The Logan Brothers - Books 1-4: (EXPOSURE, CRASH, TWIN PASSIONS, and ADDICTED TO YOU)

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The Logan Brothers - Books 1-4: (EXPOSURE, CRASH, TWIN PASSIONS, and ADDICTED TO YOU) Page 9

by Shorter, L. A.

  The truth was, though, that I had all the time in the world to devote to my studies. My only commitments were in the evening, and my sessions with Mrs Jones. It wasn't like I was working a 6 hour shift each night like I used to do at the restaurant. Then I had a real excuse, but now? Now I was working a fraction of that and earning many times more. There was no real excuse.

  Tess caught me outside of the office and we headed off for a coffee before our next class.

  “So talk to me,” she said, her eyes inquisitive. “What's going on with you?”

  I knew what she was talking about - her fascination with my dancing was all consuming, a hot topic whenever we hung out. In fact, it was beginning to get on my nerves - it wasn't necessarily something I wanted to discuss all hours of the day.

  “Same old story hun.”

  “Same old story? That's what you're giving me! Come on, spill, what's going on with the stripping?”

  “Fuck Tess, keep your voice down. I don't mind you knowing but the whole damn college? You know what it's like round here - rumors catch on like an Australian wildfire.”

  “All right,” she said, hushing her voice and repeating the original question, “so what is going on? I haven't seen you much recently.”

  “It's fine, I try to block it out to be honest.”

  “Girl, come on, why are you being so closed off.”

  I wish she'd get off my case. “I don't know what you want me to say. It's a job, one I don't want to do. I do it because I have to Tess, and don't really wanna talk about it around here.”

  “Jesus Alice, chill. Breathe, just breathe.” Fuck she could be condescending sometimes.

  “Anyway,” she continued, “I don't believe you. I see it in your eye. You enjoy it.” She sat back in her chair and cradled her oversized coffee mug in her hands, a semi conceited look on her face.

  I shook my head and exhaled, trying my best to cover my lies. She'd hit the nail on the head - I was enjoying it.

  “I mean, it's not as bad as I thought it would be. Mrs Jones is pretty good at helping you learn to block it all out, to put on this front. She says it's like playing a part, acting a role. I don't really see it as being me, so it's easier to deal with.”

  Tess was looking at me with an envious eye. I knew full well she wanted a piece of the action. “Can we go down to the club?” she asked suddenly.

  She must have been kidding. “Erm, I'm not sure you're the sort of client they want down there Tess. They very exclusive.”

  “Client - no I wouldn't be a client. I'd be your friend, just seeing your place of work.”

  I shook my head. “No, just no.”

  “Oh come on, I really wanna see what goes on down there. I've always wanted to see a strip club - and even more now that you're working in one!”

  I sat back in my seat. I knew she wouldn't quit until she got her way. That's what happens when you grow up as a little princess getting everything handed to you on a silver platter.

  “They won't let you in,” I said blankly. “Private clients, all of them vetted. It's not a place where you just turn up at the door, pay your entry fee, and walk in Tess.”

  “Babe, you're not listening! I'm not a client, I'm your friend. I'm sure they'd let me in if I was with you, just to have a look around. You're the prize jewel down there aren't you?!”

  She was insufferably persistent, like a dog with a fucking bone. “Fine - fine I'll take you down there. But ONLY YOU - don't tell anyone else about it.”

  Her bright white teeth appeared from beneath her lips. “Babe, have I told anyone so far? No. Am I going to? No. God, chill out and trust me would you!”

  Trust Tess? Chance would be a fine thing.

  Chapter 23

  “Look, are you sure you want to do this?” I asked Tess as we sat outside the club in her car. I remembered the last time we'd been sat there together when I first went into the club - now it was Tess' turn, although the circumstances were markedly different.

  Her demeanor and mood was also in stark contrast to how mine had been that night, her excitement palpable.

  “Of course I want to do this!” she exclaimed as she opened the door and stepped out from behind the wheel. “I've wanted to do this since the first time I brought you here!”

  We walked over towards the club, Mace standing guard outside as usual.

  “Hey Alice,” he said as we approached. “Haven't seen you down here for a little while.”

  “Been working private clients outside the club. Mace, this is Tess, I thought I'd just show her around. Is that all right?” I pouted my lips and flickered my eyelashes as I asked, subtly puffing out my chest and enhancing my cleavage. I knew now exactly how to use my sexuality to manipulate men.

  “Err, I guess so. Yeah, sure, why not.”

  I could see Tess staring at me in a semi state of wonder as we walked past him and down the steps towards the club.

  “Damn Alice, you've evolved!”

  “How'd you mean?” I asked, as if I didn't know what she was talking about.

  “That guy, the way you were with him. I've never seen you act like that in all the years I've known you. It's good to see you finally using your gifts,” she said, eying up my breasts and laughing.

  “Hey, shut up!” I said nudging her. “Mace is just a big sweetheart really, that's all.”

  “Yeahhhh, sure, sweet for your tits.”

  I slapped her on the arm as we reached the bottom of the steps, and stopped her short before she went head first into the main club. I instinctively glanced down the corridor to the managers room at the end, hoping to see Kyle sitting there behind his desk. The door was shut, as it always was.

  “OK Tess, it's just through there. We'll have a drink and then leave. Deal?”

  “Yeah, of course.”

  “Deal?” I said again, more sternly this time.

  “Jesus Alice, yes deal. We'll have a drink or two and then go.” She winked at me as she spoke.

  I couldn't help but laugh at her. She was so flippant it was unreal.

  I pushed the door open and led her to the bar, keeping my eyes on her as we went. They were wide, drinking it all in - the debauchery, the depravity of it all. I watched her as her eyes spread around the room, stopping on the women dancing nude on stage, wrapping themselves round poles. I'd grown used to it, but to her it was an entirely new experience.

  “Come on Tess,” I said, pulling on her hand, “let's go to the bar.”

  I dragged her towards it, her head still turned towards the scene behind us. From what she'd told me, or at least intimated, she'd been involved in orgies, so I didn't quite know why this was all so amazing.

  Lexi was there, as she was most nights, looking cute as always. Her blonde hair was tied into a bun behind her head, her petite frame wrapped in the customary corset that most of the bar staff wore.

  “Tess, meet Lexi.” I grabbed Tess' shoulder and forced her attention towards the bar. She eyed Lexi up with lustful eyes as she leaned in for a kiss. And she hasn't even had a drink yet.

  “Hey, can we get a couple of glasses of wine babe,” I said to her, “I'm just showing Tess around. She's got some warped fascination with this place.”

  “I can see that,” Lexi joked, seeing Tess' eyes once more divert to the girls behind me as she put two glasses to the bar.

  Tess sucked her glass down in the blink of an eye. “This place Alice, it's amazing! It's just so, I don't know, so naughty, so wrong. All these guys looking at these beautiful women - it's so hot!”

  I looked over at Lexi, a knowing nod between us. “First time in a strip club?” she whispered to me.

  I nodded. “Doubt it will be the last,” I said lightly.

  Tess turned back t
o us and ordered another glass of wine before turning straight back to the action. Her wide eyed amazement hadn't escaped the attentions of a couple of the strippers there, who came over to inquire.

  “This a friend of yours Alice?” asked one. Her name was Tatiana - tattooed, slick black hair, fake tits, but not obviously so. I'd only spoken to her once, but during our short conversation I'd got the firm impression that she was one of the girls who were jealous of my premium status down there.

  I nodded. “Just showing her the place.”

  Tatiana turned to Tess. “You look like you've never seen a naked woman before. You want a closer look?” She leaned in closer, heaving her ample bosom under Tess' nose.

  Tess' eyes widened further, if that was possible, as she turned to me like a kid in a candy store. “Can I Alice, can I?”

  Jesus Christ. The first time I'd been faced with a girl stripping for me I'd wanted to run a fucking mile. Now here was Tess, begging to spend money on the privilege.

  “It's not cheap babe. Do you have the money? What is it Tatiana ?”

  She looked Tess up and down with a smirk on her face. “For a sexy girl like you, I'll give you a discount. Call it $75 for the dance.”

  I shrugged my shoulders. “Up to you hun.”

  Tess snatched quickly at her purse and pulled it from her bag. “Here you are - $75,” she said, passing the notes to Tatiana.”

  “Well OK girl, let's go. Follow me.”

  I couldn't help but snigger as Tess followed off behind her, the look of a kid at Christmas on her face.

  “Wow,” Lexi said, drawing my attention back to her, “your friend is - how should I put this - keen!”

  As I was about to reply the phone rang behind Lexi and she picked it up. Her expression soured suddenly as she listened to the person on the other end. She listened for a moment before taking the phone away from her ear and putting it down.

  “The boss, he wants to see you.”

  Chapter 24

  I walked down the corridor towards Kyle's office, my heart beginning to beat faster. Did he want to talk to me about another client? He hadn't sounded happy by all accounts. Maybe he was going to fire me. I never thought my heart would drop at that thought.

  I knocked on the door and heard his voice within. He certainly didn't sound happy.

  “Come in.”

  I walked in and shut the door behind me. He sat behind the desk, his expression firm and stoney.

  “What's going on in there Alice?” he asked.

  “I'm just having a drink. Is there a problem?” I kept a hard edge to my voice, like it was no big deal. I didn't think it was.

  “Not if it was just you, or even you and the friend you came in with. But when your friend then goes off and has a private dance with Tatiana, then we have a problem.”

  “Why is that a problem? What's the harm?”

  He stood up suddenly, pushing his chair back behind him and sending it crashing into the wall. “It's a problem, Alice, because your friend hasn't been vetted. It's against protocol.”

  My heart was beating a little faster now, my calmness beginning to disintegrate. “I - I didn't know that would be an issue. She's just my friend, she's safe.”

  He breathed heavily. “It's not about being safe, Alice, it's about being exclusive. This place, it works in a very specific way, unlike any other club in town. If the integrity of that system is compromised, the whole fucking thing breaks down. The rules cannot be broken.”

  I could feel my eyes welling under the force of his words. “I'm sorry,” I said weakly, “I didn't know. I'll go get her now, take her away. I'll tell her not to talk about this place, I promise she won't.”

  I turned to walk towards the door, my hands shaking slightly, my heart crashing around in my chest.

  “Wait.” he said, stopping me in my tracks. “Come back.”

  I turned and looked at him, his expression beginning to soften. “I'm sorry Alice, I know it's not your fault.” He retrieved the chair from the floor and placed it back in position, slowly falling back into it. His eyes, which had flashed red, calmed as he sat there, pouring himself a glass of whiskey.

  I stood in place, waiting for him to say something more - dismiss me or keep talking, something. He poured another glass and gestured for me to come take it. I moved over towards him and took it from his hand, my fingers slipping over his as I did. I could feel a spark run through me at his touch, a bolt of energy that struck at my core.

  He stood from his chair, his body lifting close to mine, his blue eyes mournful. He looked down at my hand, still shaking slightly, and took it, calming my nerves.

  “I'm sorry for shouting Alice. It's just - I have people to answer to. There's always people watching.”

  I glanced over at his computer and saw a screen split into multiple images. In the top left corner I could see an image from behind the bar, Lexi busily serving a customer. Next to it I could see a top down view of the stage, the camera zeroed in on the men sitting there, monitoring their actions. Then, at the bottom, I saw Tess, sitting there in private room 2 with Tatiana gyrating in front of her.

  “These are a select few angles I've had fed onto this computer,” Kyle said as I stared at the screen. “There are many more around the club, all monitored in our security room. Every square inch of this club is covered. Nothing happens in here without us knowing about it.”

  “It falls on me to ensure that everything here runs properly,” he continued. “When someone unauthorized comes down here and has a private dance, that falls on me.”

  I was beginning to understand why he'd been so angry. Clearly there were others so answer to above him who were cracking the whip.

  He moved in slightly closer towards me, his hand reaching for my face, his fingers gently rubbing along the line of my chin. “Here, though - here there is no camera.”

  His hand gripped slightly harder at my chin and pulled my face gently forward towards his. My pulse began to race as his lips approached mine. I could see his tongue slowly cross them, moistening them for the kiss. Our lips met as I closed my eyes, the world going dark, nothing but my senses to guide me.

  His mouth was so warm, so smooth, a lingering taste of whiskey on his lips. His tongue gently explored my mouth, running over my bottom lip before meeting my tongue. His scent was intoxicating, the touch of his hand at my cheek reassuring.

  He pushed me to the desk as our embrace intensified, his left hand squeezing tight at my waist and moving up towards my chest. My heartbeat missed as his hand took my breast, his touch forceful yet sensual, his fingers slipping beneath my top and under my bra.

  His right hand traced a line down from my face over my body, stopping at my hip. He pulled at my skirt, dragging the fabric up and exposing my thigh and panties. His fingers toyed with my underwear, sliding inside and behind to my ass. He gripped firm as my breath was thrown from my body, the inside of my thighs growing more warm and wet with his every touch.

  There was a sudden knock at the door and he instinctively stepped back away from me, the bulge in his pants obvious and enticing. He quickly caught his breath as he spoke. “Who is it?”

  “Sorry to disturb you sir, but you father wants to see you urgently.”

  “My father?” He sounded alarmed. “He's here?”

  “Yes sir, he's in the control room.”

  I could see his eyes grow wide with worry as he quickly composed himself. “OK, please tell him I'll be there in a moment.”

  I could hear the footsteps walk briskly away from the room as Kyle straightened his shirt and suit trousers and grabbed his jacket from over the back of his chair.

  “I'm sorry Alice, I shouldn't have done that.” He sounded worried. “Please, go get your friend and go back to yo
ur dorms. I'll be in touch.”

  He walked quickly to the door and opened it up for me to walk through. I shook my head as I walked past him, angry that our passion had been cut short. Lexi was right - I shouldn't even consider going there.

  “I'm sorry Alice,” he whispered as I passed. “I can't help it with you. I'll call you soon, OK.”

  I said nothing as I continued past him down the hall and back towards the main club. Sure he'd call me, like that would happen.

  Chapter 25

  I sat back at the bar with Lexi. Tess had still yet to appear from her private room - it seemed she was either being given an extra long dance or that she'd paid for another. I wouldn't count against either of those happening.

  “So what happened with Kyle?” Lexi asked me from behind the bar. “He sounded really angry on the phone.”

  “I don't even know what to say with that guy,” I said, speaking the God's honest truth, “he blows hot and cold.”

  “Was he angry about you bringing Tess here?” Lexi asked again. “I don't think they like it when random people come down here.”

  “Oh yeah, he was pretty clear about that.” I neglected to tell her about what happened after. “He had to go see his dad so chucked me out. He sounded worried about it. You know anything about that?”

  Lexi nodded knowingly. “I haven't met him myself but I've heard a few things. Apparently he's the owner, and not someone you want to cross. He's the reason the set up is so tight down here. As soon as someone knows who runs the place, they wouldn't even consider messing with one of the girls. It's why you don't see any security actually on guard. They're around, but hidden away in the back just in case. It doesn't matter who you are - if you mess with one of us, you get burned.”

  “Shit, no wonder Kyle sounded so worried. I guess he didn't realize his dad had seen me bring Tess in here too.” Fuck, what if he fires me.


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