Highland Deliverance (Blades of Honor Book 3)

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Highland Deliverance (Blades of Honor Book 3) Page 10

by B. J. Scott

  He thought about Roslyn and his happiness quickly changed to despair. Now that Quinn was safe, he had to return to Morgan Castle and rescue the woman he believed he was falling in love with.

  “You did well, cousin. The lad looks none the worse for wear.” Connor came up beside Ian and was quickly joined by Bryce and Alasdair.

  “Were you followed?” Bryce glanced over Ian’s shoulder at the surrounding forest.

  Ian shook his head. “Na that I am aware of. But Roderick isna the sort of man to back down easily. I’m sure he will be along soon with a garrison of heavily armed warriors. Best you break camp and head back to Fraser Castle with the lad.”

  Bryce grasped Ian by the upper arm. “And what about you, cousin? Are you na coming with us?”

  “I will return to Fraser Castle, but have something I need to do first. The rest of you must go on ahead without me. I will join you when I can.”

  Lazarus approached with his hand outstretched and Quinn in tow. “I owe you debt of gratitude, Ian. I dinna know how to begin to thank you for all you’ve done.”

  Ian clasped Lazarus’s wrist and the two men exchanged greetings. “You’d have done the same for me, cousin. Quinn is a fine, brave lad. You should be proud of him.”

  “Ian is the courageous one,” Quinn piped up. “He snuck into the tower where they were holding me prisoner and got me out of the castle with nary a scratch. We hid in a secret tunnel beneath the kitchen, then escaped when the coast was clear.”

  “Do they know you are a Fraser?” Bryce asked Ian.

  “Nay. I told them my name was Ian Forbes. And managed to convince them I’m a servant from Aberdeenshire. Only two people know I am the one who absconded with the lad. But they dinna know my true identity either.”

  “Can you trust these people?” Bryce asked.

  “Aye, with my life. And have.”

  “Then there is no reason for Morgan to suspect we are responsible for the escape,” Connor said.

  “If only that were true. Roderick is na a fool. Now that Quinn is gone and I have suddenly disappeared as well, it willna take much for him to figure out I was a sent there by Clan Fraser and na from Clan Forbes. He is aware of Quinn’s ties to our clan, so he’ll know where to look first.”

  “Your warning is dully noted, cousin. We can break camp and be ready to leave once you and Quinn have had a chance to rest up a wee bit,” Lazarus said.

  “Ian isna coming with us,” Bryce interjected.

  “Are you planning to return to Morgan Castle and help Lady Roslyn?” Quinn asked.

  Ian didn’t answer. Instead he faced Lazarus. “There is no need to tarry. Quinn has endured much and has been away from Fraser Castle long enough. The time has come for you to take him home to Sheena. He can ride with you and nap along the way.”

  “You’re na foolishly planning on going back for the Morgan lass, are you?” Alasdair pinned Ian with his stare. “Have you lost your mind, man? She’s na worth risking your neck.”

  “Would you say the same if it were Edina being held and tortured?” Ian glared back at Alasdair.

  “Of course na,” Alasdair replied. “But this isna the same thing. You dinna even know this woman.”

  “I dinna have to answer to you or any man.” Anger rose from the pit of Ian’s stomach as he faced Alasdair. “I brought Quinn back as promised. What I do from here is my concern, na yours. I am going back for Roslyn with or without your approval. And that goes for the rest of you too.”

  “Easy, man. Alasdair dinna mean anything by his comment. Did you?” Connor stood between the two men and focused on his older brother first, then addressed Ian. “And what you do next not only affects you, cousin. It could also affect the entire clan. Not to mention you might very well be killed.”

  Ian widened his stance and crossed his arms over his chest. “There is no need for anyone to fash over me, and you’ll na sway me on this. Once you’ve packed up the camp and the lad is safely on his way home, I will do what is necessary to help Roslyn.”

  “If you get caught, it could start a feud between the clans,” Bryce reminded him. “Are you willing to take that chance?”

  “Aye, there is always that possibility. But we took that same risk when I went in to rescue Quinn.” Ian countered. “You must realize there is already a score to settle. Roderick isna going to just forget about his son.”

  “We are na talking about rescuing one of our own this time. You’re going back for Roderick’s sister,” Bryce added.

  Ian balled his fists and took a menacing step in Bryce’s direction. “If not for her, I might na have been able to rescue Quinn. She threw herself at Roderick’s mercy, willing to give up her own life to save the lad.” Ian hung his head. “Leaving her behind was one of the most difficult things I have ever done. And I mean to set the wrong to right.”

  Quinn tugged on the sleeve of Connor’s tunic. “What Ian says is true. Lady Roslyn did help to save me from Lord Morgan.”

  Connor addressed his oldest brother, interrupting the volatile discussion. “Ian was right when he said the lad has been through a lot, Lazarus. Perhaps it would be best if you took him over to the fire to warm up and got him something to eat. He must be starving.”

  “Your uncle has a point, Quinn. Come with me and let the men talk.” Clearly getting Connor’s message, Lazarus clasped the lad’s hand, but he yanked free of his grasp.

  “Nay. I want to know why Laird Morgan took me from my home and why he claims I am his son.”

  Lazarus shot a glance in Ian’s direction. “He doesna know?”

  Ian shook his head. “Telling him wasna my place. I’ll leave it up to you and Sheena to explain.”

  Quinn peered up at Lazarus. “Know what? Will you na tell me the truth?”

  “I have never lied to you. But what Ian says is true. This is something that we must discuss with Sheena present.” He cupped the lad’s shoulder and steered him toward the fire. “Let’s see what we can find for you to eat.”

  Once Lazarus and Quinn had moved out of earshot, Alasdair spoke up first. “I’m surprised the lad doesna know Sheena is his mother. I figured Morgan would have told him straight out.”

  “Roderick did tell him, but na the whole story.” Ian watched father and son walk away hand in hand. “Things are now as they should be,” he said, then answered Alasdair’s question. “Quinn refused to believe him. But after all that has happened, Lazarus and Sheena will have no choice but to tell him the truth.”

  Connor nodded. “Unfortunately, these sorts of things always have a way of eventually coming out. But Quinn is strong and loves Sheena and Lazarus very much, so I am sure after the initial shock passes, he’ll adjust.”

  “I hope you are right,” Ian replied. “Finding out something like that at his age can go one of two ways. He’ll accept and move on. Or the knowledge his mother was raped and he was deceived since birth will fester inside him until he can no longer contain the anger. If the latter happens, I fear he will someday retaliate against Morgan.”

  “I hope it never comes to that.” Connor rested his hand on Ian’s shoulder. “But right now, I need to try and talk some sense into you, cousin. Drop this notion of going back to Morgan Castle and return with us to Beauly. If Roderick is the bastard you claim, I’d wager the lass is dead.”

  Ian shrugged free. “I told you I’d na be swayed on this and I dinna believe she’s dead.”

  “You’ve no way of knowing that, Ian,” Connor relied.

  “I’d know. I’d feel it here.” Ian thumped his chest. “From the moment I first met Roslyn, I knew she was like no other woman I have ever known. She risked her life for me and Quinn. I will never forget that. Nor will I desert her when she needs me.”

  “For you to return to Morgan Castle after taking Quinn will mean certain death for both of you,” Connor said. “If you’re caught, Roderick will have you executed and I’m na willing to risk your life on a fool’s errand.”

  “Then I willna get caught,”
Ian replied smugly. “And my return might even work to our advantage.”

  “I canna see how that’s possible, cousin. You took the man’s son,” Connor reiterated.

  “He doesna know that for certain. In fact, if I turn up around at the castle when Quinn is still missing, it may even exonerate me,” Ian challenged. “There was a lot going on and it has na been that long since we escaped. For me to still be in the keep and in plain sight, might take suspicion off me altogether.”

  Connor threw his hands in the air. “You are a thrawn man, Ian, but if truth were known, I’d likely feel the same way if in your boots. You must do what your heart tells you is right. Just as I must do what is best for the clan. We canna wait for you. Roderick will be determined to get Quinn back, so we must return home and prepare.”

  “Fair enough. I wouldna expect you to wait for me,” Ian said. “Return to Fraser Castle and make ready for Roderick. I’ll go back and find Roslyn.” He bowed his head and crossed himself. “I just pray that I’m na too late.”

  Bryce stepped forward, as did Ian’s brothers John and Collin—the two men having joined the group during the heat of the discussion. “You dinna need all of us to escort the lad home, Connor,” Bryce said. “If you’re agreeable, I’ll remain here and assist Ian.”

  “So will John and I,” Collin added. “He is our brother and willna leave him to do this alone.”

  Ian held up both hands. “Nay. I appreciate the offer, but dinna want anyone to stay behind. I’m the one who wishes to do this and willna put anyone else at risk.”

  Connor stroked his beard-stubbled chin and looked at Ian. “It appears you have a choice to make, cousin. Either you allow Bryce and your brothers to remain, or you return to Fraser Castle and forget about Lady Roslyn. I’ll drag you home in irons if need be.”

  “That isna a choice. It is an ultimatum,” Ian snapped.

  Connor chuckled, then donned a sober expression. “Take it or leave it. Those are your options.”

  Furious, Ian began to pace. He was a grown man and could take care of himself. “I’ve dedicated my entire life to Clan Fraser. I have always done what you’ve asked of me without question, Connor. Even when I might na have agreed with your actions. Why can you na let me do this thing without endangering anyone else?”

  “I’m na stopping you from going back, Ian. But Bryce, John, and Collin will remain to assist you in any way they can.”

  “Fine. But they wait here in this glen. I’m going into Morgan Castle alone, and I want their oath that no matter what happens, they willna interfere.” Ian glowered at his bothers and cousins. “I’ve been inside Morgan Castle and know my way around. I can get in and out much easier if I dinna have to fash about you too.”

  Bryce nodded. “Agreed. But if you are in there too long, we will send for help and come in after you.”

  Ian conceded. “Then you may stay. But I set the time limit, na you.”

  Bryce offered his hand and Ian accepted.

  “Now that’s settled, it’s time we were away,” Connor said. “God’s speed, cousin. I hope you find what you are looking for.”

  Ian blew out a heavy sigh of relief. “As do I, Connor, as do I.”

  Chapter 13

  Roslyn focused on the ceiling of her cell. She’d lost track of time, drifting in and out of consciousness after her brother’s beating. But judging by the ribbons of moonlight streaming through the bars of the dungeon’s only window, it was night.

  After murmuring a quick prayer for strength, she gritted her teeth against the fiery pain radiating across her back and rolled to her side. Propped on one elbow, she squeezed her eyes shut and swallowed hard, waiting for her head to stop spinning and the nausea to subside. The relentless pounding she experienced in her skull following the assault had mercifully subsided to a dull ache. She expelled a shuddered breath through pursed lips. Relieved she’d managed to get this far, her next step was to try to sit up. But hesitated when the sound of keys jingling in the lock of the cell door caught her attention.

  With her breath lodged in her throat, Roslyn’s heart began to pound. Had Roderick concluded that Jean was not responsible for Quinn’s disappearance and returned to finish what he’d started?

  This wasn’t the first time he’d beaten her and she was certain it wouldn’t be the last. Since the death of her parents, she’d been at his mercy. If he was not threatening to marry her off to the most despicable man he could find, he was looking for excuses to punish her. She was convinced the only reason he did not arrange for her death, was because she harbored information he wanted and she refused to disclose. No matter what he did to her.

  As the sound of footfalls drew nearer, she narrowed her eyes and stared into the darkness, shocked to see a willowy silhouette moving toward her. As the person got closer, Roslyn realized it was a woman and not a man. She peered up at her. “Who are you? Has the Almighty sent an angel to take me home?”

  “Och, I am hardly an angel.” The woman crouched beside Roslyn and stroked her cheek, frowning. “What has the fiend done to you this time?”

  “Fiona. What are you doing here?” Roslyn murmured upon recognizing her friend. “You must leave at once. If Roderick catches you, he’ll see you punished.”

  “I was too concerned about you to stay away. I had to come.” Fiona lifted Roslyn and slid in behind her, supporting her head and shoulders on her lap. “I dinna care if the bastard catches me here.”

  “I’m truly blessed to have you as my friend.” Roslyn clasped Fiona’s hand and brought it to her cheek. “I must admit, I’m very glad to see you. There are questions I need to ask.”

  “I’d be happy to answer them for you, if I can. But you really should save your strength.”

  Roslyn swallowed hard, then gritted her teeth, steeling herself against a wave of pain. “Quinn. Is he safe?”

  Fiona lightly stroked her fingers across Roslyn’s brow. “He escaped, and by now is on his way home where he belongs.”

  “And Ian?”

  “Why, he’s the one who took the lad from the castle,” Fiona replied. “I thought you knew that was his plan.”

  “I was hoping he’d succeed and am relieved they got away.” Her prayers answered, Roslyn closed her eyes and offered up a word of thanks. “I was afraid my brother might have caught them before they made it out of the castle. The halls and entrances are so heavily guarded, a mouse would have a hard time getting in or out.”

  “That’s why I showed them the secret tunnel in the laird’s chamber,” Fiona announced proudly. “Otherwise they dinna stand a chance.”

  “You canna be serious.” Roslyn gasped. “You aided in their escape and entered my brother’s chamber? Having a reason to connect you to the disappearance of his son would be all Roderick needs to send you away, or worse.” She shuddered to think of the horrible torture her sadistic brother might inflict upon Fiona were he to find out.

  “I was very careful. He’ll never be the wiser.” Fiona patted Roslyn’s hand.

  “You know how much my brother disapproves of our friendship. He is always looking for an excuse to banish you from the castle. Why would you take such a risk?”

  “Because it was the right thing to do,” Fiona replied. “And because I knew how much it meant to you to see the lad freed. Otherwise, you wouldna be here in this deplorable place.”

  Tears welled in Roslyn’s eyes and she blinked them away. To learn that her friend cared enough to jeopardize her own safety touched her deeply. Not only had she risked all by sneaking into the dungeon, but she’d helped Ian as well. She squeezed Fiona’s hand. “I’m thankful Roderick dinna catch you in his chamber.”

  “Had he found me there, I was prepared,” Fiona replied, smiling. “Once they were safely away, I gathered up his lordship’s soiled bed linen and carried the bundle down to be washed. If questioned, I had good excuse to be in his room.”

  “I know you thought you were helping, Fiona, but promise me you willna try something like that again. I
couldna bear it if anything happened to you. Roderick is ruthless and would show you no mercy.”

  “If I dinna help them, who would?” Fiona asked. “The laird has no idea that I know about the secret passageway, so he has no reason to suspect I showed it to Ian. Nor does he have cause to think I was privy to his plans to take the lad.”

  “I appreciate all you’ve done, but you must leave this place now, Fiona, and dinna come back.”

  Fiona shook her head. “Nay. I’m na going anywhere. You’re hurt and your wounds are in need of tending.” She slid Roslyn’s shredded gown off her shoulder and examined the cuts. “The brute should be flogged in return for doing this to you. These gashes need to be cleaned and dressed.”

  “There is no time for that.” Roslyn clutched the sleeve of Fiona’s chemise. “Why will you na listen to me? There’ll be no appeasing Roderick if he finds you here,” she warned. “Please, do as I ask and go while you can.”

  “Your brother is far too busy organizing the search for his son and the person responsible for taking him,” Fiona explained. “He’s offered a handsome reward to anyone with information leading to the apprehension of the culprit and for the return of the lad. Word is, he has assembled a large garrison of warriors to go after Quinn and plans to leave on the morrow.”

  “All the more reason for you to go.” Roslyn tried to talk some sense into her friend, but she refused to listen. Fiona’s stubbornness infuriated her, but then again, it was the lass’s brave spirit and loyalty that made Roslyn cherish her so.

  “Please, Fiona. Roderick already suspects I had something to do with Quinn’s escape, or at least knows who did. Anyone caught associating with me is in danger of being implicated.”


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