The Crisis of Rome
Page 31
445 Parker, H, The Roman Legions (Cambridge, 1928), p.27.
446 Polyb. 11.23.1 & 11.33.1. An added complication is that the text is Greek not Latin.
447 Liv.25.39.1, 27.18.10, 28.13.8, 28.14.17, 28.23.8, 28.25.15, 28.33.12, 34.12.6, 34.14.1, 34.14.7, 34.14.10, 34.15.1, 34.19.9, 34.19.10, 34.20.3 & 34.20.5. Sall. Iug. 49.2. See Bell (1965), pp.404–409
Appendix One
448 Plut. Mar.28.3–4
449 If it was indeed Numidicus, it would technically have been illegal for him to hold a second consulship so soon after his first, unless he too received special exemption from the assembly.
450 Vell. 2.12.6
451 Plut. Mar. 28.5
452 Liv. Per. 69
453 After Romulus, and M. Furius Camillus, who defeated the Gauls that had sacked Rome in c.390/386 BC (see Plutarch’s Life of Camillus).
454 Plut. Mar. 27.4–5
455 Ibid.27.6
456 Plut. Mar. 31
457 Diod. 36.12, Cic. Sest. 39, Har Resp. 43.
458 Though there is no clear chronology of the measures he undertook during his first two tribunates and many are interchangeable depending upon ones’ own preferences.
459 Plut. Mar.28.4
460 Vell. 2.12.6
461 Plut. Mar. 30.2. The murder of Memmius can also be found in Liv. Per. 69 and de vir ill. 73.5
462 Evans (1994), pp.158–159.
463 See Beness, J, ‘The Urban Unpopularity of Lucius Appuleius Saturninus’, Antichton 25, 1991, pp.33–61.
464 App. BC. 1.32, Plut. Mar. 30.3. See also Seager, R, ‘The Date of Saturninus’ Murder’, Classical Review 17, 1967, pp.9–10, Badian, E, ‘The Death of Saturninus, Studies in Chronology and Prosopography’, Chiron 14, 1984, pp.101–147 and Evans, R, ‘Saturninus and Glaucia: a quest for power’, Questioning Reputations (Pretoria, 2004), pp.99–131.
465 Oros. 5. 17.6–10
466 Vell. 2.12.6
467 Plut. Mar. 31.1
468 Ibid. 32.2
469 App. BC. 1.33; Oros.5.17.11
470 Dio. fr.28. He had been a former follower of Saturninus and Glaucia, who had been stripped of his equestrian status by Metellus as censor.
471 For other reasons as to why Marius was out in the east see Broughton, T. (1953), pp.210–211.
Appendix Two
472 Different versions of the fragments of Diodorus preserve different names. Diod. 36.8.4
473 Diod. 36.8.
474 Diod. 36.10.1, Flor. 2.711
475 Diod. 36.10.2–3
476 See Sherk (1984), pp.58–66.
Appendix Three
477 Those with Roman citizenship not Latin or Italian status, see Sherwin White, A, The Roman Citizenship (Oxford, 2nd Edition, 1973).
478 Brunt, P, Italian Manpower 225 BC-AD 14 (Oxford, 1971), pp.13–14.
479 See Evans (1988), pp.121–140.
480 Liv. 1.43, Dion. Hal. 4.16–21, Polyb. 6.19.3, Cic. Rep. 2.40, Gell. 16.10.10. See Rathbone, D, ‘The census qualifications of the assidui and the prima classis’, in H. Sancisci-Weerdenburg (ed.) De Agricultura: In Memoriam Pieter Willem de Neeve (Amsterdam, 1993), pp.121–152.
481 Gell. 6.13.My thanks to Professor Tim Cornell for his thoughts on this fragment.
482 Frederiksen, M, ‘The contribution of archaeology to the agrarian problem in the Gracchan period’, Dialoghi di archeologia 4–5, 1970/71, pp.330–357.
483 See Morley, N, ‘The Transformation of Italy, 225–28 B.C.’, Journal of Roman Studies 91, 2001, pp.50–62 and de Ligt, L, ‘Poverty and demography. The case of the Gracchan land reforms”, Mnemosyne 57, 2004, 725–757.
484 Keaveney, A, The Army in the Roman Revolution (London, 2007), p.20.
485 Evans (1988), pp.121–140.
486 See note 426.
Appendix Four
487 Van Ooteghem, J, Les Caecilii Metelli de la République (Brussels, 1967).
488 Polyb. 2.19.8. Also see Gwyn Morgan, M, ‘The Defeat of L. Metellus Denter at Arretium’, Classical Quarterly 22, 1972, pp. 309–325 and Salmon, E, ‘Rome’s Battles with Etruscans and Gauls in 284–282 B.C.’, Classical Philology 30, 1935, pp. 23–31.
489 Valerius Maximus (8.13.2) states that he served for 22 years and was elected four years after his consulship.
490 See Wiseman, T, ‘The Last of the Metelli’, Latomus 24, 1965, pp.52–61.
Appendix Five
491 Matthews, V, ‘The Libri Punici of King Hiempsal’, American Journal of Philology 93, 1972, pp.330–335.
492 Hendrickson, G, ‘The Memoirs of Rutilius Rufus’, Classical Philology 28, 1933, pp.153–175.
All translations are taken from the Loeb unless otherwise specified, and amended by the author where necessary.
Below are a list of the full titles of the ancient works referenced and their modern short codes.
Amm. Marc Ammianus Marcellinus – History of Rome
Ampel. Ampelius – Epitome of History
App. BC Appian – Civil Wars
App. Gall. Appian – Gallic Wars
App. Iber Appian – Spanish Wars
App. Illyr Appian – Illyria Wars
App. Lib Appian – Libyan Wars
App. Pun Appian – Punic Wars
Ascon Asconius – Commentaries on Cicero
Athen. Athenaeus – Authorities on Banquets
Aug. Res Gest Augustus – Deeds of the Divine Augustus
Caes. BA Caesar – African War
Caes. BG Caesar – Gallic War
De vir ill De Viris Illustribus (Lives of Famous Men)
Dio Dio Cassius – History of Rome
Diod. Diodorus – Library of History
Eutrop Eutropius – Epitome of Roman History
Exsuper Julius Exsuperantius – Epitome of Roman History
Fest Festus – Lexicon
Fest. Brev Festus – Epitome of Roman History
Flor Florus – Epitome of Roman History
Frontin. Str. Frontinus – Stratagems
Gell. Gellius – The Attic Nights
Gran.Lic Granius Licinianus – Epitome of Roman History
Herodot. Herodotus – Histories
Homer. Homer – Odyssey
Iord. Rom Jordanes – History of Rome
Iustin Justin – Epitome of Pompeius Trogus’ History of the World
Liv. Livy – History of Rome
Liv. Oxy Oxyrhynchus Fragments of Livy
Liv. Per The Periochae of Livy
Lydus. de. mag. Lydus – On Magistrates
Obseq Julius Obsequens – Summary of Livy
Oros. Orosius – Seven Books against the Pagans
Polyb. Polybius – Histories
Plin. NH Pliny – Natural History
Plut. Ant. Plutarch – Life of Marcus Antonius
Plut. CG Plutarch – Life of Caius Gracchus
Plut. Luc Plutarch – Life of Lucullus
Plut. Mar Plutarch – Life of Caius Marius
Plut. Mor Plutarch – Moralia
Plut. Sert Plutarch – Life of Sertorius
Plut. Sull Plutarch – Life of Sulla
Plut. TG Plutarch – Life of Tiberius Gracchus
Sall. Iug Sallust – Jugurthine Wars
Strabo Strabo – Geography
Varr. RR Varro – On Agriculture
Val Max. Valerius Maximus – Memorable Doings and Sayings
Vell. Velleius Paterculus – History of Rome
Vegit. RM Vegetius – Epitome of Military Science
Zon Zonaras – Extracts of History
Cicero – Works
Cic. Brut. Cicero – Brutus
Cic. Fin Cicero – About the Ends of Goods and Evils (De Finibus Bonorum et Malorum)
Cic. Inv Cicero – On Invention (De Inventione)
Cic. Leg Cicero – On Laws (De Legibus)
Cic. ND Cicero – On the Nature of the Gods (De Natura Deorum)
Cic. Rep Cicero – On the Republic (De Republica)
Cicero – Speeches
/> Cic. Flacc Cicero – In Defence of Flaccus
Cic. Har Resp Cicero – On the Reply of the Soothsayers
Cic. Leg Agr Cicero – On the Agrarian Law of Rullus
Cic. Mil Cicero – In Defence of Milo
Cic. Off. Cicero – On Duties (De Officiis)
Cic. Phil Cicero – Philippics
Cic. Pis Cicero – Against Piso
Cic. Planc Cicero – In Defence of Plancius
Cic. Prov.Con Cicero – On the consular Provinces
Cic. Sest Cicero – In Defence of Sestius
Cicero – Speeches
CIL Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum
ILLRP Inscriptiones Latinae Liberae Rei Publicae
ILS Inscriptiones Latinae Selectae
Cicero – Speeches
IG Inscriptiones Graecae
IGRR Inscriptiones Graecae ad Res Romanas pertinentes
SIG Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum
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