Own It

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Own It Page 11

by M Dauphin

  “Hey you,” He says when he notices me standing there staring. “That time already?” Jesus he’s sexy.

  “Yep,” I smile and sigh, angry with my body for reacting the way I am with him. One fucking look from him and I’m ready to fall to my knees and bring him to the back of my throat. I crave the man, even when I’m angry at him.

  “I’ll miss you tonight.” He smiles sweetly at me and I narrow my eyes at him, momentarily forgetting that he doesn’t know I’m angry with him.

  Sometimes I don’t understand the games we girls play, but I’m playing it anyway because the work place is no place to get into a fight and I’m certain this shit with Marla is going to end up in a fight.

  “Yea, you’ll see me soon.” I smile. “I’d hug you but you’re covered in grease and I’m going out tonight.” I wiggle my eyebrows and walk to the back door, feeling a pang of guilt that I made his face fall as much as it did.

  “Be good, Lo,” he yells after me.

  “Yes boss,” I whine back, letting the door slam behind me.

  It’s time to get my drink on and try to forget why I’m so angry right now.

  “So you and my brother?” I shriek at Bex who’s smiling across the table. She fucked my brother? Again?

  “It’s just a one-time thing,” she shakes her head. “We’re total opposites, Lauren.”

  “Lo,” I correct, taking another sip of my drink. Drink three? Or four? “So you mean to tell me after all these years denying feelings for each other, you end up in his bed the one fucking night I’m not there last week and you forget to tell me?” I raise an eyebrow at her and she giggles. Fucking giggles! Bex doesn’t giggle.

  “I did. And I’m sorry, but we’ve both been busy, am I wrong?” She brings the straw to her mouth... er… cheek? “Anyway, Chris and I aren’t a good match apparently. I think.” She struggles still with the straw and I bust out laughing.

  “The fuck is wrong with you?” I laugh as she attempts to find the straw with her tongue. “Ya fucking drunk.” I mumble, making her laugh even more.

  “Oh man, Lo. I’ve missed you.”

  “Yea.” I look around the room and notice a few pieces of man meat I’d like to taste. “What about that one?” I ask, changing the subject. She spins in her chair and looks over to where I’m pointing and scrunches her nose.

  “What’re you doing, Lauren?” She spins and pins me with her angry look. Ooooh Bex’s angry look can kill a fly right in its tracks. I mean, she’s intimidating as it is with the pitch-black hair, dark eyeliner, and tats lining her left arm. Add in the look of death and she could make a grown man cry. “You have a brilliantly hot man waiting for you… why are you out here searching?”

  I pout and finish off my drink, sighing when she won’t stop glaring at me.

  “You’re not going to like it,” I mumble.

  “Please, enlighten me.”

  So I do. I tell her about Jett and I. I tell her about all the feelings I thought I had for him. Then I tell her about Dick head Darla Marla today and she lets out a growl.

  “And did you ask him about her?”

  “I’m not answering this un-holy question.” I wave the waitress over and order another round of drinks for us.

  “Because you’re being irrational?” She raises an eyebrow at me and laughs when I don’t answer. “Lo, you’re the worst communicator in the history of ever. Trust me, I’ve known you long enough. You read all these books and bitch to me about these fictional asshats that don’t talk, and the first time you have an ‘issue’ with something that you THINK he did, you run and try to fuck him out of your system?”

  I glare at her and try to process what she’s telling me, but I’m too angry. How could he do this to me?

  “Lo, you need to talk to him. You heard part of a conversation and probably took it the wrong way.” She shrugs and takes the drink from the waitress, sliding mine over to me. “Last drink. Then we’re Ubering it to his house and I’m forcing you to talk it out.”

  I put the straw to my margarita in my mouth and suck. Hard. Not giving her the benefit of an answer. If I’m going to discuss ‘feelings’ with Jett, I’m going to do it drunk. That way when I start blubbering like a baby because he hurt my feelings I can play it off that it was just the alcohol’s fault.

  She pays the bill and pulls me away from a group of hot men, grumbling something about cheating but I ignore her. Apparently Jett and I aren’t official so it’s not fucking cheating!

  We pull up in front of his gates and Bex lets out a low whistle.

  “Holy fuck, Lo. Is this man made of money or is he a serial killer?”

  The Uber driver lets out a nervous chuckle and turns around in his seat.

  “You know how to get into this place?” he asks and I scrunch my nose at the gate.

  “Nah. But let’s give it a try!” I open the door and look back at the driver. “Don’t leave me here! The raccoons hate me out here!” I gasp, realizing there may be one around here.

  I sneak to the gate and a light on the panel lights up.

  “Lo?” Jett’s voice comes through the speaker and I sigh.

  “Me!” I giggle. “I don’t know how to get this open!” I hit the gate but it doesn’t budge.

  “Hang on,” he grumbles. I sigh and look back at Bex and give her a thumbs-up.

  “Touch the keypad, I’ve unlocked it for you. Just put your thumb on it.”

  I do as I’m asked and the scanner takes my thumbprint and the gates start to open.

  “Nice,” I mutter.

  “Creepy!” Bex yells from the car and I spin and shush her.

  “Is someone out there with you?” he asks through the intercom.

  “Bex. My bestie. She’s in the car… waiting and shit.”

  “Is she drinking and driving, Lo?” he growls and I swoon over his protectiveness… then I have to yell at myself internally for swooning over a man that’ll fuck someone else and not tell me that he’s breaking my heart.

  “No. Steve, our Uber driver, is waiting.”

  “Steve, say hi!” Bex yells and Steve mumbles ‘hi’ from the front seat, obviously annoyed with the drunk girls.

  “Wow, okay... so are you coming in?” Jett asks, probably more annoyed that I dropped in on him… oh. Oh no! What if Darla is in there right now?

  “Uh… am I allowed to?”

  “Of course, kid. Get your ass up here before another raccoon attacks you. I’m all out of princess Band-Aids.”

  I laugh and spin, waving Bex off and she gives me the thumbs-up pep smile as they pull away.

  “Mind telling me what you’re doing here tonight? I thought it was girls’ night?”

  He’s standing in the doorway, arms crossed and wearing nothing but gym shorts and I almost forget why I’m here.

  “Do you have company?” I walk past him, ignoring how delicious he smells.

  “Nope,” he says, locking the door behind him.

  “Well that’s a relief,” I huff and sit on the couch.

  “You’re drunk,” he says, grinning.

  “I am not. But I have to tell you something.” I sit up and point at him with a shaky drunk finger. He raises his eyebrows and sits next to me.

  “Shoot, kid,” he says, obviously amused.

  “You hurt my feelings.”

  “You have feelings?” He counters.

  “I fucking do. One. And sleeping with Darla hurts it.”

  His face falls and for once the man is speechless.

  “See. No fun.” I huff, standing to leave. “I said my piece.”

  He jumps up from the couch and his hand wraps around my wrist as I attempt to drunkenly storm past him.

  “Is that all you’re giving me? You’re not even going to hear my side of it?”

  He’s so close and he smells so good.

  And that couch is more comfortable than my brother’s.

  She’s fucking serious right now and I’m fighting the urge to grab my phone and call Marla to see
what the hell she said to Lo today. I fucking knew something was up with her but I couldn’t figure it out. The way she shot me down and enjoyed it, the way she reacted to Antonio walking in the door. Jesus, I was so jealous I thought my head was going to explode. I thought she hated me and I had dreamed up all the fucking times I saw her falling for me.

  She did hate me, but it’s only because of fucking Marla. I told her not to come back until she had work for me, which I knew she wouldn’t because she doesn’t even own a fucking bike. But of fucking course she walked back in today and had to have said something to Lo.

  “You have five minutes, then I’m leaving.” She sits on the couch and I grin at her. She’s not going anywhere. I watched that Uber driver drive away minutes ago and he’s not coming back. Plus there’s no way I’d let her leave right now anyway. Now that I finally have her here, she’s not going anywhere.

  “Let me get this straight,” I say, clearing my throat. “You think that I fucked Marla last week, correct?” She lets out a growl and narrows her eyes at me, crossing her arms in front of her and unknowingly pushing her tits up towards me.

  Fucking begging me for attention. Good god.

  “And why do you think that?”

  “Because of what she said to me today,” she says.

  “And what exactly was that?”

  “I don’t remember exactly.” She rolls her eyes. “Something about making sure you get out of bed on the right side every morning. Something else about having to visit you because you miss her. I mean… why the hell would you hire me to work at a place if you knew she was going to show up?”

  I clench my fists into my lap and attempt not to explode. She’s drunk, she’s hurt, and she’s obviously delusional.

  “Lo, you realize you’ve woken up here more in the last few weeks than you have your brother’s place, correct?”

  “Mhmm,” She raises her eyebrow and starts to inspect her nails, pretending to ignore me.

  “And you believe her? You believe that I’d do that to you?” She pauses then looks up at me and shrugs, feigning indifference but I fucking know better.

  “You’re a man. You see a woman like that and probably can’t control yourself,” she shrugs again and I lose all patience with this girl.

  “Is that how fucking low you think of me?” I boast, standing. “You… you honestly think I’d do that to you?” Fuck!

  “Listen, Jett. We never established what we are-” I cut her off before she can go any further.

  “I didn’t think we had to establish it, Lo. I thought we were both on the same page. I don’t want any other girl. I want you. That’s fucking it,” I growl, glaring at her.

  “Just me?” she whispers.

  “Just fucking you, kid. I’m sorry if you don’t like it, but I’m stuck on you.”

  Those eyes hit mine and she whispers, “I’m sorry.”

  “Sorry for what, Lo?” With my hands on top of my head, I’m pacing the room and attempting not to let this girl crush me but she’s almost there.

  “I’m sorry for not talking to you! Sorry for assuming you fucked her! I’m sorry for showing up here and ruining your fucking night,” she grumbles, standing from the couch. As she starts to walk past me I grab her elbow and pull her to me, pressing my body against her.

  “Stop trying to walk away from me,” I growl.

  “I’m just ruining shit being here,” her breathy voice comes out.

  “You didn’t ruin anything. Yet. You just need to learn to fucking talk to me when something’s bothering you. We could have avoided all this shit,” I growl, my breath warm on her neck. She shudders under my touch and her head rolls to the side. I take my invitation and leave a trail of kisses on her skin.

  “I hate feelings, Jett,” she gasps. I bite onto the lobe of her ear and she moans, her hand coming to the side of my face. I pull back and grin at her.

  “I’m just glad you have them.” I grin at her and bring my hand to the back of her head, twisting my fingers through her hair gently. She’s so fucking beautiful and my heart breaks for this broken woman.

  “Way too many,” she whispers, her eyes searching mine, then she crashes her lips to mine, tugging at my shorts frantically while my hands try to keep up and rip her clothes off her. My dick is hard as a fucking rock for this broken woman and the noises she’s making tonight. We fall to the couch and she straddles me, her hair cascading around her face as she looks down at me.

  “I’ve never felt the way I feel for you, Jett,” she whispers, her hands firm on my chest as she lowers herself onto me. Her eyes flutter closed and my hands have such a grip on her hips, warning her to take it slow, that I may be leaving marks but I don’t care. “God, this,” she mumbles, slowly rocking back and forth. Her eyes flick open and her lust filled gaze hits mine. “This is right,” she says, setting a rhythm. She fucks me with passion she’s never shown before.

  This is so much more than just sex. This is raw, emotional… this is love.

  “Fuck, Lo,” I pant, each time she rocks back on me and as my dick hits her inner wall I about lose all composure. My hands grip her hips and I slam up into her, hard, making her scream out. Her noises bring me to the brink of orgasm, each thrust into her, each time I hit that spot and make her moan out my name – it’s enough to make a man go insane.

  “I’m so close, Jett,” she pants, bending down and slamming her lips to mine as she rides me to the perfect rhythm. The change of angle has me hitting new heights, and soon she’s tensing around me and her entire body starts to shake.

  “Come, Lo,” I whisper on her lips, my arms wrapping around her body and pressing her to me as she continues to fuck me hard.

  “Oh God!” Her muffled cry into my lips, her tits pressed against my chest, I can practically feel her heartbeat elevate as her orgasm takes over, milking mine from me and sending me into a spiral.

  I growl, squeezing her against me and thrusting into her as hard as I can, not wanting this to be over until it hits me and everything around me but her and I goes blurry.

  “Holy fuck,” I pant, my hands roaming her back. She’s still on top of me, we’re both a panting, sweaty mess, but I don’t want her to go.

  I never want her to go.

  Her head finds the crook of my neck and she sighs, letting her hand play circles on my pecs.

  “I’m sorry I over-reacted,” she whispers, unmoving from her spot on top of me. Not that I’m complaining. I could stay here with her all night.

  “If the make-up sex is that good every time in the future, I’ll take it.” I grin and sigh. This girl is it for me. I fucking know it.

  She’s the one.

  “So you’re not getting rid of me because of my freak out?”

  “Never, Lo. I’m never getting rid of you.” I kiss her head and she peeks up at me and grins.

  “Just us, right? No one else?”

  “Just us.” I agree, tightening my arms around her. “Will you stay the night?”

  “Always,” she mumbles, watching her fingers play on my skin.

  I bring my fingers to the ink on her forearm and trace over the roman numerals.

  “What’s this for?” I ask, wishing I could see her face and watch her reaction to what I think this is.

  She takes a breath and surprisingly doesn’t pull her arm away as I continue to trace the script that surrounds the numbers.

  “Sam was five when he died. He would have been six the month after… we didn’t make it.” She whispers.

  “I bet that was hell for you.” I know she doesn’t want to talk about it, but I do. I said I’m never letting this girl go and I meant it. That means I want to know everything. I’ll never understand what she went through, but I want to try. She doesn’t say anything, her breathing steadying out and as soon as I think she’s ignored my question and fallen asleep she takes a deep breath and speaks up.

  “I had no help. Chris was ashamed of me and my own mother embarrassed her only daughter could do this. Gettin
g pregnant by a one night stand in college? She wasn’t having it.” She clears her throat and shifts to get comfortable and I stay quiet, letting her take her time. “Sam was supposed to go up for adoption. I had Vet school to finish and I couldn’t do it on my own… but then he was born and the small alien I pushed out, full of black hair and bright blue eyes started crying and I knew I couldn’t do it.”

  “Alien huh?” I almost chuckle.

  “All babies look like aliens.” She quips. “Anyway, I kept him. Of course. And I struggled through finishing school but I did it. He was diagnosed a month after I graduated. He had a tumor on his brain stem. They didn’t give us a good prognosis but I had hope.” She lets out a harsh laugh and I grit my teeth. This woman’s been through so much... and all alone. I could kick her brother’s ass right now for not being there for her. “Shit went downhill fast. I tried keeping the job at the clinic that I loved, but with all the doctor appointments and paying for a sitter when I had work… it just wasn’t evening out. Chris started helping a little with medical bills but he wasn’t the best of uncles and didn’t really want anything to do with us. I think he knew it wasn’t going to end well and you know… people distance themselves when they grieve. My mother never once helped. Ever. I was alone, and when my baby took his final breath I lost it. The hospital security guard had to hold me back as they took him away from me.” She takes a breath and brings her hand to her face to wipe away a tear and I feel that knot in my throat I would get as a kid right before the tears fell. “I was alone, I was lost, and shortly after the funeral I lost everything. In a way Chris saved me from being on the streets, but he’ll never understand. I know he grieves for his nephew, but he’s such a tough one to break I’ll never know exactly how he feels about it.”

  “You’re the strongest woman I’ve ever met, Lo.” My hand caresses her back as she dries her tears. “And I want to kick your brother’s ass,” I growl, earning a chuckle from her.


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