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Anarchy Page 7

by Brenda Trim

  “Damn, I’m impressed,” intruded his deep voice. She gulped in response. Oh, no. He could see everything. “I thought for sure you’d be standing there with your clothes on,” Zane confessed with a chuckle.

  A click sounded, and the bright light dimmed in the cave. She sighed her relief when she realized Zane was thoughtful enough to know she was uncomfortable with the situation and was doing his best to minimize the awkwardness. The change in lighting darkened the water, and all she could see was the silhouette of her body.

  A beer suddenly appeared in front of her face. “Here you go.”

  “Thank you,” she answered but didn’t turn around when she heard clothes being removed.

  The slide of a zipper caught her attention, and she admitted she was tempted to sneak a peek but remained in place. If Zane was going to respect her privacy, she needed to do the same. She took a swig of her beer. The cold brew was the perfect answer to her heated body.

  “How does the water feel?”

  “Incredible,” she muttered and noticed his body from the corner of her eye.

  Curiosity got the better of Brenlee and she diverted her gaze just in time to see Zane dip below the surface. His ass was all she saw before he entered the water, but what an ass it was. Oh, shit, she might be in trouble if he made a move.

  Chapter 8

  Zane hissed as the water took his breath. “Damn, that’s hot. Why didn’t you warn me?”

  “Don’t be such a baby,” she spouted nervously then took a sip of beer.

  Zane found a spot which wasn’t too close to Brenlee and sat down. He could tell by her voice she was nervous about being naked in front of him, and he didn’t want to exacerbate it by sitting right next to her. “Baby? Are you flirting with me?” he teased.

  “That’s not what I meant, and you know it,” she blurted and splashed him with water.

  When Brenlee laughed, Zane’s heart skipped a beat. She was so full of life with her childlike innocence on one hand and her eagerness on the other. So different from the women he’d dated, who were more concerned with money and status than anything else. It was why he hadn’t settled down or been involved for more than a few months with anyone.

  “I know. I was just messing with you,” he admitted and took a deep drink of beer. “I’ve gotta say. Nothing beats a cold brew in a hot spring.”

  “I agree. This was a great idea,” she admitted and tilted her bottle, drinking the last of it.

  The movement caused the water to slosh across her chest, and Zane couldn’t stop his gaze from lowering. Beads of water danced across the top part of her bosom. Zane had to take another drink to quench his dry throat. He’d half-expected Brenlee to leave on her bra and panties, but she hadn’t. He’d noticed the undergarments laying on top of her pile of clothes when he returned, and his mind scattered, wondering what she looked like.

  Her long hair was piled into a hot mess on top of her head, with a few lose tendrils framing her beautiful face. She wore minimal makeup, which he preferred. He needed a woman who could be ready on a moment’s notice to go out and have fun. He was a no muss, no fuss type of man, and appreciated women that were the same.

  Watching her he tried to stifle the arousal scourging him from the inside. He ached to explore Brenlee’s curves. Everything about her drew him in. Her tall stature, muscular frame, and sharp facial features. It was becoming crystal fucking clear to Zane that he couldn’t be just friends with Brenlee.

  He wanted her beyond reason, and it was pure torture being so close without pulling her into his arms. Unfortunately, she seemed determined to sit back and wait around on Prince Shifter to sweep her off her feet.

  Needing a distraction, Zane reached into the cooler and grabbed another beer. He twisted off the cap then handed the bottle to Brenlee with a smile. “We both needed this after what happened today. I still can’t believe Liv’s lab exploded. I really hope it wasn’t deliberate.”

  She nodded. “Me, too. Lawson will be on a war path if he thinks someone is trying to hurt Liv, or their baby. Something has to change, and soon.”

  “Bart and I have an appointment with Senator Hartwell Monday morning. Fingers crossed he lends his support, and we move to the next phase,” Zane told her.

  “Cheers to that,” she announced and leaned forward, clinking her beer against his.

  “So, I’m curious,” Zane started then paused. He wasn’t sure how she’d react to his next words, but then figured what the hell. Friends should be able to discuss anything, right? “Why haven’t you found Mr. Perfect? I mean, you’re no spring chicken, Miss Scott.”

  Her mouth twisted wryly, which only made him want to kiss her full lips. “Well, if you must know, Zaney; I haven’t been looking. I figured it will happen when the time is right,” she muttered with a shrug. “What about you? Why isn’t there a Mrs. Walker?”

  “I guess I could blame it on my career because it has always come first, but the truth is I haven’t met the right one. I believe when she enters my life, if she ever does, nothing will keep me away from her. Not even my job,” Zane said honestly.

  And then, the strangest thing happened. A conversation erupted between Zane and Brenlee that was easy, thought-provoking, and interesting. She shared the details of her childhood, talked about her family, losing her parents and her devotion to the pack.

  Zane shared stories about his buddies from college, his love of historical facts, his foul-mouthed grandmother and his confusion over why his parents strongly objected to his involvement in the case regarding shifters. They talked nonstop for hours and drank beer until the cooler was empty.

  When Zane cracked open the last two bottles, he knew the evening would end soon. “Well, Miss Scott, you’ve polished off a twelve pack tonight,” he teased and handed her a beer.

  “Um, pretty sure this is only my third. You’re the lush,” Brenlee accused then burped out loud. Quickly covering her mouth, she giggled, “Oops.”

  “Nice one,” he said with a nod. “You know, I really enjoyed this. Thank you for tonight,” he confessed and took a deep drink, his eyes never leaving hers.

  Her light brown eyes sparkled in the dim lighting, and she tucked a loose tendril of hair behind her ear. “I had fun, too,” she replied with a smile.

  God, how he wanted to kiss her. She was stunning, not to mention naked as a newborn baby. His body hardened at the thought of what laid beneath the water, and his cock sprang to life.

  Zane took another drink and shook off his thoughts. The last thing he needed was Brenlee to see his rock-hard shaft poke its head above the water, like ‘Hey, here I am. Wanna play?’

  “What time is it?” she asked.

  Zane reached into the side pocket of the cooler and pulled out his cell phone. “Oh, shit. It’s already one-thirty. I can’t believe how fast the time went by.”

  “We should probably get dressed and head back,” she announced and moved to get out of the hot spring, but then froze. Probably remembering she was naked. He turned his back to her so she could exit without an audience.

  Zane heard the shuffle of clothes, and imagined a wet, nude Brenlee standing mere feet from where he sat. What he wouldn’t give for one glimpse.

  “Okay, your turn,” her voice intruded. As he turned, he caught Brenlee zipping her jeans.

  She tugged on the band around her hair, and the long blonde waves cascaded down her back. He recalled the silky strands and imagined tugging her hair as he pounded her luscious body.

  Again, Zane willed away his straining erection, so he could climb out of the water and get dressed. Brenlee turned around, giving him privacy, and Zane donned his jeans, sweater, and boots.

  “Hey, check this out,” she interjected, and pointed toward one of the corners in the room.

  Zane clicked the flashlight to a higher setting and pointed it in her direction. There was a pile of bark with an indention in the center. “Looks like something has been sleeping here,” he remarked and walked closer. “Have you seen
any bears since you’ve lived at Safe Haven?”

  “No. Mostly deer and rabbit,” she replied. “But, let’s not stick around and find out. My wolf is big, but I’ve never tangled with a bear before.”

  Zane slipped on his leather jacket and felt the inside pocket. His gun was there, right where he kept it. Ever since his run-in at the gas station, he never went anywhere without it. He’d be damned if he found himself in a situation like that again, unprotected.

  “I agree. Let’s get out of here,” he urged and grabbed Brenlee’s hand then led the way to the entrance of the cave.

  Right as they were about to exit the cavern, a large form blocked their path. Its beady eyes met Zane’s, and the creature opened its wide jaws and growled.

  It was a black bear. A grizzly, to be exact. The largest one Zane had ever seen, and the massive creature looked pissed to find them leaving its den. He stepped in front of Brenlee and took a stance. She was right. Her wolf was no match against a Grizzly.

  “Stay calm, and don’t run,” he whispered over his shoulder then turned to face the animal.

  “I promise not to run,” she whispered and tugged on Zane’s jacket. “I can’t see anything,” she added. Zane’s blood froze when he realized she sounded tipsy.

  “Shhh,” he told her then faced the giant animal. “Get out of here!” he yelled, and waved his arms, trying to scare it. He read bears didn’t typically attack and would run away first chance they got. He prayed his Google-knowledge was accurate. Otherwise his heroic act was going to fall flat, and they’d be mauled by the giant creature.

  The bear growled again. The loud noise rumbled in Zane’s chest making him reconsider his approach. Maybe what he read was wrong, and he and Brenlee should run for their lives. The Grizzly lunged forward, and its large paws pounded the dirt several yards away. This wasn’t going as planned, and he needed to act before the bear decided they were prime choice meat.

  Zane reached inside his coat pocket and pulled out his handgun. He pointed it at the massive bear, and yelled, “Get out of our way! We just want to leave!” He aimed the gun at the Grizzly’s head. His thumb pulled the hammer, and he prepared to shoot if the bear attacked.

  The beast stared at Zane for several long seconds then took off into the woods. Dumbfounded, Zane released the hammer then looked to Brenlee. “Holy fuck, did you see that? It was as if it understood what I said.”

  “No, I didn’t see anything. I told you. I couldn’t see shit,” she slurred and swayed on her feet.

  “Oh, hell. Somebody’s had too much to drink,” Zane acknowledged and put his gun away then picked up Brenlee.

  “Don’t be silly, Zaney. I’m fine. I only had two beers,” she said and held up five fingers.

  “Two too many,” he chuckled as he carried her toward the ATV.

  The small cooler was in her hand, and Brenlee was trying to unzip the top. “Are there any more beers, or did you drink them all?” She asked as she rummaged through the empty bottles.

  “I don’t think you need anymore,” he informed her as he glanced over his shoulder, checking for the bear. He didn’t see it anywhere, and hoped it decided to let them be.

  They reached the four-wheeler, and he placed Brenlee on the seat then climbed in front of her. “Please, whatever you do, hold on tight,” he pleaded and cranked the engine.

  The vehicle took off, and Zane thanked his lucky stars for the near escape. Again, he thought about the encounter, and the bear’s reaction. It suddenly dawned on him. Was there such a thing as bear shifters? He’d never heard of it, but that didn’t mean they didn’t exist. He would discuss it with Lawson tomorrow. Right now, he needed to get an inebriated Brenlee to her room.

  By the time they reached the hotel, she was out. Zane carried her to her room and placed Brenlee on her bed. He tugged off her boots then searched until he found a throw in the living room. He covered the snoring Brenlee then sat on the edge of the bed.

  He leaned over and kissed her forehead. “Goodnight, Miss Scott,” he whispered.

  She stirred and opened her eyes. “Where are you going?”

  He tucked a loose strand behind her ear. “It’s late. I’m going home.”

  “You can stay here,” she replied, and a hiccup left her lips.

  “That’s not a good idea. I can’t be this close to you, and not act on it,” he admitted. He had a buzz, too and it would be easy to take advantage.

  “Okay,” she pouted but then smiled. “I had the best night ever,” she declared, and Zane stared into glassy eyes. Yep, she was drunk as a skunk.

  Zane chuckled. “Me, too. See you later,” he replied and went to stand up.

  Brenlee grabbed his hand, stopping him. “Aren’t you going to kiss me goodnight?” she asked and gazed up at him.

  He’d never wanted anything more. Her gaze hooded with lust as she stared at him. It took every ounce of strength not to give into his desires. But, as much as Zane wanted her, he felt it would be wrong.

  “Maybe next time,” he murmured and caressed her cheek.

  “Zaney, I think I’m fall––,” she murmured then her eyes slipped closed.

  Zane’s jaw dropped. Was Brenlee about to say she was falling for him? Then again, she could’ve said she was falling asleep, too. He couldn’t put much stock in anything she said. She was drunk, after all. Maybe he was hearing what he wanted to hear?

  She did nothing that evening to make him think she was interested in anything but a friendship. Still, she inquired about a goodnight kiss. And, the look in her eyes moments ago spoke of something more than a platonic relationship.

  Perhaps, the liquor allowed her true feelings to bubble to the surface. Zane gazed at Brenlee’s beautiful face, and sighed. “I’m definitely falling for you, Miss Scott,” he whispered.

  Chapter 9

  Loud ringing penetrated Brenlee’s mind, and she rolled over. She cracked her eyelids, and pain assailed. “Shit,” she groaned and clutched her pounding head.

  The incessant ringing continued, and she realized it was her cell phone. She slowly sat on the edge of her mattress, cradling her face. It felt like her head was splitting in two, and the annoying sound wasn’t helping.

  Events from the previous night flashed through her mind. Why had she drunk so much? She typically only had one or two drinks. She’d had at least six last night. Oh, yeah, she remembered why she’d guzzled beer like it was going out of style. To calm her anxiety over the fact she was naked with Zane in a hot spring.

  She stood up, trying to recall where she placed her phone. She didn’t have it on her when she left with Zane, she was certain of that. So, it should be in the kitchen, she concluded. She’d texted Haylee before she left for her date then set it on the counter.

  Brenlee shuffled toward the kitchen, and each step sent another jolt of pain to her brain. She quickened her steps when her stomach heaved, and barely made it to the sink before spewing what felt like her intestines down the drain. As she retched into the sink, Brenlee swore to the Gods she’d never drink again if they would just take away her misery.

  When she was certain her stomach was empty, Brenlee rinsed her mouth then grabbed a hand towel. The ringing started again, and she snatched it off the counter. She peered at the screen. It was Lawson.

  “Hello,” she answered with a raspy voice.

  “I’ve texted you like a dozen times. Where are you?” her brother barked. The loud tone grated against her throbbing head, and she considered hanging up. Unfortunately, that would only make him come looking for her.

  “I’m in my room. Why?” she groaned, deciding it was best to deal with him over the phone rather than in person.

  “What’s wrong? You sound sick,” Lawson said in a much lower voice.

  “You could say that. What do you need?” Brenlee asked. She glanced at her screen to check the time. Shit. She missed the breakfast and lunch shifts, and he was probably pissed at her.

  “We’re having a meeting in the main dining room in
about thirty minutes. Just our pack. Can you make it? It’s important.”

  “Yeah, I’ll be there. Hopping in the shower now,” she replied and ended the call.

  She grabbed a water bottle from the refrigerator then opened one of the kitchen cabinets and grabbed the bottle of Tylenol. She swallowed several pills and guzzled the entire container of water, hoping relief would strike hard and fast.

  She returned to her bedroom, grabbed clean clothes, and made her way into the bathroom. She turned on the shower and stripped out of her clothes. When she stepped beneath the hot spray of water, she recalled the hot spring, and her time with Zane. What she could remember, anyway. She recalled them talking for hours, about any and everything. He was so easy to talk to, and she’d truly enjoyed his company.

  An image of a huge black bear came to mind. They encountered the creature as they were leaving the cave. Brenlee never got a good look at the animal because Zane stepped in front of her. That was also when the alcohol took its full effect. She remembered swaying on her feet, and thinking she’d had too much to drink. Thankfully, they got the hell out of there before the Grizzly attacked.

  After that, everything was a blur. She didn’t remember riding back to Safe Haven or going to her room. Had Zane put her to bed? Brenlee prayed she hadn’t been a bumbling idiot. A thought suddenly sprang to mind. She would die of embarrassment if she’d puked in front of him. He’d probably never want to see her again after her drunken display.

  She turned off the shower, quickly dried off, and grabbed her cell phone. There were no missed messages or calls from Zane. Should she reach out to him, and apologize?

  Brenlee dressed then returned to her bedroom. A piece of paper on the nightstand snagged her attention, and she walked over and picked it up. It was a handwritten note from Zane.

  Tonight was certainly memorable, Miss Scott. Hope to do it again real soon. Zaney. And there was a winky-face beside his name.


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