Humankind: Book 1 in the Invasion Day series

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Humankind: Book 1 in the Invasion Day series Page 8

by LC Morgans

  She showered and pulled on her old clothes, which were surprisingly snug now that she’d piled on some muscle mass, so was forced to leave the top button undone on the jeans. There was a knock on her door, and Silas entered a moment later. He looked amazing out of his combats, having clearly done the same as she just had, and he looked relaxed and comfortable in shorts and a t-shirt.

  “You’ll be far too hot in those. Don’t you have anything else to wear?” Kyra guessed her embarrassed look must've said it all, and he quickly reached for a nearby drawer. “This is my sister’s room, so I’m sure there must be something you can borrow,” he added as he rooted through the belongings inside. Silas pulled out a stunning white summer dress and threw it to her with a smile. “You’ll look beautiful in this, and we can go shopping tomorrow for some new civvies for you.” She nodded in agreement, and while it felt strange borrowing his sisters bedroom and clothes, she knew they were just on loan for the time being, so sucked it up and got on with it.

  While he turned away, she slid off her jeans and shirt and put them straight in the trash. They were the old Kyra, and she never wanted to wear them ever again. She slid on the dress, turned and looked in the mirror, and could see he was right—it looked stunning. The strappy shoulders and fitted collar fit tightly over her average sized bosom, but made them look bigger somehow, and the material fell around her waist in layer after layer of delicate white cotton that was flattering yet comfortable.

  “Will I do?” she asked, and Silas turned back to check her out. He opened his mouth to speak, closed it again and coughed. “I’ll take that as a yes.” He nodded and stepped closer, wrapping her in his arms as he went, and Kyra immediately climbed up onto her tiptoes to reach his mouth with hers. He kept his hands to himself, but she could feel them both heating up in their embrace. Not yet, she told herself. She needed to know some more about the real Silas McDermott first, and especially how it was he had this house at his disposal, while the rest of their friends had gone back to their tiny family homes or on vacation with nothing more than a backpack and a tent to sleep in. There was also part of her that needed him to see and respect the young woman she was beneath the combats, not just the soldier he saw everyday. When they were on the base, it was too easy for him to assume the role as her superior, but not here. Away from Fort Angel they were just like any other young couple, and they needed to get to know each other properly for a little while before exploring their relationship anymore.

  Kyra stepped back and peered up at Silas through her lashes. “Why don’t you give me the tour, and tell me what on earth we’re doing in such a luxurious place?” she asked, and grinned.

  “Yeah, I guess I wasn’t very forthcoming about all this, was I?” he asked as he took her hand and steered her back out into the hallway. Silas then stayed quiet about the how’s and why’s as he showed her around the large house, along with all its six bedrooms, state of the art kitchen and living room, and numerous dens, and they finished off at the private pool at the back of the house. “My family is all in the military. I always knew I’d join, my father informed me so as a child, and I never questioned it. He’s now a General in the Legal Division, along with my mother who’s a Colonel. My big brothers are both Captain’s in the police force, and my sister is a nurse specializing in genetic research with the Medical Division.” Kyra was in shock. She’d heard that many of the middle-class sector families joined the army, but hadn’t realized how they could also be made up of service men and women throughout. She guessed she’d been more out of touch with the real world than she’d realized during all her years of living in the downtown slums of L.A. They'd been fed and raised safely, but that was where any care or consideration ceased. Now she was just getting a taste of how the upper-classes lived, and in all honesty she wanted more. This world felt good, the clothes and the quiet cleanliness of it all felt nice, and it seemed welcoming if you were hardworking enough to achieve it. She knew she could do it, and that there was a part of her that felt like she deserved it.

  “How come you’re in a lower sector of the army? Didn’t you want to climb higher?” she asked, hoping he wouldn’t take offence to her query. She hadn’t meant to question his ambition or anything, but it seemed surprising that with such a high standing family he hadn’t also ended up in one of the higher ranks alongside them. Silas nodded and handed her some fruit he’d just plucked and peeled from a nearby tree.

  “I was a typical youngest child. I didn’t concentrate, and I didn’t care,” he replied, and Kyra was surprised. All she’d seen the past year from him told her quite the opposite, and she flopped down into one of the chairs set out on the patio with a thud. “I thought I’d get through on my name alone, but I was wrong. I learnt a huge lesson on the final day of my primary exercise. Our platoon was one of the bottom, and I wasn’t even offered secondary training. It was only when I came back after summer leave and begged the Commander to give me one last try, that I picked my ideas up out of the gutter and actually started working on proving myself. I’m still on that last chance, and I’ll never be able to thank Lt. Psy enough for giving me it.” Silas bit into his own piece of fruit, and watched Kyra with a thoughtful expression. “I’d like to continue up the ranks eventually, and he’s the man who’ll decide when. I’m also hoping that perhaps the results of this year’s intake will help me, and I’ve you to thank for that.” He slid to his knees before her and cradled her face in his hands.

  “Not me!” she shrieked, and was taken utterly aback. “Our platoon did well and won together. You were a great leader, Silas. You pushed us all every step of the way, and we were lucky to have you.” She meant every word, and was pleased to see the pride in his stare.

  “I doubt you’ll ever realize just how incredible you are,” he told her, leaning closer. Silas pulled her face down to meet his and ran his thumb over her lips while staring at them thoughtfully. “It’s a beautiful trait, modesty. Your innocence and passion are contagious, and I know you’ve infected me. I want more, I want to do better—to be better. I didn’t want any of those things before you came wandering into my life and downright told me you weren’t settling for anything less than what you deserved. All your life you’ve been held back because of your bed in that foster home and the status it gave you, but now the world’s your oyster, and I can’t wait to see what you do with it.”

  Kyra was his—gift-wrapped, claimed and ready for collection. Silas had been a constant source of affection and kindness all wrapped up in a grumpy hard-ass package, and one that’d pushed her to her limits, but then kissed away her bumps and bruises at the end of it. She’d needed all of that throughout the entirety of her transformation from foster kid to soldier, and he’d known it. With those words, he’d truly set her free. He’d done in a few sentences what flying all the way to Hawaii or refusing to return to downtown L.A hadn’t been able to, he’d given her proof that she belonged and was accepted in this world.

  In his eyes, Kyra had found the person she wanted to become, and evidently so had he in hers. They'd built each other up in a time where humans no longer had their own say or took charge of their lives. Under the reign of an entirely different species that could crush them if they so desired, they'd found purpose and a reason to serve and succeed. She didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

  “I think I just fell in love with you, Silas McDermott,” she said with a lump in her throat, and tears prickling in her eyes.

  “I’ve loved you from the very first moment I saw you in that school with your glasses on your nose, and a chip on your shoulder.” Silas grabbed Kyra and pulled her up off her feet. He wrapped her legs around his waist and sat down on the huge outdoor sofa so she straddled him, and Kyra followed his lead. Leaning with her long hair covering them both, she kissed him with every ounce of the emotion she was feeling from within. Their bodies were screaming for each other’s, and when his hands slid from her ankles up to her curled knees and higher, she moaned into his mouth. He pulled her into him
by her hips, and her lips crushed even harder against his. Their breathing was ragged, and when she pulled away to finally take a deep gasp of air, Silas kissed his way down her neck rather than do the same. He held her tightly to him by the arms still wrapped around her waist, and he buried his face in the love heart shape of her chest created by the figure-flattering dress.

  “You never showed me your bedroom,” Kyra managed to moan in her sweet agony, and she could hear rather than see the smile on his lips when he groaned in response. There was no more waiting. They had to be together, and Silas took the hint without her having to say another word. He carried her up to his room still wrapped around him. Her hair was draped over his shoulder while she kissed her way up his freshly shaven neck and cheek to his mouth, and he knew the way without having to watch where he was going, which was lucky because she wasn’t about to stop for anything.

  Inside the room he was gentle as he placed her on the bed, undressing her slowly while watching her body like he was appreciating a prized piece of art. She did the same, watching as he pulled the t-shirt over his head and revealed the stunning body she’d always guessed was beneath those misleading combats. Every muscle was defined and toned. He was stronger than anyone she’d ever known before, and hadn’t suffered during training one little bit. She could now see why. The veins in his arms bulged as they flexed with each movement, and Kyra was mesmerized by the perfect masculinity of him.

  Silas climbed onto the bed with her. He slid between her thighs like he was destined to be there, and she giggled as she remembered the evening when she’d been meant to fight him off from the exact same pose, but only served to remind them both of how they’d wanted this exact scenario.

  “Tell me to stop and I will,” he murmured, and leaned up onto his elbow to peer down at her. “I’ll never force you.”

  “Don’t you dare stop,” she demanded in response, and reveled in the grin he gave her. Kyra wasn’t shy, but his touch made her tremble and heat bloomed from within in a way she’d never known before, and it made her blush. She craved him, and hoped he felt the same way about her too.

  Once upon a time ago he might’ve been an arrogant rich kid, but now he was a leader that was respected and feared by the recruits he took under his wing. He’d given her endless days of harsh training without ever giving her a break, and she’d worked hard to keep up with him, but now he was soft and slow in his pursuit of something more. The strictness of Fort Angel was gone, and only the real him remained. Silas was gentle and sweet, and when he finally made love to her he was neither hurried nor selfish. They had passion in copious amounts, and let it drive them all night. Nothing else mattered, and the world could just go on turning without them.



  It was noon before Kyra and Silas finally left the bedroom the next day. When she padded down to the kitchen in search of food, it was with a definite spring in her step that even the independent woman within didn’t bother to try and hide. Silas had made her feel on top of the world, and together she knew they were capable of great things.

  “Something smells good,” he told her, sniffing the coffee-scented air as he too wafted in on an invisible cloud with a smile. Kyra could see the difference in him, and was pleased to see she’d left him feeling the same as she did after their night together. The pair had barely slept, and had instead made up for all the stolen kisses and tension left unsatisfied. They’d explored each other in a way she’d never known before, and Kyra knew she wanted more of it.

  “Vanilla latte,” she answered, sliding the mug of frothy coffee under his nose. “I wish I could say I made it myself, but all I did was press a button.” Silas pulled her into his embrace and nuzzled her ear, clearly not caring whether she’d made it by hand or not.

  “Whatever you touch turns to gold, Kyra. Everything I taste with you is like it’s for the first time. You’ve awakened something in me I cannot ever forget. Thank you,” he reached out and snagged her hand, and placed gentle kisses all over her palm and fingertips, before carrying on further up over the back of her hand to her elbow. She giggled and tried to pull away, but Silas held on even tighter. “You remember where else I kissed you?” he teased, and she groaned in affirmation. “Would you let me kiss you there again?”

  “Yes,” she breathed. “You can kiss me anywhere you’d like.” She meant it. What little she had to give was for him, he didn’t need to ask. Silas scooped her up and took her back to the bedroom, and the coffees went cold in wait for mouths that were busy elsewhere.


  “Tell me about your scars,” Silas asked later that day, and he trailed his hand over a particularly deep mark on her collarbone. They were laid in bed, resting together in blissful silence, and he’d finally asked the question she’d known was coming ever since he’d seen her half-naked at the waterfall.

  “Invasion Day,” she answered, lifting her arms to show him the silver marks in the dimming sunshine. “I was five, and terrified. When I heard a ship coming, I hid in a rose bush, and it cut me to pieces. A Thrakorian soldier saved me, but the cuts were deep and they scarred.” There was never a logical reason as to why she’d still not told anyone that her savior had been King Kronus. She’d told herself time and again to come clean, but the truth always stayed firmly on the tip of her tongue. Even with Silas, she didn’t want him to know how she’d harbored a deep and foolish attraction for their leader since that day—and perhaps even more so now that they were well and truly a couple.

  “Did it hurt?” he asked, and she nodded.

  “Yeah. My crying was what alerted them to my presence, but it was for the best really, because they took me away to safety. I'm not sure where I might’ve ended up if they hadn’t taken me to the foster home. I’ll always be grateful.” She meant it. Despite her elation at having escaped her childhood this past year, she would be forever indebted to the Thrakorian’s for the chances she’d been given by staying there and being a loyal servant to King Kronus’ regime. It'd been a hard upbringing, but she’d been sent to school and had been given three square meals a day, which was more than could be said for some children that still fell through the cracks, even with their new society. “How about you? What’s your Invasion Day story?” she asked, looking up at him. Silas looked older somehow, tired and burdened, and she wondered if he felt sorry for her. She wanted to ask him the question again, but decided to leave him be. Everyone had their demons, and she certainly kept her secrets close to her chest, so didn’t want to push him if he wasn’t ready.

  Silas had a story; everyone older than a toddler when the Thraks attacked knew where they were that day. It was forever engrained on their memories and minds. For Kyra it was the first day of the rest of her life, but for the rebels it marked the end of civilization. They would overthrow King Kronus and take back the Earth if they could, but she couldn't see why they'd want things back the way they were before. Yes, they were being ruled by an otherworldly race, but from what she could tell, Kronus had taken a planet used and abused to near extinction by its inhabitants, and had made it thrive again. The Thrakorian’s had given them renewable energy and food sources that weren’t a drain on the Earth like they'd had to use before. They'd given the humans purpose and a system that worked, and every time she even considered things going back to the way they were, Kyra was filled with even more desire to succeed in the army. Part of her wanted to be the one who cracked their codes and destroyed the rebels once and for all. She wanted to be regarded as the best in her field, and knew it was nothing but a dream, but one she held dearer than many others. She’d never wanted to be a wife or mother. Computers were her calling, and science was what she loved. They were her future, well at least until Silas McDermott had gotten in the way, but he was fast becoming a welcome addition to the dream.

  “My dad knew it was happening. We were already safely inside a bunker when the invasion began, and didn’t come out until King Kronus had taken control. I was only twelve, but even I cou
ld tell that it was an unfair advantage,” Silas seemed embarrassed to say so, but Kyra envied him for having had an advantage over the others of their kind. “My father was left as the highest ranking surviving officer on the west coast, which was no accident. He was called into the King’s service the next day, followed shortly by my mother and older brother, Tarquin. My sister Lasiandra, and my brother Pedro and I were taken into the central refuge area for service children, where we were cared for until they returned, and then we were free to go. Our family was given more credits than they could ever use in return for my parents’ pledge of allegiance. Their work in ensuring the human soldiers followed them into Kronus’ army only added to his worth, and it turned out my father had already been given this and many other houses across the world in return for his assistance prior to the invasion. Since then, my parents have been kept wealthy and powerful in payment for their continued service beneath the Lawbringer’s headship, which suits them perfectly. I’ve no doubt my mother will be invited to join the Gentry before too long as well.” He took a deep breath and sighed, and Kyra didn’t like the way he spoke of his family. It really did seem like he was an outcast, the black sheep, and had never fit in with them. She wondered if he ever would.

  “Don’t you agree with what they did?” she asked.

  “I do, of course it was simpler to take the offered path if it meant we were safe and taken care of for life. But sometimes I wish we didn’t have it so easy while people like you were left orphaned, scarred for life, and left to be raised in foster home dorms where you were never truly safe.”

  “There were always differences in society, Silas. Don’t pity me because my parents were worthless nobodies who lived and died in the slums, while yours worked hard to secure their place in the new world for themselves and their family,” she replied. “I remember a world in which I had to beg for food or line up for hours to get my families rations, and all the while my parents did nothing to better themselves or try to make my life better. They didn’t care about leaving a better world for me or any further generations to come, only what they could get from the world before they left it. I envy you.”


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