The Protectors Series Bundle (A superhero romance anthology)

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The Protectors Series Bundle (A superhero romance anthology) Page 27

by Nana Malone

  Garrett flexed his hands into tight balls, narrowly resisting the urge to hit something. Reaper and his mad scientists had turned his brother into a Tracker. “Where’d you get those muscles from, kid?”

  Michael frowned. “Didn’t Aunt Catherine tell you? I hit a growth spurt last month when I went to football camp. Working out every day did the trick. I was so skinny before. Coach says I’m the most improved player. Had me on a regiment of serious vitamins and shakes that tasted like ass. Worked I guess. In no time I started to look like him. Though I had a hell of a fever for about a week. He was pretty cool, came to see me every day I wasn’t at school to make sure I stayed on my vitamin regimen.”

  Fever? Supposed vitamins. Garrett didn’t want to believe what his brain was working its way to. “Coach try this with any other footballers? It seemed it worked.”

  “Nah. He’s new to the program. Said he was going to try out the plan on me, then move it on to the other players. And don’t worry, I made sure to see exactly what those shakes were made of, and I checked those vitamin bottles. They all still had the seals on them and nothing in the contents is on the banned list. I know to be careful.”

  Bile rose in Garrett’s throat and threatened to make an appearance. The coach had to be working for Peter. It was the only thing that made sense. Michael must have gotten the last dose when Reaper nabbed him. A week ago.

  In the other room, he heard Symone stirring on the bed, and his body went into full alert with need and tension. He didn’t need to be thinking about her naked in bed, writhing. His cock stirred in his jeans, and he muttered a curse.

  Michael cocked his head. “What’s that sound? And what is that smell?

  Garrett narrowed his eyes. “What smell?”

  “Cinnamon and something else. Something spicy?”

  Garrett sighed. “That, is Symone. You have to promise you’re not going to try and kill her again.”

  Michaels’s eyes popped wide. “Wait, Symone Jackson? That terrorist Reaper’s been trying to catch? What’s she doing here?”

  “You mean you don’t remember anything?”

  Michael looked like a lost child at an amusement park, confused and a little shell-shocked.

  “Last thing I remember is getting called into that douchbag Rex’s office and his giving me instructions not to leave the house until he told me I could. I asked to go back to Aunt Catherine’s, and he said we’d talk about it when you came home.”

  “You seriously don’t remember anything? Shooting me at the compound? Trying to kill Symone back at the beach?”

  Michael’s eyes grew wide and panicked as they frantically searched the motel room. “I’m telling you, bro. It’s like a black hole where gray matter should be. I’ve got nothing. Garrett, what the fuck is going on?”

  “I’m hoping to God Symone knows.”

  Chapter Twenty

  Symone watched Michael out of the corner of her eye. It worried her that he had no memory of trying to kill her. Or worse trying to kill his own brother. She didn’t know the extent of his memory loss. Or the extent of the mind control. Talk about way out of their depth.

  Firing up the laptop, she tried to reach Cassie and the Protectors again.

  The indicator on the screen said it was attempting to connect, and she bit her nails as she waited. Garrett stalked out of the bathroom, and her insides turned to jelly. His lithe movements reminded her of a prowling, caged animal. All that tightly leashed power made her tremble.

  Instantly his head tipped up, and his nostrils flared. He grinned as she flushed. Incorrigible man.

  On the other queen-size bed, Michael frowned. “There it is again, what is that smell?”

  Garrett grinned but blushed, and Symone laughed out loud. Garrett cleared his throat. “Don’t you worry about that. Grown folks business.”

  Michael’s navy blues went from her to his brother and back again. “Ugh. Okay. You guys want some privacy? Is that what that is?”

  Garrett’s laugh was thick and rich, and the comforting smell of leather filled the room. “No. Stay. We have to figure this shit out and get you back to the Lair. There are still a thousand miles between us and safety, and we don’t have any weapons but Symone. If she overdoes it, she’s out for the count.”

  Michael eyed her again. “Who are you?”

  The corner of her lip tipped up. “Long story. I’ll explain on the way if we get an extract.”

  The line connected and the thick “Hello,” on the other line made her jump.

  “Jansen, is that you? Holy shit, what happened to you guys?”

  “Symone?” The relief in his voice was palpable. “You’re alive? Holy fuck, you had me so scared. We were just planning to go back for you.”

  Warmth bloomed in her chest. She knew they would go back for her, but it was always nice to hear. “We’re fine. What happened to you guys? I haven’t been able to get through for two days. Can you send Alex for an extract for three?”

  There was a beat of silence. When he spoke, his voice was wary. “Three?”

  “Long story. Garrett and his brother. Peter kidnapped the kid. But where have you guys been? My ass has been flapping in the wind here. I was worried you figured I was more trouble than I was worth or something.”

  Jansen let out a long breath. “Those fuckers tossed some kind of explosive bomb through the portal with us. When you sent the blast of energy to that Tracker trying to follow, it also ignited that bomb. Acted like an EMP. Knocked out all access for the last couple of days. And you weren’t here to give us a jump, so we’ve been out of it for a little while.”

  A chill settled on her spine. She’d barely heard what he said after the word bomb. When she spoke, she didn’t recognize her own voice. It came out hoarse and soft. “What was the collateral damage? Morgan, Alex?” She sniffed. “Cassie?”

  “We’re good. Morgan took a round of nisulin bullets so she’s been out of commission for a couple of days.”

  “Shit. That means you’re vulnerable. They can find the compound.”

  “Yeah. They can. We’re doing shifts, but with Alex down—”

  She dropped her head back and let out an expletive. “What the fuck happened to Alex?” She was worried about her friend, but he was also needed to bring her home. Without him or Morgan, they were sitting ducks.

  “When that bomb blew, it did something to the wormhole. He’s just been out. He’s alive, but unresponsive. The gateway closed with all of us on the right side, but it’s like it was a black hole or something. Lisa hasn’t been able to wake him.”

  “Can Cassie get through to him?”

  “You mean if Seth would let her? He’s pulling the protective husband deal and won’t let us even entertain the thought. Not till Lisa can assure her safety.”

  “Fantastic. So this means, no extract.”

  “Where are you?”

  “Somewhere south of Atlanta. We’re mobile but have no weapons. Except for good old righty and lefty. And that will only last so long.”

  “Shit.” He mumbled something, or maybe he had a hand over the receiver. “Look, I’ll come get you. Can you get to Tallahassee?”

  Of course, it would be Jansen who would come for her. She couldn’t have him risking his life for hers again. “It’s not safe for you. What about Cassie, or Seth?”

  “Fuck, Symone, I’m just as good. And I’ll be packing a small arsenal.”

  She sighed. They were back to this. He feeling like he wasn’t one of the cool kids. Jansen, that’s not what I meant. It’s just—”

  He sighed. “Yeah, I get it. You’re worried about my safety.”

  “Yes.” And she didn’t want him eyeballing Garrett the whole way back to South Florida.

  “Symone, I wish—”

  She cut him off. She didn’t need any kind of declarations from him. They would need to have a conversation sooner or later about his overbearing attitude. And now, with Garrett and Michael listening in, wasn’t the right time. “Look, I apprecia
te it. The risk you’re taking. We can meet you in Tallahassee by noon tomorrow if we leave now.”

  “I’ll be there. Tell your boyfriend he might even get a gun this time.”

  Symone slid a glance at Garrett to see a shit-eating grin on his face. He whispered boyfriend and winked at her. Her traitorous body immediately responded, and dampness formed between her thighs.

  Michael rolled his eyes and excused himself to the living room area.

  Jansen’s muffled voice came through the line again. “Are you there?”

  “Yes, I’m here. I’ll tell Garrett. Listen, Jansen, tell Cassie we have a problem with the kid. He’s the reason Peter’s on a rampage. He might have found a way to use healthy subjects. Cassie needs to talk to the doc and see if she can figure out why.”

  “Hooooly shit. That means trouble. Roger that. I’ll tell her. How old’s the kid?”

  “Sixteen. He was snatched from his aunt’s house before Garrett went rogue. We think he was the target all along.”

  “Okay, I’ll brief her. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Jansen. Thank you.”

  When she closed the laptop, Garrett spoke in a low tone. “You know he’s in love with you, right?”

  “I know.” She expelled an exhausted breath. For over a year she’d tried to ignore what her gut told her. More than once she’d tried to tell him he needed to find someone to care about that was a possibility. But he’d chalked it up to the fact that she thought they were doomed or something. Like maybe she thought it was futile to even entertain the idea since she’d just kill him. That was an excuse he clung to. But they both knew the truth—she loved him deeply, but she wasn’t ever going to be in love with him.

  Garrett nodded. “Something I need to be worried about?”

  The corners of her lips turned up. “No. Not at all.”

  Jansen’s not the one I’m in love with.

  Chapter Twenty-one

  Tired didn’t even begin to describe how she felt. Symone worked the muscles at the back of her neck with her hands, but the motions didn’t loosen the tense knots. As they pulled into their rendezvous point, her stomach rolled. She prayed Jansen was in one piece and that he brought backup of the Alex variety, or at the very least of the Morgan variety.

  But when she parked the van they’d boosted in Orlando, she didn’t see anybody. Not until she bounced out of the driver’s seat and went around to the passenger side. At the far corner of the parking lot sat a familiar black Suburban. And the lanky blonde that leaned against the bumper looked like nobody to fuck with. She didn’t see anyone else. No matter how happy she was to see Jansen, she was worried that it was just him.

  “Fantastic, no back up,” she muttered.

  Garrett’s only response was a scowl. Michael’s prone form in the back of the van worried her. He’d been out for the last three hours. Never stirring. She didn’t know what Reaper had done to him, but if he’d controlled him somehow, there was no telling what could be done to him now. She didn’t want to be climbing out of the shower one day to meet the barrel of a gun.

  Jansen sauntered over to them, holding two duffels. His pace quickened as he got nearer. When he reached her, he dropped the duffels to scoop her up in a bear hug. “Man, you’re a sight for sore eyes. When I saw you standing there before the blast went off, I thought you were a goner.”

  She gave him a quick squeeze back. “You can put me down now. As you can see, I’m fine.”

  “Yeah,” came the growl behind her from Garrett. “As you can see, she’s fine.”

  The unspoken, get your hands off my woman hung in the air between them like a red matador’s cape.

  Jansen gave her another tight squeeze before setting her on her feet. “I already reserved us two adjoining rooms. We’ll rest up for a couple of hours, then head out at dusk.”

  “Why not leave now?” Garrett scanned the area, his shrewd eyes checking every hidey hole and darkened shadow.

  “Because I take it both Symone and I have been driving have the night and day. She’s the best weapon you’ve had, so she hasn’t been able to rest. I’m wiped, and we’ll be taking my car back, so we rest.” He shrugged. “You’d have to drive and watch the kid to make sure he doesn’t go all catatonic on us, and watch for your friends. When we travel, I want everyone but the kid armed. Besides, with every hour, there’s a chance Alex will wake up and we can go home the easy way.”

  Garrett worked his jaw. “With every hour that passes, Reaper could be on our tail.”

  Jansen tossed one of the duffels over his shoulder. “The way he used to track Cassie before is by seeing landmarks through her eyes. It’ll be harder for him in the dark.”

  Jansen had a point. But nonetheless, Symone just watched Garrett’s eyes narrow. God save her from stubborn men. “What’s the word on Morgan and Alex?”

  Jansen stopped in front of one of the motel rooms. “Morgan is coming out of it. She’s conscious now, but still without her powers.”

  Symone muttered a curse.

  An hour after they’d settled in, Symone was unable to take the tight confines of the room anymore. She grabbed her sunglasses. “I’m going to take a walk.”

  Jansen frowned and looked like he might stop her, but she really hoped he wouldn’t. They needed to have a conversation, but she really couldn’t deal with that right now. Later, when she was able to think. Less than a week ago, she knew where everything fit in the world. And now, her whole tidy world had gone to shit.

  Stepping out into the heat, she snapped on her sunglasses and headed to the back of the motel where they’d parked—the only area with any shade also had a small bench she could sit on and try not to sweat. Jansen had brought her some clothes from home. Presumably Cassie or Lisa had packed it as there was underwear, a toothbrush, razor, and deodorant in the bag. Things men tended to overlook. There’d been a skirt in there—which she never wore, considering the whole no touching rule—but it was too hot to run around in jeans, or God forbid, her usual attire of black camos. But she regretted the decision now as the sun scorched her exposed skin. She glanced down at the rapidly tanning, smooth skin.

  In less than four days, she’d fallen in love with the enemy, lost her home, and endangered the lives of the only friends she had on earth. So far she was coming up snake eyes. She needed to catch a break. Otherwise, she was at risk of breaking, herself. She eased down onto the bench.

  “Penny for your thoughts?”

  She didn’t need to look up to know who spoke. Her whole body had gone on red alert mode as soon as she’d picked up Garrett’s scent. “Pennies aren’t going to cut it. Aren’t you supposed to be getting some supplies?”

  “Strip mall is less than a quarter of a mile away. I’m pretty efficient.”

  She nodded, still not looking at him. “Michael’s awake now, but he’s not looking great. He just looks out of it. I couldn’t get him to eat anything.”

  “I know. I want the doctor to take a look at him as soon as we get back.” He cleared his throat. “Or maybe you and Jansen go without us. I recognize he might be a plant. I’ve put you in enough danger.”

  Her head snapped up. “You want to stay behind? After everything we’ve already been through to get Michael safe?”

  His posture went ridged as he crossed his arms. “Symone. Everything I’ve tried to do to help has just caused more damage. I feel like it might be the best choice right now. I can take care of Michael. I’ll get him to a doctor to check him out, then we’ll vanish. God knows, I’ve got plenty of money to make that happen.”

  Dread and panic seeped its way into her bloodstream. She didn’t want to lose him. She’d thought he felt the same way. “That’s a terrible idea. He’d be safer back at the Lair.”

  He stepped back. “Easy now, calm down.”

  Rage doused out the dread. “Don’t speak to me like I’m some child and tell me to bloody calm down.” Beads of sweat ran in rivulets down her back and it was only getting hotter.

“Seriously, Symone, look at yourself. You don’t calm down, and someone will notice a goddess glowing like a firecracker in the parking lot. You’ll incinerate us all.”

  She glanced down at her arms and muttered a curse. “Shit, sorry.” Her whole body had started to glow. And the hem of her T-shirt had singed.

  “You don’t ever have to apologize for being you. This is just a part of you that you haven’t learned to control yet.”

  The panic settled in her gut, even as she puffed out a chuckle. “Like when I almost killed you? Or how I’m the reason Alex and Morgan are out of commission? Or about the times I almost killed your brother?”

  At a fast clip, she stalked back to the room. She didn’t want to lose it again and risk someone seeing her. She needed to cool off quickly and cool her core temperature, or Garrett was right, she’d incinerate them all. Running into the bathroom, she stripped down and grasped a towel. If he wanted to leave her, fine. She’d survived without him for years. She didn’t need him now.

  Hopping into the shower, she turned the water to frigid and stood under the spray for as long as she could stand it. The ice sheets hitting her skin brought her down to rational levels of thought. She stepped out and wrapped a towel around herself.

  When she walked out into the room, Garrett was waiting for her. “I don’t think we were finished talking.”

  “I figured we were done when I nearly incinerated you.”

  “You’re being too hard on yourself.”

  “Sometimes, the truth is hard to take.” Like the fact that he was leaving her. She knew he would have to go at some point, but a small part of her had hoped she would get to enjoy him for a little longer, before she had to go into exile and avoid all physical contact again.

  “I talked to Jansen—Michael and I will leave when you do. We’ll take the SUV, and you guys will take the booster. It’ll give us more time.”


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