Sharing a Mate: A Kindred Tales M/F/M Novel (Brides of the Kindred)

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Sharing a Mate: A Kindred Tales M/F/M Novel (Brides of the Kindred) Page 2

by Evangeline Anderson

  That was how Kayla felt now. Her body was demanding that she do things she normally would never consider but she couldn’t fight it anymore. Letting go of Sorin’s hand, she sank to the floor and fumbled for the fastening of his black trousers instead.

  “Kayla!” Sorin had taken a quick step back, his pale blue eyes going wide. “What are you doing?”

  Kayla wanted to cry—wanted to stop herself from doing anything else to repulse her friend and colleague. But the thirst was on her—driving her like a harsh master—demanding she do things that were completely against her nature.

  “Don’t push her away, Sorin.” Bron had knelt beside her, putting a muscular arm comfortingly around her shoulders. “What is it, small one?” he murmured gently. “What is it you need?”

  “I need…I need this,” Kayla had somehow managed to get out. She reached over and plucked ineffectually at the fastening of the Beast Kindred’s trousers. “Please, Bron…so thirsty.”

  “For what? For seed?” Sorin sounded like he couldn’t believe it. Kayla wanted to tell him she couldn’t believe it herself, but the thirst was riding her and she couldn’t get the words out. Her body was aching—throbbing with need. Her nipples were tight little points at the end of her breasts and her pussy felt liquid with desire. But the thirst overrode even her sudden, intense desire—or maybe it was causing the desire. Kayla didn’t know—she only knew what she needed and she needed it desperately—needed to drink from her men.

  “Please,” she whispered again, resting her hand over the bulge in Bron’s trousers—the thick ridge of his shaft.

  “You’re serious? This is what you need? What you want?” Bron had looked down at her, his golden eyes narrowed. “Because I don’t want to offend or assault you, leelah. You mean too fucking much to me—to both of us.”

  “Not…assault. I need…please, so thirsty,” Kayla whispered. She felt like a woman who had been out in the Sahara at high noon. Her mouth and throat were parched and her whole body ached with desire—she needed this so damn badly.

  “This can’t be right,” Sorin objected, even as Bron unfastened his trousers and let the largest shaft Kayla had ever seen spring free. “This must be a reaction to that strange smell. Bron, if you do this, she’ll never forgive you.”

  “I can’t see her hurting and not help,” Bron growled. “What the fuck am I supposed to do, Sorin?”

  “Go get help! That’s what I’m going to do.”

  The Blood Kindred had made as though to leave their lab but Kayla had cried out as a sense of wrongness filled her.

  “No!” She had reached for Sorin even as she got closer to Bron. “No, please…need…need you too, Sorin.”

  “It appears to be Bron that you need, Kayla.” There was a new coldness in the Blood Kindred’s voice and Kayla realized what was happening. Sorin thought she was finally making her choice between them—the unspoken choice that none of them had ever dared to mention. How could she explain that she needed them both—needed them so desperately she felt like she might die if either one of them left her?

  “Stay, Sorin,” Bron’s voice was deep with authority. “She needs us—both of us.”

  “I don’t see how I can help what’s about to happen.” Sorin’s voice had still been unhappy but it had, at least, thawed a little.

  “I don’t either but Kayla seems to want you,” Bron growled.

  “Not as much as she apparently wants you.” But Sorin had settled reluctantly down beside her and Bron on the lab floor. Blindly, Kayla had reached for his hand. She didn’t know why, but she knew she had to be touching them both.

  Both at once—both at the same time, whispered a little voice in the back of her head. Sorin’s touch was reluctant but gentle. She felt his long fingers at the back of her neck, cool and soothing.

  That was good but it wasn’t enough.

  Kayla pulled the Blood Kindred’s hand down and around until he was cupping her breast. Sorin tried to pull back but she wouldn’t let him. Instead, she fumbled for the buttons of her neat, professional button-down blouse and popped them open. Then she pulled down her bra and thrust her bare breasts into the Blood Kindred’s hand.

  Stop this—what are you doing? Don’t do this! What will they think of you? whispered a little voice in her head. But the thirst and desire were too great to ignore or contain. Kayla needed them—needed both her guys—and she couldn’t stop herself from taking what she needed.

  “I don’t understand why you want this, Kayla,” Sorin’s voice was rough and unhappy but he didn’t try to pull his hand away again. Instead, he plucked gently at her nipples, sending sparks of pleasure through her entire body and making Kayla groan as the thirst grew even worse.

  “I don’t think she understands either,” Bron rumbled. “But just go with it, Sorin—give her what she needs.”

  As the two big Kindred held her between them, Kayla smelled their bonding scents for the first time. Bron’s was dark and spicy—for some reason it reminded her of the forest at night. Sorin’s scent was fresh and crisp, like an icy day. Both of them surrounded her at once, mixing together and filling her senses, soothing and calming her.

  Feeling comforted, but still thirsty out of her mind, Kayla reached for Bron’s exposed shaft which was thick and dark with a single pulsing vein running up the middle of it. The thick bulge of his mating fist sat at the base. Good God, it was huge—she was certain she would barely be able to fit the head in her mouth but that was really all she needed. She felt her mouth begin to water and she swallowed with a dry click.

  On the broad crown was a single droplet of precum. To Kayla, it looked like an oasis in the desert. With a little cry of pure need, she put out her tongue and lapped it up.

  Chocolate, she thought ravenously. He tastes like dark chocolate.

  And then she was sucking hungrily, trying to get more of the nourishing liquid, rubbing Bron’s thick shaft eagerly as she waited for him to flood her mouth and slake her thirst.

  “Goddess, what is she doing? Why is she doing this?” Sorin’s voice sounded uncertain and slightly horrified but his fingers continued to tease her nipples gently as Kayla sucked and stroked.

  “I don’t know but she seems to need it. Need it fucking bad,” Bron growled, his deep voice sounding strained. “Here, small one—this doesn’t have to turn into a scene from a porno-vid. I’ll stroke it for you—you just wait.”

  He had taken over stroking his shaft and soon, to Kayla’s relief, he was panting and keeping a steady rhythm.

  “Get ready, Kayla,” he growled and she felt the hard muscles of his thigh stiffening under her cheek. “Get ready—going to come. If this is really what you want, come and get it. If not, get back.”

  Kayla had crowded forward eagerly, taking even more of his thick cock between her lips. Finally she was rewarded with a hot spurt of cum as Bron came directly in her mouth. And then another and another—Kindred tended to produce a lot more seed than human males. But it was exactly what Kayla needed. The creamy seed—which again, tasted like dark chocolate—poured down her throat, easing the thirst and soothing the parched dryness like a sudden drenching flood in the desert. Paired with the delicious feeling of Sorin stroking her bare breasts, it seemed to ease some of the desperate need she felt.

  And as she sucked him, Bron stroked her many long braids and her forehead soothingly and Sorin cupped and caressed her breasts.

  “All right, small one,” the Beast Kindred rumbled. “All right, take what you need. It’s all right.”

  He had given her all he could but to Kayla’s shame, it hadn’t slaked the thirst—not nearly. After she finished with Bron, she sat up, her bare breasts still spilling out of her blouse, and turned to Sorin to look up at him appealingly.

  “Sorin,” she whispered. “Please…”

  “This is wrong.” He shook his head. “My people believe that three should not touch as one sexually.”

  “And mine believe a male shouldn’t share a female with another
male because it makes him weak—subservient,” Bron growled. “But Kayla needs to suck you too and do you see me trying to stop you?”

  Sorin looked wracked with indecision.

  “We…we have already done much more than we should,” he said, looking at Kayla. “Now you want more?”

  “I’m sorry.” Kayla wanted to cry—wanted to stop—but the thirst and desire rose up in her again and wouldn’t let her. “Not want,” she whispered, putting a hand over his crotch. “Need. Sorin, please, I need you.”

  “Really? This is really what you need?” Sorin looked at down at her hand incredulously.

  “Didn’t you just see her suck me fucking dry?” Bron growled. “Whatever’s in the air, it’s given her a need—a hunger. You have to help me feed her, Sorin. She’d do the same for us if this damn sweet scent had given us the need for pussy honey.”

  His words had caused an instant picture to form in Kayla’s mind—the two of them taking turns between her thighs, lapping her naked pussy as she moaned and begged for more… Just the thought made her throb and the desire and thirst seemed to grow worse than it had been before she had sucked Bron. Helpless to stop herself, she had reached again for the fastening of Sorin’s trousers.

  This time the Blood Kindred didn’t shy away but he did knock her hands gently aside and do the job himself.

  “I don’t understand this,” he murmured as he unfastened his trousers for her and took out a long, throbbing shaft. Though he clearly wouldn’t admit it, seeing Kayla suck his best friend while he stroked her naked breasts had obviously affected him. “I don’t understand any of it.”

  “You don’t have to understand—just pump your fucking shaft and let Kayla drink from you,” Bron had ordered, his voice a growl.

  As she had done with Sorin, Kayla reached for the Beast Kindred’s hand.

  “Please,” she whispered and put it on her bare breasts.

  “Of course, small one,” he growled softly. “If this is what you need.”

  “It is,” Kayla nodded.

  Only when she felt Bron’s thick fingers squeezing and tugging her sensitive buds was she able to reach for what Sorin was offering her.

  “Just take the head in your mouth, Kayla,” he murmured to her. “As Bron said, there’s no need for this to be a porno vid. I’ll do the stroking.”

  Kayla lay against him obediently, her head pillowed on the Blood Kindred’s washboard abs as she nursed the flaring crown of his cock. His precum tasted like almonds, she decided—like the marzipan candy she had loved as a child. It was sweet and good and nourishing and she was thirsty for more of it…so much more.

  “Gods, look at her suck you,” Bron rumbled as he stroked her breasts. “Fucking incredible, Sorin.”

  “I can’t look at anything else,” the Blood Kindred admitted with a low groan. “Gods, leelah—your mouth feels so sweet on me!”

  “And your breasts fill my hands so perfectly,” Bron growled in her ear. “Never dreamed of being able to touch you like this—you’re beautiful, Kayla.”

  “She is. So Goddess-damned beautiful it hurts,” Sorin groaned. And then he began to come. When he pumped his seed into her mouth, he groaned her name aloud. “Gods, Kayla!” he gasped and his hips bucked, sending even more of his long shaft down her throat.

  Kayla took him gladly, sucking the sweet almond cum from his cock, trying to quench the seemingly unquenchable thirst and desire that had risen inside her.

  But even two loads of their seed in her belly wasn’t enough for that. After she was done with Sorin, she had turned to Bron again, a mute pleading in her eyes.

  “Again, small one?” he had asked her gently.

  “And I suppose you need me to stroke your breasts while you suck him,” Sorin murmured.

  Unable to help herself, Kayla had nodded.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I can’t explain it. I just need…need both of you. So badly.”

  “All right then,” the Beast Kindred rumbled and Sorin had nodded as well.

  As the Blood Kindred stroked her breasts, Bron had pumped his cock for her again, giving her another load of his seed. Stroking her cheek, he murmured as she drank it, “That’s right, small one—that’s right, leelah. Take what you need. Sorin and I are here to give you whatever you need.”

  And Kayla had needed so much. Later she recalled with shame how she had sucked and swallowed, sucked and swallowed for what seemed like hours, lying there on the floor of the lab with her two best friends and colleagues as they touched and stroked her bare breasts and came down her throat…

  Friends she could never look in the eye again, she told herself as the water rushed over her, pounding on her head like rain.

  “How could I let myself do that? How can they ever respect me again?” she whispered to herself. “I wish I was dead. My career is going to be dead, anyway. If this gets out…”

  Not that she thought Bron and Sorin would tell anyone. But just having to look them in the face after she had gotten down on her knees and begged to suck their cocks and swallow their cum while they touched her made her feel hot and humiliated all over.

  “It’s no good,” she whispered. “I’ll have to go back down to Earth and try to get a job somewhere else.”

  Maybe she could get someone to fly her down without telling anyone she was going. That way Bron and Sorin wouldn’t know where she had gone and they couldn’t follow her. Several times they had come knocking at her door but Kayla had ignored them and gone to take another shower every time. So maybe if she just—

  A firm knock on her bathroom door made her nearly jump out of her skin. The door to her suite was locked! So who could have gotten in to knock on the door? Who—?

  “Kayla?” came a familiar voice. “It’s Sorin and Bron.”

  “You can’t ignore us anymore,” Bron growled. “You have to come out and talk—we have news.”

  “And we’re not leaving until you talk to us,” Sorin added. “So come on, Kayla—we’re waiting.”

  Chapter Two

  “She’s been in there too long.” Sorin paced the floor in front of the large, Kindred-sized couch where his best friend was sprawled.

  “Give her time,” Bron rumbled. “Females take a while in the shower.”

  “She’s been avoiding us for two days since the needing started,” Sorin pointed out. “Ever since…we helped her. The three of us need to talk.”

  “And we will…when she’s ready,” Bron said.

  Sorin eyed him, wishing he had his friend’s patience.

  Bron had all the grace of a lazy cat—a panther from Earth, he thought. The Beast Kindred never bestirred himself unless there was real trouble but then he would explode into action in a display of the most terrifying burst of berserker rage imaginable. Sorin had seen it in battle several times. Because though the two of them were scientists, all Kindred were always warriors first.

  Sorin had met his best friend on his first night aboard the Mother Ship in the Unmated Males area. He had been looking for someone to play Xan with—a sort of Kindred form of three-dimensional chess. He’d had several challengers among the other Blood Kindred, who tended to be the most academically-minded among the Kindred warriors, and had beaten them handily. Then he had taken on a Beast Kindred who hadn’t taken kindly to losing.

  The other male had wanted to beat Sorin to a pulp—which wouldn’t have been easy since Sorin was as big as any of the warriors and easily able to take care of himself. Still, he preferred to keep things non-violent. So when yet another Beast Kindred came up—this one the biggest male Sorin had ever seen—he had been certain he was in for a fight.

  But this male—it was Bron of course—had offered his fellow Beast Kindred a deal.

  “Let me play him,” he’d said. “I will challenge him for the honor of our kind and your loss will be avenged.”

  Sorin had been more than a little apprehensive at playing opposite the huge male but to his surprise, Bron had given him a good match�
�and had ended by beating him in a surprise maneuver he had never seen before.

  “No one has beaten me at Xan since I was twelve cycles old,” he told Bron.

  The big Beast Kindred stood up from the game board, laughing. “And no one’s beaten me since I was fucking eleven! Come on, Brother—I like you!”

  His laughter was contagious and Sorin had found himself laughing along. He didn’t mind being bested at the game—in fact, he welcomed it. It was good to find another male with an analytical brain in his head here aboard the Mother Ship. In fact, that had been his motivation in bringing out the Xan board in the first place.

  When he rose and offered his arm for a warrior’s clasp, Bron had pulled him into a rough embrace instead. For a moment Sorin had frozen…and then he had hugged back. It was the first embrace he’d had from another male since he was nine cycles old and his father—who had never been very demonstrative—had stopped giving him the cold, decorous hugs he bestowed before bed every night.

  His mother still hugged him carefully, once in a great while, but it was an empty gesture—devoid of feeling and usually only made for show in front of visiting family. His parents had never been very affectionate.

  At the rough touch of the other male, something had seemed to open in Sorin’s heart—something that had been locked up tight for years. He found himself hugging the big Beast Kindred back and then he and Bron went off to get a drink together and had stayed up half the night discussing particle physics, the fourth dimension, and their respective fields of microbiology and virology. It had been a perfect fit—a friendship made by the Goddess herself and nothing had ever even come close to breaking it.

  Until now, Sorin thought with a sigh, eyeing Bron. Until Kayla.

  They had both loved her, right from the start. Both wanted her for a mate, he knew it even though they never talked about it. Her creamy brown skin, her large, luminous dark eyes, her full breasts and ass and hips were incredibly attractive. Add her brilliant mind to the mix and she was everything Sorin had ever dreamed of in a female…and everything Bron had dreamed of too.


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