Xavier FINAL (Men of Steel #4)

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Xavier FINAL (Men of Steel #4) Page 24

by Mj Fields

  “I’m sorry you lost your husband.”

  “Me too.”

  “Be patient with him if you love him.”

  “I do love him.” I shocked myself by admitting that to her. I hadn’t even told my mother yet.

  “Would you come to lunch?”

  “Would it offend you if I just went back to the apartment your son forced me to live in?”

  She laughed, “No dear of course not.”

  Chapter 27

  Bitches will be bitches

  I sat at my desk stewing. This was a complete fucking nightmare. I was pissed at her because she not only engaged in my brothers shit, but encouraged it to continue. I was pissed at them for not letting it go.

  I looked up and Jase was walking in my office. I was about ready to tell him to step the fuck off when he sat in the chair at the opposite side of my desk. He looked as fucked up as I felt.

  “I’m pretty damn proud of you X,” He said leaning forward and resting his elbows on his knees.

  “Thanks.” Yeah it was short but if it wasn’t I was gonna blow.

  “She reminds me of Carly you know.”

  “She’s not Carly.”

  “No but she’s full of piss and vinegar like my wife is. She’ll be good for you if you can.” He stopped and laughed. “You remember what you said the first time you met her?”

  “No.” The fucking point?

  “You introduced yourself as the hot one. Zandor eye fucked her and Cyrus; do you remember what he did?”

  I shook my head yes and tried not to laugh. “He threw her ass in the ocean.”

  “Yeah he did.” Jase laughed. “She took it like a champ too.”

  “You didn’t meet Tara at the beginning but just so you know I pierced her tits.”

  “Yeah I think I remember that.”

  “Bekah, do you remember anything about that first meeting?”

  “At a club. I banged her friend -- Tiffany. She was hot I did her for a week or so.”

  “Okay bro, you’re a little off task here.”

  “Just trying to see if I could still get hard thinking about another chick.”

  “How did it work out for you?”

  “Partial chub.”

  Jase laughed. “I missed you.”

  “How’s Bella?”

  “Well she missed you more than I did.”

  “She upset about moving back here?”

  “Not even a little.”

  “How’s Carly, you fucked her yet?”

  “Glad you asked it brings me back to my point. If you like the girl we’re gonna like her too. With that comes a little ribbing, you need to learn to deal. She seems fine with it.”

  I didn’t say shit cause I was not okay with it.

  “X, you remember the last thing you said about my fucking wife?”

  Yeah I did, but I wasn’t gonna mention it cause it only made me look like a completely irrational fuck.

  I looked up and saw Zandor and Cyrus walking in. “You said you were jerking off to thoughts of our women.” Cyrus growled.

  “Told me if I didn’t fuck my wife you would.” Jase said through his teeth and then gave a fake ass smile.

  “I only asked to see her tits bro.” Zandor laughed.

  “We made a pact a long time ago not to bang each other bitches. That shit hasn’t changed.” Cyrus leaned against the door.

  “That’s right, now let’s go walk in Forever Steel through the front door since your pretty little mug is all over the place--.” Jase stood

  “And your dick, in a chicks mouth. Does that make you a porn star? I’ve always wanted to.” Cyrus cleared his throat and Zandor stopped. “Sorry bro, my bad. Let’s jet.”

  We all piled in the car. “Forever Steel James.”

  “Yes sir.”

  “We sure we should take Rocky with us?”

  “He’ll be fine. Just wanna check things out.” Jase glared at Zandor.

  “Why? what’s up?”

  “When’s the last time you were at the shop?” Cyrus asked.

  “Week ago, why man?”

  “Did you notice the old bakery two doors down getting a facelift?”

  “No.” I watched them look at each other. “Spill it.”

  “You know how Momma always said that copying something someone does is a form of flattery?” Zandor voice dripped with sarcasm.

  “No fucking games I’ve had enough for today.”

  “A new tattoo shop opened up.” Jase huffed.

  “No fucking way.”

  “Yeah fucking way. Ricco didn’t call you because he was pretty sure you’d destroy the place.” Cyrus hissed.

  “Apparently they got the whole Italian flag flying, window dressed up nice just like ours. Its family operated and the whole works.” Zandor chuckled

  “Not gonna put up with that shit are we?”

  “The way I look at it shit may be good there for a few weeks for them before people figure out how fake there asses are. They’re waving flags, kissing babies, they even have special’s running.” Jase laughed.

  “No shit they’re giving away their work already?”

  “It ain’t their work. It’s ours. You didn’t see any other tattoo shop popping up around here until our name became something. Now these posers are coming in laying down sucking whatever dick they can right out of the gate. Fucking joke if you ask me.” Cyrus was pissed. “I mean fuck do whatever but do you, not someone else.”

  “It won’t be a joke if we lose business.” I sat back. “Fuck that’s our place. Forever Steel is our fucking place.”

  “It’ll be a temporary thing. We may lose a few people but they’ll be back. Talents, talent.” Jase patted my shoulder

  “Bitches are bitches,” Cyrus sneered.

  “Whore will always be whores,” Zandor added.

  “Thieves will always be thieves,” Jase chimed in.

  “Dumb fucks with no fucking imagination themselves will always try to suck off those of us who have it. Fuck them. We could sue them.” I swear I was gonna blow.

  “We’re not copyright protected like music and books X.” Jase grumbled.

  “That’s a shame, cause then we could nail their asses. Sit back and watch the bitches make the cash and then sue their asses when we knew they had it. Get paid for work that was ours.”

  “If it was worth it yes. If we flipped out we’d look bad.” Zandor rubbed his head. “Well at least they could try to make us look bad.”

  We all laughed.

  “What’s the place called?” I asked and they all looked at each other. “Spill it.”

  “Forever Inked.”

  “And you three are gonna sit back and let that shit happen. Let them steal our creation, and our name and you expect--.”

  “Class vs. trash Xavier.” Jase let out a deep breath. “Momma raised us better than that. We’re the real deal; we don’t have to fake the shit.”

  “You remember when Momma started buying generic food and tried to trick us by putting it in the pretty package’s we were used to?”

  “Same shit huh X?” Cyrus chuckled.

  “Same generic shit.” I laughed.

  The car stopped in front of Forever Steel and I looked down the street. I saw people walking in the door and yeah I was gonna see the place too.”

  “X, don’t do it man.” Jase yelled from behind me.

  “Come on lets go check it out.”

  “Oh for fuck sake,” I looked back at Jase storming towards me. “Don’t lose your shit. I don’t wanna end up in jail.”

  “I’ll try.”

  Zandor ran up next to me and laughed. “Class not trash man.”

  “Should I call Tara and let her know I’ll be late?” Cyrus was behind us now.

  “Fuck that. I’m gonna go home and bury my dick in Irish.”

sp; “Thank God.”

  We walked in and looked around. I grabbed a pamphlet and looked at it while my brothers looked around.

  I looked up when I saw three dudes looking at me and whispering. A girl walked out of the back and up to the desk. “Can I help you?”

  “I was looking at the--,” I cleared my throat and coughed. “Bullshit, I mean pamphlet. I was looking over your services and didn’t see Prince Albert. Do you do them?”

  Jase chuckled and Zandor whispered, “Here we go.”

  “If it’s not on there then no we don’t.”

  “Do you know what it is?”

  “Yes we do. We just don’t have anyone that specializes in that yet.”

  “Oh I see. Well you pierce cocks right?”

  “We do penis piercing yes.” She was growing sick of my shit I could tell.

  “That leaves us out Bro’s.” I laughed.

  “Oh I’m sorry to hear that none of you have a penis?” She snickered.

  Jase was beside me in two seconds and he winked at me.

  “What he’s saying Miss?” She started to answer and he laughed, “Oh never mind not like it matters. We don’t have penis’s we have cocks. Big--.”

  “Huge,” I corrected him.

  “Enormous,” Zandor walked up.

  “Fucking perfect,” Cyrus chuckled.

  “We came to be neighborly. Shit you forgot the lasagna man. We should do something else nice then.” Jase gave me that look.

  “Hell yeah we should.”

  We both unzipped at the same time and pulled out our cocks. “This is a Prince Albert. No one who does this shit for real calls it a penis piercing.”

  “Call the cops.” One of the guys came up to the counter.

  “You’re offended by our dicks but you’re gonna play like you know your shit?”

  “You four leave or I’m calling the cops.”

  “We got the number if you need it,” I laughed as I pushed myself back in my pants.

  “Great guys.” Cyrus laughed. “I got the number right here.”

  “Let’s go.” Jase zipped up.

  “Nice to meet you. You need anything; nah fuck it. Call someone who gives a fuck.” Zandor laughed.

  We walked out, all of us laughing.

  “Fuck I missed you assholes.”

  “Of course you did,” Zandor threw his arm around me. “I still wanna see if your girl’s tits are as big as my balls.”

  “Okay, you I didn’t miss.”


  We spent four hours at the shop trying to convince Kat and Ricco that things would still be just fine. They talked about relocating and the four of us all agreed that we don’t run from shit. We stand tall and proud of what we have created together.

  The four of us also realized how much we miss this place and after a few beers decided we would spend at least five hours a week here. Jase was in rare form too. I hadn’t seen him let loose in forever and he sure as hell did today.

  When we got in the car he called Carly.

  “Wife, prepare yourself. I’m about to reacquaint you with a screaming orgasm.” He stopped talking and then whispered, “Multiple.” He listened again. “Yes a little oral.” He groaned and hung his head. “Half an hour.” He sat back. “Awe for fuck sake’s Carly just have your naked ass in bed when I get there.” He laughed. “If I hear any more out of you I’ll gage you, see you soon baby.”

  “You sure you remember how?” Zandor laughed.

  “We have sex Zandor. I’m just less--.”

  “Of a man?” Cyrus laughed.

  “Laugh now, wait until Tara is knocked up, you’ll want to be gentle too.”

  “Nah.” Cyrus had a shit eating grin on his face.

  “Okay tell me that when she’s pregnant.”

  He chuckled.

  He looked up at me and we locked eyes. Very discreetly he shook his head no.

  I smiled and looked at the ground then up and he winked.

  We went to Cyrus’s place first to drop him off and I made up some bullshit about needing to grab something because I had to know.

  We walked in and he looked at me, “Don’t ask ‘cause I won’t answer you.”

  “You happy?”

  “Un- fucking- believably happy bro.”

  “When is she--.”

  “Can’t say shit. We get married next weekend that happens first. I want her to have that moment. I want her to have everything that she lost.”

  I gave him a hug, “Lips are sealed.”

  I grabbed a bottle of wine out of the fridge. “Gotta make it look good.”

  “We don’t need it anyways. See you Sunday?”

  “See you Sunday.”


  I punched in the code, opened the door, kicked of my shoes, and walked into the kitchen. I grabbed two glasses out of the cupboard, grabbed the wine. Then I skipped my happy ass up the stairs. I had to say I was sorry, explain I was being a douche, give her a sweet kiss, some puppy dog eyes, a glass of wine, and then she was getting the D.

  I had this shit all figured out.

  Chapter 27

  The Girls

  I threw up for an hour straight before I called my Mom after Mrs. Steel had dropped me off. Yes even at my age I wanted her when I wasn’t feeling well. She convinced me that I should go to the doctors. It was flu season and I had forgotten to get my shot.

  I called a cab, I didn’t want to bother James and I didn’t want to upset Xavier more than I already had.

  They got me right in and did the nasal swab test. While I waited they did blood work and a urine sample. It was a half an hour before they came back in. The nurse informed me that I didn’t have the flu. She thought I had a cold. I was sent home and told to sleep and drink as much water as I could.

  I called Mom to let her know I was fine. She asked that I please come home during spring break. I agreed to. It would be just a Friday and through the weekend. I told her work was busy and important to me.

  I didn’t tell her I was in love with Xavier. I didn’t want her to think I was crazy or tell me it was too soon. I had been telling myself that enough I didn’t need outside reinforcements.

  I looked at me phone several times before I finally fell asleep.


  I woke feeling the bed dip behind me, “Taelyn.” His lips touched my neck first. “I’m sorry about earlier. It won’t happen again.” I pretended to be asleep. “It’s only seven o’clock, wake up and tell me you accept my apology.”

  “Tell me what I did. That’s all I asked earlier. Please just tell me what I did.” I realized I was pleading with him and the way he looked at me hurt. I knew he looked shaken.

  “It was all me. Jealous, not wanting to share you, not wanting to share my time with you and I fucked up. I promised if you were mine you would never spend Friday night alone. I already fucked that up.”

  “You’re here now.”

  “Tomorrow is Saturday you’ll wake up in the morning with my tongue between your legs and don’t tell me you’re bleeding.”

  “I haven’t all day.”

  “I told you if you were mine no one would hurt you and live to see the next day. I’ve hurt you but I won’t again. Ever.”

  I rolled over and looked at him. “Please don’t! It hurts so much more with you than --.”

  “If you love me you won’t say his name again.”

  “Whose name?”

  “You are so beautiful Taelyn. So damn beautiful.”

  He was about to kiss me and I yawned.

  “I don’t want you to cry again--.”

  “You told me you’d cut off your balls if you made me cry. I kind of like your balls.”

  “Crying out my name is the exception.”

  “I remember.”

  “You do?”

  “Of course I do, no one had ever
talked to me like that before.”

  “Porn talk?”

  “Xavier talk.”

  He smiled. “I also said I’d ruin you for anyone else. Did I fulfill my promise?”

  “Over and over again.” I smiled.

  “Tell me how lunch was.”

  “I didn’t go.”


  “I didn’t feel good. I threw up a few times.”

  “Christ are you okay?”

  “I think I was just upset. The doctor--.”

  “You went to the doctor?” He looked pissed.

  “The clinic--,” I began.

  “Why didn’t you call me?”

  I looked down.

  “Because I hurt you.”

  “It’s okay.”

  “No it’s not. Not ever again.”

  “Good cause --.”

  “I’m sorry.”


  “I really do love you Taelyn and I promise I’ll get better at it. I swear I will.”

  I nodded.

  “What did the doctor tell you?”

  “Sleep and lots of water.”

  “That’s it?”

  “Yep, it’s a cold.”

  “I’m gonna let you sleep then. I won’t promise I will stay away in the morning.”




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