The Vampire's Mark 3: Cold Heir (Reverse Harem Romance)

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The Vampire's Mark 3: Cold Heir (Reverse Harem Romance) Page 19

by Rachel Jonas

  She was quiet on the other end, and my face hurt with how hard I grinned.

  “Cori, it’s nearly two in the morning, and you’re being really weird right now,” she chuckled, yawning right after.

  She wasn’t saying anything I wasn’t aware of already. I was being weird, because I didn’t do giddy, but that’s what Silas and the others made me feel.




  Her bed creaked in the background. “Ok, spill it,” she finally demanded. “Whatever it is, just … lay it on me.”

  Clasping my hand over my mouth, for the first time maybe ever, I felt like a girl my age—not one with the weight of the world on her shoulders.

  “Things happened tonight. Heck, things have been happening all week,” I explained, recalling each encounter I had with the princes. “And I just thought you’d like to know that I took your advice. I decided to let myself be happy. And the darnedest thing happened.” A quiet laugh slipped out of me.

  “What’s that?” There was a smile in Liv’s voice when she asked.

  “I think it’s working,” I shared.

  Glancing around the blue suite, it dawned on me that this was the first time the space actually felt like mine. For once, I didn’t feel like an imposter, like a fraud. I felt like I, Corina Prescott, was right where I belonged. And that wouldn’t have been so if I didn’t have my team back, if the princes hadn’t made that happen.

  “Well, kid, you’ve officially made my night,” Liv laughed. “Since you returned, I’ve been hoping you’d finally see it.”

  My brow quirked as I rested on the edge of my bed. “Hoping I’d see what?”

  “That things are finally working out. For all of us,” she insisted. “We’ve never been more well-cared for, have never had such an overflow of food and supplies ever. And most of all, you’re finally not having to put your life on the line to make it all happen.”

  When she brought that up then, I bit down on my lip. It would have felt like a lie to let the conversation end there, without sharing the details of the night.

  “Actually,” I forced out, “that might not be entirely true.”

  With the hard breath she let out, I imagined her rolling her eyes. “What did you do?”

  I glanced toward the window when a sudden gust of wind blew in, causing my candle to flicker.

  “I broke into the Tine Facility again, but I wasn’t alone,” I rushed to add, hoping that would slow her anger a bit. “Silas was with me.”

  The questions that statement raised for her could be sensed even through the phone, which made me laugh a bit.

  “Does he know?”

  “You mean does he know who I am?” I asked. “No, but … on some level, I kind of think he has to know something.”

  Her silence persisted on the other end.

  “Cori, maybe it’s time you put a little more trust in them. From what I’ve seen, they’re far more openminded than any of us gave them credit for. And with how crazy they all seem about you, I doubt there’s anything you could tell them that would change their minds.”

  It warmed my heart to hear her say that, but it was too big of a risk.

  “So, per your suggestion, I’ll just waltz downstairs with a giant ‘B’ on my chest for Blackbird and say ‘Hey, guys! Guess what?’ Because that’ll definitely go over well,” I chuckled.

  “Okay, make fun of me for thinking love fixes everything,” she laughed, “but mark my words; when they find out, and nothing changes, you’ll be kicking yourself for keeping this secret for so long.”

  She seemed so certain of that, I nearly believed her.

  “Perhaps,” I concluded. As soon as the word left my mouth, she yawned and so did I, which meant it was time we both turned in for the night.

  “Yes, perhaps,” she echoed whimsically.

  I missed her and the others already, which was probably why a thought popped into my head. “I’m gonna stop by tomorrow,” I announced. “I’m sure one of the guys will drive me to the bridge, and I’ll walk the rest of the way from there.”

  “We’ll meet you!” she practically yelled, letting me know I was missed, too. “Just give me about an hour’s notice before you head out.”

  Smiling, I nodded as if she were sitting there with me.

  “It’s a date.”

  “See you then,” she agreed before ending the call.

  I was still on a high. Not even laying eyes on that freakin’ black key brought down my mood. And this, like everything else, would work itself out sooner or later.

  I believed that with all my heart.

  Before getting too tired and passing out where I sat, I stood again, walking toward the bathroom. I turned on the faucet and removed my toothbrush and toothpaste from the medicine cabinet. The taste of mint was pleasant, but also reminded me of … he-who-shall-remain-nameless.

  He’d really done a number on me if I couldn’t even practice basic hygiene without having him overtake my thoughts.

  I leaned down to spit into the sink, taking a few swigs of water to rinse my mouth, and then turned off the water before standing straight again.

  Terror spread within me like a wildfire when my eyes landed on the mirror.

  My heart raced, throbbing inside my chest as a firm hand locked over my mouth. A silver gaze stared back at me from the reflection, but those eyes didn’t belong to the ones I loved and trusted. Panting against his palm, cool lips pressed to the rim of my ear and I flinched at the feel of them.

  The words, “Don’t scream,” were breathed against it in a familiar accent, but not in the same tone as Levi. No, this voice was different, raspier, shifty.

  I squeezed my eyes shut, and tears fell from them.

  Way deep down, on the inside, where I tried to keep it locked away, I held on to a thought since escaping Blackthorn that night. It was an awareness that this day would come, a sense of knowing Aaric would, undoubtedly, come to finish what he’d started.

  Staring into his cool gaze through my tear-blurred vision, I was only half surprised to see him. It was an ironically fitting end to this day, though. With so many twists and turns, so many ups and downs, I should have seen this—or something equally as devastating—approaching from a mile away.

  As if to punctuate the gravity of the moment, a heavy roll of thunder shook the house, and my nerves.

  Aaric blinked as I gazed at him through the reflection, wondering what his plan was. Wondering if the effects of the bond had gotten to him too during our brief separation. If I wasn’t mistaken, there was a glint of something unexpected in his eyes, something that made me wonder if he hadn’t shown up tonight with ill intent.

  My brow tensed, studying him, taking note of how the hand not fastened over my mouth was splayed loosely across my torso, but the touch was almost gentle.

  So, if this visit wasn’t hostile, then … what was it?

  I focused on the feel of his chest against my back, as it rose and fell when he took a single breath.

  “I have to take you with me,” were the words that left his mouth. “And, while I’m certain you still don’t understand,” he added, “this is one-hundred-percent necessary.”

  If I heard correctly, the statement was almost apologetic, as if he was simply doing what needed to be done. Something about him seemed a little off, as if he wasn’t completely sure of his actions, but I wasn’t fooled by that. Nothing could convince me that what motivated every move this man made wasn’t the wickedness he harbored in his heart.

  I’d seen it for myself.

  Quietly, he walked me from the bathroom and through my suite, pausing at the open window. Had it not been for a vision of how he would kill me in an instant, snap my neck before the others even made it to my room, I would have put up a fight. For now, cooperating with him seemed like the best thing.

  Glancing toward the window, I imagined this was how he’d gotten in, climbing over the sill while I brushed my teeth, taking advantage of
how my light mood had caused my guard to be weakened. Only, as I stared at my vanity’s mirror, I questioned whether he’d had to sneak in at all, or if something far more mysterious had been at play.

  This doubt was spurred within me as solid flesh and muscle disappeared right before my eyes.

  He was fading away, like a ghost in the candlelight that brightened the space where we stood. My hands still clutched his wrist, which meant that even where he couldn’t be seen, he could be felt—invisible to the naked eye, but still very present. My breaths came quick and uneven as I tried to make sense of what I was witnessing, but then I accepted that would never happen. Aaric was simply unlike any Ianite I’d ever come across in my entire life.

  Those very breaths that made me dizzy as I drew them in, left me altogether, when seemingly at his will, my own physical form began to fade with his. The reflection went from showing two, to one, and eventually only the setting of the bedroom.

  As if we never existed.

  In that moment, as I watched Aaric and I being swallowed by the nothingness, I questioned everything. We were there, but … we weren’t.

  Despite the sudden onslaught of questions I asked myself, several from the past few weeks were now answered.

  I recalled the night I first encountered him, how I once thought I was in his lair alone, only to discover he’d seemingly been seated at the table all along. And then again when Levi and I had holed up at Glenn’s and I was so positive Aaric had been there, but found nothing when I searched.

  And again this evening, when what I believed to be a strong breeze rushed in on the breath of the storm.

  I hadn’t imagined any of it. Now I was certain he’d been following me since leaving Blackthorn, watching my every move from the shadows as he gathered information. There was no telling what he’d seen or overheard, nor how many times he’d silently observed without me suspecting a thing. As if I hadn’t already felt violated by his past actions, realizing he’d been stalking me added more fuel to the fire.

  He was calculative, and had waited for the perfect moment to strike. Tonight, that perfect moment had been handed to him on a silver platter.

  Invisible but very much real, his grip tightened around me. “Close your eyes,” he beckoned, giving me mere seconds before backing us toward the window, and drawing me out with him. My body was lifted with such ease, I felt weightless.

  As I gazed around my room, I accepted that it wasn’t likely I’d make it back. Mostly, because I couldn’t imagine he’d make the mistake of letting me get away twice.

  Aaric took me higher into the night sky, above the palace walls, and the guards that surrounded it. I shuddered with a realization—I was completely at his mercy.

  Fear made it impossible to speak, impossible to scream, but my thoughts were with the princes long after the estate was out of view.

  No matter what happened from here, no matter what this monster had in store for me, I hoped they knew that what I felt for them had been real.

  In hindsight, I wished I hadn’t missed so many opportunities to express those feelings. They’d earned the right to know what was in my heart. With my emotions running high, I swore to myself that if by some small miracle I did return, I wouldn’t let another chance slip through my fingers.

  This was the hope I clung to, as so much uncertainty surrounded my future.

  Without knowing Aaric’s true intentions, it was impossible to deny that, for me … this could very well be the end.


  TVM4: CRIMSON MIST, the series finale, will be releasing soon, and there are several ways to be notified as soon as it hits Amazon. Click > HERE < to join my newsletter, if you’re not already on the list. OR come join us in THE SHIFTER LOUNGE to stay up to date on all my releases and for other bookish fun!

  You can also click >HERE< to grab your copy of book 4, if you’re seeing this message after release day has arrived. Enjoy and thanks so much for delving into Cori and the princes’ world!

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  “The Vampire’s Mark 3: Cold Heir”.

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  (Listed in no particular order)

  Music is a very integral part of my writing process, and I carefully choose songs that fuel each scene. The lyrics may not always be spot on, but sometimes it’s more about the emotion evoked. While writing The Vampire’s Mark, I selected music that brought out the intense emotions Cori felt during various scenes throughout her journey. I hope this list enhances the reading experience for you, like it did for me while writing.

  Note: Piracy is unlawful, and using sites where music can be downloaded for free is equivalent to stealing from the musician. Buying the song or album directly from the artist will always be the best way to show support and appreciation for the artist’s work.

  Sam Tinnesz—“Play With Fire”

  Broken Social Scene—“Sweetest Kill”

  Two Feet—“I Feel Like I’m Drowning”

  Sam Tinnesz—“Hold on For Your Life”

  St. Vincent—Prince Johnny

  Gary Glen Jr.—Bright Lights

  Lorn—Acid Rain

  Glass Animals—Gooey

  Glass Animals—Glass Mambo

  The Veils—Lavinia

  Lana Del Rey—Young and Beautiful

  Billie Eilish, Khalid—“Lovely”

  Billie Eilish—You Should See Me in a Crown

  Noah Cyrus—Again

  Sia—“Elastic Heart”


  SBTRKT, feat. Sampha—“Trials of the Past”

  Ta-Ku—“We Were in Love”

  Zola Blood—"Good Love”

  Glass Animals—“Poplar St.”

  Lewis Del Mar—“Tap Water Drinking”


  Sohn—“Hard Liquor”


  Yoke Lore—“Only You”

  Glass Animals—“Cocoa Hooves”

  Hippie Sabotage—“Rogues”

  Glass Animals—“Agnes”

  Lewis Del Mar—“H.D.L.




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