Needing Her (The Lexington Series Book 3)

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Needing Her (The Lexington Series Book 3) Page 19

by Belle Winters

  Nick was still asleep which I thought was extremely odd. I could’ve sworn he had practice today I stuck my hand out to wake him up and my hand hovered over him. He just looked so damn peaceful that I couldn’t find it in me to wake him. Instead I decided to freshen up and head out to take the dogs on their walk. I got dressed in some yoga pants and a t-shirt, this is pretty much my usual these days. I mean with this huge stomach I refuse to make myself uncomfortable, paparazzi be damned. As soon as I grabbed the leashes off the hooks the dog’s super senses clicked in and I heard the stampede that is Marshmallow and Lucky coming from wherever they crashed at last night. Most nights they sleep surrounding Kira’s bed like little watch dogs, it’s the cutest thing ever. There’s been a few times when I’d go to check on her and find all three of them cuddled up together. I can never bring myself to shoo them off of the bed, so I’m pretty much condoning this all. So what? Bite me, at least the dogs aren’t shedding. I hooked on their leashes and went outside. To my luck there seemed to be only two reporters outside, I guess 6:30am is too early for most of these low lives, not that I was complaining. My usual path is to take them down the block and through the park, they loved barking and chasing the squirrels. I plugged in my headphones and began my walk.

  I preferred walking them at this time, before the sun is up and blazing a ridiculous amount of heat. I like to exercise and well I need to, but let’s be real here… this baby is like an extra 50 pounds and the heat makes me tired and my feet super swollen. All in all, me and the sun aren’t the best of friends these days. Right now there was still a light breeze and it looked beautiful out. We crossed into the park and the dogs immediately grew excited. They began jumping around and circling me demanding release from their leashes. I usually let them run free for a bit since they don’t go far and come back as soon as I whistle for them. God we’re lucky to have such great pets. As soon as I unstrapped them they ran off and I kept an eye on them to make sure that I pooper scoop. Yes, that took some getting used to but I am one of those people that hate when there’s dog shit all over the place especially a park. What can I say, I am a mother. We were in the park for about ten minutes and they already used the bathroom so I figured I’d give them another five or so of exercise before I made my way back. I was watching two squirrels play when I heard Lucky’s low growl. I found her instantly and she was in a defensive stance in front of Marshmallow with her teeth bared. I frowned because this was a very unnatural reaction to her. It was scarier than that first day at the dog pound when she first saw Nick. I followed the direction where her attention was to see a figure hiding behind a tree a few feet behind us. When the figure moved Lucky took a menacing step forward and I frowned. Was this person hiding because they were afraid of Lucky attacking? She wasn’t warm to strangers but she never reacted to them this way, she was normally just guarded and watchful. It looked like she was ready to kill right now.

  I cleared my throat and called out, “hello?” they seemed to try to slink more into the shadows and my frown deepened. I used my hand to block the suns glare and took a step forward. “Hi, don’t be afraid. I think you’re making my dog nervous hiding. If you come out I think she’ll be fine. I promise I won’t let her attack.” I reassured trying to calm the person. Nothing happened and when I saw them make a sudden movement Lucky started advancing slowly and began barking. I took that as my cue to do something before Lucky did.

  “Lucky, come.” I ordered. Her ears flew up and she looked back at me briefly. She seemed to be contemplating whether to listen or if she needed to remain on guard. “Lucky girl, come.” I said more sternly and her head dropped and she began to come my way. She put her head up and looked at Marshmallow who then began to follow her over. Once they were at my side, I reattached their leashes and walked towards the tree. “they’re strapped you can come out.” I tried again.

  When they still didn’t move I felt a prick of fear. What if Lucky was right and there was something to be afraid of with this person. I breathed in a huge sigh, it was becoming apparent this person didn’t want me to know they were here which probably meant that they were doing something they wasn’t supposed to. Instantly paparazzi came to mind and I grew frustrated. I stomped over to the tree where the person was and began talking as I rounded on them. “You are not seriously following me as I’m walk-“

  My words trailed off when I finally caught sight of who was there, Roger. “Hello Melanie.” He said with a smug grin.

  My nostrils flared and I felt my blood boil. If I never saw this man again it would’ve been way too soon. “You have got to be fucking kidding me.” I muttered under my breath.

  His grin turned into a full blown smile and I had the urge to slap him. “Well long time no see darling it’s great to see you too.”

  I rolled my eyes. “I can’t say that I agree. What do you want from me and why are you following me around all the time? I’ve never known of someone being this obsessed with their ex.” I told him.

  He chuckled. Yes that’s right, the bastard laughed like I just made a joke. “Oh, quite the contrary my dear. You, Melanie have made me a pretty penny or two. You’re news and people are willing to pay for it. All I’m doing is honoring what the public wants, news.”

  I scowled. “You’re a dirt bag is what you are. An annoying little fucking gnat that needs a new hobby. I should’ve let my damn dog bite your ass.”

  He tsk’d me. “Now Mel, that is no way for you to act. We can be civilized there are no hard feelings here.”

  I laughed dryly. “I beg to differ. You’re fucking bitter and that’s what started this whole mess and you’re doing your best to try to make me miserable but it’s not working. Fuck you and your news you piece of shit.” I spat. His face grew red and I knew he was getting angry, I must’ve struck a nerve. Good. Now you know how it feels to have someone you hate talk shit. His anger only spurred me on and all the pent up aggression I’ve had over the past couple of months or so started oozing out of my pores. Thinking of all the times lately me and Chris wanted something for lunch but decided not to go because they didn’t deliver just so that we didn’t give the media a story. Shit I’m fucking pregnant I should be able to indulge in what the hell I want to eat god dammit! I took a step towards him and I brought my finger up to poke him in the chest. “Ah, you don’t like being under the microscope huh? Let me tell you something Roger I don’t give a shit what you have to say about me. But keep my goddamn children out of this. You know how I feel about Shakira and you know for a fact that I don’t play with her and every time she’s photographed or mentioned I have just another reason on my list to hunt you down and break your fucking legs. I don’t give a shit what your problem with me is, but I’ll tell you next time I will not stop Nick. I’m going to let his ass loose on you and I will be front row center cheering. You’re doing all this but you seem to be forgetting you’re a fucking pansy. Any man that could put his hands on a woman is a fucking punk and you will cower in the corner if you had a man your size or better in your face. Nick has already tossed you around while injured without breaking a sweat. You go ahead and keep poking the beast, he will get your ass I can promise you that. If there’s one thing I know about him is he protects his family and that includes me. I may not know how, but if I were you I’d tread very fucking carefully. I know what he’s capable of…” I took a step closer to make sure that there was no way he could mistake threat on my face. “But do you?” I whispered and took a step back.

  At this point his face with bright red and his body was shaking in barely contained anger. Fucking good for his ass. I know what upsets him the most is because he knows that I’m completely right in everything I said. He took a step forward and his hand raised. I braced myself because there was no way I was backing down. “I’d think twice about what I’m about to do if I were you. I wouldn’t even fucking consider that I would get away with hitting me twice if I were you.”

  He took a step closer and I could see the spit flying out of his mou
th as he spoke. “Or what? You’re going to run home to get your knight in shining armor?” he sneered.

  I laughed. “No, I’ll kill you myself.”

  “Oh so he has you thinking you’re tough now huh?”

  I rolled my eyes. “No, but there is no way in hell I’m going to let you do that to me. There is a point in every person’s life where they draw the line with a person and for you, it’s way past due.”

  He took two steps towards me and suddenly I was being nudged back and almost tripped as I shuffled back. Lucky jumped in between the two of us and was watching Roger with her teeth bared. She let out a low growl and Roger immediately took a step back watching the dog. She followed him and his retreating steps quickened. “Get that thing! If it bites me I will make sure they put that thing down.” I could hear the fear in his voice.

  I pet Lucky’s head. “Good girl.” I cooed. I let my eyes find Roger. “Get the fuck away from me and stay away you hear me?”

  He frowned and looked like he wanted to argue but as soon as his mouth opened Lucky’s position shifted and she looked ready to launch and she let out a loud single bark. I guess that was enough and he backed up more and pointed a finger at me. “This isn’t over Mel.” He promised before retreating. I rolled my eyes and bent down to rub Lucky.

  “You’re getting some extra doggy treats today girl, good job.” I praised her before heading home.

  I opted not to tell Nick about our little encounter knowing it would piss him off. It’s not like we weren’t both aware he was always following me around, he just didn’t need to know that finally we came head to head. The situation wasn’t that serious to involve him, and truth be told Roger wasn’t worth it if he reacts rashly which I’m almost certain he will. Plus I didn’t need the stress I just let the whole situation roll off my back. By the time I got home it was all water under the bridge to me. I got myself ready for the day and headed to the gym to train with Chris.

  “You’re doing really well. I think you may be back a lot sooner than we thought.” I told him as he lifted some weights.

  He scoffed. “Yea, because it’s your way or get my ass kicked. I mean fine I’m bigger than you and all but you scare the shit out of me. I don’t take any of your threats lightly, you’re a violent little thing.” I rolled my eyes and he chuckled. “I might’ve even had a few nightmares that you tried to slit my throat in my sleep when I didn’t listen to you.”

  I laughed. “Good, because I will.”

  He sighed deeply. “How has Nick survived for so long? I don’t see how you wouldn’t have killed him yet.”

  I shrugged. “It’s still totally possible, I’ve been on the fence more often than not.” I admitted. You know I love Nick but he could be a pain in the ass when he decides you’re the butt of his jokes. “He’s lucky that I find him funny.”

  It was mid-May and the weather outside was gorgeous. When Chris finished his lifts he looked over to me. “Do you want to go out for lunch today?” he asked.

  I sighed. “I do kind of want something from the Deli a few blocks over. I swear they make the best sandwiches ever.” I admitted.

  “Let’s go, fuck those vultures it’s a nice day out you deserve some sunshine.”

  I shrugged and grabbed my shades. “You know what, you’re right. We deserve to have a good sandwich for lunch goddammit. I think that’s why she’s been whaling on my bladder and ribs.”

  Chris chuckled and extended his arm, “ready?”

  I looped my arm through his and threw on my glasses. “Hell yea.” And he led me outside to the Deli. We were photographed and they didn’t even have the decency to be discreet. When they stood outside of the window we were sitting next to snapping pictures as we ate I got annoyed and decided to share the contents of my chewed up sandwich with them by opening my mouth wide.

  “Ewwww Mel. That is just gross.” Chris said with a disgusted look on his face.

  I laughed and made sure to continue the conversation with my mouth stuffed. “then don’t look. Hopefully that would make the front page and people will be afraid to look at pictures of me not knowing what they’d see. At least now they know that we’re actually eating and we’re not here for their entertainment.”

  He rolled his eyes. “There is something so wrong with you.” He confessed.

  I chuckled. “My parents had me evaluated and I passed with flying colors. I’m perfectly sane.”

  He took a bite out of his sandwich and muttered. “Insane.”

  I threw a napkin at him. “I heard that.” And he only chuckled.

  We finished up lunch and headed back to the gym where we spent the next three hours working on Chris’s shoulder. Right as I was leaving he tugged on my arm. “Hey Mel, tomorrow I kind of have something that I need to do. Can we cancel for one day?” he asked.

  I shrugged. “Sure, but if I find out that you’re skipping so that you can party tonight I’m going to kick your ass.” I promised.

  He smirked. “Duly noted.” He gave me a hug and we walked outside together where Nick was waiting for me in the car. Chris saluted him and made his way to his own as I slid in the passenger’s seat.

  Nick leaned over for a kiss. “Hey babe.”

  “Hey yourself.” I told him with a smile.

  He put the car in drive and started off towards Kira’s school. “How was your day?” he asked.

  I chuckled. “Well we decided to venture out into the world for lunch. I should forewarn you I definitely gave them an Oscar worthy shot today. I can’t wait to see it and hear what everyone thinks of this.”

  His eyebrows hit his forehead. “Really, should I be worried? Tell me now if I need to stop this car to turn back and kick Chris’s ass before I strangle you.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Oh yea, they got a shot of us kissing in front of the deli and he made sure to grab a handful of my ass to make the picture perfect.” I told him dryly.

  The car swung to the right and he punched the breaks causing me to lurch forward. Thank God for seatbelts or I would’ve probably went through the windshield. “What the fuck Nick?”

  He turned to me and his face was red. Oh shit, it was only a joke… I guess it wasn’t a good one because he was livid. “Mel you kissed him?” he hissed.

  I won’t lie and say that I wasn’t just a bit scared. He was furious and it kind of sucked to have all that anger directed at me. I cleared my suddenly dry throat and stammered. “No, it was a joke.”

  He growled. “Oh no Mel don’t fuck with me, if I see that shit tomorrow you’re both dead.” He threatened.

  I leaned over and put my hand on his arm and he flinched. God I felt so bad right now, I’m never making a joke again. “I’m serious… it was joke. It was supposed to be funny you know like ha ha.” I said trying to ease him.

  “That shit wasn’t funny, at all. Never joke with me like that you hear me? Had we been next to him I would’ve laid his ass out right on the spot. When it comes to you I don’t fucking play you hear me?” I nodded and he let out an exasperated breath. “Fuck Mel. I almost lost my shit just now I can’t handle that type of shit.”

  I pouted. “Sorry… do you forgive me?” I asked.

  He scoffed. “Fuck no.” he said as he put the car in drive to get back on the road.

  I sighed. “I can tell you something to make you proud.” I encouraged.

  He rolled his eyes. “What Melanie?” he asked with an attitude that I decided to ignore for the time being.

  “Well, they were being annoying as usual and we did go to the deli for lunch and you know all the seats are by windows. Anyway, they wouldn’t let us eat in peace so I gave them a picture of my chewed up sandwich. I’m hoping that will scare our new fans away for sure. Either that or they’re going to call me a pig, which these days I’m not even sure if that’s a lie.”

  His gaze swung to me for a minute before returning to the road. “Mel that’s nasty. I am not looking at any articles or websites at all tomorrow.”

  I smil
ed. “That’s the point.” I informed him.

  We picked up Shakira and headed home. Essie made some shrimp scampi and I had thirds while Nick just watched and shook his head. That bastard had some nerve, I mean come on the amount of food I put on my plate is like a fourth of what he does and he had seconds! I didn’t eat nearly as much as he did, but do you hear me judging? Nope, I let the man eat. I decide I’m still hungry and he looks at me like I’m a greedy bastard. We watched Sherman and Mr. Peabody with Kira again before sending her to bed – it was her new favorite – and then went to our room. Nick got in the shower while I went to the bed and cut on the TV. When he joined me I threw myself on him and he sighed.

  “Do you have to be all over me? You’re like a damn octopus, I feel like there’s more than two arms and legs on me.” He complained.

  I rolled my eyes. “So you don’t want me to touch you then is what you’re saying?” I asked.

  He gave me a look and I wanted to punch him. “Duh, get off of me. You’re fucking heavy… consider a diet?”

  Oh yea, I was going to kick his ass. “YOU DID THIS TO ME!” I screamed at him as I shoved him.

  “And you’re violent? I need to find a good divorce lawyer now.”

  I growled and rolled off of him as I scooted to the edge of my side of the bed. “Fine, I don’t want to touch you either. You fucking stink anyway.” I muttered crossing my arms over my huge belly.


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