Two Miserable Presidents

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Two Miserable Presidents Page 18

by Steve Sheinkin

  “Our country could not bear” Commanger, Blue and the Gray.

  “My God! How can I pay” McPherson, Ordeal by Fire.

  “Some had hatchets” Channing, Confederate Ordeal.

  “We are starving” McPherson, Battle Cry.

  “Here is all I have” Channing, Confederate Ordeal.

  “My friends, you have one” McPherson, Battle Cry.

  “I heard loud and continued cheers” Perry, Letters from a Surgeon.

  “A rich man’s war” McPherson, Ordeal by Fire.

  “Colonel Montgomery and his gallant” Clinton, Harriet Tubman.

  “Women would come with twins” Clinton, Harriet Tubman.

  “I made up my mind then” Larson, Bound for the Promised Land.

  “Every black man and woman” Trudeau, Men of War.

  “Men fell all around me” Trudeau, Men of War.

  “In this position I remained” Trudeau, Men of War.

  “And the officer in charge said” Trudeau, Men of War.

  “This year has brought” McPherson, Ordeal by Fire.

  “Fourscore and seven years” Lincoln, Speeches and Writings.

  “Lamon, that speech” Sandburg, Abraham Lincoln.

  “They have fought their last man” Korn, Fight for Chattanooga.

  “He was an expert drummer” Korn, Fight for Chattanooga.

  “I did not like to stand” Wiley, Billy Yank.

  “Surrender, you little Yankee!” Wiley, Billy Yank.

  “This announcement has lifted” Jones, A Rebel War Clerk’s Diary.

  “confused and stunned” Sandburg, Abraham Lincoln.

  “Thomas, who ordered” McPherson, Ordeal by Fire.

  “Bragg’s disaster so shocked” Jones, A Rebel War Clerk’s Diary.

  “My heart aches.” McPherson, Ordeal by Fire.

  “Nothing can be worse” Ransom, Andersonville Diary.

  “Could die in two hours” Ransom, Andersonville Diary.

  “When ready to change” Commanger, Blue and the Gray.

  “We thought we could dig” Horigan, Elmira.

  “Half past three o’clock” Horigan, Elmira.

  “I have the honor to inform you” Perret, Ulysses S. Grant.

  “It is General Grant” Simpson, Ulysses S. Grant.

  “Stand up so we can all” Perret, Ulysses S. Grant.

  “Really, Mr. Lincoln” Foote, Civil War, vol. 3.

  “I must have this day” Foote, Civil War, vol. 3.

  “We have got to whip” Foote, Civil War, vol. 3.

  “That man will fight us” Foote, Civil War, vol. 3.

  The Bloody Road to Richmond

  “He was to go for Lee” Foote, Civil War, vol. 3.

  “hammer continuously against” Foote, Civil War, vol. 3.

  “No one could see the fight” Commanger, Blue and the Gray.

  “You Yanks don’t call this” Commanger, Blue and the Gray.

  “The men fought the enemy” Commanger, Blue and the Gray.

  “Our spirits rose” Foote, Civil War, vol. 3.

  “If you see the president” Perret, Ulysses S. Grant.

  “General Grant will not retreat” Botkin, Civil War Treasury.

  “General Lee to the rear!” Commanger, Blue and the Gray.

  “If you will promise me” Foote, Civil War, vol. 3.

  “I never expect to be” McPherson, Ordeal by Fire.

  “Lee’s army is really whipped.” McPherson, Battle Cry.

  “The men were calmly writing” Foote, Civil War, vol. 3.

  “June 3, 1864. Cold Harbor” McPherson, Ordeal by Fire.

  “We started with a yell” Furguson, Not War but Murder.

  “To your guns, boys” Furguson, Not War but Murder.

  “It seemed more like a volcanic” Foote, Civil War, vol. 3.

  “The dead covered five acres” Commanger, Blue and the Gray.

  “I regret this assault more” McPherson, Battle Cry.

  “They call me a butcher.” Perret, Ulysses S. Grant.

  “You could put a piece” Foote, Civil War, vol. 3.

  “There were days when I could” Carpenter, Six Months.

  “Mr. President, you are standing” Botkin, Civil War Treasury.

  “We could blow that fort” McPherson, Ordeal by Fire.

  “Suddenly the earth trembled” Commanger, Blue and the Gray.

  “the saddest affair I have” McPherson, Ordeal by Fire.

  “What is all this struggling” Commanger, Blue and the Gray.

  “Lincoln is deader than dead.” McPherson, Ordeal by Fire.

  “I told Mr. Lincoln” Sandburg, Abraham Lincoln.

  “I am going to be beaten” McPherson, Battle Cry.

  “The most restless man” Botkin, Civil War Treasury.

  “Atlanta is ours, and fairly won.” McPherson, Ordeal by Fire.

  “Since Atlanta I have felt” Chesnut, Diary from Dixie.

  “You know, that reminds me” Carpenter, Six Months.

  “I had rather stay out here” McPherson, Ordeal by Fire.

  “Say, Yank!” McPherson, Ordeal by Fire.

  “We will be free” McPherson, Battle Cry.

  “Like demons they rush in!” Burge, Woman’s Wartime Journal.

  “I can make the march” McPherson, Ordeal by Fire.

  “War is cruelty” Foote, Civil War, vol. 3.

  “We will hang Jeff Davis” Nevin, Sherman’s March.

  “The stench in some places” Andrews, War-Time Journal

  “I beg to present you” McPherson, Battle Cry.

  “We will let her know” McPherson, Battle Cry.

  “I have felt, ever since” McPherson, Ordeal by Fire.

  “With malice toward none” Lincoln, Speeches and Writings.

  “On reaching the door” Douglass, Life and Times.

  “Here comes my friend” Douglass, Life and Times.

  “Edward, unless you come” Channing, Confederate Ordeal.

  “with empty stomachs” McCarthy, Detailed Minutiae.

  “A note was handed” Botkin, Civil War Treasury.

  “We were startled by heavy” Trudeau, Men of War.

  “Richmond was literally a sea” Commanger, Blue and the Gray.

  “Old men and women” Trudeau, Men of War.

  “Thank God I have lived” McPherson, Battle Cry.

  “I wonder if I could get” Foote, Civil War, vol. 3.

  “There is nothing left for me” McPherson, Ordeal by Fire.

  “In my rough traveling suit” Grant, Personal Memoirs.

  “I have come to meet you” Commanger, Blue and the Gray.

  “They fall on each other’s” McPherson, Ordeal by Fire.

  “The war is over” McPherson, Battle Cry.

  “It is by miracles” Commanger, Blue and the Gray.

  “That is the last speech” McPherson, Battle Cry.

  “We must both be more” Carpenter, Six Months.

  “I can’t save him” Sandburg, Abraham Lincoln.

  “Now he belongs to the ages.” Sandburg, Abraham Lincoln.

  “I am glad to see one real” McPherson, Battle Cry.

  “We are all Americans.” McPherson, Battle Cry.

  What Ever Happened To …

  “Useless, useless” Winik, April 1865.

  “If I desired to kill the Senator” Schlesinger, Congress Investigates.

  “Oh, I pitched in with them” Haskell, Battle of Gettysburg.

  “Jeff Davis Captured in Hoop Skirts” Ross, First Lady of the South.

  “Hello, I am Mrs. Grant” Ross, First Lady of the South.

  “Forty years of my life” Douglass, Life and Times.

  “God bless you, Douglas.” Wells, Stephen Douglas.

  “I am naturally fond of adventure” Edmonds, Nurse and Spy.

  “We wish now for good feeling” Freeman, R. E. Lee.

  “No, I will go right back” Freeman, R. E. Lee.

  “There was
a cheerless cold rain” Commanger, Blue and the Gray.

  “I know this foul murder” Chesnut, Diary from Dixie.

  “Now in this world” Oates, Abraham Lincoln.

  “I feel that a great weight” McClellan, McClellan’s Own Story.

  “to place my side of the story” McClellan, McClellan’s Own Story.

  “It were better for his memory” Sears, George B. McClellan.

  “[They] could hardly believe it was” Ransom, Andersonville Diary.

  “I am sick and tired of fighting” Fellman, Citizen Sherman.

  “So you’re the little woman” Hedrick, Harriet Beecher Stowe.

  “Save my civil rights bill.” Sumner, Works of Charles Sumner.

  “All they need is an equal” Uya, Robert Smalls.


  The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages of your eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.


  African Americans: enlistment of


  Anderson, Robert: Fort Sumter and

  Andrews, Eliza


  Appomattox, meeting at

  Arkansas: secession of

  Army of the Potomac

  Atchison, David

  Auld, Thomas

  Autry, James L.: quoted


  Banks, Nathaniel

  Barton, Clara

  Battle of Bull Run

  Battle of Chancellorsville: losses in; start of

  Battle of Chattanooga

  Battle of Chickamauga

  Battle of Fredericksburg

  Battle of Gettysburg

  Battle of Manassas. See Battle of Bull Run

  Battlefields: confusion on

  Beauregard, P.G.T.

  Bedell, Grace

  Bee, Barnard: quoted

  Bell, John

  Benton, Thomas Hart

  Billings, John


  “Bleeding Kansas,”

  “Bloody Lane,”

  Body lice

  Booth, John Wilkes

  Border states: Lincoln’s concern regarding

  Boyd, Belle

  Bragg, Braxton

  Breckinridge, John: as Southern Democratic nominee

  Breckinridge, Lucy: quoted

  Brock, John C.

  Brooks, Preston; Andrew Butler and

  Brown, Henry “Box,”

  Brown, John: hanging of; life of; march into Harpers Ferry; question of insanity

  Buchanan, James: as “last president,” quoted

  Buckner, Simon

  Buford, Harry T.: real identity of

  Bull Run, Battle of

  Burns, John; quoted

  Burnside, Ambrose

  Butler, Andrew

  Butler, Sarah: quoted


  Cadman, George H.

  Cailloux, André: killing of; life of

  Calhoun, John C.

  Carney, William: death of; Fifty-fourth Massachusetts

  Chamberlain, Joshua

  Chancellor, Sue

  Chancellorsville, Battle of

  Chattanooga, Battle of

  Chesnut, Mary

  Chickamauga, Battle of

  Christian William

  Civil War: bloodiest battle of; first man to die in; turning points of

  Clark, Harvey

  Clay, Henry

  Clem, Johnny: death of; quoted

  Cold Harbor

  Combahee River Raid

  Commonwealth, The

  Compromise of 1850. See also Clay, Henry

  Confederacy: decision to support; lack of shoes for; surrender at Vicksburg

  Confederate States of America

  Cotton gin

  “Crime Against Kansas, The” (speech)

  Crittendon, John

  Cross, Edward: quoted

  Crowder, John

  Cumberland (ship)


  Dame, William

  Dangerfield Newby

  Davis, Jefferson: blame placed on; death of; life of; national day of mourning; quoted; son’s death; view of Northerners

  Davis, Joe: death of

  Davis, Varina


  Despotism: defined by Lincoln

  Diet: for soldiers

  Disunion: discussed in Congress

  Douglas, Stephen; as Northern Democratic nomineee; political aspirations of

  Douglass, Frederick: death of; Fifty-fourth Massachusetts; fight against slavery and; invitation to the White House; quoted

  Doyle, James

  Dred Scott decision

  Duvall, Betty



  Edes, Edward

  Edmonds, Sarah Emma

  Election of 1860: North versus South and; results of

  Election of 1864: results

  Elmira: escape from

  Emancipation Proclamation

  Emerson, Irene

  Enlisting: reasons for


  Fifty-fourth Massachusetts

  “Fighting Joe.” See Hooker, Joseph

  Fleetwood, Christopher

  Fletcher, William

  Food: shortage of

  Foote, Henry

  Fort Donelson; Union victory at

  Fort Henry: Union victory at

  Fort Sumter: crisis at; start of war

  Foster, William

  Fourth of July

  Fredericksburgh, Battle of

  Free papers

  Free states



  Gettysburg Address

  Gettysburgh, Battle of

  Gold: discovered in California

  Goss, Warren: quoted

  Granger, Gordon

  Granny Lee. See also Lee, Robert E.: versus Little Mac

  Grant, Ulysses S.: death of; life of; message for Abraham Lincoln; movement south; quoted; victory at Shiloh

  Greene, Catherine

  Greenhow, Rose O’Neal


  Hamby, W.R.

  Hamilton, William

  Hammond, James: quoted

  Hancock, Winfield

  Harris, Isham: quoted

  Heth, Henry

  Hill, A.P.

  Hodam, James

  “Honest Abe.” See Lincoln, Abraham

  Hooker, Joseph

  Hough, Daniel

  Hunter, Alexander


  Infections: amputation and


  Jackson, Anna

  Jackson, Mary

  Jackson, Thomas J.; amputation of arm; nickname for

  “Johnny Reb,”

  Johnson, Andrew

  Johnson, Joseph

  Johnston, Albert Sdiney

  Johnston, Joseph

  Jones, John

  Julian, George: quoted


  Kansas: race to

  Kansas-Nebraska Act: Douglas’s defense of; explained

  Kimball, George: quoted

  Krzyzanowski, Wlodzimierz: quoted


  Lamb, Roger: quoted

  Leale, Charles

  Lee, Robert E.: death of; decision between Union and Confederacy; Harpers Ferry and; quoted; resignation from U.S. Army; Spotsylvania prediction; starved soldiers of


  Lincoln, Abraham. See also Emancipation Proclamation; 1864 election results; beard of; calls to drop out of race; death of son; family life of; inauguration ceremony; opinion of secession; plans for reconstruction; quoted; as Republican nominee; rumors of assassination plans; support for; as “the original gorilla,” on William Rosecrans

  Lincoln, Mary

  Lincoln, Willie: death of

  Lincoln-Douglas debates

  Little Mac: versus Granny Lee

  “Little Mac.” See McClellan, George

  Little Round Top

  Longstreet, James

  Lord, Lida

  Loughborough, Mary

  Louisiana Native Guard

  Lowe, Thaddeus

  Lunt, Dolly

  Lyman, Joseph


  Mason, James

  Maull, John

  McCarthy, Carlton

  McClellan, George: 1864 election results; death of; as first Democratic candidate; as new leader of Union; quoted

  McCrae. Lucy

  McCrillis, John: quoted

  McDowell, Irving

  McGuire, Hunter

  Mclntosh, Bob

  Meade, George

  Merrimac (ship)

  Metal shortage

  Miller, Dora

  Milliken’s Bend: attack on

  Mississippi: battle in; secession from the Union

  Missouri Compromise

  Mitchell, Barton

  Monitor (ship)

  Moon, Lottie

  Myers, Elizabeth


  Nebraska Territory: division of

  New York City Draft Riots

  New York Tribune

  Newby, Harriet: quoted

  North Carolina: secession of


  Oates, William; quoted

  “Old Snapping Turtle.” See Meade, George


  Parker, Ely

  Perry, Martha

  Pickett, George

  “Pickett’s Charge,”

  Pierce, Tillie: quoted

  Pinkerton, Allan

  Planciancios, Anselmo

  Planter (ship)

  Political parties

  Port Hudson: attack on

  Porter, Fitz John

  Porter, Horace: quoted

  Powell, Lewis

  Prejudice: in the army

  Pryor, Agnes

  Purvis, Robert


  Ramsay, H. Ashton: quoted

  Ransom, John; quoted

  Rappahannock River

  Rebel yell

  Reconstruction: plans for

  Reese, Harry

  Republicans; nomination for president

  Rosecrans, William


  Scott, Dred: life of; Supreme Court’s decision on

  Scott, Winfield: blockade of South; opinion of Robert E. Lee

  Self-government: defined

  Seven Days

  Seward, William; quoted

  Sherman, William Tecumseh

  Shiloh: battle at; Johnny Clem and

  Slavery. See also Underground Railroad: cotton gin and; and Northerners’ view; and Southerners’ view


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