And The Children Shall Lead

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And The Children Shall Lead Page 4

by Michael J. Bowler

  The pastor introduced himself, seemingly in awe just like his parishioners, and expressed his hope that they would join his parish community.

  Arthur smiled warmly as he shook the man’s hand. “Thank you, Father.”

  Christ looked up at the man wearing the green vestments. “Can I do that communion thing like Lance and Ricky?”

  The man smiled. “Sure, Chris. We have classes for that.”

  Chris rolled his eyes. “Oh great, more school.”

  The pastor laughed and the family returned to Jenny’s Prius for the short ride home. Lance held Ricky’s hand and basked in the glow of love that surrounded and infused him.

  After that, it was all wedding talk for the rest of the day. Reyna and Jenny chose the Saturday after next for the ceremony because Jenny wanted to marry Arthur as soon as possible. All the knights would be invited, wearing their formal regalia as they would for a gathering, as well as the mayor, any city council members who wished to attend, the police chief, and of course Sergeants Ryan and Gibson.

  Prior to Jenny and Reyna embarking on their quest for flowers, a photographer, and a wedding dress, Jenny sat with Arthur in the Throne Room to discuss his role in the event. He sat back in his throne, dressed in a casual tunic and pants and listened with amusement as she explained how he needed to purchase wedding bands for them both to wear and he needed to decide whom he wanted for his best man.

  Arthur pulled a confused face. “Best man?”

  Jenny smiled and took his hand, lightly rubbing the palm with her thumb. “The best man stands by your side and hands you the ring, the one you put on my finger.” She blushed despite herself, hating the feeling of weakness it gave her, but giddy with joy at the prospect of becoming this man’s wife. “And you need two groomsmen to stand with him.”

  Arthur paused to consider her words. “The best man I know, Jenny, is clearly Lance.”

  She beamed. “And he would be a perfect choice.”

  But then Arthur frowned. “But what of Ricky? Chris wishes to carry up the rings and if Lance is this best man, what should become of my other son? Would he not feel left out somehow?”

  Her own smile faltered as she realized the truth of his words. But who else could be best man if not Lance?

  As though reading her mind, Arthur grinned. “I believe I know the solution, milady, but must first speak with Lance.”

  She grudgingly released his hand, heading off to the Computer Lab to make plans with Reyna.

  Arthur rose from his throne and left to seek out his son.


  The boys once again lay atop Lance’s bed, Ricky’s head in Lance’s lap like it belonged there and should never leave. And if Lance had his way, it never would. They were reading up on the Revolutionary War in preparation for an exam on Tuesday. Jenny had promised them tomorrow off school so they could prepare for the Bill of Rights unveiling so long as they completed extra work over the weekend.

  One hand on his book, Lance’s other gently stroked Ricky’s thick dark hair as his eyes skimmed over the page. His fingers curled around the other boy’s silken mane, absently toying with the strands, not even aware he was doing it.

  Ricky was aware, however, and couldn’t concentrate on the book in his hands. He lifted his eyes from the page and surreptitiously watched Lance read, amused that at times the boy would mouth certain words as though not convinced he understood them.

  Lance noticed him staring, and couldn’t help but grin. “It’s hard to concentrate with you looking at me like that.”

  Ricky eyed him with amusement. “It’s hard to concentrate with you feeling up my hair.”

  Lance’s mouth dropped open and the fingers entwined within Ricky’s hair instantly ceased their aimless wandering. Then he laughed and pulled back his hand. “Sorry, fool, just love yer hair.”

  Ricky tried to look offended. “Only my hair?”

  Lance smirked, and then a cleared throat interrupted them.

  The boys looked up to find Arthur framed in the doorway. Even though they weren’t doing anything improper, they felt awkward and quickly sat up, wrapping their legs up and under themselves.

  “What’s up, Dad?” Lance asked, wondering if it made his dad feel uncomfortable seeing them lounging so close together.

  Arthur closed the gap between them, looking uncertain. “I wish to discuss the wedding with you.”

  Lance immediately felt relief that the uncertain look wasn’t about them, and both boys leaned forward attentively.

  “Your mother has informed me that I require someone she termed a ‘best man’ for the wedding, and some groomsmen. Alas, times have changed since I married Guinevere, I’ve discovered.”

  “Yeah, just a little,” Lance said with a laugh.

  Arthur grinned. “Lance, as my first son and heir, you are the logical choice for this best man role. You are clearly the best man I know besides your bro––“He stopped then, looked flustered, and added, “Ricky, here.” He paused again, flummoxed.

  Lance reached out a hand and placed it on father’s arm. “It’s okay, Dad. It’s still weird for us, too. We’re goin’ real slow.”

  Ricky nodded sheepishly.

  Arthur smiled in acknowledgement, and looked relieved to have that topic over with. “About the wedding. Rather than choose one of you over the other as best man, which would disturb me, I thought perhaps to make you my groomsmen––whatever they are––and ask someone else to be best man.”

  Lance wasn’t hurt, just confused. “Who? My nino?”

  Arthur smiled. “No, though Sergeant Ryan is a good man.” Then he told them whom he thought to ask, and both boys grinned widely.

  “That’s a great idea, Dad,” Lance said, and Ricky agreed.

  Relieved that they weren’t disappointed, Arthur excused himself and left to join the others in the Computer Lab.

  Lance and Ricky watched him go and then looked at one another with wide, soulful eyes.

  “C’mon, fool,” Ricky challenged, “let’s get this stuff read so we can ace that test on Tuesday.”

  Lance shoved Ricky and smiled lovingly. Then they settled back into their favorite positions and resumed reading.


  Arthur found Jenny, Reyna and Esteban in the Computer Lab along with Techie and a scattering of other knights surfing the net or responding to comments posted up on their website and Facebook page. He noted with surprise that young Sylvia also stood beside Reyna as the three females stared at one of the screens. Since Lavern’s death, the thirteen-year-old had attached herself more strongly to Reyna than ever, and seemed to be visiting New Camelot whenever Reyna was present.

  Esteban loitered by Techie, both of them scowling intently at Techie’s screen. Arthur approached and greeted them before inquiring what they were studying so keenly.

  “Look,” Esteban said, pointing to the monitor.

  The New Camelot website was open to the media link for people requesting an interview or personal appearance with Lance or Arthur or anything to do with the Round Table. Normally, Reyna handled such details, but since she’d become so absorbed in wedding preparations, Esteban had taken it upon himself, with Techie’s expertise, to filter through these.

  Arthur squinted at the screen, noting request after request for interviews and photo shoots for Lance and Ricky, all dated this past week. He turned to Esteban inquiringly, the mysteries of the Internet still a befuddlement. “What am I seeing, Sir Este?”

  Esteban sighed with distaste. “All these requests, Arthur, to interview Lance and Ricky, are all about ’em being gay.”

  Arthur blanched with concern, and turned to eye the screen again.

  “They all wanna talk to Lance about coming out and how it feels to be a role model for gay people and what he might do to help get more rights for gay people. Stuff like that.”

  Arthur sighed heavily, a deadweight filling the pit of his stomach. “I see.”

  Esteban’s face clouded with anger, and disg
ust. “And most of these magazines want Lance and Ricky on their covers––with no shirts on!”

  “What?” That shocked Arthur. “Why?”

  Esteban shook his head with revulsion. “Remember what Lance said about the media, Arthur, how they’re voyeurs?”

  The king nodded solemnly.

  “This is more a that, only worse,” Esteban went on, struggling to control his rising tide of ire. “They wanna exploit mis carnales, get adults out there all excited and hot over their bodies and shit! Oh, my bad, I’m sorry, Arthur. This just pisses me off so much!”

  The young man visibly shook with anger and Arthur placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.

  “No way these perverts are gonna exploit my boys,” Esteban hissed. “No way in hell!”

  Arthur grinned now, deeply touched by the obvious love and protectiveness Esteban felt for the boys.

  “What?” Esteban asked, confused by the king’s reaction.

  “Lance and Ricky are blessed to have such a great man as their big brother, Sir Este,” Arthur replied, patting the young man’s shoulder and causing Esteban to redden slightly. “Needless to say, all such requests shall be refused, but I trust Lance to formulate the proper response.”

  Esteban agreed, flummoxed by the king’s praise, still not accustomed to such accolades.

  Arthur dropped his hand back to his side and asked if they might step off to a quiet section of the room for a moment. Uncertainly, Esteban trailed after the man, wondering what could be on Arthur’s mind that required privacy.

  Once ensconced in an unobtrusive corner of the lab, Arthur turned to Esteban looking sheepish and almost ungainly. To Esteban, the king appeared less the strong, powerful, confident leader of thousands and more like a nervous teenage boy.

  “I, um, I have a request of you, Sir Este,” the king began hesitantly. “A favor, if you’ll deign to grant it.”

  Esteban looked into Arthur’s penetrating brown eyes and replied with conviction. “Anything.”

  That drew a smile to the king’s bearded face. “I have discussed the matter with my sons and they are in complete agreement.”

  Esteban waited while Arthur paused again, apparently collecting his thoughts.

  The king stood proud and tall and gazed into Esteban’s eyes man-to-man. “I would be honored, Sir Esteban, should you consent to stand by my side at the wedding as my best man.”

  Esteban, widely praised for his stoicism and unflappability, nearly gasped, his face collapsing into astonishment. “Me?” he stammered, feeling suddenly weak and small and strong and mighty all at the same moment.

  The king smiled. “Other than my sons, Sir Este, you are the best man I know, the most decent and honorable and loyal, and having you stand beside me shall make my wedding day complete.”

  Esteban felt burning behind his eyes, that so-very-infrequent beginning of tears, and he fought it now with a vengeance. His stomach clenched and his entire body stiffened with coiled emotion. No one had ever seen him like Arthur did, let alone spoke the words aloud. I’m a good man… He nearly laughed for joy.

  “I’d be honored, Your Majesty.” He grinned, and Arthur returned it. They shook, a strong, firm handshake, grinning foolishly and with great love between them.

  Then Arthur clapped him on the back before they returned to the others. Arthur sat with Esteban and Techie filtering through the interview requests for Lance and Ricky, preparing them for a blanket response once Lance formulated one. As excited as Arthur felt for his impending marriage and the Children’s Bill of Rights, a sense of foreboding filled his heart at the difficult road he now knew Lance and Ricky must traverse as a result of their public declaration of love. It seemed horrendous enough that everyone this past year had wanted to exploit Lance as The Boy Who Came Back, rather than for his accomplishments, but to focus on something so personal, and unimportant to the public at large, as his love for another, left a bitter taste in Arthur’s mouth. Yes, in many ways, humanity had gotten worse over the centuries, not better.


  After Lance and Ricky finished their studies, they dressed in long pants, tunics and skate shoes and decided to check out the latest Internet comments, pro and con, over the past couple of days.

  On their way down the plush, carpeted main staircase to the lobby, Lance told Ricky he wanted to find Merlin first, so they crossed out of the vast, tiled lobby and sought out the main library.

  As expected, they found the middle-aged wizard lounging with immense comfort in his usual easy chair, book in hand, wearing a Motley Crue shirt and listening to what Lance considered God-awful metal music from his iPod. When the boys entered, the elven face broke into a grin and one ear bud was instantly plucked out, where it dangled down the front of the shirt, jangling, discordant music drifting out of it.

  “Prince Lance and Sir Ricky,” he said cheerily in that slight, odd accent he possessed. “To what do I owe the honor?”

  Lance looked shyly down at the man, who remained seated with the book in his lap.

  “I just wanna say thanks, Merlin, for what you said last week,” Lance offered, eliciting a knowing grin from the wizard.

  “What did he say?” Ricky asked, feeling left out in the cold and not liking that feeling.

  Lance chuckled. “He reminded me that I didn’t have to be the way everybody said I should be, that I could be a real boy and still love another real boy like you.”

  Ricky’s eyes widened even as Merlin awkwardly cleared his throat. “I do believe you’re putting words into my mouth,” he offered in a sly tone. “As I recall, we did not discuss Sir Ricky at all.”

  Lance smiled. “I know. But we did anyway. Thanks.”

  Merlin’s gray eyes seemed to twinkle and he bowed his head respectfully. “Any time, Your Majesty.”

  Lance lost his smile at the salutation, suddenly feeling the cold weight of responsibility press down on him.

  Ricky’s hand finding his brought Lance back to the moment, and they left Merlin to his metal and books and headed off to the Computer Lab.


  By the time they entered the lab, it was already five thirty and everyone had left to get ready for dinner or go home. All but Techie, of course. He often slept over, rather than hop the metro for Long Beach every time, but except when he sat in the New Camelot classroom or at a meal in the dining room, the seventeen-year-old lived in this lab, and, quite frankly, Lance didn’t know how they’d manage without him.

  The boys approached and greeted the Vietnamese knight with the fist bump.

  “What’s up, guys?” Techie asked, his eyes returning to the screen before him, his fingers, as always, flitting over the keys like skittering beetles.

  “Just checking on our gay status,” Lance said with a smirk at Ricky, who flashed a mock scowl and shoved him playfully. “You know, where Ricky and me are on the hate meter today.”

  Since making their feelings known to the world, which in retrospect both boys felt might not have been the best idea, the Internet had been abuzz with nothing else. Of course, the most regularly used headline since the past Monday had become ‘The Boy Who Came Back Becomes The Boy Who Came Out’. Lance had expected some reaction to his announcement, but seriously, there could’ve been an alien invasion in progress and the main topic of conversation everywhere would still have been ‘Sir Lance and Sir Ricky gay with each other’. That expression continuously made both boys chuckle – what the hell did ‘gay with each other’ mean anyway?

  Techie minimized his window and opened a new one. He Googled ‘Sir Lance and Sir Ricky gay’ and instantly hundreds of hits popped up, from every conceivable venue. “I’ve been tracking and compiling stats, Lance, and at first lots of people were kind ’a shocked. But now I’d say the consensus is probably seventy, seventy-five percent still supporting what you’re doing and not caring about, well, you know, whatever you guys do in private.”

  He blushed to his ears, causing Lance and Ricky to exchange a look. “And
just what do you think we do in private, Sir Techie?” Lance asked, a bit more testily than he’d wanted.

  Techie just shrugged, but didn’t raise his eyes from the screen. “None ’a my business. But people on line, well, they’re speculating a lot. You know…”

  Lance folded his arms across his chest in annoyance. Ricky placed a hand on his shoulder to calm him. “No, I don’t know.”

  Techie squirmed with extreme discomfort. “It’s them saying this, guys, not me,” he stammered, pausing a moment in mortification.

  The boys stood and waited. Lance wanted to know, even though he felt sure he wasn’t going to like it.

  “They speculate on like, who’s on top and who’s on the bottom and, oh God, you know, stuff like that!” The boy couldn’t continue and lowered his gaze to the keyboard.

  Lance looked at Ricky. Both boys had eyes the size of saucers. Who’s on top?

  “Oh, God, Ricky, they all think we’re having sex…” Lance stopped, flushing red. “And they’re wondering which one ’a us is… the girl.” His knees felt weak. He’d been Richard’s ‘girl’ for so long…

  The color drained from Ricky’s face, turning him white as a t-shirt.

  “That what you trying to tell us, Techie?” Lance added in a breathless whisper.

  The tech genius nodded his head slowly.

  “Oh, shit,” Ricky exclaimed, plopping down into one of the rolling computer chairs behind him.

  Lance lowered himself slowly into another chair beside Techie, who still didn’t raise his eyes.

  “I’m sorry, Lance, I’m just telling you what’s out there,” he said apologetically, his face red with embarrassment. “None of us care.”

  Every muscle in Lance’s body felt tight with tension, and a growing rage. Ricky looked shell-shocked.

  “Techie, look at me,” Lance said in a commanding tone that left no room for argument.

  Grudgingly, still red to the ears, Techie turned his head and met Lance’s fiery green eyes.

  “Ricky and me are not having sex, Techie,” he stated calmly, with conviction. “Period. And we don’t plan to for a long time, at least till after we turn eighteen and even then we don’t know for sure.”


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