Marshal's Law

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Marshal's Law Page 18

by Maddie Taylor

  Deciding retreat was her best option, she turned to go back the way she had come. In the dark though, she didn’t see the large tree root and tripped, lurching forward to land in the wet grass. Damn! Something was wrapped around her ankle. Reaching down, she felt the strap of her purse. Had she dropped it? Trying to untangle her foot was the last thing she remembered as pain exploded through her head, followed by a bright flash of white. She vaguely thought, hasn’t this happened before? Then nothing.

  * * *

  “What do you mean she isn’t at the house?” Aaron demanded as he looked at his deputy.

  As Aaron told his pa good night, Jeremy Jamison had ridden up. His horse was lathered and breathing hard as Jeremy started squawking out an explanation before he even dismounted. “I’m sorry, Marshal, I got there as soon as I could after my rounds, but when I did, there weren’t any lights on. I thought it a might early for her to be abed, so I knocked. When she didn’t answer, I went inside. She wasn’t there.”

  Aaron stopped, turning to look back at his pa, fear for Janelle rising along with the hairs on the back of his neck. Janelle had a bad habit of running after they’d argued in the past. Stalking toward the steps, he brushed by his deputy, who flinched but held his ground. “Land sakes, Jamison, I’m not blaming you.”

  Aaron hurried down across the porch, but paused, unsure where to begin looking for his wayward wife. “Damn! I was a fool to have left her alone, as upset as she was. I deserve a good switching myself.”

  “She balked over a switch, huh? That explains a lot,” Henry commented.

  “We don’t have time to go into this now. Pa, I have to find her before she lands herself in more trouble. I think I know where she went. She’s been pestering me about going back to the woods where Jeremy found her that day.”

  “Why didn’t you take her, son?”

  Aaron looked back at his father, a stricken expression on his face as he admitted. “I was afraid she’d find her way back, Pa. It was selfish, I know, but I don’t want to lose her.”

  “You already love the little gal, son. Just own up to it, tell her, and things will go a lot smoother.”

  “She’s under my skin. As sassy, independent, and disobedient as she is, she is also sweet, funny, and bewitching. And yes, I love her.”

  Horses riding into the yard drew their attention. It was his brothers. Hurrying down the steps, he met them in the yard. “Hold up. I need you two to come with me. Janelle’s missing.”

  Turning to Jamison, he issued his orders. “Get back to town and gather as many volunteers as you can. Bring lanterns and torches.”

  In minutes, they were on the road, riding hell for leather, their destination Meyers’ woods.

  * * *

  They had been searching for about an hour when Henry’s voice rang out clearly. “Aaron, over here.”

  Moving as quickly as he could through the dense woods, Aaron rushed toward his father, saying a silent prayer that she had been found and unharmed. At the base of a large maple, his father was looking through a familiar brown leather satchel.

  “That’s Janelle’s purse.” Aaron reached for it as his eyes began scanning the area for other clues or signs that she had fallen or was sick. Nearby, he spotted an area of matted grass. There was also a set of footprints in the damp earth.

  “Thank the good Lord for stopping the rain, son,” Henry said as he looked around. Suddenly, he bent to examine something before looking up at his lawman son in concern. “This looks like fresh blood, son. What do you reckon?”

  Aaron squatted beside him and agreed. “There’s a set of footsteps leading off this way.” He got up and followed them toward a stand of pine trees to the south side of the clearing. “It ends over here in the pine needles though. Damn. She could have fallen and hit her head again, then wandered off. Finding her purse here concerns me, Pa. If she was okay, she wouldn’t have left it. It’s the only link she had with her family and her own time.”

  “Maybe she found that portal she talked about?” At the pained look on his son’s face, Henry reached out and clasped his shoulder firmly. “I say we search toward the south. Meyers’ ridge runs along the back of the trees before it drops off to the lake. In the dark…”

  He didn’t have to say it. Aaron knew that in the dark, Janelle could easily stumble that way and fall over the edge. The ridge was actually a steep cliff that dropped at least 50ft to the rocky bank below. He shuddered at the thought of her laying broken and bleeding on the rocks. It was unlikely she’d survive a fall from that height.

  “I’ll refocus the men, son. We’ll search the woods and find her, I’m sure.”

  “I pray you’re right, Pa.”

  But Aaron’s prayers seemed to go unanswered. They searched every inch of Meyers’ woods and found nothing. The search had expanded to the surrounding neighborhood, with men knocking on doors and asking residents if they’d seen her. He’d also sent a group of volunteers to knock on his neighbors’ doors, just in case. They’d searched well into the night, until the storm and high winds picked up, making visibility poor and further searching impossible. The only luck they had was that the rain held off long enough for some of the volunteers to ride down to the lake and search along the bank. They also found nothing, so even though the search was called off for the night, at least Aaron had that knowledge to ease his mind.

  Having no option but to wait out the storm, his pa and his brothers headed home with him. They would get a few hours of rest and start searching again at first light. Aaron went to their room, her precious belongings in hand. He was about out of his mind, frantic with worry and guilt-ridden over their argument. He wanted to kick himself for his stubbornness.

  Looking around the room, he saw little of Janelle other than the borrowed clothes from Ma, which hung in the closet next to the new ones she’d never had a chance to wear. Sitting on the bed, he emptied the purse on the coverlet, taking what comfort he could in her personal belongings, the only real connection he still had with her.

  The first thing he noticed was her phone. Activating it as she’d shown him, he scrolled through the pictures. He paused on an image of a smiling Janelle standing by the seashore. She was beautiful, with her blue eyes twinkling and her shiny, golden hair glistening in the sun. Tears pricked his eyes as he looked at her precious face possibly for the last time. If she had been able to travel back to her time, this was the only image he’d have of her. Remembering her worry about the batteries draining, he thumbed it off before putting it back in her bag. As he did, something scraped the back of his hand. Curious, he peered inside and saw the edge of a thick yellowed card sticking out. Carefully pulling apart the stitching in the lining, he slipped out an aged and worn photograph. He stared at the image for long moments in amazement before flipping it over to check for a date on the back, but there wasn’t one. The image lightened his spirits somewhat, and a fraction of the pain and dread he’d been feeling all day eased in his heart.

  After carefully tucking the precious keepsake away and returning her other items to the bag, his weary eyes rose to the row of windows—it was still the dead of night. Exhaling noisily, he stood and walked forward, staring out into the seemingly endless darkness. “Where have you gone, my sweet pea?” His whisper hung thickly in the room as his mind ran through wild scenarios of what could have become of his darling wife. She was a magnet for trouble and once again had invited, although likely unwittingly, some unknown catastrophe—he was certain.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Her head throbbed terribly, and her vision was blurry. The bright sunlight streaming in through the window didn’t help, and she squinted against the glare. What happened? The last thing she remembered was… The woods and something being out there with her. Rolling to her side, she attempted to get up, but her arms were stuck. Looking up, she found they were more than stuck. They were tied with thick rope and secured to the bed. Panicked, her eyes flew around the room. She recognized the rustic building and décor instant
ly. She was in the line cabin where she and Aaron had spent their wedding night. How on earth had she gotten there?

  Tugging at her bindings, she rolled and scooted, trying to move up the bed enough to sit up. Thank God her legs were still free. Aching all over, she moaned as she twisted and squirmed. Funny, she didn’t remember the bed being so lumpy and hard.

  All of a sudden, the cabin door swung open, and a man walked in with an armful of wood. He was whistling as though he didn’t have a care in the world. He was a stranger, of slight build and young, less than her own twenty-three years she was sure. “You’re awake. That’s good. I’ll have yer bath ready, and we’ll give you a good soak to make you feel better.”

  “Who are you?”

  “That’s not important. You just cooperate, and I won’t hurt you, hear?”

  “Why did you bring me here?”

  “Cause them Jacksons are rich, and I expect they’ll pay a right smart amount for their pretty new daughter-in-law.” As he spoke, he poured two huge kettles of steaming water into the tub by the fire. He refilled them and put them back over the flames to heat.

  “If you want them to pay ransom, you better not hurt me.”

  “Oh, they’ll be shellin’ out their money for you, little darlin’. But even if they don’t, I’ll still get paid.”

  “Paid?” He had said it as if it were routine, just another paycheck. “Wait, this is a job? Someone paid you to do this? Who?”

  “Now ain’t you the curious cat? Let’s say love has no fury like a… uh, huh? What was the end of that?”

  “Scorned. A woman scorned…” Janelle knew immediately. “Oh my God! Louise Meyers paid you to kidnap me?”

  “Well, lookee here. Yer purty and smart too. I suppose I don’t care if you know. Once I get my money, I’m hightailin’ it outta here anyway.”

  Done with his task, he stood and wiped his hands on his dirty trousers. When he turned toward her, Janelle recognized the lecherous, lust-filled look in his eyes. “Ya see, it was really Louise’s Mama; she’s the one with the money. But it was Louise’s idea, and she said I could have a little fun with you while I was at it.”

  Janelle struggled against her bindings as she watched him approach. She’d seen that look many times from the drunks brought into the emergency room. They were three sheets to the wind and obviously thought they were God’s gift as they offered to show Janelle their goods or proposed marriage. The alcohol made them amorous and ten times more attractive in their whiskey or beer-steeped minds. As her kidnapper walked toward her, she realized she’d take ten stinking, puking drunks over one of him just about now. He was sober, and his intent was clear.

  “I thought you said you wouldn’t hurt me if I cooperated? Please, I’ll cooperate, just don’t touch me.”

  “I just plan to have a little fun with my purty lil’ prisoner. This revenge will be so much sweeter if I get the Meyers’ money and a little taste of the marshal’s woman too. ‘Sides, I hear tell you ain’t so innocent as you appear. Look at ya. Walking around in britches. What self-respectin’ woman does that? Accordin’ to what Louise says, you’re just a light skirt who trapped Aaron Jackson into marriage. So I figgered why not have some fun to pass the time.” He stood over her now and reached for her cotton scrub pants, pulling the elastic waist easily to her ankles. “But I aim to get you cleaned up first. Yer covered in mud, puke, and blood. Not the most pleasing combination, if ya know what I mean?”

  He laughed at his own joke, easily dodging Janelle’s knees as she brought them up protectively. Pulling her pants all the way off, he noticed her purple lace panties and let out a low whistle. “I ain’t never seen such skimpy drawers as that. Louise had you pegged right, fer sure.”

  “No, please. I’m not a whore or a light skirt, or whatever you called it.”

  His fingers reached out to stroke the lace, and she screamed and kicked, desperate to get away. “Aaron will kill you for this! It’s rape, nothing less!”

  “Quit yer blathering, or I’ll gag you. Let’s see what you look like up top.”

  He used his knife on the rope attaching her bound hands to the bed. Big mistake. Janelle was waiting, biding her time until she was free of the bed. It came when he sat up and reached for her scrub top. Hell no! She wasn’t about to be raped by this skinny, piece of shit, cowboy wannabe. Using both feet, she kicked him square in the chest, shoving him across the room. Instantly, she was on her feet, but the room spun and she stood precariously before lurching toward the door. She hadn’t planned on feeling so woozy, and the unexpected dizziness slowed her down enough for her attacker to act. Grabbing her from behind, he lifted her and carried her to the tub.

  “Listen here, bitch. Don’t try that again. Now, yer gonna get in this tub and get cleaned up. Then we’ll have our fun.”

  “You are out of your freakin’ mind, psycho! Let me go!” Janelle kicked and squirmed, struggling against his hold. If she was going down, she wasn’t going down easy. No way.

  He set her on her feet, astounding her when he pinned her under his arm and began walloping her ass with at least a dozen vicious swats. Her thin nylon panties were little protection, and she screamed in pain. What was it about men in this century and a woman’s butt? When he finally stopped, the throbbing pain in her butt made her realized that Aaron’s worst spanks were like love pats compared to this beating. When she felt him rip through the lace of her panties, she reached her limit of abuse and angrily sank her teeth into the back of his thigh.

  Screaming like a girl, he released her, grabbing for his leg. Janelle, recognizing this might be her only chance, used her bound hands like a club and swung with all of her might, clouting him on the temple. She watched in amazement as he went reeling toward the tub. The small moment of satisfaction was too brief as she realized she needed to find something to fully incapacitate him so she could get away. Looking around, she searched for something—anything to use.

  A growl of rage was her first clue to run. She scrambled around the table, trying to put a barrier between them, but his fist in her hair stopped her.

  “You’re askin’ for it now, bitch. I was gonna go easy on you, but not anymore.”

  Tears burned her eyes from the pain in her scalp. “Please don’t! I’ll cooperate, just don’t hurt me!”

  “Yeah, now yer all sweet. It won’t help, you’ve done made me mad. No blamed painted whore is gonna get the best of Jamie Jessup!” He sounded furious as he dragged her kicking and flailing body toward the tub. He stood her on her feet again and grabbed the V-neck of her scrub top, ripping it wide open. She struggled against him, sobbing hysterically as he shredded her top and bra. Pulling them down her arms, he cursed when he encountered her tied hands and turned, grabbing a knife from the table. Where had that come from? Her eyes scanned the table and found the gun holster. Somehow, she had to get to it. She stopped fighting, standing meekly in his grasp, shivering with fear.

  He sneered in satisfaction, thinking her subdued. That was his second big mistake. When he was occupied with her wrists, she threw caution to the wind, at that point not caring about anything but getting away from her would-be rapist. So he had a big knife… With the last couple of weeks she’d had, it didn’t faze her. On top of everything else, now she’d been kidnapped, concussed, tied, and abused. She wasn’t about to let this pipsqueak add rape to her long list of troubles.

  She watched as he tried to loosen the knot at her wrists and when he bent for a closer look, she pounced, or more like attacked. Using her best front kick from her freshman kickboxing class, she slammed her entire foot into his crotch. As he crumpled forward, howling in pain, Janelle brought up her knee and smashed it into his face. She then shoved him with all her might, sending him flying backwards into the rough wooden table. His body sailed across it, flipping over the side and causing it to teeter wildly before toppling over. It landed on top of him, the weight pinning him to the floor.

  “Yes!” Janelle shouted, giving a double fist pump with he
r bound hands. Her celebration was premature, however, when the spilled oil from the lamp on the table ignited with a whoosh. The flames quickly spread across the wood floor toward her abductor. Alarmed, she crept around the edge of the table and eyed him. He was lying still as death in a fetal position underneath. Squinting, she could barely make out the rise and fall of his chest—so, not quite as still as death.

  “Get up, idiot! In case you hadn’t noticed, the cabin’s on fire.” No response. “Hey, perv, you awake?” Still nothing.

  Grumbling, she attempted to move the table off him as the flames spread and the cabin filled up with smoke. His clothes caught fire, and she rushed to the bed for a blanket to smother it.

  “Crap! Why am I doing this? You don’t deserve my help.” But she just couldn’t leave the man to burn, no matter how much of a pig he was. When she returned, the fire had spread quickly and was licking up the far wall of the cabin. It was going up like a tinderbox, the dry wood instantly igniting and bursting into flames.

  Janelle rushed to the large tub and tried to push it over, hoping the water would douse the flames enough for her to pull the man free. But it was too heavy, and having bound hands hampered her efforts. She looked around frantically for something to use as a lever on the table, but everything was in flames. She went back and grabbed his booted feet. He was dead weight with the table pinning him down and moving along with him as she pulled. Damn! She slapped at the fire around her with the blanket, but it was useless.

  By this time, the smoke was so thick that she was coughing and wheezing with every breath. The heat drove her back. Afraid she would pass out; she lurched for the door, struggling to open it with her bound hands. Choking and gasping for oxygen, she stumbled over the porch, down the steps, and into the grass. Janelle fell to her knees as weakness and relief overwhelmed her. Tears streamed down her face from the biting smoke as she sucked in precious air. After a moment of inhaling precious oxygen, she raised her weeping eyes to the cabin and watched in horror as the blazing inferno engulfed the wooden structure.


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