Marshal's Law

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Marshal's Law Page 10

by Maddie Taylor

  “If the need arises, then yes, wife.” He angled up her chin and gazed intently into her eyes. “Maybe we should take this time to go over the rules again.”

  Oh no, here it comes, she thought. Sweet, charming Aaron was going to turn back into stern, domineering Marshal Jackson. She much preferred the former. “That’s hardly necessary Aaron. I remember—stay put, don’t cuss, don’t talk to strange men, and no disrespect.”

  “Hmm… That’s essentially correct, but a little too concise, I think. Respect is the overall tenet to my rules, and most of the rules you’ll find are for your safety, Janelle. When you follow the rules, even if they’re hard or you don’t quite agree with them, you show me respect. Does that make sense?”

  “Yes, but you seem to have a lot of rules.”

  “Not so many. I guess you might think so since respect is a rather broad term and covers so much, like honesty, esteem, courtesy, deference, obedience.”

  “If it’s so broad, how can I be expected to know what you will find wrong?”

  “Janelle Jackson, are you telling me you didn’t know it was wrong to cuss?”

  “No, I knew better.”

  “Or that after a recent and rather severe blow to the head, it was acceptable to leave the house after dark without telling a soul where you were going?”

  “No, but—”

  “Or that it was fine for a single woman to be flirting with a stranger in the dark of night?”

  “Aaron! I was not flirting! I just happened along the man.”

  “Okay, maybe not flirting, but you were still alone in the dark with a stranger. How about when you snuck out the back after I spanked you? Or when you were sassy, loud, rude, and down right—”

  Putting a hand over his mouth, she gently stopped his listing of all her less-than-stellar moments. “I get your point. I guess I was behaving kind of bratty.”

  He kissed her fingers, gliding his tongue across her palm until she giggled and removed it.


  “I won’t argue with you about being bratty. That’s your word, remember, darlin’. I understand how all these changes are very difficult and that you aren’t used to following anyone else’s rules. As we move forward, you have to remember there are two of us in this marriage. Whether you like it or not, I will always act with your best interest in mind. I expect you to be respectful and courteous and honest.”

  “Of course, Aaron. That won’t be so hard.”

  “I hope not, Janelle, because as the head of our household, I’ll expect you to respect my rules and follow my dictates for your safety. If I say no walking alone after dark, I expect you to honor my request and follow those rules. Understood?”

  “And if I don’t?”

  “I think you know, but to be clear, you will find your disobedient bottom bared and subject to my hand. If my hand doesn’t get the desired response you might find your hairbrush or my belt more convincing.”

  She stiffened in his arms—a belt? It’d be a cold day before he whipped her with his belt. But why did all this talk of spanking make her all tingly and warm inside, not to mention the little tickling sensation that had started between her thighs? A belt… Was she freakin’ nuts?

  “I know that sounds harsh, but I won’t have a wife who runs wild or puts herself in harm’s way. If you follow my simple rules, you’ll find we get along as well as we did last night. Is this something you can live with, Janelle?”

  “I suppose it’s too late now. We’ve already said those wedding vows, and last night we… uh, I guess you would say we consummated it and made it really legal, huh?”

  “Hmm… there is that. But I’d like an answer, Janelle.”

  “Will you be patient, Aaron? I’ve never lived under strict rules or been punished before.”

  “Of course, honey. Am I really such an ogre? I promise if you don’t follow the rules and earn a punishment, you will always know the reason why. I also promise to be very careful with you. I really don’t want to harm you. And before you ask, a red bottom may sting and burn a bit, but it is not permanent or harmful.”

  “Hmph. I know you’re not an ogre, and neither am I such a brat. Impulsive sometimes, sure. But I’m usually a good girl.” She groaned and buried her face in his shirt. “I can’t believe I just said that.”

  He chuckled, hugging her tight. “Seems to fit though, doesn’t it? Now you know why I keep calling you that, darlin’. Maybe because we both know you are a very good girl.” His voice had dropped to a husky drawl, and she got the feeling his mind had strayed—back to last night most likely.

  A rather unladylike snort escaped unexpectedly, but she pressed on with her point. “Alright, husband, I agree with your tenet of respect, because that is just how people should act anyway. I also will submit to your leadership as head of the household, and I promise to make a concerted effort to follow your rules and even to tolerate the—merciful heavens, I can’t believe I’m actually saying this—the punishments. But don’t expect me to do it quietly.”

  “Never, darlin’. Thank you, Janelle. I think we can be happy together.”

  Janelle sat quietly on his lap for the remainder of the trip, apart from an occasional groan or whimper. Aaron didn’t press her, and she appreciated having the time to think. It seemed like only minutes passed before they rode up into the yard. Spotting several hands working around the barn, Aaron signaled to one before dismounting and helping a stiff and sore Janelle down from his mount.

  Holding her close for a moment, he whispered, “Can you walk, or do I need to carry you?”

  Blushing furiously, she whispered back, “I can walk, Aaron. Imagine what they will think went on last night if you have to carry me into the house.”

  “Sorry, sweet pea, but they already know I was busy loving my new wife six ways from Sunday.”

  “Aaron!” Her protest was drowned out by the calls from the family as they exited the house.

  “We didn’t expect you for a few days, son.” Henry beamed at his youngest. Janelle could tell he was thrilled that one of his sons had finally gotten hitched. He and Letty spoke of grandchildren often and had been anxiously waiting for one of their boys to get married and get started.

  “The cabin was in good shape, but without hot water and indoor plumbing, my time travelling wife here wasn’t as comfortable as I’d hoped. Plus, she didn’t have any clothes to wear or her personal items, so we decided to head back.”

  “I wouldn’t have thought clothing necessary on a honeymoon, little brother.” This came from Luke, and Janelle’s cheeks flamed to crimson. Aaron cuddled her close and whispered an ‘I told you so’ into her ear. His mother came to her rescue.

  Letty swatted her son on the arm. “Luke, what a thing to say! Don’t embarrass the girl. Your day will come, and you’ll want Janelle on your side.” Shooing him away with a warning glare, she motioned for Aaron and Janelle to follow her inside. “I’m sure you’ll want a hot bath before we eat. Lunch will be ready in about 30 minutes.”

  “I’ll get her settled, Ma. Thanks.”

  Aaron did just that, helping her up the stairs and settling her in a warm bath. He left her alone to soak, saying he was going to move her belongings into his room. That’ll take about two minutes, Janelle thought as sank down into the steamy, sudsy water. A minute later, she was dozing.

  She let out a soft little snuffle—almost a tiny snore—and startled herself. Her eyes flew open, and she sat up in the tub. Aaron, who was kneeling on the floor leaning on the side of the tub, smiled as he was gifted with an eyeful of wet, rounded breasts.

  “I must have fallen asleep.”

  “Yep. Did you know that you snore?”

  “I don’t either.”

  “Yes, you do. Not loud, but it was a snore all the same. I thought it was cute.”

  She wrinkled her nose at that—no way was snoring cute. Janelle sank back down into the water, and Aaron reached out to play with a long, wet strand of hair that had slipped free of th
e messy knot on top of her head. He traced a finger lightly over it as it clung to her wet breast.

  “Ma said lunch would be done soon. Are you ready to get out?”

  At her nod, he got up and brought her a large, fluffy towel, which he had draped over one arm. Offering a hand to help her from the tub, she felt her cheeks flush and noticed his lips quirk indulgently. She wondered if he’d believe it was due to the heat of the water, but it wasn’t, and he didn’t. “Ah, darlin’, surely you can’t still be shy after all I did to you last night.”

  Janelle took that as a challenge. Mustering her courage, she grasped his outstretched hand and stepped from the tub—dripping and soapy and in all her glory. He playfully pretended to sulk as he covered her inviting curves, wrapping her up in the big towel. Standing behind her, he dried her, and Janelle noticed he paid extra attention to her breasts as he pressed his lips to the soft curve of her neck and shoulder.

  “You are too much temptation,” he growled as he buried his face in her fragrant skin and inhaled. “What do you say we take a real honeymoon trip to Denver? I have business there next week, but I could carve out a few days to spend with my new bride. There’s a wonderful inn south of Denver, near Manitou Springs, which sits right at the foot of Pike’s Peak. I’ve heard wonderful things about the mineral springs, and the accommodations are supposed to be spectacular. I think you’d enjoy it.”

  “That sounds like Cliff House at Pikes Peak. The inn is well over a hundred years old. I’ve heard about it in my time, Aaron. I’ve always wanted to go. It sounds wonderful.”

  “Ma and Pa went to the grand opening a few years ago and said it was plush and romantic. Well, at least Ma said it was romantic.”

  She made a face at the words—grand opening. She was still easily startled when the reality of her situation crept in. To them it was brand new; to her it was a historical landmark.

  “I’ll make the arrangements,” Aaron said before turning her around and lifting her face for a searing kiss. As he claimed her mouth, his hands began wandering over her curves when a loud knock came at the door. Janelle jumped in alarm.

  “Hey, you two. I know you’re both hotter than a June bride in a feather bed, but Ma’s calling for lunch. You’ll have to finish sparking later.” They could hear Heath chortling as he walked back down the hall, and they reluctantly pulled away.

  Aaron groaned, his face frustrated as he rolled his eyes at his brother’s bad timing and poor humor. He adjusted his hard length more comfortably behind his button fly as he said, “I’ll also look into plans for building our new house as soon as possible. Privacy around here is going to be a rare commodity, I can tell already. Now let’s get you dressed.”

  Aaron was all business as he helped her with her clothes, barely looking at her and avoiding touching her. When he had her properly covered, however, he lost his battle and pulled her in for another deep kiss, before putting her from him and stalking out the bathroom door. He tugged her along behind him, muttering, “June bride, my hind end. I’m stiffer than a wedding dick, which in this house is going to be useless.”

  “Aaron! Such language. Do I get to paddle you for vulgarities?”

  He stopped and pulled her up against him, stating in a sexually frustrated growl, “I do beg your pardon, sweet pea, but that’s not how this works. I’m the man, so I’m in charge. You’re the woman and get to obey. Got it? I’ll be the only one busting uh—hind parts in this relationship. Understood?”

  At her indignant snort, he laughed. Drawing her in for a quick kiss on the lips, he whispered in her ear, “Sorry, honey, that’s sexual frustration talking. Not that what I said isn’t true. You wouldn’t want me over your lap anyway. First, I don’t know how you’d wrangle me there, and second, I’d crush you.”

  The visual that came to Janelle’s mind of her pulling the hulking Aaron, bare-assed naked over her lap for a paddling made her giggle. The titter grew quickly and soon turned into a full belly laugh. Aaron was obviously thinking along the same lines and joined in. They didn’t stop until a female voice called up from downstairs.

  “I’ve got a fine rump roast getting cold down here. You two better get a wiggle on or settle for Luke’s leavings.”

  The words ‘rump’ and ‘wiggle’ had them whooping again, and it was a few minutes later when they walked into the dining room arm-in-arm, both wiping tears from their eyes. Janelle marveled that she’d laughed over a spanking. Where was her indignation of a few days ago?

  At lunch, the family didn’t tease or make comments about the impromptu honeymoon at the cabin, but Janelle’s face burned like fire throughout the entire meal. Knowing and assessing glances were thrown her way, and she even saw Luke wink outrageously at Aaron. Knowing they were aware of what she and Aaron were doing last night didn’t help her appetite any, and she picked at her food. Both Letty and Aaron noticed and encouraged her to eat more, but she couldn’t.

  “You should eat while you can, honey. As a child I starved around here because of those two.” He pointed his fork at his brothers and continued his sad childhood tale. “As the youngest, I often went without, and it stunted my growth.” As the biggest in the family, that little joke had them all roaring with laughter. Henry and Letty beamed at the newlyweds as they seemed so happy and content.

  “I thought we’d take a ride into town after lunch,” Aaron said to her. “I can show you around, and we can stop by the mercantile. We need to get you some of your own clothes. Ma’s clothes are too long for your frame, and I want you to have some pretty things of your own.”

  Henry teased her. “Yeah. Trains on women’s skirts went out of style ages ago.”

  Letty shushed him, although she squeezed his arm affectionately. “Never mind Henry, dear. Have Aaron take you by Mrs. Mayhew’s dress shop instead. She’s a friend of mine and has some lovely ready-made dresses, and her prices are so much better than Ivinson’s Mercantile. While you’re there, pick up some yard goods for more dresses and material for your, uh, underthings. I’ll help you make them up later, if you’d like.”

  “I haven’t the faintest idea how to do any of that, Mrs. Jackson. I’m afraid I don’t know the first thing about sewing, other than buttons. I’m passable at that.”

  “Don’t worry, darlin’, Mrs. Mayhew will get you measured and get enough material and trimmings for Ma to fix you up right.” Aaron rose, kissing the top of her. “I’ll go hook up the wagon and meet you out front in about fifteen minutes.”

  Letty escorted her upstairs and helped her get ready. As they climbed the stairs, Letty kept up a constant chatter, listing all the things that she would need from Mrs. Mayhew’s. When they were in Letty’s room selecting a bonnet, Janelle’s eyes glazed over at all the things she was supposed to remember.

  Letty took one look at her face and said, “I’ll just go make you a list.”

  Chapter Ten

  So it was that Janelle, dressed in one of Letty’s long skirts, a long sleeved high-collared blouse, layers of undergarments, and a bonnet atop her head, sat beside a cooler, more comfortable Aaron as they rode into town. She fanned herself with her hand and pulled off her bonnet. “I’m dying, Aaron. How on earth do the ladies in this time stand to wear all these clothes?” Her hair was damp and beginning to curl from the heat and humidity.

  “You’ll get used to it, sweet pea. We’ll pick you up a parasol while in town.”

  She snorted—like that was going to help. What she needed was a fan and a freaking air conditioner. The problem was that women were required to wear too many clothes. She eyed Aaron, who wore a white cotton shirt that was open at the neck, a light colored Stetson, and a pair of lightweight gray cotton pants that looked kind of like Dockers. He’d also rolled up his sleeves to his elbows and had removed his vest, which now lay on the seat between them. He looked nowhere near as miserable as she did. In fact, he looked collected and not at all bothered by the heat.

  She unbuttoned the top four buttons on her blouse and pulled the material
away from her skin. That didn’t help at all, considering three of the buttons were on her high collar. So she popped another two buttons, coming just shy of her shift showing underneath.

  “Open another button on that blouse, darlin’, and I’ll start a fire on your tail that will pale in comparison to what you’re feeling now. Decent women don’t go around all exposed.”

  “Do decent women faint from heat stroke and die from hyperthermia?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Janelle, but I don’t like your attitude. Tone it down before you earn your first married lady spanking.”

  “But, Aaron, I’m on fire! You get to go around with rolled up sleeves and cotton shirts and pants. I have to wear long sleeves and shirts that button up to my eyeballs. Beneath this floor-length skirt are layers of petticoats and chemises and drawers. It must be one hundred degrees out here. Or as my daddy used to say, it’s hotter than hell and Satan’s ass.” After that, she gathered up her skirts, and since no one else but Aaron was around, pulled them up over her knees and allowed the little bit of breeze to cool her legs. She let out a long sigh of relief.

  Aaron slowed the wagon and pulled off the dirt road into a grove of plum trees. Thankful for the blessed shade, her gratitude quickly turned to concern as her new husband pulled her from the buggy and over to a tree stump nearby. He quickly pulled her across his knee and flipped up her skirts.

  “Aaron, whatever have I done?”

  “I think you know, but let’s make a list again, shall we? First, you’ve sassed and complained since we left the ranch. There’s not a thing I can do about the heat. Second, you unbuttoned your blouse, which was bad enough, but then you flipped up your skirts like a whore on nickel night, trolling for customers. I warned you, decent women don’t go around exposed. And third, your language is appalling. No decent woman of my company has ever let loose with some of the words you say, so we’ll just take care of all those naughty behaviors here and now. Enjoy the shade, honey, ‘cause after I warm your bottom, we’ll be back on the road.”


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