Finding Friday

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Finding Friday Page 9

by Quell T Fox

  “We made out for a while, Maddox on top of me grinding his cock against mine until neither of us could take it any longer.” I pause for a moment, lick my lips and catch the heat in her stare. “He made the first move, of course. Unbuttoning my pants, freeing my cock and taking it into his hand. Fuck, I swear I almost came right then and there. He jerked me off, slowly for a few minutes before flipping me over. I heard him fumbling with his pants, either from nerves or from the alcohol. But, to be honest, we hadn’t had that much to drink.”

  I watch as her hand moves higher between her legs. I lick my lips, unable to pull my eyes away. She rubs herself through her pants, her hips moving off the seat in rhythm with her hand…slowly. Her chest rising quicker, she bites her bottom lip.

  My cock is so hard that it hurts.

  I’ve never been good with making quick decisions, so I keep watching. She continues to rub herself through her pants, quiet moans leaving her mouth, her eyes never leaving mine. I’m about to pull my cock out when the knock on my window has me nearly shitting my pants.

  “Hey! You ordered six pizzas?” I turn towards the window behind me and give a thumbs up. My eyes jump back to Friday’s and then I lose it. We laugh so hard that we are crying, tears pouring down our faces. I am laughing so hard that I can barely make it inside the place to pay for and pick up the pizzas. I fumble with my wallet and almost drop the six boxes because I can’t see through the tears. When I make it back to the car, I’m finally able to keep it together. But the image of her from just a few minutes ago is still etched into my brain and my cock gets hard all over again.

  After putting the pizza’s in the trunk with the alcohol, I pull out of the lot and head back in the direction of the motel. While on this long stretch of road that doesn’t have much on it besides trees, I pull over to the side of the road and put the car into park. I step out and walk around to her side, open the door and pull her out of the car by her arms. The look on her face is priceless, part shock, part fear, but 100% excitement. I kiss her, hard. With want and need and she allows me to. I press her against the car, digging my cock into the bottom of her belly. I reach for the handle of the backdoor, fumbling for a moment but get it open quickly. Grabbing Friday by the hips, I pull her away from the car and walk her backward towards the back seat.

  “Get in and bend over,” I whisper into her lips. It’s starting to get dark, which I am thankful for in this moment.

  She climbs in and I climb in right after her, my hands already on the button of my pants, undoing them. Her knees are on the seat, she’s facing the back of the car, her pants are off and…somewhere. I position myself behind her, gripping the seat for leverage. I line up and slam into her without waiting. There’s no need. Fuck, she feels better than I expected her too. She’s tight, and wet and oh so fucking warm. She gasps as I push my cock deeper into her before pulling out and slamming in again. She feels so fucking good that it’s taking a lot to focus on not coming right this instant. One hand on her hip and one hand on the headrest, I pull her into me, pumping into her hard and fast now because I don’t care if I cum quickly. She feels too good to stop. The build up from earlier, the talk of Mad and I, and the fact that I haven’t had my dick in something other than my hand in over a year, I am not going to last and I’m okay with that.

  Her hand moves down between her legs and she rubs her clit, she moves her hand down further cupping my balls and squeezing gently for a short moment before going back to take care of herself. I keep my rhythm, moving faster knowing that I’m going to cum any second. I feel her pussy clench around my hard cock and she tightens around me.

  “Lenny, I’m gonna…fuck!” She comes with a loud cry, her body convulsing under the weight of mine, a few more pumps and I’m done with. Her orgasm takes my own from me and I empty inside of her. We both stay there for a moment, catching our breath. I feel her slightly shaking underneath me…is she crying? I immediately move back, pulling out and making a mess all over the seat. Fuck, Maddox is going to kill me. That is the least of my worries right now.

  “D, are you okay?” I ask, with worry in my voice. Only to realize that she isn’t crying, she’s fucking laughing!

  “God Lenny, that was fucking awesome.” She says between laughing and catching her breath. Her laughter is contagious and within a second I’m laughing just as hard with her. I sit beside her, running my hand through my hair. I place my hand behind her head and pull her to me, pressing my lips against hers in a softer more…I don’t want to say loving, but, a loving kind of way.

  “Let’s get dressed and get back. The pizza is probably cold.”


  As I drive back to the motel, the thought of how stupid that was won’t leave my mind. I just fucked this girl without a condom. What if she isn’t on birth control? This is why I didn’t fuck her last night, I knew we didn’t have any condoms. I should probably stop and pick some up. And what about STD’s, fuck I didn’t even think about that part last night! Her boyfriend cheated on her…this is why I hate making decisions myself. I feel like I never make the right ones.

  My hands grip the steering wheel, serious situations aren’t my thing. I’m the silly one.

  “Do you, uh…have you…”

  “Birthday control?” She looks at me with a smirk on her face that I see out of the corner of my eye. I can’t bring myself to make eye contact with her, though. “Yeah, we’re good. I’m not that stupid.”

  One awkward conversation down, and one to go. But that one will have to wait. Yeah, it’s irresponsible of me but I don’t want her to be insulted or anything. She seems smart, she probably got tested when she found that she was cheated on.

  I can only hope. I need to work on this serious stuff.



  ​Lenny and Friday got back close to two hours after leaving. No way in fuck that it took that long to get pizza. You could drive around this town ten times and still be back in under an hour, never mind two. They fucked. I know it. I can feel it, like my cock is tingling. When our Circle is full, complete, we all feel what the other feels, that’s just how it works. The more time we all spend together, the more I realize that I am right about this girl. Now, I just need to figure out the best approach to telling her.

  ​After we all ate, we hung around and watched TV. Friday’s phone went off a few times, but she said it wasn’t the Douchebag. Who else could it be? She said she doesn’t have any family…friends? Not that I’m jealous…or maybe I am. Fuck if I know.

  ​Lenny can be a little shit, but he is smart most of the time. I’m glad he came back with as many pizzas as he did, it’s getting late now and we still have plenty for dinner. I know he wants to talk to me after Friday falls asleep, but this girl does not look like she is in the mood to sleep. They came back with two giant bags full of liquor, she is full on ready to fucking party.

  ​Speaking of…

  ​“Who’s getting drunk with me?” She asks, half in the bag.

  ​“Oh, me, me, me!” Lenny bounces up and down on his knees, waving his hands in the air. His childish antics causing Friday to laugh. That fucker.

  They definitely fucked.

  ​“Is that really a good idea, Leonard?” I ask.

  ​“Don’t fucking call me that, Maddox.” He growls back at me.

  ​I know he hates it, but he needs to be put in his place sometimes. He tends to get wild and out of control, especially when he’s drinking. And by wild and out of control, I mean with his magic and we can’t have that shit happening tonight.

  ​“We need to talk,” I say through gritted teeth. I don’t wait for an answer. I walk to the door avoiding eye contact with Friday because she’s the only one looking at me with disgust, like I’m the biggest douche on the planet right now. Everyone else knows to ignore it.

  Lenny will follow me; he always listens.

  ​I step outside, allowing the door to close behind me. I walk around the building and light up a smoke. I’m almos
t finished with it when Lenny finally makes his way outside, for a quick second I thought he wouldn’t come out this time.

  ​“The fuck, Mad?” He stands in front of me with his long arms crossed over his chest.

  ​“Do you really think it’s a good idea to get drunk around Friday? You know how you get.” I take the last drag from my cigarette and flick it away. I pull another from the pack and put it between my lips, lighting it up.

  ​“I don’t think that’s any of your fucking business, Maddox.” He’s playing with what looks like a ball of electricity. Throwing it back and forth between his hands, making it bigger and then smaller. I know he’s been itching to use his magic, he better let it out now.

  ​I step closer to him, he’s taller than me by about five inches but his height doesn’t scare me. I would never intentionally hurt him, but he needs to remember respect.

  ​“It is my business, Leonard. As Superior of this fucked up Circle.” I point my finger at him.

  ​“Stop calling me that!” He growls out, dropping his energy ball and fisting his hands at his sides.

  ​He won’t hit me.

  ​“What did you need to talk to me about, anyway?” I step away and lean back against the wall, confident that he understands what I’m telling him. I don’t care if Lenny drinks, he’s an adult he can do what he wants. But his magic…that’s another story. We need to find out more about Friday before she starts to learn our secrets. Even if I am certain she is the One, I can’t guarantee that she is going to be okay with it and stick around like this is the best opportunity to come her way.


  ​“He’s a dick, what about him?”

  ​He paces back and forth, running his hands through his hair. He’s worried about something. He’s fidgety a lot, always moving, bouncing, doing something. But I can tell that something is bothering him right now, it’s in my gut.

  ​“I think you’re right about Friday, but what if Alec leaves? Can we close the Circle without him? Do we have to find someone else? How does this work? He needs a fucking intervention or something. I don’t know how to get through to him, what to do, but I’m worried. Friday, she’s it. I know it.” His mouth opens and closes a few times like he has more to say but can’t get it out.

  ​“Lenny,” he’s still pacing. “Lenny!” He stops and looks at me, his bright blue eyes are darkened with worry. “Don’t worry about Alec, let me take care of him. He’s not leaving, he’s not going anywhere, we will be fine.”

  ​“But Mad, it’s been like—”

  ​“I get it, I really do, but it’s not your problem, it’s mine. Just do me a favor and stop worrying about it. You and Friday seem to be getting on great, so do me a favor. We need to know if she knows what she is. It’s vital to all of this and I haven’t figured out how to go about it. I don’t want to scare her off. If I can find out how much she knows then I can come up with a way to bring this up to her, but as of right now? I don’t think she knows a thing. How do you think she will take all of this?” I hook a thumb over my shoulder, pointing back to the motel room and the other guys.

  ​“She’s bad ass, Mad. Honestly, I think she will be fine, excited probably.”

  ​“Good to know.” I finish my cigarette and toss it to the ground.

  ​“Am I good?”

  ​“You’re good.” He starts to head around the corner and back inside, but pauses and turns around, a serious look on his face…what now?

  ​“Oh, by the way. I fucked her in the jeep.” He grins and hurries back inside. Any trace of worry that he had is now gone.

  ​I rest my head back against the cold concrete of the building and a smile creeps across my face. For the first time in a long time, I feel like we are all going to be okay.


  ​Friday is drunk, completely obliterated. White girl wasted kinda drunk. I’m not into the popular slang but it really encompasses what she is right now, and it is a bit much. She’s been dancing around in her underwear for the last half hour, around me and even on me. I wish she would stop. Don’t get me wrong, I can appreciate a woman, especially one with a body like hers. She is curvy in all the right places. She smells delicious, especially her long wavy hair that is flopping around in my face right now. But she is making me uncomfortable. I can admit that it’s not a hard thing to accomplish, many things make me uncomfortable, but that is not the point. It doesn’t help that the moment she came out of her room and into ours in her underwear, my dick has been hard. It’s not easy to hide, but I know that if anyone notices, I will never live it down. Lucky for me, I think she’s too drunk to notice and the guys are paying more attention to her than anything else.

  I keep looking to Lenny for help, who is sitting on one of the beds, his eyes glued to Friday and a permanent smile on his face. This kind of situation is his specialty, but do you think he’d help me? Of course not. He just keeps laughing at me and ignoring the wide eyes that I continue to give him, pleading for help. Maddox is hiding out in the corner doing something on his phone, he glances up every now and then with a fire in his eyes that I have never seen before. I can’t tell if it’s anger or something else, but I think it’s something else. Lenny is sitting back with a beer in his hand watching her and joining in with the shenanigans every now and then. He was dancing on me not too long ago, with Friday by his side. I’m not a violent person, but I did want to punch him.

  He came back inside from talking to Maddox and I know something happened, I can always tell with them two. They have a different bond than the rest of us. It’s one thing that I have never been able to figure out, and that is not something that happens often.

  Alec is laying on the bed furthest away from the party with his back to us. He could be sleeping, but I doubt it. I keep silently praying that Friday won’t make her way over there and poke the bear, that is not something that I want to deal with tonight...or ever, really.

  I trust Maddox, I always have, it is his job to lead us in the right direction. Has he done a good job so far? Hard to say, since this is the only Circle that I have been a part of. He’s the only Superior that I have ever had. I know that we are behind. Our Circle should have been complete years ago. But I can’t blame him. I can’t blame anyone, really. Sometimes this just happens. Plus, we were warned from the prophet a long time ago. Not something I choose to believe in, but the longer we go the more I don’t have a choice but to believe. Everything that she said has been true up until this moment. I hope that everything else she said will be true too, because if it is, then we will be okay one day.


  I wake up next to a sleeping, very fucking sexy and very naked, Maddox. I pray to the universe that we did not have sex last night. And not because I don’t want to, because it’s been a thought in my mind since I first saw him, but because I can’t remember it and that would be the disappointment of the century. I’d need to remember something like that, to relive it over and over again in my mind. I sit up, realizing that I do have clothes on, a t-shirt and underwear. Okay, good sign. My eyes go back to Maddox, he’s lying on his stomach, every muscle in his back popping out like he just got back from a workout or something. His skin is dripping with tattoos. His back covered in black and grey ink, along with his arms and chest. It takes everything in me to not reach over and run my fingers across his skin.

  Yeah, I want to fuck him, bad, really bad. But I also have some pride that I need to keep. It’s one of the only things that I have right now. I can’t throw myself at guys like him. He needs to work for it, if anything. Uhm, except when it comes to Lenny, I guess. But that was a different story entirely! He’s Lenny and it just felt...right, normal. With Maddox, that is going to be a big deal, something that will go straight to his head, so no, he needs to work for it so I can keep him in check. Speaking of, I look over to the other bed and notice that it’s empty. The adjoining door is opened only slightly, and I see light flickering from the TV.

  I throw the blanket
s off me and get out of bed carefully, not wanting to wake the beast. I pull on the handle to open the door and pop my head inside. Callan and Lenny are lying in one bed both awake and Alec is in the other, still sleeping. Both bears are hibernating.

  “Friday!” Lenny squeaks.

  “Shhh, you’re going to wake him.” Callan whispers while slapping Lenny on the arm and motioning towards Alec with the other. “I barely got any sleep; I don’t want to deal with him right now.”

  My eyebrows go up in question.

  “Long story. Come heeere,” Lenny taps the space on the bed between him and Callan. I waste no time squishing myself in between the two of them. This is something that I could get used to. The room is chilly, the air conditioner must be on high, but the warmth from the two guys that I’m between is enough to make me comfortable. Even though I’m on in a pair of panties and a t-shirt. Callan shifts towards the edge of the bed, moving away from me.

  “Come on, Cal, knock it off. She doesn’t bite.”

  “And how do you know that?” I waggle my eyebrows at Lenny.

  “Good point.” Lenny’s eyes flick to Callan. “Cal, I’ll make sure she doesn’t bite you. If she wants to bite someone, she can bite me.” He looks back to me and waggles his eyebrows in return

  “Don’t tempt me.” I keep a playful tone, but really, I can feel the wetness starting between my thighs.

  “Maybe I want to?”

  “Are you guys done? I’m trying to watch this movie,” Callan says, his dark green eyes glued to the TV. But he doesn’t look like he’s watching it, more like he’s forcing himself to look there and not at me. His hand is resting on his firm belly, his shirt pulled up the tiniest bit, allowing me to see the soft skin that lies underneath. He’s fully dressed and I’m curious to see more of what’s under his clothes. Callan has a nice body, he’s thicker than Lenny but not as much as Maddox or Alec. His arms have a nice, slight definition to them. Not like he goes to the gym every day, but does something to keep himself in shape, or maybe he’s lucky as fuck and it’s natural. I don’t think he has any tattoos. Or maybe they are hiding. That could be exciting.


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