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Deserter Page 9

by Myers, Shannon

  “I need a drink and a whore. Pres?” Comedian followed us inside. “You name it and I’ll get it for you.”

  I wanted a shower and a fuck, but Wolverine obviously had something on his mind. I clapped Comedian on the shoulder. “I’m good.”

  Everywhere I looked, men were celebrating. It was deafening… but they deserved every bit of it.

  I waited until Comedian hit the bar before turning back to Wolverine. “I’m assuming you need a word with me?”

  He nodded and gestured toward my office. “We got a problem.” He shut the door before elaborating. “Today was collection day and one of our clients couldn’t pay up.”

  I nodded and took a swig of beer. “Yeah, and? Happens all the time. That’s always been our policy. They pay, in one form or another, and don’t make the mistake again, am I right?”

  He gnawed at his lip. “Well, usually, but the guys—”

  “Who was it?”

  “Richard Cross.” He hesitated, and I wracked my brain to put a face to the name.



  I shook my head when it clicked.

  Country club.

  He was the pretentious fucker who’d tried getting a discount on his nose candy. I’d never met his wife, but knowing him, she was probably just as snotty.

  I bet she was going to expect us to put a towel down for her to kneel on while she sucked dick.

  The door opened and Bear stuck his head in. “Uh, Pres? Are you collecting the debt, or are we? Because I’d just like to remind you of that time that—”

  “Out,” I growled, before rounding on Wolverine. “What’s the problem? Obviously, my men did their jobs.”

  “They did something, alright—I’m just not sure you’re gonna like it.”

  “Then there’s nothing to discuss. These assholes need to be reminded of who they’re dealing with.” Without waiting for a response, I left him in my office and headed toward my room.

  It seemed that his sense of right and wrong became more skewed with each fucking day that passed. Comedian waved me over to the bar where he had two shots laid out behind a line of blow. “Trust me, Pres. You’re gonna want this.”

  Under normal circumstances, I didn’t touch the drugs. That had been Dragon’s downfall, and I knew that I needed to run this club with a clear head.

  Maybe it was my frustration with Wolverine. Maybe I just felt like celebrating our victory.

  Whatever the case, I snorted the line and clinked my shot glass against his before downing it. “I’m gonna shower and then we’ll collect a debt.”

  He just grinned and shook his head. “I have a feeling you aren’t gonna be sharing this one.”

  Almost every eye was on me as I walked toward my room and I watched with amusement as the club whores fought to keep their attention. Richard’s wife must have been one hell of a catch if it had the guys this fucked up.

  I’d barely turned the door handle when the breath left my lungs. There was no way in hell that this was Richard’s wife.

  At the sound of the door opening, she’d backed herself into a corner, looking like a wild animal caught in a trap.

  I ran a hand roughly over my face as I took her in. Dark brown hair hung in loose waves past her shoulders, half of it tied up with a pale pink ribbon. The ribbon matched her bohemian mini dress, complete with bell sleeves.

  No denim jacket. No mini skirt. Not one goddamned neon color anywhere on her. This girl was clearly living in the wrong decade.

  Her green eyes widened as she studied the patches on my kutte. I must’ve looked like a fucking savage to her. The fear in them faded into something like confusion the longer she watched me; as if she’d been expecting someone older.

  Most people did.

  She looked like an exotic gypsy with thick dark eyebrows and full lips that left my dick straining against the zipper of my jeans.

  Her bare feet were coated in a layer of sand and I wondered if she’d lost her shoes on the way here or if they, like her family, were waiting at home for her.

  “Who the fuck are you?” I growled.

  She swiped at a lone tear running down her cheek and I noticed the faint discoloration of a bruise. “C-Celia. Celia Cross. My mom and dad are going to be looking for me. They’ll call the police.”

  Jesus Christ, they’d taken his fucking daughter.

  “Well, C-Celia Cross, your fuckin’ daddy is the reason you’re here. What do you say to that?”

  “If you’re looking for money, my parents have it. I’m sure they’ll pay you if you just let me go—” Her voice broke off in a sob and she wrapped her arms around herself. All she succeeded in doing was drawing my attention to her tits.

  Tits I wanted in my mouth.

  Comedian was right. I wasn’t going to be sharing this one.

  “How old are you?” I liked the way she seemed to jolt every time I spoke.

  Her eyes landed on the mattress before coming back up to meet mine. “I just turned seventeen.”

  Fuck me.

  She was legal, but just barely.

  “Stay.” One command that should’ve been simple enough to follow, but the minute I turned my back, she launched herself at me.

  Celia’s fingernails raked across my beard and down my neck. I enjoyed the pain though and let her continue her assault. She had to know that I could feel every last one of her curves with the way she was molded around my back, fighting for her life.

  The kitten had claws.

  If anything, it just made me harder.

  “You don’t follow instructions, princess,” I calmly stated when her scratches became weak slaps. The wooden floor creaked beneath my boots as I turned, and she stumbled back in fear.

  Her green eyes watched me warily, clearly waiting for me to say or do something, but the hint of a spark was still there. The princess wasn’t done fighting. It was fascinating.

  No one had gone up against me in quite some time.

  Maybe that was what I’d been missing.

  A challenge.

  This time when I turned to leave, she stayed crouched in the corner. Bear met me in the hallway, rubbing his hands together. “Jesus, your face. Is she good? Fuck, I bet she is. The angry ones always are.”

  I ignored him and faced my men. “Who was responsible for this?”

  Our newest patch, Coyote, raised his index finger. “Me, Pyro, and Vex collected. She fought like hell too.” He must’ve misinterpreted the look on my face for appreciation because he kept going. “But, don’t you worry. I kept her in line. Told her all the things we were gonna do to her too. No one fucks with the club, right?”

  Pyro stood up with a wince. “We went for the Ol’ Lady, Pres, but she wasn’t around. And Coyote was warned not to lay a fuckin’ finger on your merchandise.”

  I crossed my arms over my chest and nodded. “Deal with him. I’ll be collecting the debt.” Bear looked up with a grin and I added, “Alone.”

  Wolverine leaned against the back wall and nodded in agreement at my declaration. It seemed that the old man hadn’t lost his touch, he just wasn’t on board with passing an unwilling teen around the club.

  That made two of us.

  I stalked back to my room as Comedian and several others hauled Coyote up out of his chair. The music kicked on and the party resumed.

  Celia sat against the wall and hugged her knees to her chest. Her hippie dress had ridden up over her hips, giving me a perfect view of baby blue panties.


  Her eyes flashed with rage. “I want to go home.”

  “Ain’t asking what you want, princess. I’m also not in the habit of repeating myself.” When she remained where she was, I threaded a hand through her hair and tugged her to her feet. Her eyes remained on the floor and I twisted my grip until she was forced to look me in the eyes.

  I kept her hair fisted in one hand while the other lightly stroked against her cheek before dropping down to the base of her throat. She swa
llowed against my splayed fingers and I moved my hand lower until it rested inside the V of her dress.

  Celia’s lower lip began to tremble. “Please.”

  A plea.

  My dick hardened painfully against my thigh. I’d have her saying that word again when I claimed her body willingly.

  Begging for it.

  I pulled my hand from the thin material and she instantly relaxed. “I’m taking a shower. You’ll sit on the bed until I’m done.”

  Her chin jutted up defiantly. “I’ll run the minute you leave this room.”

  “Be my fuckin’ guest, but I gotta warn you that those men out there will not be as accommodating as I’ve been.”

  She sank down onto the bed and primly folded her hands into her lap. “I can get you money.”

  I shook my head. “I got money.”

  “I won’t let you hurt me.”

  I smirked. “Princess, what gave you the impression that you were in charge here? You’re here to pay a debt.”

  Several tears splashed onto her cheeks, but she continued to glare at the wall. “If you would just let me contact my father, I can get you money… or drugs.”

  “I have both. What else you got?”

  “I don’t have anything else.”

  I rocked back on the heels of my boots. “That’s what I thought. I’m taking my pound of flesh.”

  Celia looked up at me. “I doubt you even know what that means.”

  “It means your daddy fucked up.”

  “It’s actually an allusion originating from Shakespeare’s play, Merchant of Venice. A money lender finances a fleet of ships for a merchant, but states in the contract that if anything happens to his ships, he’s owed a pound of the merchant’s flesh. Well, the ships are lost at sea.” She paused, as if realizing her outburst.

  The princess was smart as fuck and as much as I hated to admit it, I wanted to know how her story ended. “And? You always start stories and refuse to finish them?”

  She blinked in surprise. “Oh. Well, the money lender demands his pound of flesh, but the merchant gets off on a technicality. The contract stated that he could have a pound of flesh, but he wasn’t entitled to any of the merchant’s blood. Because it was impossible for the lender to obtain the flesh bloodlessly, the contract was void.”

  “What if I told you that I was entitled to a pound of your blood too?”

  The color drained from her face, but she kept her eyes focused on me. “You may get your pound of flesh, but you will never have my blood. You’ll never have my spirit—”

  I leaned down until my mouth was inches from her face, growling, “I’ll take whatever I want from you and you’ll love every second of it. Anything you have belongs to me now and, unlike the merchant, you won’t find a way out of this contract.”

  I slammed the bathroom door shut behind me, knowing that her ass would still be on the bed when I got out. She was feisty, I’d give her that. By the time she left here though, the spark would be gone.

  I lathered up with the bar of soap and washed the remnants of the Black Hawk rally from my skin, taking my sweet ass time. Maybe the wait would make Celia more compliant.

  Maybe it wouldn’t.

  Either way, I was going to enjoy collecting what I was owed.

  * * *

  “You’re… you’re naked.” Celia’s eyes widened in alarm before she averted them to focus on the wood floor.

  I toweled off my hair and beard with a grin as I walked over to the bed, dropping my clothes beside her feet. “Yeah, princess. That’s what people do when they shower.” I didn’t miss the way she took another peek at my dick when she thought I wasn’t looking.

  “I’d like to go home now. Just take me home and we can forget this whole thing ever happened. I won’t tell anyone.”

  “You’ve seen my face and unless they blindfolded you, you know where my club is. You think I’d just let you walk out of here with that information?”

  “I—I won’t tell anyone; I swear to you.”

  I dropped the towel and knelt in front of her. I even went as far as resting my forearms on her knees to really drive my next point home. I enjoyed seeing her try to keep her eyes off my dick. It hardened for the millionth time since laying eyes on her.

  “What about this aren’t you getting? You’re not leaving until I get what I want. Your daddy made a deal and guess what? He didn’t hold up his end of the bargain. That’s where you come in. You’re the collateral.”

  She shoved my hands off her lap and stood up, ready to flee. “I’m not part of any deal. My father would never do that. Whatever is going on between you two has nothing to do with me.”

  The backs of her feet connected with the dresser by the door as she inched away from me and she jumped, startled at the contact.

  “Lose the dress and any ideas you have about running.”

  “You’re a monster.”

  I nodded. “Probably. Now, are you gonna lose the dress or am I ripping it off?”

  Celia looked up from the floor and I could see the gears turning. She still thought she could outsmart me. “Your tattoos? Do they mean something?”


  I cracked my neck and calmly walked over to retrieve the knife from the back pocket of my jeans. “Last chance.”

  She let out a small cry of alarm when I flipped it open and began fumbling with the buttons and zippers on her dress. Once it was off, she pressed the material to her chest, like a shield.

  “Celia,” I warned, and she shakily handed it over before covering herself with her hands. I folded it in across my arm, her scent flooding my nose.

  Christ, she smelled good.

  “Take it all off.”

  She squeezed her eyes shut and swallowed before complying. Her nipples hardened immediately, and I clenched the dress in one fist and the handle of the knife in the other. Most of the club whores stuck to a steady diet of crank until their bodies were almost skeletal.

  Not her.

  Celia had a woman’s body with curves that were begging for my hands. When she reopened her eyes, they were filled with hate. It gave me sick satisfaction to see the spark hadn’t been extinguished.

  If she was fire, then I was gasoline.

  And it was going to be one hell of an explosion.

  “Lay back on the bed.” When she opened her mouth to protest, I flashed the blade again. The minute her spine hit the mattress, I decided against dragging things out.

  I just needed to fuck her and then I’d be in control again.

  She came up off the bed and gripped my forearm when the back of my fingers brushed against her pussy. “No.”

  “No?” I broke her grip and tugged her back down to the mattress by her hair before pinning her hands above her head. The position pushed her tits up toward my face and I cupped one with my free hand, running my thumb over her nipple until it hardened again.

  Celia kept her head up and eyes on me, quietly watching, as I brought my mouth down over the other and sucked it in between my teeth.

  “Mmmm,” she moaned, before sucking in a startled breath. She began struggling beneath me again, fighting to free her hands from my grasp.

  Betrayed by her own body.

  “Shh… don’t fight me, princess.” Her hips bucked beneath me as I lowered my hand and trailed my fingers roughly across her slit. “You’re wet for me.”


  There it was again.

  Keeping her pinned in place, I inserted the tip of my middle finger. Celia made a noise of protest and began fighting to get away from me.

  “Hit me again and I’ll throw you out there with them. Are we clear?” I growled in her ear.

  She nodded and bit down on her lip as I pushed inside of her again. Tears ran down her cheeks, but she stayed quiet and stared up at the ceiling.

  Her chest shook with silent sobs when I added a second finger and began lazily pumping them in and out of her tight pussy. I couldn’t deny that I was wondering h
ow my cock was supposed to fit without breaking her apart.

  With a growl, I sped up the movements and Celia jerked underneath me with a loud cry. I forced my fingers in deeper and fucked them in and out until her body stopped resisting. I didn’t notice the blood until I pulled back.


  I released my grip on her hair and moved back to the foot of the bed. “You’re a virgin?”

  Tears clung to her lashes, and she nodded before turning away.

  Despite what it looked like; my club hadn’t had to collect many debts in the form of flesh. Celia was our first in a long time.

  She’d be my first, period.

  Sure, I’d watched a few go down, but preferred the company of women who were willing. Had it been Richard’s wife or anyone else, I would’ve taken a backseat and let the club take payment as they saw fit.

  Goddammit, Richard.

  His daughter’s first time was going to be with a biker, and I had no fucking idea what to do with that. It wasn’t like I could take it back now.

  I wiped my fingers on the sheets before pushing them back inside of her. This time, I used my thumb to circle her clit, while keeping my movements slow until her breathing changed.

  Celia rolled her hips forward, instinctively forcing her body down onto my hand with a moan. I rubbed her clit again, this time with more pressure, and she tightened around me with a cry, squeezing my fingers to the point of cutting off my circulation.

  I rocked back on my heels and admired her fucking perfect body while she came back down. Her hands were still over her head and she panted before bringing one down to rest underneath the pale skin of her tits, nipples hardened into points.

  “Turn over.”

  She pushed herself up onto her elbows and frowned at me as I retrieved a condom from my wallet and rolled it on. “But, I’m a virgin.”

  I gripped her hips and flipped her onto her stomach. “You said that already, princess.” I stroked my length up and down the folds of her cunt until she was writhing under me.


  “What do you need?”

  I needed her to say it. As fucked up as it was, I wanted her to want this as much as I did.

  “I—” The head of my cock brushed against her clit and she shuddered before whispering, “I want you.”


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