The Pursuit of Italy

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The Pursuit of Italy Page 51

by David Gilmour

  James Morris, Venice, Faber and Faber, London, 1974.

  Jan Morris, Trieste and the Meaning of Nowhere, Faber and Faber, London, 2002.

  William Murray, The Last Italian, Grafton, London, 1991.

  John M. Najemy (ed.), Italy in the Age of the Renaissance, Oxford University Press, 2004.

  Peter Nichols, Italia, Italia, Macmillan, London, 1973.

  Pietro Nicolosi, Palermo Fin de Siècle, Mursia, Milan, 1979.

  John Julius Norwich, Venice, vols. 1 and 2, Allen Lane, London, 1977 and 1981.

  Patrick Key O’Clery, The Making of Italy, Kegan Paul, London, 1892.

  Iris Origo, The Last Attachment, John Murray, London, 1972.

  Iris Origo, The Merchant of Prato, Alfred A Knopf, New York, 1957.

  Iris Origo, A Need to Testify, John Murray, London, 1984.

  Charles Osborne, Complete Operas of Verdi, Indigo, London, 1997.

  Charles Osborne, Verdi, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1987.

  Nicholas Ostler, Empires of the Word, HarperCollins, London, 2005.

  Didier Ottinger (ed.), Futurism, Tate Publishing, London, 2009.

  Piero Ottone, Italia mia, Longanesi, Milan, 2009.

  Sergio Pacifici, The Modern Italian Novel, Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale, 1979.

  Michael St John Packe, The Bombs of Orsini, Secker and Warburg, London, 1957.

  George Painter, Marcel Proust, Penguin, London, 1983.

  Massimo Pallottino, A History of Earliest Italy, Routledge, London, 1991.

  Pietro Palumbo, Storia di Lecce, Congedo, Martina Franca, 2002.

  Roger Parker, Leonora’s Last Act, Princeton University Press, 1997.

  Roger Parker, Verdi and His Operas, Oxford University Press, 2007.

  Tim Parks, Italian Neighbours, Vintage, London, 2001.

  Alexander Passerin D’Entrèves, Reflections on the History of Italy, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1947.

  Birgit Pauls, Giuseppe Verdi und das Risorgimento, Akademie Verlag, Berlin, 1996.

  Robert O. Paxton, The Anatomy of Fascism, Allen Lane, London, 2004.

  Santi Peli, La Resistenza in Italia, Einaudi, Turin, 2004.

  Clara Petacci, Mussolini Segreto: Diari 1932–1938, Rizzoli, Milan, 2010.

  Mary Phillips-Matz, Verdi, Oxford University Press, 1993.

  Daniel Pick, Rome or Death, Jonathan Cape, London, 2005.

  Thomas Pinney (ed.), The Letters of Rudyard Kipling, vol. 4, Macmillan, Basingstoke, 1999.

  John Pollard, Catholicism in Modern Italy: Religion, Society and Politics since 1861, Routledge, London, 2008.

  Anna Pomar, Donna Franca Florio, Vallechi, Florence, 1985.

  Adrian Poole and Jeremy Maule (eds.), The Oxford Book of Classical Verse, Oxford University Press, 1995.

  Alessandro Molinari Pradelli, La Toscana com’era, Newton Compton, Rome, 1986.

  Geoffrey Pridham, The Nature of the Italian Party System, Croom Helm, London, 1981.

  Giuliano Procacci, History of the Italian People, Penguin, London, 1978.

  Marcel Proust, The Captive, Folio, London, 2001.

  Robert Putnam, Making Democracy Work: Civic Traditions in Modern Italy, Princeton University Press, 1993.

  Giuseppe Quatriglio, Mille anni in Sicilia, Ediprint, Palermo, 1985.

  Domenico Quirico, Generali, Oscar Mondadori, Milan, 2007.

  Agatha Ramm, ‘The Risorgimento in Sicily’, English Historical Review, vol. 87, 1972.

  Elizabeth Rawson, Cicero, Allen Lane, London, 1975.

  Lucy Riall, Garibaldi: Invention of a Hero, Yale University Press, London, 2007.

  Lucy Riall, Risorgimento: The History of Italy from Napoleon to Nation-State, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, 2009.

  Joanna Richardson, Stendhal, Gollancz, London, 1974.

  Jasper Ridley, Garibaldi, Constable, London, 1974.

  Linda Risso and Monica Boria (eds.), Politics and Culture in Postwar Italy, Cambridge Scholar Press, Newcastle, 2006.

  Sergio Rizzo and Gian Antonio Stella, La Casta, Rizzoli, Milan, 2007 (see also Stella and Rizzo).

  Graham Robb, The Discovery of France, Picador, London, 2007.

  Peter Robb, Midnight in Sicily, Harvill, London, 1988.

  Andrea di Robilant, A Venetian Affair, Fourth Estate, London, 2004.

  N. A. M. Rodger, The Safeguard of the Sea, Penguin, London, 2004.

  Rosario Romeo, Il Risorgimento in Sicilia, Laterza, Bari, 1982.

  John Rosselli, The Life of Bellini, Cambridge Univesity Press, 1996.

  John Rosselli, The Life of Verdi, Cambridge University Press, 2001.

  Renzo Rossotti, Torino: I monumenti raccontano, Edizioni Servizi, Turin, 2004.

  Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Du contrat social, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1972.

  Steven Runciman, A History of the Crusades, vol. 3, Cambridge University Press, 1955.

  Steven Runciman, The Sicilian Vespers, Cambridge University Press, 1984.

  James Ruscoe, The Italian Communist Party 1976–81, Macmillan, London, 1982.

  John Ruskin, The Stones of Venice, George Allen, London, 1905.

  Gaetano Salvemini, Carlo and Nello Rosselli, Intellectual Liberty, London, 1937.

  Donald Sassoon, Mussolini and the Rise of Fascism, HarperCollins, London, 2007.

  Roberto Saviano, Gomorrah: Italy’s Other Mafia, Macmillan, Basingstoke, 2007.

  Salvatore Scarpino, La mala unità, Effesette, Cosenza, 1985.

  Aldo Schiavone, Italiani senza Italia, Einaudi, Turin, 1998.

  Aldo Schiavone, L’Italia contesa, Laterza, Bari, 2009.

  Alfonso Scirocco, Garibaldi, Princeton University Press, 2007.

  Walter Scott, The Two Drovers and Other Stories, Oxford University Press, 1987.

  Domenico Sella, Italy in the Seventeenth Century, Longman, London, 1997.

  Christopher Seton-Watson, Italy from Liberalism to Fascism, Methuen, London, 1967.

  Gaia Servadio, Rossini, Constable, London, 2003.

  Beppe Severgnini, Italiani si diventa, RCS, Milan, 1998.

  Beppe Severgnini, La Bella Figura, Hodder and Stoughton, London, 2008.

  Desmond Seward (ed.), Naples, Constable, London, 1984.

  Desmond Seward and Susan Mountgarret, Old Puglia, Haus, London, 2009.

  Carlo Sforza, Contemporary Italy, Frederick Muller, London, 1946.

  Carlo Sforza, The Real Italians: A Study in European Psychology, Columbia University Press, New York, 1942.

  Quentin Skinner, Machiavelli, Oxford University Press, 2000.

  Frank Snowden, The Conquest of Malaria: Italy 1900–1962, Yale University Press, New Haven, 2006.

  Carlotta Sorba, Teatri: L’Italia del melodramma nell’ età del Risorgimento, Mulino, Bologna, 2001.

  Giovanni Spadolini, Firenze fra ’ 800 e ’ 900, Le Monnier, Florence, 1984.

  Giorgio Spini and Antonio Casali, Firenze, Laterza, Bari, 1986.

  C. J. S. Sprigge, The Development of Modern Italy, Duckworth, 1943.

  John Steer, A Concise History of Venetian Painting, Thames and Hudson, London, 1970.

  Gian Antonio Stella and Sergio Rizzo, La Deriva, Rizzoli, Milan, 2008 (see also Rizzo and Stella).

  Stendhal, The Life of Henry Brulard, New York Review Books, 2002.

  Stendhal, Memoirs of an Egotist, Chatto and Windus, London, 1975.

  Stendhal, Rome, Naples and Florence, John Calder, London, 1959.

  Stendhal, To the Happy Few, John Lehmann, London, 1952.

  Alexander Stille, Excellent Cadavers, Pantheon, New York, 1995.

  Francesco Tabladini, Bossi; la grande illusione, Riuniti, Roma, 2003.

  Anne Taylor, Laurence Oliphant, Oxford University Press, 1982.

  Martin Thom, Republics, Nations and Tribes, Verso, New York, 1995.

  Mark Thompson, The White War, Faber and Faber, London, 2008.

  Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa, The Leopard, Collins and Harvill, London, 1962.

  Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa, Letteratura inglese, vols. 1 and 2, Mond
adori, Milan 1990–91.

  Daniele Tomasini, Verdi e il Risorgimento, Farnesiana, Piacenza, 1999.

  Claretta Micheletti Tonetti, Bernardo Bertolucci, Twayne, New York, 1995.

  Mario Toscano, Alto Adige – South Tyrol, Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 1975.

  G. M. Trevelyan, Garibaldi and the Thousand, Longmans, London, 1948.

  Raleigh Trevelyan, Princes under the Volcano, Macmillan, London, 1972.

  Raleigh Trevelyan, Rome ’44 , Secker and Warburg, London, 1981.

  Hugh Trevor-Roper, History and the Enlightenment, Yale University Press, New Haven, 2010.

  Nino Valeri, Giolitti, UTET, Turin, 1971.

  Danele Varè, Laughing Diplomat, John Murray, London, 1938.

  Elio Veltri and Marco Travaglio, L’odore dei soldi, Riuiniti, Rome, 2006.

  Franco Venturi, Italy and the Enlightenment, Longman, London, 1972.

  Fulco di Verdura, The Happy Summer Days, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London, 1976.

  Bruno Vespa, Vincitori e vinti, Oscar Mondadori, Milan, 2006.

  Pasquale Villari, The Liberation of Italy, Nelson, Appleton, 1959.

  Virgil, The Aeneid, Penguin, London, 2001.

  Andrea Vitello, Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa, Sellerio, Palermo, 1987.

  David Waley, The Italian City-Republics, Longman, London, 1978.

  David Waley, Siena and the Sienese in the Thirteenth Century, Cambridge University Press, 1991.

  D. S. Walker, A Geography of Italy, Methuen, London, 1958.

  Ernst Wangerman, From Joseph II to the Jacobin Trials, Oxford University Press, 1969.

  Bryan Ward-Perkins, The Fall of Rome, Oxford University Press, 2006.

  William Weaver, The Golden Century of Italian Opera, Thames and Hudson, London, 1980.

  William Weaver and Martin Chusid (eds.), A Verdi Companion, Gollancz, London, 1980.

  Jonathan White, Italy: The Enduring Culture, Leicester University Press, London, 2000.

  Arnold Whittall, Romantic Music, Thames and Hudson, London, 1987.

  Garry Wills, Venice: Lion City, Washington Square Press, New York, 2002.

  Elizabeth Wiskemann, Italy since 1945, Macmillan, London, 1971.

  S. J. Woolf, The Italian Risorgimento, Longmans, London, 1969.

  Stuart Woolf, Italy 1700–1860, Methuen, London, 1979.

  Guido Zucconi, Venice, Arsenale Editrice, Verona, 1993.



  1 Ottone, 124.

  2 Canzoniere, cxlvi.

  3 Mack Smith [1968], 361; Dolci [1981], 144.

  4 Duggan [2007], 102.

  5 Origo [1957], 317–22.

  6 Horden and Purcell, 190; Braudel, vol. 1, 138–9.

  7 Cunliffe, 66–71; Braudel, vol. 1, 139.

  8 La Repubblica, 5 October 2008; L’Espresso, 19 March 2010.

  9 Bartlett [1965], 98.

  10 La Repubblica, 25 September 2009.

  11 Cunliffe, 475.

  12 Glasser, 46–7.

  13 Frei, 158.

  14 Banti [2000], 160.

  15 Graham Robb, 25; Cobb, 94.

  16 Origo [1957], passim.

  17 Hale [1993], 60–62.

  18 Scott, 255.

  19 Bobbio, xx–xxi, 81–2.

  20 Cenami, 23.

  21 Jens Petersen quoted in Barański and West (eds.), 23.

  22 Martines, 446–9; Hale [1993], 161–3.

  23 Sforza [1942], 37.

  24 De Mauro, 43; Marazzini, 185–6.

  25 Origo [1972], 287.

  26 Mack Smith, Cavour, 216; Duggan [2002], 13, 18.

  27 Umberto Eco in L’Espresso, 28 August 2008.

  28 La Repubblica, 30 July 2009.

  29 Il Venerdi di Repubblica, 25 September 2009; La Repubblica, 30 July 2009.

  30 Roderick Conway-Morris in The Times Literary Supplement, 12 September 2008.


  1 Lane Fox, 282.

  2 Dench, 130.

  3 Mark Pobjoy in Herring and Lomas (eds.), 187–205.

  4 Jenkyns (ed.) [1992], 16.

  5 Georgic I, translated by David R. Slavitt, in Poole and Maule (eds.), 276.

  6 Jenkyns [1998], 77, 97.

  7 Finley [1979], 123.

  8 Gibbon, vol. 1, 48.

  9 Goodman, 490.

  10 Momigliano, 181.

  11 Ward-Perkins, 87, 100, 117–18.

  12 G. W. Bowersock in the New York Review of Books, 25 September 2008.

  13 Herrin, 321–3.

  14 Libretto by Salvatore Cammarano translated by Julian Budden, Philips Classics Productions, 1978.

  15 Procacci, 33.


  1 Although I have seen these frescoes many times myself, I am grateful to Timothy Hyman for his analysis of them in his book Sienese Painting.

  2 Purgatorio, xiii 151–4.

  3 Bowsky, 14–15.

  4 Bowsky, 295–6; Waley [1991], 11; Hyman, 15.

  5 Purgatorio, v 134, vi 72–5.

  6 De vulgari eloquentia, I xii 4 and 1 xvi 3; Keen, 12, 15, 107–8; Dante, 103–4.

  7 Lane Fox, 28.

  8 Origo [1957], 44, 333.

  9 Guicciardini, 86.

  10 Mackenney, 140–43.

  11 Hale [1983], 15–19; Najemy (ed.), 186.

  12 King [2001], 126–8, and King [2007], 67–72.

  13 Purgatorio, vi 148–51.

  14 Acton [1979], 114, 123; Hale [1983], 61–75.

  15 Ascheri, 170.

  16 Quoted in Hyman, 13.

  17 Henk Van Os quoted in Hyman, 209.

  18 Mack Smith, Modern Sicily, 284.

  19 Guerri, 84.

  20 Hale [1983], 186–7.

  21 Hale [1983], 192.


  1 Morris [1974], 318; James, 7.

  2 Mackenney, 124.

  3 Foster, 156.

  4 Rousseau, 213–15.

  5 Runciman [1955], vol. 3, 130.

  6 Lauritzen and Zielcke, 16–23.

  7 Ruskin, vol. 3, 297.

  8 Lauritzen and Zielcke, 25.

  9 Crovato and Crovato, passim.

  10 Ascheri, 110.

  11 Ascheri, 128–9; Wills, 98.

  12 Julius Kirshner in Najemy (ed.), 100–101.

  13 Robilant, 15.

  14 James Morris [1974], 94.

  15 John Jeffries Martin, 51, 69, 73–5, 181–2, 219–23.

  16 Act 3, scene iii, 26–31.

  17 Lauritzen, 13; Blake, 4–5.

  18 Theodore K. Rabb in The Times Literary Supplement, 11 July 2008.

  19 Robilant, 285.

  20 ‘A Toccata of Galuppi’s’ (1855).


  1 Guicciardini, 86.

  2 Barzini [1964], 287.

  3 Guerri, 119–20.

  4 Mackenney, 34.

  5 Stendhal [1959], 350.

  6 Mack Smith, Medieval Sicily, vol. 2, 115.

  7 Venturi, 289.

  8 Wangerman, 89–95.

  9 Woolf [1979], 41, 150–51.

  10 Acton [1974], 167–8.

  11 Goethe, 199, 207, 317–21.

  12 Goethe, 246.

  13 Romeo, 12–13, 29, 40–52.

  14 Mack Smith, Modern Sicily, vol. 2, 263–4, 287–303.

  15 Goethe, 117.

  16 Gervaso, 190–92.

  17 Chandler, 206.

  18 Woolf [1979], 163.

  19 Chandler, 71–3.

  20 Cronin, 138

  21 Chandler, 209.

  22 Bourrienne, epigraph.

  23 Madelin, vol. 1, 311. Lefebvre, vol. I, 250–51.

  24 Mansel, 29, 160.

  25 Franco Della Peruta in Davis and Ginsborg (eds.), 39–47.

  26 Davis, Naples and Napoleon, 261.

  27 Mack Smith [1968], 18.

  28 Collection in the Casa Mazzini in Genoa.

  29 Hazareesingh, 260.

  30 Woolf [1969], 39.

  31 Duggan [2007], 103.

  32 Mack Smith
[1968], 110 and [1985], 26.

  33 Clay (ed.), 8, 127.

  34 Martha Petrusewicz in Lumley and Morris (eds.), 20–23.

  35 Banti [2000], 21.

  36 Stendhal [1959], 358.

  37 Stendhal [2002], 480.

  38 Stendhal [1959], 413, 468.

  39 Mack Smith, Cavour, 32, and [1971], 11.


  1 Marshall, 13–14, 38.

  2 Azeglio, 110–11, 129.

  3 Barzini [1964], 180.

  4 Duggan [2007], 100.

  5 Ascheri, 13.

  6 Woolf [1969], 45.

  7 Denis Mack Smith in The Times Literary Supplement, 21 January 1955; Mack Smith [1994], 41.

  8 Keates [2005], 9.

  9 Riall [2007], 30.

  10 Ridley, 238.

  11 Tomasi di Lampedusa [1990–91], vol. 1, 89–91.

  12 Sorba, 26–8.

  13 Sorba, 178-9.

  14 Phillips-Matz, 230–31.

  15 Phillips-Matz, 236–7.

  16 Parker [1997], 35–9; Mary Ann Smart in Ascoli and Henneberg (eds.), 107–8.

  17 Weaver and Chusid (eds.), 5.

  18 Parker [1997], 25.

  19 Parker [1997], 33–4.


  1 Marshall, 141, 160.

  2 Mack Smith, Cavour, 112.

  3 Ridley, 385; Marshall, 236; Beales [1961], 148.

  4 Gazzetta Piemontese, 12 January 1856.

  5 Mack Smith [Garibaldi], 30.

  6 Quoted in Mack Smith [1968], 215.

  7 Beales [1961], 21, 51.

  8 Martucci [1999], 84–8.

  9 Martucci [1999], 91; Mack Smith, Cavour, 172–3.

  10 O’Clery, 53.

  11 Beales [1961], 156.

  12 Mack Smith [1968], 302, 355.

  13 Taylor, 75–8.

  14 Ridley, 435.

  15 Ridley, 480–82.

  16 Quirico, 32.

  17 Di Fiore, 46.

  18 Mack Smith, Cavour and Garibaldi, 398.

  19 Mack Smith, Cavour and Garibaldi, 387.

  20 Moe, 175–6; Mack Smith, Cavour and Garibaldi, 407, 430, and [1968], 328–30.

  21 Di Fiore, 199, 202, 262, 340; Proust, 229, 254–5, 300–301; Painter, 567.

  22 G. M. Trevelyan, 44.

  23 Conversation with Giuseppe Galasso, March 2009.

  24 Duggan [2002], 281.

  25 Varè, 210.

  26 La Mia Guida Pratica di Treviso (2006).

  27 Pick 155; Riall [2007], 369.

  28 Marshall, 291; Azeglio, 180.


  1 Lowell, 148–9.

  2 G. M. Trevelyan, 26–7; Woolf [1969], 72.

  3 Woolf [1969], 83.

  4 Woolf [1969], 69, 79–80.


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