Hidden Barriers

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Hidden Barriers Page 25

by Sara Shirley

  “You son of a bitch! What did you do to them?” I demand. “Sam! Sam!” I shout, hoping there’s a chance she’ll respond. When I hear nothing, I begin slowly dancing around the living room, avoiding getting any closer to Stone. With only the knife in my pocket, I have to bide my time until Nick shows up with backup.

  “They won’t be able to answer you.” Stone laughs deeply. “Your precious little Sam is patiently waiting for me to come back to her upstairs.” He reaches down to lift a carving knife from the table next to him. Even from here, I can tell there is blood on it. I growl as I imagine what he has already done to Sam.

  “What did you do to her?” I ask with a steady voice, even though my body wants to bolt for the stairs. I need to get to Sam soon, and I know I have to come up with a plan.

  Stone paces slowly in front of me, yet still far enough away that I can observe his movements. He is tapping the bloody knife against his cheek as his heavy boots thump against the hardwood floors with each step. Then, he pauses and turns to stare at me before tilting his head in bewilderment. “You know how much fun it was watching you two together these past few months and then fucking that other chick?”

  “Her name is Lucy.” I walk further toward the stairs, one step at a time. Stone presses forward a few inches, nearing me.

  “Well, whatever her name is, she had no trouble letting me know all about her roommates. You really should have seen her face when she opened the front door to find me standing there. And, shit, if it wasn’t just the easiest thing to fuck with that alarm system tonight. It led you right to me, like a moth to a mother fuckin’ flame. Only thing is, you are going to be the one to watch me kill those girls up there. I had just started the process before you got here. If only you knew how many times I’ve actually been in this house without anyone knowing. I’ve had months to prepare for this.” Stone relaxes his stance as he crosses his tattooed arms in front of him, still tapping the knife against his cheek. He raises a hand to scratch the top of his buzz-cut scalp and laughs with a sinister grin. “You know what? Shit, that’s a lie. I’ve actually been planning on killing that bitch up there since she and her fucked-up family of lawyers tossed my ass in jail.” He moves to pick up a rope from the table where the knife was just moments ago, and I know I’ve got to move fast or distract him a little longer.

  Staring back at the monster that nearly killed the love of my life years ago, I say, “It’s funny that your little plan won’t be working for you again tonight. And, I’m pretty sure this time when you go back to jail, you’ll have plenty of time to make friends with your bunkmate Bubba while his dick is up your ass, because that’s the only thing you’ll be doing again. If I have any say in the matter, your ass won’t ever be up for parole again,” I spat at him without any waver in my voice as I watch him move to grab the rope.

  Before the rope even leaves the tabletop, I’m rushing for the stairway, taking the steps two if not three at a time. I shout Sam’s name again as I catch the sound of heavy boots quickly approaching behind me.

  As I reach the top of the stairs, both Lucy’s and Sam’s bedroom doors are shut, and I hope to hell they are either in separate rooms or I choose the correct door. As I make a hasty decision, I assume Stone would think I’d go straight for Sam’s room. Instead, I make a mad dash for Lucy’s door before throwing my shoulder into it, forcing it open. The minute I’m inside, I realize I’ve made the wrong choice. The light in the corner remains on, but the room is empty. I lower my head, but need to stay alert because I know Stone will be on my tail within seconds. With my hand, I reach for the pocketknife as I turn to go toe-to-toe with him. A fist to my jaw lets me know my guard was down for a second too long. Just as I regain my focus, a large tattooed arm wraps around my neck from behind, easily placing me in a choke hold.

  “Wrong door, fucker,” Stone says as my left arm tries to pull his forearm from my neck. My other hand scrambles for my pants pocket and the pocketknife I placed inside there earlier. Stone is faster, though, and pulls my right arm tightly behind my back. Even with the most advanced tactical training, there isn’t any denying he outweighs me, and it would take every ounce of effort on my part to overpower him. One wrong move and I not only put myself in danger, but also I could potentially put Sam and Lucy in more harm than they might already be in.

  Stone tugs at my neck and arm a little harder before pulling me back to the hall and in the direction of Sam’s bedroom. “You know, Sam did put up quite the effort trying to fight me off before. Did you teach her those moves? Honestly, they were meant for a pussy. A few kicks and jabs would never take me down,” Stone fumes into my ear as he pushes me closer to her room.

  I hear Stone grasp at something behind me and then feel the rough fabric of a rope of sorts being wrapped tightly around my right wrist. He quickly pulls his left arm from my neck to behind my back as well, tying my left wrist with my right one.

  “Do you think you’ll get away with this, Stone? I’ll make sure you rot behind bars, if I don’t kill you first.” I jerk my left arm away from his grip, giving a quick jab to his ribs before he roughly pushes me into the door. The side of my face forcefully hits the door as it opens from the force of our weight. Stone’s deep, arrogant laugh sounds just as I blink my eyes back into focus after hitting the door as hard as I did, the sight before me nearly bringing me to my knees.

  I see Sam on the bed, lying on her stomach with her mouth silenced by a large strip of silver industrial tape. Her hands are bound together behind her back. “Sam!” I shout as I watch her head turn in my direction at the sound of my voice. A quick check of her appearance shows me she doesn’t appear harmed or bleeding. Her saddened eyes silently beg for my help, and I hope she remembers what I’ve told her time and time again.

  I won’t let him hurt you. I will protect you no matter what.

  My eyes trail across the room to see another pair of legs jutting out from the other side of Sam’s bed. I can only assume they belong to Lucy, but I cannot see the rest of her body from my angle, only smeared blood marks near Lucy’s feet. “You sick fuck!” I yell as I watch Stone cross the room with a sinister look behind his eyes. “Let them go, and deal with me, Stone. You’ve hurt them enough.”

  Stone steps over Lucy’s lifeless body on the floor, edging closer to Sam. “Now, what the fuck would I want to go up against you for? Are you going to get on your knees and suck me off, too?” He shakes his head as a deep laugh erupts from within his chest. He reaches into his back pocket to remove the bloody knife he had downstairs. Stone’s hand moves to the back of Sam’s neck, and my body is instantly alert and ready to attack even with my hands bound behind me. My feet begin to shuffle, and my fingers move rapidly, trying to untie the rope or at least find the knife in my pocket.

  Stone pulls Sam to her feet as her eyes flutter to adjust to what’s happening around her. His hand pulls her neck again, bringing her back to his chest, and I inch a little closer.

  “Don’t even think about stepping any closer, or I’ll make sure this sweet little piece of ass dies first.” Stone nudges Sam closer to his body as she begins to whimper. Her nostrils flare as panic begins to set in.

  Sam sees me standing there, and I know I have to get out of these ropes fast. I can feel the edge of the knife now sticking out from my back pocket. I just need the rope to loosen a little more, and I should be able to grab it.

  When Stone’s face moves to within inches of Sam’s, I stop dead in my tracks, and my body stills. I watch attentively as he pulls her pleading eyes from mine, forcing her head to turn and look at him. He grabs her neck roughly with his tattooed hand. Sam’s eyes shut before he stares back at me.

  “You’re gonna love watching this, lover boy.” Stone slides the knife down the side of her face, stopping just above her breasts. I watch as tears stream down her face, her body trembling in fear. The fire in her eyes is gone, and I know she has no fight left in her.

  “Stone, that knife so much as leaves a single mark on her, I wi
ll have no problem shoving it down your throat until you suffer through your last gasping breath!” I snarl at Stone who continues to slide the blade along Sam’s neck. Taunting me. Making my blood boil. Waiting for my next move.

  I just need to reach a little bit more…

  Stone’s hand stills against Sam’s neck. The knife flush against her skin. A growl from deep within his throat heightens my awareness of Sam’s proximity to him. Stone pushes his face near Sam’s ear, keeping his devious eyes on me as he inhales deeply. “You know it really was a shame you never got to join the rest of the girls,” he insists.

  Sam’s eyes enlarge as she tries shaking her head to no avail. The tape over her mouth allows her to only mumble her plea. As my mind tries to determine what could possibly be running through Sam’s mind, Stone pulls Sam closer to his body.

  “Aw, Sam, sweetie. You never told lover boy here what I had planned for you all those years ago? Shit. Those other girls never suspected anything either until I told them right before they took their last breaths.”

  What the fuck?

  “Ya see, what Sam apparently never told you was just before her shithead brother barged in to save her back then, I told her she would be joining the two other girls I fucked before her, except their ending wasn’t so sweet. Nobody would ever find those bodies at the bottom of the Pawtucket River. Poof! Fish chum in a matter of days, which is exactly what you two are going to be shortly.” Stone’s laugh is laced with evil as he begins to separate from Sam. My hands continue to work at the rope around my wrists.

  “You piece of shit, Stone!” I say as I try to stall him just enough for me to continue working the rope loose. “You think no one will ever find those girls? You think you can kill us and nobody will suspect anything? The cops have already been alerted to this house. No matter what you do, you’ll never see the outside of a jail cell again for as long as you live.” I attempt to bargain with him, even though I know his mind is hell bent on killing Sam tonight. My hands are now loose enough that I can see my opportunity. I just have to time my attack perfectly.

  I watch as Stone aggressively grabs Sam’s arm, turning her to face him. He violently rips the tape from her mouth and slams his mouth to hers. With her neck still firmly between his fingers, Sam struggles to breathe through her flamed nostrils. Stone pushes her away from his lips, releasing her from his grasp as she stumbles to catch her footing. As if it were all in slow motion, Stone’s free hand sweeps across his body. His backhand instantly connects with Sam’s face as she falls onto the bed.

  “Say goodbye, Sam!” Stone roars. “This time you will take your last breath ‘cuz you’re not waking up.” Just as the knife in his hand reaches out, quickly retreating in a stabbing motion, Sam rolls over to lie on her back, seeing the knife above her. She screams as the knife is aimed for her. I need to move now.

  Now, Josh! Move…

  Stone’s lips on mine are the last thing I want to taste if I’m about to take my last breath. I know this is it; he’s ready to kill me. There isn’t any way he’ll let me live another minute, and then to have Josh watch it all happen like this, my heart aches more for him than me right now. I can’t just sit here on this bed and allow myself to go down without a fight. If I’ve learned anything in the past three years, it’s that you have to fight for that last breath.

  Lucy lies unconscious on the floor next to me, still probably bleeding from the side of her cheek where Stone edged the kitchen knife before he left us in here together.

  I knew one day this would happen all over again. I just wish it didn’t involve Lucy or Josh this time. If Stone lets them live, I know they will never recover from this. My eyes shut out Josh, who continues to stand so close and yet so far away. I know he wants me to fight, but it’s becoming more and more difficult to focus on anything other than Stone being right in front of me.

  My heart continues to beat rapidly as I sense Stone’s body moving in front of me. My eyes dart open, and I see the knife in his hand, raised above his head and headed directly for me. My eyes flash from Stone to Josh and back again. Then, everything seems to happen in a flash. I scream at the top of my lungs, my voice going hoarse as my lungs burn.

  Josh storms from the side of my room and lunges at Stone. The knife that was in Stone’s hand flies into the air, landing on the floor near Lucy, who is now moving her head to face me. Blood trickles at the side of her neck from where Stone slid the blade enough to scare me senseless. It was that lapse in my mind that allowed him to get close enough to me where I wasn’t able to fight him off more. Had I been one step faster, I might have been able to prevent Lucy from being hurt as bad as she is. Had I stayed focused on my attacker, I might have stood a chance to avoid any of this from happening.

  My eyes suddenly jerk back to the struggle on the floor in front of me. With my arms still bound behind my back, I’m unable to do anything to help. I can only watch as Josh has somehow managed to release the ropes that were around his wrist moments ago. He throws a few punches to the side of Stone’s temple, but is unable to knock him out.

  Stone laughs before throwing his right fist into Josh’s side, knocking Josh onto his back. Josh lies there with his arm wrapped over the spot Stone just hit. Stone stands quickly, making his way over to Josh before pulling back his heavy boot and slamming it into Josh’s side.

  “Stop, Stone! Please, stop! Don’t hurt him, please!” I scream as I continue to beg. Tears stream down my face as I can only sit and watch him hurt Josh. Josh rolls over onto his stomach before reaching for the knife that landed off to the side before they collided. I hear him coughing and assume Stone has broken Josh’s ribs or caused internal damage.

  Stone hovers over Josh before he can reach the knife. His boot slowly steps down hard onto Josh’s fingers, causing him to scream out in pain before Stone reaches down to grab the knife.

  I shuffle in the bed, trying to loosen the knot around my wrists, but it is too tight. Stone catches my jerky movement, and in an instant, he’s right in front of me again. While my eyes focus on the knife in his right hand, I never see his left backhand coming until my head whips to the side, and I’m knocked over.

  “Sam!” I hear Josh shout. My temple throbs, and the pounding behind my eyes forces me to keep them shut as I hear Stone’s boots shuffle closer. A firm hand wraps tightly around my throat, and I instantly return to where I was three years ago. My eyes snap open as I gasp for breath, and my legs flail helplessly since my hands are still tied.

  “Bitch, you will open your fuckin’ eyes and watch what I’m about to do to your lover boy over here!” Stone seethes and spits inches away from my face. He abruptly pushes me back against the bed as my legs try to spear him away, but that only provokes him further. “Because after I’m done with him, you and your little whore friend over there are next.”

  Stone steps back to Josh, whose eyes remain focused on me. The physical and emotional pain shows across his face. Josh’s left arm wraps around his stomach, grimacing just before Stone walks behind him, pulling him to his feet.

  The heartbreaking groan that erupts from Josh’s throat tells me he doesn’t have the strength to fight back. My vision blurs with tears as I watch Stone place the knife at Josh’s throat. I shake my head, trying to force the image out of my mind. “No! Please, don’t!” I plead through my tears. My stomach settles in my throat as Josh’s eyes fill with tears, and I can no longer form words.

  “Sam, I love you. Always remember that, no matter what,” Josh says barely above a whisper. “You were the best part of my life.”

  “Well, isn’t that fuckin’ sweet? Say goodnight, babe. Your man is going to sleep for good now.” Stone brings the knife closer against Josh’s throat, and I see the trickle of blood dripping down his neck.

  Then, everything happens in a blur. One minute I’m watching Stone slice Josh’s throat, and the next, my door slams open, and Josh is on the floor just as bullets start flying across the room.

  The minute the shooting subs
ides, my eyes stop on the figure lying motionless in front of me on the floor, and I can’t move fast enough to see if he’s dead or alive. I need to know, but the number of police storming into my room holds me back, and I mournfully cry as I see Nick standing in front of me. He’s talking, and I see his lips moving, but I can’t comprehend a single word he’s saying because the other officers and medics are working on everyone else in the room.

  “Josh!” I cry out, hoping he can hear me.

  Once Nick finishes untying the ropes around my wrists, I bolt from the bed, rushing to Josh’s side.

  Please, just let him be all right. I can’t lose him, not now. We haven’t even started our future together. He’s my future. My everything. My life. Without him, my heart and soul die with him. My fire will have burned out for good.

  The minute I notice the red laser pointer out of the corner of my eye, I drop to the ground. That red dot means the gun is targeting someone, and it definitely isn’t meant for me.

  Once I hit the floor, I know a rib or something is cracked or broken. Either that or I have a punctured lung since my breathing becomes difficult as I continue lying face down on the floor. Voices and bodies surround me as the police storm the room, but I glance at just one person.


  My eyes slowly focus on the body that lies not even five feet from me. A single gunshot wound to the temple tells me whoever fired that shot, saved my life by taking his. His eyes still haunt, not blinking as blood filters from the bullet wound down the side of his face. The kitchen knife remains clutched in his hand. Then, I hear her painful cry behind me as the medical team enters the secure room and stops at my side to examine me.


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