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Anarchy Page 15

by Brenda Trim

  It was a glaring reminder about what had happened. Thanks to the hatred for their kind, the weakest among them had been forced to go out and purchase food for the rest of them.

  Guilt nearly drowned Brenlee. They were shifters. They could have hunted for their food and provided for the rest. If they had then Zane wouldn’t be in the hospital in danger of dying at that very moment. Brenlee’s heart raced and tears burned the backs of her eyes.

  Holding the door open for Liv, she followed behind her sister-in-law. Cold air immediately blew around her, whipping her hair into a frenzy in front of her face. Brenlee took a deep breath trying to center herself.

  She needed to get control of her emotions or there was no way she would be able to keep from running inside the hospital. Doing that would endanger Liv and Zane. There was enough hatred for her kind that she had to assume there were assholes everywhere.

  Never before had she considered her kind would be in danger in society at large. Not even after Lawson had been rescued from the labs. Humans had always lived side by side with shifters.

  All major cities were divided into shifter sections with the rest being where humans lived and worked. Small towns didn’t have as clear cut lines, but humans knew where shifters lived and tended to keep their distance.

  Everyone was happy living their lives like that until Jim Jensen’s wife lit the match that started all of this chaos. Now most shifters had been burned out of their homes while their businesses had been destroyed. More and more of their kind moved to Safe Haven as the days passed.

  Just that morning, Bart heard back from his realtor that his bid on the adjoining property was accepted, so they had more land to house the displaced supernaturals. They didn’t have homes and would have to expand plans for the wall they were building, but they would have land they could defend.

  “Let’s go,” Lawson called out as he exited the hotel followed by Knox and Erika.

  Brenlee jumped in the back of Liv’s Jeep and the others climbed into the middle seat. Lawson drove too slowly for her taste as they left the property. She could run faster as a wolf. This was taking too long. They needed to get there like yesterday.

  “Has Bart called with an update?” She blurted in the silence.

  “Not yet,” Lawson replied as he turned onto the highway.

  “I’ll call him,” Erika offered then pulled her cell phone from her back pocket. The female thumbed the device on and pressed his contact then brought the phone to her ear.

  “Hey babe. We’re on our way,” Erika said after Bart answered the call.

  “Thank God. Ashley and I are in the waiting room,” Bart replied. Erika didn’t bother repeating anything knowing everyone except Liv could hear what her mate said.

  “How is Zane?” Erika asked.

  “The doctors haven’t been out to give us an update, yet. He was in pretty bad shape when they loaded him in the ambulance,” Bart informed her. Brenlee’s heart shattered at hearing the news. “The nurse told us a few minutes ago he’d been taken into surgery.”

  Zane couldn’t die on her. Not when she just admitted how much she loved him. There was so much life she wanted to live with him. Too many words had been left unsaid between them.

  “We will be there soon,” Erika promised him. “Liv is the only one that is coming inside. The rest of us don’t want to risk another fight breaking out.”

  “That’s for the best. Is Knox with you?” Bart asked.

  “Yeah. No way was any of us going to stay home,” Erika said. The female looked out the window and traced a finger along the door panel absently. She seemed relaxed until you looked at her shoulders. Then you saw the tension keeping them rigid.

  “Good. He and Ashley can take Zane’s truck home along with the food. It’ll be better if there isn’t a car full of shifters sitting in the parking lot,” Bart told her. She hadn’t even considered they had a truck full of groceries going bad. All Brenlee could think about was the fact that Zane might die.

  “Agreed. We will see you in a few. Love you,” Erika murmured.

  “Love you, too,” Bart said before they hung up.

  Liv turned in her seat. The position made her stomach look bigger as it protruded beyond the side of the seat. “If he’s in surgery I will need to wait until he is put into a room to give him the blood,” Liv interjected in the silence.

  “Did you hear what Bart said?” Brenlee blurted.

  “Enough to know Zane is in surgery,” Liv admitted. “My hearing is better than before, but nowhere near as keen as yours.”

  “I had no idea that was possible,” Brenlee voiced. “Will he make it until you reach him?” Fear had her nearly jumping from the back of the Jeep in her wolf form so she could race to the hospital.

  Sitting in that car was the hardest thing Brenlee had ever done in her life. The love of her life was being cut open at that moment and there was nothing she could do to help him.

  “We will make it, sis,” Lawson promised as he met her gaze in the rearview mirror. Holding her gaze for several seconds, she took comfort in the assurance her big brother was giving her.

  Nodding in response, Brenlee tried not to cry. She would have liked Lawson to pull her into his arms, but he was driving. It seemed like forever when they parked next to Zane’s truck at the hospital.

  Brenlee jumped from the back only to stop short when Lawson wrapped his arms around her shoulders. “We can’t go in there, Bren. It isn’t safe for him or us.”

  “I can’t just stand here,” Brenlee practically wailed.

  “I will make sure he’s ok,” Liv promised then tugged rubber gloves on her hands. Lawson pressed a kiss to her lips then put a mask over her mouth and wrapped the elastic over her ears.

  Brenlee noted the tight spring of her brother’s profile as he watched his pregnant mate walk away from him. More than once he lunged toward the building only to stop himself. It was just as hard for him to let Liv go when so much could go wrong. Knox was just as agitated.

  A minute later Bart and Ashley hurried from the ER entrance and headed their way. Bart embraced Erika and Knox wrapped Ashley in a big hug. “Oh dios, mi amor,” Ashley cried out. “It was so awful. They killed a man because they thought he was shifter.” Tears streamed down Ashley cheeks. Knox leaned back and brushed them away.

  “Shh. You’re safe now,” Knox assured her then turned to Lawson. “Do you need anything before we head home?”

  Lawson shook his head. “No. I can’t imagine how difficult this has been for you, either of you guys. And yet you’re standing here by our sides still. Your love keeps this pack together,” Lawson told Bart and Erika. “You guys head home. You’re welcome to go along if you want, Bart.”

  Bart immediately shook his head and looked back at the hospital. “I’m not leaving while Zane is still here, and Liv is in there alone. You guys shouldn’t go in and they need someone to watch their backs.”

  Lawson clapped Bart’s shoulder and shared a look with the male. Brenlee knew her brother didn’t start off on the best foot with Liv’s ex-boyfriend, but they’d become friends and allies in the past six months.

  Knox and Ashley said their goodbyes then headed out while Bart gave Erika a kiss and headed back into the hospital. “How long do you think it will be before we know anything?” Brenlee blurted.

  “I have no idea, but I’d say we will be here most of the night,” Lawson told her.

  “I don’t think I will make it that long, brother. My wolf wants out,” Brenlee admitted with a gust of breath.

  “You will make it because you have to. Zane needs to feel you close. I know you’ve fought the bond between you guys, but it’s there and it’s more powerful than you can imagine. Having you close could mean life or death for him.”

  “He can’t die. I won’t survive that,” she whispered as tears threatened to drown her.

  Lawson hugged her close then lead her to the car. “Liv will let us know soon how he’s doing, but either way you need to think pos
itive for Zane’s sake.”

  Climbing into the back seat, Brenlee watched the front of the building for what felt like hours. When Bart and Liv exited, she jumped out and rushed to her side. “How is he?”

  Lawson and Erika caught up a second later. Her brother wrapped his arms around his mate. “Did you get the blood into him?”

  “He’s out of surgery and in his room now. His liver and one of his kidneys were cut when he was stabbed. As expected he rejected the blood they gave him. Doctors had no idea why and did what they could for him. They warned he might not make it. He looks awful, but I finally managed to inject all of the blood I brought and that will save him,” Liv told them.

  Bart pulled his face mask down then kissed Erika passionately. It was too much for Brenlee and just when she was ready to walk away, Bart broke away and met Lawson’s gaze. “I think I can take Brenlee to see him for a few minutes without any harm. The hospital is emptier than I have ever seen it. Everyone is staying away out of fear they will be infected with COVID. And staff is so busy they hardly notice who’s coming and going.”

  Brenlee’s heart leapt and she clasped her hands in front of her chest as she put on the biggest sad eyes possible. Her brother never could say no when she was on the verge of tears and begging. She didn’t have to work that hard at the moment. The tears were barely held in check as it was. “Please, Law. I need to see him. If my presence out here is helping it will be even better if I can touch him.”

  Lawson groaned and looked at Liv who nodded. “There’s little risk and I think it will help him.”

  “Fine, but,” Lawson said after a beat, “Bart you have to stay close and make sure to keep your head down and come right back out.”

  “I will,” Brenlee promised and took off in the direction of the hospital entrance.

  “Brenlee,” Bart called out. She didn’t bother looking back or slowing. She had to see Zane right now. “Wait up. I’ll be back soon,” he said then his footsteps echoed behind her.

  “Slow down,” Bart chided when he was close. “You can’t draw attention to yourself. The last thing we need is for one bigot to see you and attack.”

  “Sorry. I have to see him,” Brenlee told him.

  “I get it. Come on. This way,” Bart urged as he guided her to the elevator. Once inside he pressed the button for the third floor. Another couple entered right before the doors shut and pressed the second floor.

  Brenlee thought she was going to lose her mind with the agonizing wait. Everything was taking forever. The second the other couple left the elevator she was punching the button to close the doors repeatedly to get the car moving. It seemed like hours later but was only seconds when they finally exited on the third floor her heart skipped a beat and her chest tightened even more.

  She couldn’t walk fast enough but wasn’t ready to see him. Oblivious to her struggle Bart opened the door and she saw Zane lying on the bed. With a cry, she rushed inside and nearly threw herself on the bed.

  Tracing a finger over one cheek, Brenlee sobbed as she noted the bruising on his face. Bandages covered his torso, but she could smell his blood. He was so pale he was practically grey and his heart was barely beating.

  Leaning down, she placed a gentle kiss on his lips and murmured, “I love you, Zane. I should have told you sooner. I’ve been stubborn and stupid. You have to wake up so you can yell at me for it.”

  A smile nearly crept over her lips when his heart started racing then the machine in his room started beeping faster to match. Remaining close, she pressed her forehead to his and prayed to the Gods that he pulled through this.

  Chapter 18

  What the hell did I drink last night? Zane rarely consumed enough alcohol to pass out. His body processed it far faster than any of his friends. When he was eighteen, he and several of his buddies had gone to a lake and each had consumed close to a case of beer. He’d been the only one able to drive the rest home. There had been countless similar situations throughout his life. A growl reverberated through his mind, making the ache there worsen.

  With a groan he rolled over, or tried to. Something attached to his right arm stopped him. The scent of chemicals registered a split second later. Cracking a lid open, he was and wasn’t surprised by the sterile white walls and vinyl floor.

  The beeping of a machine brought his head around. He was in a hospital? What the hell had happened? The last thing he remembered was…going shopping with Bart and Ashley.

  It took effort to try and sit up, and his side burned with agony. After several unsuccessful tries, he used the device attached to his bed and pressed the button that lifted the head of his bed.

  The last thing he recalled was asking Bart to tell Brenlee he loved her. Zane felt shockingly good for having been so close to death not that long ago. What had happened? He must have overestimated how injured he was.

  His eyes slipped closed as fatigue crashed over him. He may not feel like death was imminent, but he didn’t feel great. Taking a deep breath, his eyes snapped open a second later when he caught Brenlee’s scent.

  Like it had so many times before, the delectable fragrance made his body burn. He was in too much pain to sport a hard-on which was good news given that he was lying in a hospital bed in a thin Johnny. When had she come to see him? Why had she taken the risk?

  A woman walked in wearing blue scrubs, a white mask and smiling eyes. She nodded her head and murmured, “Good to see you awake. I’m nurse Bridget. How are you feeling?”

  “I feel better than I expected. How long have I been out?” Zane asked as he rolled to one side with a wince.

  “You had surgery about twelve hours ago. I’m surprised to see you looking so well,” the nurse replied as she pressed a button on the machine above him which caused the band around his upper arm to tighten as air filled it.

  “I don’t think I was as bad off as I thought,” he voiced, sharing his suspicions with the nurse.

  Shaking her head, she grabbed an object with a shaft at the end then shoved it into a box. Zane heard a click then she brought it out and plastic coated the end. His mind was still mulling over Brenlee’s visit when he realized it was a thermometer.

  “Open. Put this under your tongue then close your mouth,” Bridget instructed as she held the device in front of him. He did as she instructed, then closed around the thermometer. “You were every bit as bad. You had surgery to repair your liver and kidney. Doctors weren’t certain you would make it. You’d lost a lot of blood and your body refused to accept the transfusions they gave you in the OR. It’s a miracle you’re even here right now.”

  Zane’s mind raced to process what he’d just been told. It made no sense. Why would his body reject blood and why was he still alive? A growl sounded in the back of his head, making him jump. It disappeared a second later. Must have been a delusion. His head was certainly spinning fast enough to warrant it.

  A knock sounded at the door before it opened and Bart poked his head inside with a mask firmly in place over his mouth. “Hey buddy. It’s really damn good to see you awake. Brenlee, Lawson and Liv will be glad to hear you’re well.”

  “Apparently, I’m a miracle,” he quipped, hoping to get some information from Bart. He looked from Zane to the nurse letting him know he’d have to wait for more.

  “You are one of the many miracles I’ve seen come through the door,” Bridget said as she removed the tape around the edges then lifted the gauze from his side. “This can’t be.”

  Zane looked down at the same moment Bart rushed to the side of the bed. “Is there something wrong with the stitches?” Zane asked.

  “No. They look like they’ve been there for at least a couple days. Usually at this point we don’t see the sides of the wound sealed like this. It’s always a gaping wound at this point. What are you?” The nurse blurted with a shake of her head.

  Zane’s blood froze and he flicked panicked eyes up to Bart who laughed. “He’s too stubborn to die. Besides, he refuses to go anywhere before he w
ins Brenlee’s heart,” Bart teased. He sent Zane a stern look before smiling at the nurse.

  “Oh. That must be the woman that was here last night,” Bridget replied with a chuckle. “Love is a powerful force. I believe it’s some of the best medicines we have.”

  “Speaking of Brenlee,” Zane said. “When can I go home?”

  Bridget reapplied some gauze and taped it in place as she spoke. “Normally, we would keep you for a couple days or longer if needed, but with COVID running rampant we need to send you home as soon as it is safe. It will be worse if you contract the virus in your weakened state and we have several confirmed cases in rooms here. Given how good you look I am going to recommend you go home soon.”

  “We have a large extended family close by that has been in quarantine for weeks now. He will be well taken care of,” Bart promised.

  Bridget nodded and headed to the door where she paused before looking back and saying, “Get some rest for now. It will be shift change soon, and the day nurse will let you know what the doctors decide.”

  “Thank you,” Zane told her and watched her disappear through the door. “Is Brenlee still here?”

  Nodding, Bart retrieved his cell from his back pocket and took a seat in the chair. The growling was back in Zane’s head making him wonder what that was about. Bart typed out a message at the same time he said, “Bren refused to leave, and Lawson and Liv stayed, as well. They will be relieved to know you are doing well. The blood Liv gave you seems to have saved your life.”

  “I don’t understand. I’ve never had problems…fuck,” Zane exclaimed. “I’ve never even been sick.”

  “According to Liv your blood contains far more shifter DNA than human. It’s not surprising since their genes are dominant. She never understood because you are the first half blood that she’s been able to study.”

  “Then why can’t I shift?” Zane asked. The growl was back and this time loud enough to make him close his eyes and shake his head.

  “That’s a Liv question for another time. I’m going to grab some breakfast. I’ll be back soon,” Bart said. “Can I get you anything?”


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