Styx (Walk Of Shame 2nd Generation #2)

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Styx (Walk Of Shame 2nd Generation #2) Page 14

by Victoria Ashley

  “It’s open.”

  Cale stands up and walks over to shake my hand once I step inside. “Everything good, man? You look like hell.”

  I let out a deep laugh and take a seat in the chair across from his. “It’s been a rough couple of days, man. Real fucking tough.”

  “Yeah, I heard.” He leans back in his chair and runs a hand through his blonde hair.

  I feel like we’ve all been through a lot together here, watching each other grow and Cale is probably the best fucker I know. Quitting on him is going to be hard.

  “Slade tell you?” I question.

  He nods his head. “Yeah. But that asshole deserved it. Tell your mother hi for me and if she needs anything to get ahold of Riley or myself. We’ll help in any way that we can.”

  My lips turn up into a thankful smile, but inside I’m feeling guilty as shit. “Appreciate that, man.” I run my hands over my face and lean back in the chair, trying to get the words to come out.

  “Relax,” Cale says. “You might forget that I talk to Slade every damn day. I know what you’re here for and I don’t want you feeling guilty. It’s not like I expect you guys to stay here forever.” He laughs when I raise a brow. “Hell, I was happy as hell the day I stopped shaking my dick for money. Trust me. The time will come when Stone and Kash leave too. I’m always prepared. No worries.”

  “Can’t tell Slade anything, apparently,” I say with a grin. “That fucker.”

  Cale shrugs. “He wouldn’t have told me if he wasn’t trying to look out for you. I know Slade better than anyone else. That just means that he thinks of you as one of our family.”

  I stand up and shake Cale’s hand. “You dicks will always be family to me. Thanks, man. But I got somewhere to be now.”

  He smiles and starts going through some files. “Looks like I have some auditions to set up. So get out.”

  I grip the back of the chair and push it to his desk, before hurrying out of his office and through the club, before some random chick can stop me.

  There’s only one place I want to be right now . . .


  I’VE HAD THIS ACHE IN my chest all day to see Styx, but I’ve been fighting it, afraid of what to say to him.

  He was there for me when I needed him and I had the nerve to ask him to leave so that I could be alone for the night.

  I feel like the biggest asshole and there really aren’t any words to explain how sorry I am.

  Honestly, I felt even shittier as the night went on. All I wanted to do was curl up in bed, wrapped in his strong arms, but because of me, that didn’t happen.

  Pulling my truck into Styx’s driveway, I sit for a few minutes, while trying to figure out how to explain to him that I have really bad days sometimes and just need to be alone.

  I never meant to make him feel the way he felt when walking out my door. I’ll never forget the look of hurt on his face when I asked him to leave.

  “Okay, you can do this.” Shaking off my nerves, I jump out of my truck and walk over to his porch, stopping at the door.

  I take a few deep breaths and slowly release them before knocking.

  “Please be here,” I whisper. “Please.”

  I feel my heart crush once I realize that he isn’t here. I’ve already driven by the gym on the way here and didn’t see his motorcycle. The only other place I can think of him being is the club.

  A room full of hot, horny girls screaming and groping at Styx is the last place I want to be at right now.

  I honestly don’t know if I’d be able to handle that. Not with all of the emotions running through me right now.

  Jumping back into my truck, it clicks that he might be at his mother’s house. So I drive by to see that all the lights are off and his motorcycle isn’t anywhere in sight.

  Feeling defeated, I head home, pulling out my phone to text Styx.

  I at least want him to know that I’m thinking about him.

  Me: I want to see you so bad right now.

  A few seconds later, my phone vibrates in my hand with a reply from Styx. My heart races as I open his reply.

  Styx: Then get out of that truck and come to me.

  Tossing my phone into the passenger seat, I hurry out of my truck to see Styx sitting on my porch, waiting for me.

  I can hardly breathe as he starts toward me, dressed in that damn leather jacket of his and ripped up jeans that I love so much.

  “Holy shit,” I whisper into his arms as he pulls me into him and squeezes. “It feels so good to see you. I’m so sorry. I can explain.”

  His familiar scent surrounds me as his hands move up to cup my face. “You don’t need to explain shit to me. You needed the night to yourself and you asked for it.” He presses his forehead to mine, while running his thumb over my lip. The feel of his breath against my face brings me peace. “It feels good to see you too. Honestly, nothing fucking feels better. You have no idea.”

  He gently sucks my bottom lip into his mouth, before kissing me and whispering,” I hated being away from you for the last two nights. Fuck, it made my heart ache so damn bad for you.”

  My arms wrap around his neck and pull him closer to me, before telling him how I feel. “I barely fell asleep, because all I could think about was being wrapped in your arms and how it feels to fall asleep next to you. I’ve never had a man make me feel so safe and protected before. You’re the best thing that’s happened to me for as long as I can remember.”

  His kiss is desperate, almost knocking me off my feet as he spins us around to press me against the door. “Fuck, you have no idea how much that means to me. I want you so damn bad. I’ve never wanted to call a woman mine so much in my entire life. I want you.” He whispers the last part.

  His whisper has my heart going crazy for him. This man is everything I want in my life, but am afraid to keep. “Are you sure about that?” I question. “I have a lot of ugly days that I can barely even get out of bed, Styx. I get too lost in my head and need my space from the world.” I close my eyes in shame and hide my face in his neck. “I try my best to be strong, but when you’ve felt alone for as long as I have, after you’ve lost everyone you have ever loved . . . giving yourself to someone else isn’t the easiest. I’m so damn scared of being left alone again.”

  “Fuck,” he whispers into the top of my head. “I love you. I’m not going anywhere even if you push me out the damn door. I never want you to be afraid with me.”

  I look up to meet his eyes, my heart pretty much stopping in my chest from his confession. “Did you mean what you just said?” I ask softly.

  His grip around me tightens, until there’s no space between us. I couldn’t get away, even if I wanted to. Which I don’t. I never want to get away from this man.

  “With everything in me. I’ve been thinking it for days, but just haven’t said it. I was hoping my actions were loud enough to show you. But yes. I fucking love you,” he breathes across my lips.

  “I love you too,” leaves my lips without a second thought. “I love everything about you and us and how you make me feel. I never want to lose that. Please don’t rip my damn heart out. I’m opening up to you, Styx. I’m giving you my all.”

  “Good.” He smiles against my lips and then kisses me hard and deep. “Because I’m a giver when it comes to someone I love and I’m giving you every fucking thing I have in me, beginning with my damn heart.”

  With that, he slides his jacket off and places it over my shoulders. “Let me get you inside where it’s warm.”

  He wraps his arms around me from behind as I reach for my keys and unlock the door.

  As soon as we get inside, he picks me up and begins carrying me through the house, stopping in front of my bed.

  “Now I’m spending the rest of the night making love to my woman.” He reaches into his pocket and tosses his phone across the room, before laying me down on the bed. “No fucking distractions. Just the two of us.”

  I smile and then pull him down on top of me,
capturing my lips with his.

  This man is perfect and I promise to take care of him just as much as he takes care of me . . .


  Two weeks later . . .

  TODAY IS MEADOW’S BIRTHDAY AND all she asked for was some private time for us once we’re both done working for the day.

  Between spending time with my mother on our days off and working at the gym whenever we both can make it in, we haven’t had much of the quiet time that we both enjoy so much.

  Today’s been an extremely long day for the both of us so I’m desperately waiting for her to make her way back into my damn arms so I can take care of her.

  I look down at my phone to see that Meadow should be arriving any second and my heart starts racing with excitement.

  This woman manages to make my heart race every damn day that we’re together and that’s a feeling that I’m not used to. That’s how I know just how special she is.

  The headlights of her truck shine on the rock that I’m sitting on, letting me know that she’s arrived.

  Smiling, I stand up and light the single candle on the cupcake, making my way to her as she steps out of her truck looking completely exhausted and worn down.

  Her eyes light up the minute she sees what I’m holding. “God, you’re the sweetest.” She runs at me, throwing her arms around my neck.

  I hold the cupcake at a safe distance from her and press my face into her hair and whisper,” Happy birthday, baby. I feel like crap that I didn’t know until last week. There’s a whole batch of these ugly frosted fuckers that I attempted to bake for you at home. Clearly, I need to stick to cooking and not baking.”

  She cries into my neck where she places a gentle kiss. “It’s beautiful. This means so much to me.”

  When she pulls away from my neck, I dip my thumb into the frosting and then wipe it across her bottom lip. “This looks so much better on you.”

  I pull her frosted lip into my mouth, sucking off all the blue, before kissing her and then pulling off my leather jacket to drape it over her shoulders.

  She laughs and then smashes the cupcake into my mouth, before tossing it aside and kissing me so damn hard that I almost lose my balance.

  “This is one of the nicest things anyone has done for me. Why must you keep making me fall for you more and more each day?”

  Picking her up, I wrap her legs around my waist and start walking back over to the rock to set her down. “Because you’re worth it.”

  I jump onto the rock behind Meadow, just like the first night I brought her here, pulling her close to me.

  My arms wrapped around her.

  Her between my thighs.

  No words are exchanged.

  We just sit here.

  Both lost in thought.

  Everything else in the world forgotten for the moment as we sit here, staring up at the sky.

  Just two people enjoying each other’s comfort for a while.

  I have a feeling that I’m never going to want to let her go . . .

  The End

  Read on for a preview of Kash

  (unedited sample)

  Look for the final book in the WOS Series coming early 2017


  I SHOW UP AT THE house, to see that Stone, Myles and Colt are already waiting outside for me, dressed in their fitted suits.

  Stone tugs on his tie and checks out my hoodie and jeans as if there’s something wrong with the way I look.

  “Dude . . .” he pushes my hood back. “Where’s your suit? I thought we all agreed to dress up and shit. You look like a homeless stripper.”

  I unzip my hoodie and walk past him with a grin, pulling it open so he can see my ripped up t-shirt. Then I zip it back up when he flicks a rolled up dollar bill at my head.

  He knows I said no repeatedly to dressing up, but he ended the call assuming I’d listen anyway. “Nah, you three agreed on a suit. My ass got called out of bed in the middle of the night to be here so I threw on the first thing I saw.”

  Gotta stand out somehow when it comes to making money and women like a little mystery.

  Myles laughs when Colt looks down at his own suit as if he feels overdressed now.

  “I’m making sure this thing comes off fast. I look like an idiot. I told your asses we shouldn’t have dressed up.”

  Walking up to the door, I begin to think we’re at the wrong house, because it’s completely quiet. No sound of people talking or even a TV playing in the background.

  These kinds of parties are always filled with wild women, that can’t sit still or wait for us to arrive. There’s no way anyone inside that house is waiting on us.

  Stone loosens his collar and stands back as if he’s checking out the address. “This is it. Just walk in and start shaking your dick. They’re probably waiting on us to get the party started.”

  I’m just about to open the door, when a whistle comes from across the street, making me look over.

  “Over here!” Some girl with long, curly blonde hair crosses her arms and leans against the closed door, watching us as we cross the street. “My friend gets confused about her address when she drinks. Either that or she just likes to screw with people. I haven’t figured it out yet.”

  I stop in front of her and take a few moments to check her out in her tight jeans and lose fitting shirt that hangs off one shoulder.

  She looks unamused by our arrival as if she’s only here because she was forced to be. The concentration on her face as she looks down at her phone and types fast, tells me that there’s somewhere else she’d rather be.

  “Just go in and start doing whatever it is that you do. The others are eagerly awaiting your arrival. They’ve been talking dicks all night.”

  Stone and the newest members of the club, step inside without hesitation, while I take this moment to breathe in the coolness of the night air and wake up a bit more.

  Screams of excitement fill the house, before music blares over the speakers, making it clear that the party has started without me.

  “Why aren’t you inside with the others? Groping half-naked men isn’t your thing?”

  She looks up from her phone and gives me a half smile. “Only on some nights.”

  I laugh at her response and pull out a cigarette, lighting it up. I need to be more awake for this.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I notice her checking me out, but I pretend that I don’t notice.

  “You going to keep that hood up all night? Not quite as handsome as the other guys? Is that it? Don’t be shy. I’m sure you have a great body that will do the trick just fine for my friends.”

  I smile and take a drag of my cigarette, slowly exhaling. As much as she doesn’t want to admit it, she’s desperate to see what’s under this hood and probably even my jeans.

  Leaning against the door, I push my hood back and smirk as her eyes wander over my face, doing a double take, before stopping on my lips.

  She swallows and then clears her throat, trying to hide the fact that she’s surprised by what she sees. “Better get inside with the others. Joni will notice that she paid for four guys and only has three actually earning their pay.”

  I lift a brow and watch as she pulls the screen door open and disappears inside.

  After I finish my cigarette, I pull my hood back up and enter the house.

  Walking through the living room, I notice a lot of heads turn my way, eyes watching me as if they can’t wait to see what’s under this mysterious, black fabric.

  One girl even walks away from Myles in an attempt to check me out.

  I walk slowly, ignoring them all, letting my eyes seek out the sassy blonde from outside.

  She’s in the kitchen pouring a drink, but looks over when a few of her friends grab me and pull me back into the living room.

  I stand with a confident smile as they start to grab at my hoodie, unzipping it and checking me out as they rip it from my arms.

  Hands grope at my chest, lifting at my shirt as I begin to move
my hips to Ride by Chase Rice.

  The sassy blonde smirks from the kitchen, watching the other girls take advantage of me as if she finds it funny.

  She’s pretending as if she’s only watching for the amusement of me being attacked, but the look in her amber eyes gives off the truth of why she hasn’t turned away yet.

  She wants to see me naked just as badly as they do.

  Keeping my eyes on her, I bend one of the girls over, place my hand on her lower back and grind my hips to the rhythm.

  I grind slow and seductive, before giving her one hard thrust, almost knocking her over.

  She turns back to look at me, her eyes filled with want, before she lays down on her back and waves me over with her finger.

  Standing above her, I slowly pull my shirt over my head, before tossing it aside and dropping down to the ground, rolling my body above hers and rubbing my face over her breasts.

  Money flies at me as I place her legs over my shoulders and lift her body up, grinding into her, while on my knees.

  I gently place her down to her back again, before jumping to my feet and reaching for the closest girl next to me, flipping her upside down so that my cock is grinding against her face.

  Slowly turning around with the girl in my arms, I glance into the kitchen to see the sexy little blonde’s eyes on me. As soon as our eyes meet, she turns away and goes back to typing on her phone.

  Why the fuck does that make me want to get to her even more?

  I slap the girl’s ass, before flipping her over and setting her back down to her feet.

  Cracking my neck, I reach for the button of my jeans, causing desperate screams from all around the room.

  I lick my bottom lip, slipping my hand inside my jeans and running it over my erection, while slowly letting my pants fall lower with each move of my hips.

  My eyes are still on the sassy blonde in the kitchen when she looks up again to see what I’m doing.

  Catching her off guard, I slide across the floor on my knees, grabbing her ass and lifting her up so that her legs are wrapped around my neck.

  Her hands grip at my hair for support as I stand to my feet and walk her over to the wall, pressing her back against it.


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