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by Marcel Proust

  115.Dante Alighieri, Inferno

  116.Gustave Flaubert, Madame Bovary

  117.Alexander Trocchi, Man at Leisure

  118.Alexander Pushkin, Boris Godunov and Little Tragedies

  119.Miguel de Cervantes, Don Quixote

  120.Mark Twain, Huckleberry Finn

  121.Charles Baudelaire, Paris Spleen

  122.Fyodor Dostoevsky, The Idiot

  123.René de Chateaubriand, Atala and René

  124.Mikhail Bulgakov, Diaboliad

  125.Goerge Eliot, Middlemarch

  126.Edmondo De Amicis, Constantinople

  127.Petrarch, Secretum

  128.Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, The Sorrows of Young Werther

  129.Alexander Pushkin, Eugene Onegin

  130.Fyodor Dostoevsky, Notes from Underground

  131.Luigi Pirandello, Plays Vol. 1

  132.Jules Renard, Histoires Naturelles

  133.Gustave Flaubert, The Dictionary of Received Ideas

  134.Charles Dickens, The Life of Our Lord

  135.D.H. Lawrence, The Lost Girl

  136.Benjamin Constant, The Red Notebook

  137.Raymond Queneau, We Always Treat Women too Well

  138.Alexander Trocchi, Cain’s Book

  139.Raymond Roussel, Impressions of Africa

  140.Llewelyn Powys, A Struggle for Life

  141.Nikolai Gogol, How the Two Ivans Quarrelled

  142.F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby

  143.Jonathan Swift, Directions to Servants

  144.Dante Alighieri, Purgatory

  145.Mikhail Bulgakov, A Young Doctor’s Notebook

  146.Sergei Dovlatov, The Suitcase

  147.Leo Tolstoy, Hadji Murat

  148.Jonathan Swift, The Battle of the Books

  149.F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender Is the Night

  150.Alexander Pushkin, The Queen of Spades and Other Short Fiction

  151.Raymond Queneau, The Sunday of Life

  152.Herman Melville, Moby Dick

  153.Mikhail Bulgakov, The Fatal Eggs

  154.Antonia Pozzi, Poems

  155.Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Wilhelm Meister

  156.Anton Chekhov, The Story of a Nobody

  157.Fyodor Dostoevsky, Poor People

  158.Leo Tolstoy, The Death of Ivan Ilyich

  159.Dante Alighieri, Vita nuova

  160.Arthur Conan Doyle, The Tragedy of Korosko

  161.Franz Kafka, Letters to Friends, Family and Editors

  162.Mark Twain, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

  163.Erich Fried, Love Poems

  164.Antonin Artaud, Selected Works

  165.Charles Dickens, Oliver Twist

  166.Sergei Dovlatov, The Zone

  167.Louis-Ferdinand Céline, Guignol’s Band

  168.Mikhail Bulgakov, Dog’s Heart

  169.Rayner Heppenstall, Blaze of Noon

  170.Fyodor Dostoevsky, The Crocodile

  171.Anton Chekhov, Death of a Civil Servant

  172.Georg Kaiser, Plays Vol. 2

  173.Tristan Tzara, Seven Dada Manifestos and Lampisteries

  174. Frank Wedekind, The Lulu Plays and Other Sex Tragedies

  175.Frank Wedekind, Spring Awakening

  176.Fyodor Dostoevsky, The Gambler

  177.Prosper Mérimée, The Etruscan Vase and Other Stories

  178.Edgar Allan Poe, Tales of the Supernatural

  179.Virginia Woolf, To the Lighthouse

  180.F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Beautiful and Damned

  181.James Joyce, Dubliners

  182.Alexander Pushkin, The Captain’s Daughter

  183.Sherwood Anderson, Winesburg Ohio

  184.James Joyce, Ulysses

  185.Ivan Turgenev, Faust

  186.Virginia Woolf, Mrs Dalloway

  187.Paul Scarron, Roman Comique

  188.Sergei Dovlatov, Pushkin Hills

  189.F. Scott Fitzgerald, This Side of Paradise

  190.Alexander Pushkin, Complete Lyrical Poems

  191.Luigi Pirandello, Plays Vol. 2

  192.Ivan Turgenev, Rudin

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