”

  “I’m not some stupid fucking kid Abe. I’m a man. I’m not Cyrus, Jase, or even Zandor. I don’t have to be either. They caved, I fucking won’t do it. I’ll make myself, not be made.”

  “None of them caved Xavier.” Abe sat at his desk with his fingers steepled. “They did what was best for your family.”

  “They sold the fuck out.”

  “Have you told them you feel like that?” He leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees.

  “Hell no. And you could look a little bit less like the fucking Principal, O’Donnell. I’m not a kid.”


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