A Desirable Property

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A Desirable Property Page 13

by Nicole Dere

  Thankfully, I did not have to respond because a distraction came in a series of rising yelps of pain from down the corridor, and then Jane’s muffled pleas for mercy became audible. I looked in mute compassion at Carl, whose face was contorted with suffering as he gazed towards the doorway. I moved across and reached over to him, put my hand out to touch his arm, but he stepped back quickly, as though the proximity of my naked flesh was too much for him. He blushed deeply and turned away, so Jack and I started a pointless conversation in an effort to distract him from the sounds of the swishing blows and Jane’s cries.

  Thankfully, they soon died away, and there was a long period of silence while we strove not to listen for any further noises of punishment. The silence was broken by a sharp rapping, and then Khotan’s voice called out with clear impatience, ‘Krista! We have to get moving. Let us go! Now!’

  He came into the room and we all stared at our feet guiltily, afraid of the silence but more afraid to break it. He did not look at me, but I wanted to die with shame when he said harshly to Jack, ‘Your lovely wife knows her duties as a woman. You are a lucky man.’

  Eventually Krista appeared, dressed in her usual military style, simple slacks and a bush shirt, yet she nevertheless managed to look very sexy and attractive, as always.

  She approached Carl, slipped her arm around his shoulders and pulled his slim body against her, like an older sister hugging her kid brother. Then she let her free hand drop and gave his penis a playful tug. ‘There now, I hope that wife of yours will be a little sweeter for a while,’ she goaded him. ‘But you will have to be a little gentle if you play with her pussy.’ She laughed, and then looked at Jack and me. ‘And that goes for all of you.’ And then with another patronising laugh, she followed her associate out to the waiting vehicle.

  When I heard the shower running, I hastened down the corridor. The door was open, and Jane’s red face was damp with the evidence of tears recently shed. She whimpered under the cleansing jet of water, and I saw the livid twin circles of blotchy flesh on her bottom, which she could hardly bear to touch they obviously hurt her so much.

  Once showered, she winced and whimpered at my light dabs with the towel, and as I soothed her hot curves with cold cream as gently as I could. I was pretty well satiated after my recent experience, yet I felt that first quivering spasm of rejuvenating desire at contact with her lovely body. I turned her around and let our bodies rest together, let my thigh slide between hers, our hardened nipples brushing teasingly. But though she responded to my gentle kiss, her lips parting, our tongues intertwining, she eventually broke free with a shaky half sob, half laugh. ‘No more, please, Moira. Not now. I don’t think I could. Anyway, the boys will be waiting for us, and we shouldn’t keep them waiting too long.’

  Later that night, after a tense, interminable afternoon, the four of us lounged listlessly about the main room area. I could not bring myself to go off to the bedroom with Jack after the morning’s activity, and I guess Jane felt the same way about her and Carl. We were trying to find some safe topics of conversation, and avoiding the one uppermost in our minds, when we heard the sound of an engine, and saw the headlamps sweeping across the blackness of the windows.

  A few minutes later, the only person to enter was one of the hijackers, the one who had taken a shine to Carl. ‘No one else come tonight,’ he told us. ‘But no matter, I have been sent to look after you.’

  His words, and the evil smile that went with them, did nothing to ease our anxiety. But his gaze was directed towards Carl – then to her dismay, towards Jane as well. ‘Come, you two,’ he commanded, leering at them spitefully. ‘We have early night, okay?’ The dark eyes fixed on Jack and me. ‘You two go to bed also. But jig-a-jig very quiet, yes? Let’s go.’

  In the strange privacy of the bedroom, we climbed under the sheet in uneasy silence, unable to stop ourselves from listening for sounds from down the corridor. All we could hear was the deep rumble of the man’s voice. We could not distinguish the words, but my brain was working overtime. It struck me again, despairingly, how utterly helpless we were, and how contemptuously they flung this fact in our faces the whole time. The very familiarity of our nakedness, to one another and to our captors, was a powerful sign of how submissive we had become, how meekly accepting of our humiliating condition. Out captors did not even carry guns, or weapons of any kind any longer with which to intimidate us. They did not need to. They left us alone for long periods during the day, and all night, every night. All they had done was tell us not to dare stick our noses outside the door, and we obeyed them without question.

  We were like mice in a comfortable cage. We did everything they told us, in blind obedience. They beat us, and used us for their sexual pleasure whenever they felt like it, and we submitted to this inhuman treatment without even a murmur of protest. Like this morning, when they used Jane and me to satisfy their appetites while our husbands sat impotently in the outer room, and not only did we not say anything in protest, I at least actually enjoyed it. And right now, one of them was amusing himself with Carl and Jane, while Jack and I were packed off to bed like a couple of kids.

  ‘We ought to do something,’ I said, grabbing Jack’s wrist. ‘There’s only one of them, and four of us. They’re treating us with absolute contempt, as though we’re hopeless and worthless, and that’s exactly what we’re becoming. It’s awful! We have to do something! If we don’t do something, I’ll cease to respect myself completely! We can’t keep behaving as though we’re helpless.’

  ‘But we are helpless.’ The frankness of Jack’s response pulled me up short. ‘As far as they’re concerned we count for nothing. And they’re probably right.’

  We were both speaking in whispers, lying huddled together on the bed.

  ‘What do you think we can do?’ he continued savagely. ‘Suppose by some miracle we were able to overpower him in there, what could we do then? You think we could break out past the guards? With us naked and not so much as a catapult between us? And even if we managed that amazing feat, where would we go? Where the fuck are we? We don’t even know that!’

  He held me tight. ‘That’s just what we are, babe – hopeless and worthless. Don’t ever forget it. We all belong to them, to do with what they will. You’ve got to remember that, and stop torturing yourself over it. We all have to remember that we’re powerless if we want to come through this alive. So make the most of the chances they give us. We’re together now, but that might change at any moment, so let’s be glad about it while we have the chance.’

  His fingers crept between my thighs and moved rhythmically, and my hips mirrored the gentle rhythm. I knew he was right. It wasn’t our fault we found ourselves in this predicament. There was no point torturing myself with self-recrimination. I was simply doing what I had to do to survive. I reached down, seized his growing erection and parted my thighs wider, urging him to me.

  Chapter 16

  I gazed down at the stubbly dome burrowing away between my parted thighs, and shivered with joy at the feathery strokes of the tongue, then the nipping bite of teeth on my opened labia. With a little squirm, part revulsion and part delight, I reached down and let my fingers caress its short, prickly growth. Carl thrust his face more avidly into my succulent wetness, his mouth worked with more conviction, taking my touch to be an encouragement for him to increase the urgency of his activity.

  At the same instant Jane’s mouth closed more firmly over my nipple and sucked hungrily, and I let myself go, moulding into the bountiful flesh wrapped all around me, my tummy lifting, thrusting back at Carl’s face. I shuddered at the delicious force of the orgasm, letting it carry me on its flow, heightened by the feel of Jane’s body pressing rhythmically against mine, and the knowledge of Jack’s sleek penis driven deep into her cunt beneath those sweetly clenching buttocks of hers. A bottom which was as darkly barred as mine by the weals of the cruel whipping Krista had given us only two nights before, in front of the audience of our husbands and our three grinn
ing male captors.

  Yet, painful as it was, it signalled another important stage in the development of our lives as hostages – and it truly did feel like a lifetime since we had had any control over even the smallest act of our existence. Now we were given a significant freedom, for us, compared to what we had been put through, over our own bodies and what we were permitted to do with them. Of course we were still naked prisoners, and still utterly at our captors’ mercy. Reminding us of this indelible fact was the point of Krista beating us, and I guess, of the weird three-way sex session between the hijacker, Carl and Jane, the bizarre details of which she confided in me a few days later. As if we needed any such reminders of our status!

  But, after that beating, we were left alone to do as we wished much more often than not, and there seemed to be a new freedom about the building. I pondered this as I recovered from that wonderful orgasm, and gazed at our erotic combination of flesh.

  It had occurred to me to wonder if in fact it was an extra degree of freedom at all, or was it merely another demonstration of their power over us that they no longer had to watch over us to make sure we behaved exactly as they wanted us to?

  Whatever the reason, our captors were thankfully abusing us less and less frequently. And even their visits to the compound became more and more infrequent, and more fleeting as well. One or two of the guards would look in briefly, once or twice a day, and then we would see no more of them until the next day. It was now unusual for Krista or the other two hijackers to spend a night there with us, and as for my sexual encounter with Khotan, that was never repeated even though I know he really enjoyed screwing me.

  As time passed slowly, our cocooned existence was oddly undisturbed, and timeless almost, and gradually I grew to like Carl more and more, and took it upon myself to help bring him further out of the shell he all too easily hid in.

  One morning, I slipped into the shower room after him. He jumped when he saw me appear there in the cubicle with him.

  ‘You’re not going to get away this time,’ I whispered seductively. My blood was surging with an altogether new, savage excitement. The unaccustomed thrill of dominance flowed through me, and caused my sex to throb with an intense desire. It was wonderful. I reached for him and began to lather his body with soap, from his chest down to his waist, his hips, to that jutting cock of his, which beat and quivered in my tight grasp.

  Slowly, savouring to the full my power and the thrill it gave me, I sank to my knees beneath the cascading water, let my hand fondle and clutch his buttocks, let my soapy fingers dig deep into the tight valley, and then feel the hardness of his anus. One of my fingers, slick with soap, probed, and pushed boldly into the clutch of his sphincter, forcing it to yield to me. His buttocks hollowed, he gave a convulsive shudder from head to toe, and his hips moved forward to push his straining erection into my face. I let it rub against my cheek, and then moved and let it slide over my brow, and pass down over my lips, before I peeled them open and took him into my eager mouth. I sucked him deeply, tasting the strong lather, drawing in the living thickness until I captured it entirely, its beating strength pressing against the roof of my mouth and the back of my throat.

  He was sighing, his hands clutched the streaming, darkened strands of my hair, which clung to my brow, and cheeks, and shoulders. I could feel him shuddering as I held him to me. ‘No, no, please,’ he mumbled without conviction, and I knew that this was it. I pulled my mouth clear, seized his bobbing erection in both hands, and pressed it to my upturned face. He jerked, his hips grinding, and the thick bounty of his come erupted onto me, spilling over my lips and chin, oozing into my hair, and I felt his cock immediately losing its powerful rigidity.

  He slumped to the puddles on the tiles and I cradled him, lifting my face to the cleansing water, letting it wash his semen from me while I held him close.

  Chapter 17

  On reflection, I was more than a little ashamed of the special relationship growing between Carl and me. Just as I had suspected, despite his instance of the opposite, Carl’s nature was such that the slight degree of dominance I introduced allowed him to feel comfortable with himself even as he thoroughly enjoyed submitting to me. The shower room became our special rendezvous, but only on rare occasions. Of course, the other two suspected what was going on. Jack even teased me about it, in that mocking way of his, whereas Jane simply ignored it. We all seemed to know that any conflict between us would be dangerous while we were living in such an unnaturally confined proximity.

  We knew nothing of what was happening in the world we had been snatched from. We had no contact with the guards, who slouched around the hot and dusty compound day after day, looking thoroughly bored. We saw them as distant menacing figures through the windows, and we were only too glad that they kept their distance.

  We spent hour after hour discussing what had happened to us already, and speculating on what might happen to us in the future. I thought a lot about Nicky and Anita. Had they really been freed, along with all the others, as we had been told they were? Were we four really the only hostages left? And if so, why? It did not seem at all fair. Our ordeal had been going on for about seven months now. Not only was it unfair, it was utterly baffling and I could not get my head round why we were still being held, and I knew my other three fellow captives felt the same way. Would they ever let us go? We had no idea.

  Yet, oddly enough, we no longer feared for our lives. We were still afraid – of Krista’s unjust punishments, and that sheer boredom might turn the guards rogue – but since our removal from the airport buildings, we had had the feeling that we were not in mortal danger. This feeling had come as a blessed relief, to say the least. But what then was to be our fate? To remain forever in this state of limbo, naked slaves who had no control over our lives at all?

  Sometimes, paradoxically, the thought of release itself scared me. I never voiced my fears, but they kept recurring. There was something insidiously seductive and sexually arousing about our total helplessness and submission. We had no decisions to make, no need to exert our will, no choices to ponder. Our lives consisted simply in just doing what we were told, and satisfying our basic needs and desires and instincts. In the wake of such moments of reflection, I was scourged with self-disgust. My conscience berated me for thinking such perversely contented thoughts, for we were being kept in a stifling sweatbox, fed and watered by captors who held us completely and contemptuously in their power.

  On the other hand, there would be a whole new ball game out there, when, and if, the day of our release ever came. I could not believe that, out of all the hostages who had been held for those endless weeks in the airport building, there would not be at least one who would reveal all the lurid details of that phase of our captivity – the nudity, the physical degradations, the beatings – and the lesbian exploits Krista had indulged in with her ‘harem’. Even Nicky might have been tempted to spill the beans, or rather, open the can of worms. And what a tale she would have to tell, if she could overcome the shame she must surely feel at having her story making headlines around the world. Robbed of her virginity, twice – at the hands of Krista and then by no less a person than the President of Leontondo himself and his three stalwart cronies.

  The repercussions throughout the world media must surely be tremendous. Which was why I was beginning to feel increasingly uneasy about the prospect of release.

  But little did I know that things were about to change for us yet again.

  And the change came, as always, with unexpected suddenness.

  One afternoon we were lounging around, hot and bored as usual, when we heard yelling and the running of feet and the roar of what sounded like a convoy of vehicles. We stood and looked anxiously out of the windows at a retinue of impressively senior-looking army personnel, and then we moved out onto the veranda, where they confronted us.

  The most senior, a man nearly as large as Koloba, pointed directly at me. ‘Come,’ he said gruffly, and without ceremony he snatched me by
the wrist. ‘You are wanted.’

  I had time for one last despairing glance back at Jack, who stood motionless with Jane and Carl, but I suspected it would be wise not to protest. With my slender wrist clamped in his powerful grasp I followed him down the wooden steps, somewhat carefully because of the heat and the stabbing prickles of gravel beneath my bare feet.

  Everything served to remind me of the nakedness I had grown accustomed to for so long. The plastic of the vehicle’s seat was almost painfully hot on my bottom and the backs of my thighs as I sat down on it. The clothing of the large man and the driver brushed against my skin, for I sat squashed in the front between them. My heart was still racing. Where were they taking me – and why? It was extremely alarming, but like the perfect slaves we had all become, I said nothing.

  After a hot and bumpy ride of several miles along a track we came to a grassy clearing, where more guards were waiting. In the centre of the clearing was a small helicopter, in the same drab military green as the vehicles, its rotor blades spinning slowly. We got out of the Land Rover and I realised I was being led towards it. My knees were like jelly. This surely meant I was being taken some distance. Were they going to set me free? Why had they separated me from the others?

  ‘Come,’ the large man said again, and struggling to hold back the tears of fear and sudden solitude from being separated from the others, who had been my only solace during this endless ordeal, I climbed aboard the helicopter, too distraught to worry about the inelegant picture I must have presented scrabbling into the small glass bubble. The pilot was already sitting in his place, and I was vaguely aware of another crewmember crouched with his back to me in the rear of the small cockpit, but I didn’t really take too much notice. The large man leaned in, grinned broadly, and with an even greater sense of panic I realised he was not coming with us.


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