Maid Service

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Maid Service Page 7

by Peter Birch

  “I’m a school prefect,” Daniel pointed out. “He’s safe.”

  Peter took a moment to reflect, weighing the extra two pounds against the added risk of involving somebody not in Grove House, but he had learned to trust Daniel’s judgment and quickly nodded.

  “Alright, he’s in.”

  “How about Paxton?” Ben Thompson suggested. “He owes me ten and six-pence, and I can make the rest up.”

  “Paxton’s alright, I suppose,” Peter agreed. “But that’s it, or we won’t all be able to see. So what, Thompson, Sumner? Are you in or out?”

  Ben Thompson immediately turned to Stephen Richards, who handed over two more pound notes before his friend could even begin to speak.

  “Pay it back before the end of term, that’s all,” Stephen told him.

  “You’re a sport, Richards.”

  “I can do it, I suppose,” Clive Sumner admitted.

  “Of course you can,” Peter responded. “After all, think how you’d feel if you missed out. So that’s eight of us?”

  “Nine,” a voice from the door spoke up. “I’m in.”

  “You weren’t invited, Gardiner,” Peter pointed out, addressing the newcomer.

  “Get lost, Gardiner,” Gabriel added as Hunter got to his feet with the clear intention of taking more direct action against the unpopular boy.

  “I heard!” Gardiner squeaked desperately as the tall American took him firmly by the collar and the seat of his trousers. “I heard it all!”

  “Oh no you didn’t,” Ben stated. “Now out!”

  “Yes, I did!” Gardiner went on desperately as he was frog-marched back towards the door. “You’re going to watch a load of girls from St. Monica’s getting whacked on the bare. I’ve got to see that. Come on, don’t be beastly. I’ve got as much right to watch as you!”

  “No you haven’t,” Peter pointed out. “It’s strictly by invitation only, and it costs two quid.”

  “Hold on,” Daniel said, raising a hand as Hunter prepared to eject Gardiner back into the corridor. “He’s a sneak. We’re going to have to let him come.”

  “I’m not a sneak. You’re the sneak, Stewart!” Gardiner exclaimed.

  “Stewart’s right,” Clive agreed. “We can’t trust him.”

  “Why should you trust me if you’re not going to let me come?” Gardiner demanded.

  “Oh alright,” Peter sighed. “That’s two pounds, please, and you’re to stay well out of sight.”

  “I’m not paying,” Gardiner answered. “I don’t have two pounds.”

  “Why don’t we just throw the little sneak in the river?” Hunter Rackman suggested.

  “Because he’s a sneak,” Daniel pointed out.

  “You just wait, Gardiner,” Hunter threatened, but he’d let go and Gardiner merely stuck out his tongue in response.

  Peter drew in his breath, far from happy with the sudden turn of events and desperately trying to think of a way to get rid of Gardiner. Yet there seemed to be no way out. In all the years he’d know the other young man, not only at Broadfields but at the preparatory school they’d shared, Gardiner had repeatedly used the threat of going to the authorities to get what he wanted. It was no idle threat either, as Peter had discovered to his cost years before.

  “Nine of us it is then,” he sighed, “and that’s it, nobody else.”


  “I thought I said nobody else?” Peter demanded, eyeing the group of young men in front of him with rising horror.

  There were at least twenty, including every single one of the seniors from Grove House and several with bad reputations, including the odious Oliver Tinknell, Gardiner’s friend and a bully as well as a sneak. Yet there was nothing to be done, with the group spanking organized for that evening and the money from those he’d agreed to in his pocket. To send anybody away was courting disaster. In any case, he had no way of preventing them from following him to St. Monica’s. He made to speak, intent on appealing to their common sense, but the expressions of hopeful lechery on their faces were far from encouraging.

  “What are we waiting for?” Porky Jupp demanded. “Where’s all the fanny you promised?”

  Peter let the question hang before choosing his tone carefully. While Porky was no sneak, he had some very unpleasant ways of making his displeasure known to anybody who annoyed him. Others began to echo Porky’s sentiments, and even some of Peter’s friends were beginning to look doubtful, so at last he raised his hands and spoke.

  “Be cool, boys. These things can’t be rushed. First off, this is not a free show. I need your money, two quid each.”

  There was instant rebellion, some declaring the price too high, others refusing to pay at all, but those who’d already put their money down finally came to his rescue, forcing the remainder to pay up or at least give their word of honor to do so later. Peter was pretty sure they wouldn’t but, with over thirty pounds in his pocket, the money was the least of his worries.

  “Next up,” he declared, “we have to get to St. Monica’s, so follow me and be quiet.”

  He set off, keeping a good pace in the hope of losing at least some of his eager followers while frantically trying to work out how to allow twenty excited boys to watch the spanking without giving themselves away. The idea had been to peer in through the windows at the back but, while nine quiet, well-disciplined voyeurs might get away with it, the pack that followed him along the river bank and into the woods was anything but quiet and had all the discipline of a drunken seaside outing.

  The spanking was due to start at six and he’d called for people to gather behind the science labs immediately after tea. That would leave enough time for the group to make their way to St. Monica’s and get into the concealment of the woods before Vicky led her little troop of girls out from the convent. As it was, he had reached the edge of the playing fields with half-an-hour to spare and, by five minutes to the hour, eighteen of his troop had joined him. The others seemed to have gotten lost or given up, including several of those who would have represented the greatest liabilities, and it was with rising confidence that he peered out from the foliage.

  “I told you so,” he remarked to Daniel Stewart beside him.

  “I never doubted you,” Daniel answered, licking his lips in expectation.

  It was a long way to the convent wall, but there was no mistaking the quality of the group of girls who’d just come out of the rear gate. All were in uniform of red tartan skirts and crisp white summer blouses, long socks and smart black shoes. Vicky was conspicuous, taller than the rest, Tiffany also, with her dark bobbed hair, bringing Peter an unexpected pang of jealousy and irritation at the thought of some of the people who would shortly be feasting their eyes on his girlfriend’s naked rear.

  “They look pretty cheerful, for girls who’re about to get whacked,” Daniel remarked.

  “Spankings are pretty regular at St Monica’s,” Peter assured him with an attempt at bluff confidence. “I imagine they get used to it. Either that or, like Tiffs, they get to like it. Remember, getting it this way means they don’t get it from the nuns.”

  “The nuns do them in front of assembly, sometimes,” Ben Thompson sighed, his voice full of longing.

  “Just as long as there’s plenty of fanny on show, right?” Porky Jupp remarked.

  “All you could possibly want,” Peter assured him. “Now get back, or they’ll see us.”

  They retreated a little way into the wood, Daniel and Hunter having to pull Porky Jupp back by force to stop him giving himself away as the girls approached. Peter’s gaze remained fixed, and he found himself growing ever more excited as the girls drew near, no less delighted then his friends by the thought of so much nubile flesh put unwittingly on display. Even Porky went quiet, his mouth slightly open as he took in the display of bare thighs and jutting impudent breasts beneath white cotton blo
uses. From such a beautiful procession, it was utterly impossible to decide which of the girls was the most desirable.

  Tiffany herself was a strong contender for the most beautiful, and for all their intimacy the thought of seeing her stripped by Vicky helped to set his heart racing. Charlotte came next in line, as bouncy and full of life as ever, as if thoroughly looking forward to what was supposed to be a punishment, somewhat to Peter’s disappointment. Alice’s pretty, elfin beauty and nervous manner inspired mixed emotions: sympathy and pity for the thought of such a frail, sensitive waif having to submit to the pain and indignity of a bare bottom spanking; combined with a powerful lust for exactly the same reason. Christine was more delicate still. But even if he hadn’t known her reputation, the cool arrogance with which she carried herself made him yearn to see her panties pulled from her pert little cheeks before being smacked up to a glowing pink. Emerald came next, as golden and beautiful as ever, but with her face set in a haughty scowl at the thought of what was coming to her. Last was Katie, the smallest of all and the most nervous, with her expression alternating between a sulky, rebellious pout and wide-eyed fear. Katie’s neat ponytail and studious little glasses making her seem an even more incongruous recipient.

  Peter waited until the last of the girls had disappeared behind the pavilion before signaling his companions forward. They came in a scrum, quiet enough but each eager for a good position at the windows, and when Peter peered inside he half expected to find the girls staring at him and his companions in shock and outrage. But his timing had been perfect and Vicky had only just reached the steps. With a last, urgent signal for the others to be quiet, he made himself as comfortable as possible and settled down to watch, praying that the girls would be too caught up with the thought of their approaching spankings to pay much attention to what was going on outside.

  Vicky entered the changing area, to stand with her arms folded beneath her breasts. Tiffany followed, with a quick glance to the window, puzzlement, then shock as she made out the silhouettes of the boys and realized how many there were, but Vicky was already barking out orders.

  “Line up, faces to the wall, and quickly, or you’ll get extra.”

  The girls obeyed, some looking genuinely sorry for themselves, others playful, and in Charlotte’s case openly flirtatious, sticking here tongue out at Vicky and giving her bottom a deliberate wiggle as she got into position. Peter realized that Tiffany must have told her friend what was really going on. Still, if the boys thought there was anything odd about Charlotte’s attitude to being punished, none gave any hint of it, all now silent and alert.

  “Now,” Vicky continued once the girls were safely lined up. “This is how it works. First, you go bare. Take a safety pin and fasten your skirts up, nice and high so that your knickers show. Got that?”

  As she finished she offered a handful of safety pins to Tiffany who, after a moment of hesitation, took one and lifted the back of her skirt to reveal a pair of full white cotton panties. As usual, her undergarments were so tight they seemed to have been painted onto the glorious swell of her rear cheeks. The punishment had begun and the blood was already pumping into Peter’s cock as he watched his girlfriend give a shy glance over her shoulder before pinning her skirt up to leave the seat of her panties on show.

  Charlotte seemed to be in a hurry to get her knickers on display, tugging her skirt up and fastening it in place to expose a cheeky, rounded bottom well packed into green gym knickers with a good deal of girlish flesh bulging out around the sides. Alice was more hesitant, biting her lip, eyes downcast. But she did as she was told, fumbling her skirt up and pinning it into place to expose her tight little bottom, nicely set off in snug fitting white panties. Christine was more confident, her expression still thoroughly self-satisfied as she casually flipped her skirt up over her panties and pinned it into place. Emerald gave the impression that she felt she ought to have been the one doing the spanking, scowling as she complied with Vicky’s orders, but making just as fine and just as undignified a display of herself as the others. Only Katie made any real fuss, pausing with her skirt held up just far enough to hint at a pair of neat, panty clad cheeks before turning to speak to Vicky.

  “This isn’t fair, Vicky, I …”

  “Be quiet!” Vicky barked and Peter realized that Katie had been on the verge of giving the game away. “I said silence. Now do as you’re told and get your skirt pinned up.”

  “Oh alright,” Katie answered. “But I don’t see why you can’t just spank us, instead of being such a beast about it. It’s embarrassing!”

  “That’s why she’s making us do it, stupid,” Christine put in.

  “It’s half the fun,” Charlotte added.

  “Be quiet!” Vicky shouted again. “Right, Katie, Christine, Charlotte, for speaking out of turn you can get it with your knickers in your mouths to shut you up. You other three, get them bare and gag them.”

  “Not that! That’s dirty!” Christine protested.

  “Silence!” Vicky snapped. “Alice, do it!”

  Alice obeyed with a relish that belied her shyness, and in an instant Christine’s panties had been whipped off and stuffed into her mouth. Tiffany and Emerald gave Charlotte and Katie the same ignominious treatment, leaving all three girls scowling furiously over mouths plugged full with their own discarded panties, while each presented a bare, pink bottom to the room and the watching eyes of the boys.

  “That’s better,” Vicky said, her voice now soft and cruel. “But in the interest of fairness, I think all six of you so should get the same treatment. Tiffany first.”

  Charlotte lost no time in ducking down to divest Tiffany of her panties, exposing her perfect bottom and making her step out of them before bunching them up and forcing them into her friend’s mouth with obvious relish. Christine followed suit without having to be asked, her expression as cruel as it could possibly be for a girl with her own panties in her mouth, as she stripped Alice’s bottom bare and made her eat her knickers. Katie was less forthright when it came to dispatching Emerald, waiting in hesitation even when Vicky gave her an encouraging nod. But Emerald spoke up.

  “Go on then, Katie, let the wicked little bitch have her fun.”

  “I’ll remind you of that remark while you’re over my knee,” Vicky remarked. “Come on, Katie, take her knickers off and in her mouth they go.”

  Katie made a face, but quickly ducked down, taking hold of Emerald’s panties and rolling them down to expose full, golden cheeks. The American girl bent to allow the tiny garment to be removed from her feet, and the movement gave just a hint of the ample fur that protected her precious little peach. Peter swallowed hard at the sight, while a faint but rhythmic slapping noise from his left suggested that at least one of his companions had been unable to contain himself and begun to masturbate.

  Emerald’s panties were packed into her mouth and the girls’ exposure was complete. Each of the six had her skirt pinned tightly up and her bare bottom showing as all the girls got back into line. Vicky now looked exceptionally pleased with herself and didn’t seem to be in any hurry, walking up and down the line of humiliated girls before speaking once more.

  “Hands on your heads, feet apart, bottoms out. That’s right, good girls, push them right back. That’s how the rest of you are to wait while I give you your spankings. So let me see, who’s first?”

  The girls’ new position left them even more exposed and vulnerable than before, their bottoms not only bare but slightly spread. What little dignity they had left was now entirely dependent on the how full their cheeks were. For Emerald and Charlotte the new position made no real difference, but the twin swell of Tiffany’s pussy lips now showed clearly between her thighs, while Katie was making an involuntary display of a little pink slit and the smooth lines that led up and into her gorgeous derrière. Christine’s situation was worse still, with her petite cheeks parted well enough to present a fine view
of her sex, and the rich down that sought to cover it. Alice, more slender still, had no modesty left to her whatsoever, with the rear view of her tight pink cunt fully exposed along with the paler knot of her anus, every fold and crevice of private, feminine flesh open for inspection to the line of ogling young men.

  A groan from further down the line suggested that the display of female flesh had become too much for another of Peter’s companions. He gave a quick, irritable glance to the side although in truth his own cock felt fit to burst. None of the girls took any notice, too lost in their shame and general predicament to take anything in but their exposed backsides and Vicky’s smiling cruelty as she continued her inspection. Katie had begun to sob, while the tears were rolling slowly down Tiffany’s face, and even Charlotte seemed less sure of herself than before. Only Emerald and Christine were making any attempt to retain their poise, but it was the American girl who broke first, tugging her now soggy panties from her mouth as she twisted around.

  “You said spankings, Vicky, that’s all.”

  Vicky gave a single, cool nod, then spoke again.

  “Okay, if you’re so keen, Emerald. Get your knickers back in your mouth and let’s get you spanked. Over my knee, now!”

  She pulled out an old, wooden chair as she spoke and quickly sat down, her knees extended to make a lap. Emerald was looking daggers as she came over, but did her best to make a good display of herself, no doubt mindful of the competition prize. Her feet were braced slightly apart on the floor, her bottom lifted high to create a perfect split peach of girl flesh with her plump, golden furred cunt on display between her thighs and the pale brown pucker of her anus winking sullenly in the evening light, while her full breasts hung heavy in her blouse and her hair created a curtain of gold around her face.

  “There we are,” Vicky said cheerfully. “Just the position for you, Emerald, over my knee with your bum in the air, ready for spanking. Yes, and how does it feel, Emerald, all bare and ready, knowing I’m going to spank you, to spank your naughty bare bottom in front of all your friends. What did you call me, a ‘little bitch’? Well, just for that the girls can watch your spanking. Come on, all of you, take a good look and remember her like this, with her pretty golden cunt all bare and her little butt hole showing.”


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