The Logan Brothers - Books 1-4: (EXPOSURE, CRASH, TWIN PASSIONS, and ADDICTED TO YOU)

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The Logan Brothers - Books 1-4: (EXPOSURE, CRASH, TWIN PASSIONS, and ADDICTED TO YOU) Page 2

by Shorter, L. A.

  “That's all I know. She left suddenly this morning.”

  He brushed his hand vigorously through his long dark hair. He seemed agitated, his eyes narrowing. He wore a dark jacket with a high collar - or was it a hood - that shrouded the top and sides of his head, creating a shadow over his face that made his complexion hard to see.

  “Who are you anyway,” I asked.

  He turned suddenly and seemed to look right at me, causing my heart to jump into my throat. I stepped back from the peephole, my breath caught in my lungs. Surely he couldn't see me? Not from a foot away from the door?

  “I'm just a friend, I need to talk to her. Are you sure she's not in there?” He spoke slower now, his words distrusting.

  I stayed back from the door, the nerves building inside me. “No, I'm not lying to you. She's gone.”

  “What's your name?” he said suddenly as soon as I'd answered. He had an authority to him, one that forced me to answer.


  “Well Alice, my name's Kyle. If you see Jen, please tell her I dropped by.”

  Clearly he didn't trust that she'd left. I stepped back towards the door and before I could try to convince him further, he was gone, walking swiftly away back down the corridor.

  My pulse began to slow as I sat back down at my desk. Who the hell was this guy? If that's Jen's boyfriend, then my God she's done well for herself. Those eyes, that jawline, those puffy lips.

  I tried to steady my mind as I returned my gaze to my books, but my heartbeat kept up, pumping away inside my chest. I couldn't focus, I needed a break, needed a distraction, and I knew just where I'd get it from.

  Tess is gonna love me for this.

  Chapter 4

  An hour later I was sat back in Tess's room once again, vodka mixer in my hand, music blaring from her iPod speakers.

  “Girl, it's good to have you back!” she was shouting as she bounded from side to side in a skimpy skirt and top.

  “Yeah well don't go getting too excited. I'm only gonna stop by for a little while. A few drinks is my limit hun - need to polish my paper tomorrow.”

  “Ah me too, now let's live a little, huh! We're young, let's act like it!”

  I knew she'd gotten her paper done days, possibly even weeks ago. She was like that - diligent at work, hard at play. Plus, she didn't have to work outside of college like I did, so could easily dedicate more time to her work if she needed to. She had it easy - not that I ever told her that.

  I needed the distraction though. I'd been working straight all day and was way ahead of schedule, so it was nice to be able to relax for once on a Saturday night without having to traipse into town and wait on people all night.

  It was the first time Tess and I had been out in a long time - too long - so I could see why she was so excited, grabbing her hair brush and lip syncing to Miley Cyrus. Not my choice of music, but fun enough.

  She jumped on the bed and started twisting her body and flicking her hair, doing her best impression of a rock star. I thought it was jarring - her pretending to be a rock star while singing along to a Miley Cyrus song! Not a combo that went together in my head.

  It wasn't long before we were cruising on down to another dorm block a few minutes walk from ours. The ground was slippery beneath our feet, and my knees were shaking beneath my large coat, the only protection I had against the biting wind.

  Tom had money, a lot of money, and despite his incredibly yawn-worthy jockness, he was actually pretty generous when it came to hosting parties, putting out plenty of alcohol and sinking hundreds of dollars into themed decorations. This time, it was 'fight-fest', I guess owing to his love of 'slasher' movies like Scream.

  What Tess hadn't told me was that, not only was the party themed, but it was fancy dress. Not that it would have made a difference if I'd known anyway - it wasn't like I had the time to go out and get an outfit.

  As we walked into the building it became clear that we'd be two of only a few who hadn't made the effort to dress up. There were vampires everywhere, ghouls and ghosts jumping out from behind pillars at unsuspecting girls, a group of werewolves howling as they downed their cups of punch. People had really made an effort.

  A guy dressed as Freddy Krueger came creeping towards us, tilting his head and shaking his long, knife-like, fingers in our direction. “Freddy's coming for you,” he growled as he approached - I guess it was a saying from one of his films.

  Tess squeezed my arm as if she was actually frightened, but it was pretty hard to be intimidated when there was another Freddy Krueger just off to his left doing the robot dance.

  “Great party Tom,” I said, recognizing his voice under the mask.

  He pulled off the grotesque visage and his handsome face appeared, a look of disappointment on it. “Ahhh, how'd you know it was me?” he moaned.

  He had short blond hair that sprung into curls and hung slightly down his forehead. His face was tanned - it always seemed to be that way - and his eyes were a shallow blue. I'd have thought he was good looking if he wasn't such a monumental dick most of the time - a stereotype who liked to play up to his image of the rich kid/star football player/womanizer. It was so immature.

  Tess, though, she did like him. I guess they were from the same walk of life - the mansions in the hills to my hut down on the plains. Not literally, of course - I didn't live in a hut - but the analogy is pretty apt. Suffice to say, they both had money, I didn't.

  “Hey Tom,” she said shyly, “I love the theme!” She was always a bit like this around Tom, her usual bounciness and confidence slightly deflated by his presence. I didn't get it personally, but I could see why half the campus had fallen for him. Tess was just one of that number.

  He smiled at her and I felt her quiver next to me. “Thanks, what can I say, I...”


  A loud chorus came from behind and he quickly turned away, flung up his hands, and roared as he launched himself into a group of guys all standing with red paper cups in each hand. One guy had put his own spin on the Edward Scissorhands outfit by strapping two cider bottles to his hands instead. Edward Ciderhands - that's what they called it.

  Tess looked on slightly forlornly as he started jumping around in a huddle of monsters and nightmarish creatures. Underneath I guessed they were some of the football team, owing to their size. I patted her on the arm. “Let's get a drink, huh?”

  It was bizarre in there - I'd never been to a party quite like it. The effort everyone put in, and the amount of money they must have spent buying or putting together their costumes, was actually pretty impressive. I saw a pretty intimidating version of Death, a couple of Jason's, and a host of cackling witches who really seemed to be staying in character. Probably drama majors.

  I lost count of the number of zombies I saw - some pretty lacklustre, others looking like they'd just walked off the set of Dawn of the Dead. There were a couple who looked like they must have spent about 3 hours in the make-up chair just for this one night. The amount of time people had on their hands. Jealous much.

  I don't know if it was just me but I was finding it hard being social in there. I had literally no idea who most of the people were - not because I didn't know them or hadn't met them, but because they were so hidden in make-up and masks that I just didn't know who I was talking to most of the time.

  They'd come up to me with their masks and make-up and start chatting away as if we knew each other. We probably did, but I didn't know it. It was as if they assumed I could see through their outfit, or just tell by their voice who they were. But no, with the amount of noise in there everyone was shouting, making their normal talking voices impossible to determine. It was fun enough though, guessing who they were by what they said or how they spoke. Only with a few did it occur to them to
actually take of their masks or reveal their true identity.

  Tess, as always, was flirting away with the football guys, trying to make Tom jealous. I just didn't get the infatuation, but it seemed to be one shared by a lot of the girls. I could see them all looking over at him and giggling to each other. Oh how simple their worlds must be. How they must actually be enjoying the college experience. If I ever had time to even think about finding a boyfriend, or even hooking up with a guy, maybe I'd be the same.

  The only guy there who caught my eye was a mystery. He hadn't made much of an effort, simply wearing a V for Vendetta mask to fit in, but it was the way he was acting that was most intriguing. He cruised around, not drinking, not talking to anyone, just subtly checking out every girl in there.

  He was tall, and I noticed a thatch of dark wavy hair sticking out from above his mask. I don't know whether he was just incredibly shy to talk to women or what, but I didn't see him utter a single word to anyone as he disappeared in and out of view.

  I tried to keep my alcoholic consumption low, my mind still filled with thoughts of getting my paper completed the following day, but I could already feel the pull as I sipped on my cup of punch. I knew that it was time to go.

  I whispered my intentions to Tess as she continued to pass the time in the company of the progressively drunk football team. She nodded me away, her mind now fixed on other things, and I headed into the back to collect my coat, stashed away in a side room when we had originally arrived.

  I felt a chill hit me as I stepped away from the crowd of ghouls, the quiet of the back rooms unsettling. After a few drinks the costumes were growing ever more unpleasant in my head, especially when so many of the guys insisted on staying in character.

  I found the room with all the cloaks and nervously rummaged through them to find my own. As I slipped it on I heard a sudden voice behind me, cutting the silence of the room.

  “Leaving so soon?”

  I turned quickly as my heart tried to climb up my throat, and saw Freddie Krueger standing in front of me.

  “Tom, you scared me, fuck man.”

  He laughed lightly and took off his mask. “Sorry Bambi, I thought you were tougher than that.”

  “Yeah, well not after a few drinks in a house full of nightmares,” I said, sucking in air.

  He walked up towards me, his eyes drunk, his hands busy. “So how about we head up to my room?”

  Wow, I didn't expect that. Most girls would have jumped on him, literally, at the chance, but not me.

  “Er, thanks for the offer Tom, but I've got a paper to finish tomorrow. I had a great time, though, thanks.”

  I tried to walk past him towards the door but he stepped in my way, pulling me in towards him. “Oh come on Alice, don't play me like that. I see how you look at me.”


  “Yeah don't look so surprised.” His words were slurring, oozing from his mouth. “Yeah, you look at me like the rest of them, don't pretend like you don't.”

  “Sorry Tom, you're a good looking guy n all, but you're not my type.”

  He scoffed at the idea. “Not your type? Then what is your type?”

  I wasn't in the mood to entertain him right now. “I don't have a type right now - only work. Why don't you go talk to Tess, I know she likes you.”

  “Tess?” He sounded confused.

  “Yeah Tess, you know, blue eyes, long legs, blonde hair, Tess. I came in with her.”

  “Ohhhh, Tess. Well if we're talking types she's not mine.”

  “Really?” I said, genuinely shocked. Tess was gorgeous - it was news to me that any guy wouldn't fancy her.

  “Yeah, too tall, not enough meat on her bones.”

  “So you're saying I do have enough meat? Are you calling me fat Tom?” I joked.

  “Curvy,” he said, “like a woman should be.” I could see his eyes washing all over me, stripping me bare one garment at a time.

  “Well I appreciate the compliment, but I've gotta go.”

  I brushed past him forcefully but he grabbed my arm. “Are you a prude Alice?” he asked, his voice now turning cruel. His breath carried the stench of alcohol, his eyes dropping and lingering too long on my chest.

  “Let me go Tom,” I said, staring at him. “Let me go now or I'll scream.” I thought that was a little bit melodramatic but it seemed to work. He released my arm and put his hands up in the air, stumbling slightly as he stepped backwards.

  “OK, have it your way.” He wiped his hands together in front of me and threw them apart before turning and walking heavily towards the door, swaying slightly under the weight of the alcohol in his system.

  Yet more proof that he is, in fact, a monumental dickhead.

  Chapter 5

  I flicked my eyes up to my room as I walked back over the frozen ground to my halls. I could see the light on through the window. I could have sworn that I'd turned it off before I left, I always did.

  I continued on into the building and quickened my pace as I entered, the carpet inside giving extra traction to my shoes. The main door shut with a heavy thud that echoed through the halls. It was quiet inside, no surprise for a Saturday night when everyone always seemed to me out doing something.

  I headed up the stairs and rounded the corner at the top. I could see my room at the end of the corridor, no light shining through from the other side. My face contorted into a frown as I looked on. I was sure it was my room that I saw the light on inside.

  I continued towards it and sent my key into the lock, turning it to the left. It wouldn't turn - it had already been opened. Did I leave the door unlocked as well?

  I opened the door slowly, reaching towards the wall with my hand, searching for the lightswitch. I flicked it on and the room was dowsed in a sickly light. I looked around the room, checking to see if anyone was in there, my heart pulsing wildly. Maybe Jenny had come back to get something, and just left the door open when she left?

  It wasn't a big room so I quickly saw that there was no one there but me. I immediately returned to the door and locked it shut. After being at that party, and after the way Tom had been, my nerves were pretty much frayed. This was just the straw that broke the camels back.

  I breathed deep and steadied my pulse. I felt a little tipsy but nothing more, and it was still only early. A good nights sleep and I'll have no trouble finishing my paper tomorrow. “Good job Alice”, I said to myself, “not only did you manage to eschew the pull of alcohol, but you also managed to say no to the dreamboat that is Tom Weston.” I spoke sarcastically, and chuckled as I did.

  I flicked on my lamp and returned to the door to turn the main light off before slipping out of my dress and into my underwear. Without Jen the room was now bare, horribly so, uncomfortably so. It was like it was my first night at college, yet to unpack, yet to deck out my room.

  My eyes were heavy as I lay there in bed, just reward for a long day spent at work and a short evening spent at play. It didn't take long for my mind to start going blank, my thoughts sending me tumbling into a dream, one filled with nothing but worry - finish my paper, find a new job. There was nothing else.


  I slowly woke in the darkness, a light sound of movement in the room bringing my mind straight back into focus.

  It was pitch black in there, the night outside dark and brooding, no light penetrating the curtains. I listened intently as my breath was caught in my lungs, my heart threatening to stop. There was someone in my room with me.

  I continued to listen as I heard the careful sound of footsteps moving towards the door. I could hear hands feeling for the lock and then a click as the lock opened. Suddenly, the door swung open, sending light crashing into the room from out in the hall.

  I saw the silhouette of a man against
the light, his tall frame dressed in dark clothing, the top of his head wavy with flowing locks. He twisted his neck to look over his shoulder as he left, and I saw the mask - the V for Vendetta mask from the party - covering his face.

  I couldn't see his eyes but knew that he could see mine, lit up by the light, stark fear etched across them. Then, quickly, he stepped from the room and shut the door. I could hear his footsteps rushing off down the hall and onto the carpeted stairs.

  I jumped from my bed and opened the curtain, looking down onto the courtyard below as he rushed out of the main door and onto the snow, pacing off as quickly as he could down the side of the building and out of sight.

  I collapsed back down onto my bed, my heart uncontrollable in my chest, and lay there shivering. He'd been in my room the whole time, the whole time I'd been sleeping. I turned the light on and looked up, seeing the wardrobe on Jen's side of the room open. That's where he'd been hiding. Who the hell was he?

  I tried to sleep but couldn't. How the hell would I be able to sleep after all of that? What the fuck was someone doing hiding in my room? Not to hurt me, otherwise he'd have done that. No, he was looking for something, and I caught him when I got back. He'd turned the light off, hiding in the closet, waiting for me to sleep. When the time was right, he'd sneaked out, creeping towards the door to escape.

  I didn't turn the light off that night as I lay there. It was still only just past midnight and the dorm was still quiet, everyone still out partying and enjoying their Saturday night - you know, doing what students do.

  Me? I was lying there, paper to finish, job to find, after being frightened half to death by a mystery man in my room, a man I'd already seen earlier that night creeping around a campus party. If I thought my life couldn't get any more fucked up, well, I was wrong.

  Chapter 6

  I did my best to put the previous night out of my mind as I sat at my desk trying to finish my paper. I hadn't managed to sleep much in the end, perhaps catching a few restless hours before settling back into my work in the early morning.


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