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The Logan Files - Pain Center: The Logan Files Page 24

by Marshall Huffman

  “Two hot chocolates and don’t spare the marshmallows,” Mary said. The maid disappeared inside.

  “So, detective, you want to know about The Cave?”

  “If you don’t mind my saying so, I just can’t see a woman like you being in a place like that,” Logan said.

  “The old, ‘what’s a nice girl like you doing in a place like this?’ routine,” she said.

  “Exactly. The risk you take is mind boggling.”

  “Risk? You mean someone recognizing me and trying to blackmail me?”

  “Among other things, yes.”

  “Hell detective, I make no excuses for what I do. I have enough money that people will suck up to me no matter what I do. They all want my money and don’t really give a shit about me as a person,” she said.

  Logan just looked at her for several seconds. The silence was broken by the maid coming with two cups of steaming hot chocolate.

  She sat them down and said, “Is there anything else Ma’am?”

  “That will do for now,” she said and waved her hand to dismiss her.

  “Ms. Zimmer…”

  “Detective, are you after some of my money?” she asked.

  He looked at her puzzled, “I don’t believe I understand what you mean.”

  “Did you come here for a donation? A hand out?”

  “No Ma’am I did not. I came about the events at The Cave.”

  “Good, then call me Mary. Only those sucking up have to call me Ma’am or Ms. Zimmer. You can call me Mary,” she said again and blew on her hot chocolate.

  “Alright. I have some DVDs that were made at The Cave. Did you know about those?”

  “Heavens no. Why that little shit, pardon my French. He was videoing all the going on in that place?”

  “He has several hundred. I have the ones that you appeared in,” Logan said, sliding them over to her.

  She didn’t touch them. She took a sip of her chocolate and sat back in the chair, looking out at the lawn. Logan wondered how they kept it so green in the dead of winter.

  “John, I didn’t count on this but in retrospect I guess it doesn’t change a thing. It just makes me a little pissed off at that sawed-off runt,” she said bitterly.

  “Do you happen to know this girl,” Logan asked, showing her a picture of Amy Belker.

  “Oh yes. She’s a sub. She went by the name of …I can’t remember. She was a frequent participant.”

  “Was it ‘Sublime?” Logan asked.

  “Yes. Yes. Sublime. She was really good at handling whatever the top dealt out. Very good.”

  “Did she hang out with anyone in particular?”

  “I don’t remember anyone. She spent quite a bit of time talking to that JJ fellow who owns the place,” she said.

  “She did? You’re sure?”

  “I am. I happened to be sitting one table over from her when he came over and hit on her. Told her he was starting a club newspaper or some such thing. Anyway, he wanted her to be featured in the first one.”

  “Interesting. And was she?”

  “No paper ever came out that I am aware of. I don’t think that was what he was after if you get my meaning,” she said.

  “What about this girl,” Logan said.

  He handed her a picture of Donna Landers.

  “I think so. She came ever once in a while but I don’t know much about her. I never saw her on the stage,” Mary said.

  “And this guy?”

  “That looser? Bobby something. A total nothing. Always hitting on the women bartenders and servers. Sat on his ass at the bar and just watched. He was kind of creepy but I never talked to him. He tried once but I just walked off,” she said.

  “Did you ever see him with the other two girls? Sitting with them or hitting the up?” Logan asked.

  “I don’t think so. The only person I saw talking to either of them for very long was JJ,” she said.

  “He talked to both of them? You actually saw him doing this?”

  “Sure. The place isn’t that big, you know. He sits at a back table and watches. He actually left his lair and went to talk to them. I think Amy first and a few days later the other girl,” Mary said.

  “Do you know what he talked to Donna about?”

  “Sorry, I was too far away.”

  “Did Hanson and Bobby ever get into it?”


  “JJ,” Logan said.

  “I never knew his real name. To answer your question, no. Not that I ever saw,” she told him.

  “Since you have been going there has anyone ever contacted you?”

  “I’m not sure I follow.”

  “To extort money.”

  She laughed and said, “They can try. I wouldn’t pay a thin dime in extortion money. I may have money but I’m a tough ol’ bird and I wouldn’t stand for it.”

  “But you are setting yourself up for some real nasty headlines.”

  “So? I don’t give a shit what anyone thinks of my personal life. What I do is my business and mine alone. They can put it on the front page for all I care. John, you have to understand this. I simply do not care,” she said.

  “Ms. Zimmer…”


  “Mary. That is easy to say but I think you will feel different when it actually happens,” Logan said.

  “I suppose that is possible but I really don’t intend to lose any sleep over it,” she said.

  She finished her chocolate and placed the cup on the table.

  “What do you intend to do with the DVDs?” she asked.

  “I brought them so you can have them. They were illegally taken. You can do what you want with them. I’m sure you could sue him over this,” Logan said.

  She laughed again, “What does that little shit have that I could possible want? Have you looked at them?” she asked.

  “Just briefly.”

  “Why? Do they bother you?”

  “Yeah, frankly they do. I just don’t understand that mentality. I’m just a conservative Midwest boy and that isn’t my thing,” Logan said.

  “It didn’t turn you on just a little?” she asked.

  “Sorry, no.”

  “I see. Well, thank you for bringing them to me. I do appreciate that,” she said and patted Logan on the hand.

  Her skin was much softer than it looked.

  “Mary, you should stay away from that place, at least until we know how The Cave is connected to the murders or if it is one of the patrons doing this,” Logan said.

  “Thank you for caring. I will do as you suggest, John,” she said and patted his hand again.

  “Thank you for seeing me,” John said, standing.

  “I think I will sit here for a while. Can you find your way back to your car?”

  “I’m a cop. I think I can handle it,” John said.

  “You are a delight to talk to. No accusations. No disparaging comments. You can’t imagine how much I admire that. Best of luck to you John,” she said as he walked off.

  She was indeed one strange woman, Logan thought as he got into his car and drove off. One thing for sure, Hanson had lied about the two girls.

  Logan was determined to get to the bottom of it.

  * * *

  Mistress Delia sat with her legs crossed looking at JJ as if he were a disgusting bug.

  “So, do you want to do the interview or not,” JJ asked.

  “JJ, I just don’t trust you, dear boy. You are as phony as ol’ Slick Willie.”

  “Who the hell is that?”

  “You really aren’t too bright are you? Clinton. Like in the ex-President. Lied to the whole world on national TV and expected us to believe him.”

  “I don’t pay any attention to that kind of crap.”

  “Yeah, there is a lot of that going around,” she said.

  “Are you going to do it or not?”

  “Where would this interview take place?”

  “Where do you want to do it? I don’t really care. Here, your pl
ace, or even at my house out in the country,” JJ said.

  “I thought you lived in town,” she said.

  “I have a place in town but I have a place with some land a little further out. It’s really nice and quiet. We could do it there and not be interrupted,” he said, playing with the glass he was holding.

  She looked at him for several seconds.

  “If I do it at all, it will be on my turf. I’m not about to go someplace I know nothing about,” she said.

  “That’s cool. I said I didn’t care where we did it.”

  “And don’t try anything with me or I’ll beat the snot out of you,” she said.

  JJ had finally had it. He wanted her for his next victim but he wasn’t going to have some stupid broad threaten to kick the snot out of him. If he could pull this off he would make her suffer more than all of the others combined.

  “Look, do it if you want or don’t. Frankly, I’m tired of talking with you. I ain’t one of your whipping boys. I just happened to think you would make an interesting interview and the other patrons would enjoy getting to know you better. I don’t need this tough girl crap,” he said standing up from the table.

  She looked up at him standing there with his fists clenched.

  “Why JJ, you actually have a set of balls.”

  “Yes I do and guess what, you don’t. Let me know if you want to do the interview or not,” he said and walked off.

  She watched him go. Not many people talked to her that way and she wasn’t sure what to do about it.


  Logan drove back to the precinct thinking about his conversation with Mary Zimmer. She was definitely a very unique person. It was obvious to him that she wore the pants in that family.

  When he got upstairs, he called everyone in for the daily briefing. They kept it short since they were pretty sure the place was bugged. It was due to be inspected later in the day.

  When he came out of the conference room, he saw Lisa getting a cup of coffee. What the hell was she doing here? Worse yet, Carrie had just come up the stairs.

  Logan watched as Lisa walked over to Carrie. Oh shit, he thought, this could get ugly real fast. He decided there was little he could do about it so he just walked over to his desk and waited for the bomb to go off.

  * * *

  “Carrie, Lisa McGuire,” she said extending her hand.

  Carrie shook it briefly and said, “I am aware of who you are Ms. McGuire and we have already met several times in the past.”

  Her voice was steady but lacked any warmth.

  “Carrie, everything is cool. You have a hell of a man there,” she said.

  Carrie looked at her with a mixture of shock and amusement.

  “I’m not sure I follow you.”

  “Yes you do. John Logan. He is one hell of a person. I’m sure in this burg you already know that I took John to dinner the other night. I bought him dinner, plied him with liquor and generally made it easy for him to hit on me.”

  “Why are you telling me this?” Carrie asked.

  “Because you are in love with the guy. I can spot a girl that has a man in her sights and you certainly have.”

  “You’re wrong this time. We are good friends but that’s all. John can do whatever he wants. We are not, in love, as you put it,” Carrie said.

  “You can say what you want but I know better. I also know he has the same feelings for you. You know what that big lug did? I was wasted so he drove me back to the hotel and left me at the elevators. He took a cab back to his car. Now sister, you can say all you want but that guy wasn’t about to mess up a good thing and that happens to be you,” Lisa said.

  “He just dropped you off and left?”

  “I am sorry to say he did. He is a real find, one of the nicest and most honest people I have ever met. I suggest you hang on to him. Tight,” she said.

  “You didn’t?”

  “What? Screw? Kind of hard to do in a Corvette or hotel lobby. I gave it a shot but he turned me down. It’s as simple as that,” she said.

  Carrie looked her in the eyes and decided that she was telling the truth.

  She was a bitch for trying to sleep with John but she was also honest enough to admit that she failed.

  “Okay, Lisa. I believe you didn’t go to bed with John. I don’t understand it. Holy cow, look at you and look at me. I fear for the man’s judgment,” Carrie said.

  “Me too,” Lisa said and laughed, “Just kidding. You’re a nice looking lady and I am sure John is quite happy with what he has,” Lisa said.

  “Why did you tell me this?” Carrie asked.

  “Because I was watching the way John looked at you but you were avoiding him. Poor guy is probably wondering what in the world he did wrong. I felt you needed to know. If I am wrong about all of this and you don’t love Logan just say so and I may take another run at him,” Lisa said, looking intently at Carrie.

  “Once is quite enough, thank you very much. You’re right. I do care for him.”


  “We are still in the early stages of a relationship. Neither of us has mentioned love. I’m afraid to get my hopes up,” she said.

  “Why? What’s the problem?”

  “Age difference.”

  “Hell, I’m no older than you and it sure wouldn’t bother me in the least,” Lisa said.

  “It isn’t me. He feels he is too old for me. He doesn’t want to look like an old geezer chasing after a younger woman.”

  “Hang on to that man. You aren’t going to run across another one like him,” Lisa said shaking her head.

  “I’m going to give it my best shot,” Carrie said.

  “Then you go girl. Get your butt over to him and let him know you aren’t the least bit mad at him.”

  “I think that is the best advice I’ve had in some time,” Carrie replied.

  “Good luck to you Carrie Brown.”

  “Good luck to you as well and thank you for helping me see the light,”

  “Glad to do it,” Lisa said and walked off.

  Carrie watched her walk away and thought that John Logan needed glasses.

  John was sitting at his desk making phone calls, still trying to run down the autopsy saw but getting no place fast. He leaned back in his chair and realized someone was standing behind him.

  “Whoa,” he said sitting up quickly.

  “Sorry. Did I startle you?” Carrie said.

  “Not exactly, but I wasn’t expecting to see you here,” he confessed.

  “I would like a word with you if you don’t mind,” Carrie said.

  “Uh..sure. Have a seat,” Logan said.

  “Some place private. Is one of the interrogation rooms available?”

  “Both are. We can go there or the conference room. No one is using it.”

  “No, the interrogation room will be just fine.”

  Logan got up and led her back to interrogation room number one. He opened the door and closed it after she was inside. He turned to face her and she grabbed him and pulled him to her and planted a long kiss on his lips. She pressed against him and held him tight. She forced her tongue in his mouth, probing inside.

  When they finally broke, Logan said, “Wow! What was that all about?”

  “I’m a jerk. I talked to Lisa McGuire a little while ago and she told me all about the other night.”

  “I swear, nothing happened, nothing at all,” John said holding up his hands.

  “I know.”

  “Nothing...wait. What did you say? You know. She told you nothing happened?”

  “She said she tried to get in your pants but you didn’t have any interest.”

  “Well I wouldn’t say that,” Logan said.

  She hit him on the arm, “Watch it buster. I’m feeling warm fuzzies about you right now. Don’t blow it.”

  “You left yourself wide open for that one. She is right; all I did was drop her off at the hotel and took a cab back to the station. I had to pick up my car an
d she was too wasted to drive,” John told her.

  “That’s what she told me. Either you got together and worked out your story or it’s the truth,” she said.

  “We worked it out,” Logan replied.

  She started to hit him again but he pulled her to him this time and kissed her long and hard.


  Another break in the case arrived in an unorthodox way. Logan and the team were just coming out of the conference room when a uniformed policeman came up to Logan.

  “Detective Logan, there is a guy downstairs that says he needs to speak to the person in charge of the murder investigation.”

  “Is he a reporter?”

  “No sir. He said he was a sales representative,” the officer told him.

  “Alright, send him on up,” Logan told him.

  “What’s that all about?” Miles asked.

  “Some guy about the investigation.”

  “Probably a reporter.”

  “Said he was a salesman.”

  “Oh right, like a reporter wouldn’t lie or anything like that,” Miles said putting his hands on his face and looking surprised.

  A man with a small briefcase in his hand came up the stairs. He had on a suit that looked expensive and shoes that were well shined. He had a distinguished look about him and Logan was sure from his bearing and appearance that he was no reporter.

  “You’re Detective Logan,” he said, shaking John’s hand firmly.

  “And you are?”

  “Wayne Newcomb. I represent the RoboCut Medical Supply Company,” he said handing Logan a business card.

  “I see. And how can I help you?” Logan asked.

  He chuckled, “I’ve heard you were the no nonsense type. I must say, they are right. I’m here because I have a bad feeling about the murders that have taken place recently. I have been following the case in the news and what caught my attention was an article that stated the cranium had been neatly cut.”

  “Alright. And something’s bothering you?”

  “Well, a few months ago I sold an autopsy saw with a diamond blade to a lab here in Indianapolis. The name was JJH Medical Laboratory, Inc.”

  “JJH. Did it have another name?” Logan asked, suddenly more interested.


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