Door to Kandalaura

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Door to Kandalaura Page 1

by Louise Klodt

  DOOR TO KANDALAURA by Louise Klodt

  Published by Creation House

  A Charisma Media Company

  600 Rinehart Road

  Lake Mary, Florida 32746

  This book or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise—without prior written permission of the publisher, except as provided by United States of America copyright law.

  Design Director: Justin Evans

  Cover design by Lisa Cox

  Illustrations by Laurel Uhlig, KnightOwl Design Studio

  Copyright © 2015 by Louise Klodt

  All rights reserved.

  Visit the author’s website:

  Library of Congress Cataloging In Publication Data:


  International Standard Book Number: 978-1-62998-395-0

  E-book International Standard Book Number:


  While the author has made every effort to provide accurate telephone numbers and Internet addresses at the time of publication, neither the publisher nor the author assumes any responsibility for errors or for changes that occur after publication.


  1 Surprised by a Friend

  2 Jumpin’ Goldfish

  3 Not in My Wildest Dreams

  4 Dad, Can I Go?

  5 Adventure on Kandalaura

  6 Swimming With Dolphins

  7 Sights, Sounds, and Celebration

  8 I Join in the Dance

  9 Sometimes I Feel Like a Jerk

  10 I Hear the Lion Roar

  11 Flying Horses

  12 Man in White

  13 Family, Laughter, and Farewell

  14 Transport to Earth

  15 Creature Kidnaps Toddler


  Glossary of Terms

  Where to Find It in the Bible

  For Further Reading

  Meet the Author

  Chapter 1


  I LIKE ANDRON. I like him a lot. And that’s really crazy because I’ve only seen him about four times. I met him out on the football field during recess. He’s different, but in a good sort of way. My friends like him too.

  Everybody wants to be chosen for his team because they usually win. He’s super fast at thinking up great plays. His blue eyes sparkle with enthusiasm, and it spreads to the entire team. When the game is over, he cheers on the losing team, telling them they put up a great defense. That way nobody feels like a loser.

  Anyway, I asked mom if I could invite him over some day after school, and she said yes.

  It was the last day of school, and it was only a half-day. Yippee! There was no recess because of the awards assembly. I looked all over after school to see if Andron had stopped by that day. Yes! There he was, sitting on the front steps. Quickly I ran over to him.

  “Andron,” I said, “what’s up?”

  “Oh, hi, Mikey,” he said. “I’m just waiting for my brother to pick me up. Could be a while.”

  “Hey, why don’t you wait at my house? He could pick you up there,” I suggested.

  “Yeah, sure,” he said. “That’s a lot better than waiting here. He won’t care.”

  “Let’s head for my house, and you can call him there. I only live a block away.”

  “Super,” said Andron.

  On the way, I thought I’d find out more about him.

  “Andron, do you go to this school, or are you visiting relatives?”

  “I’m not from this school,” he said, “but my brother likes to explore new places, so sometimes I travel with him. Then he drops me off wherever I ask him to.”

  “Do you live in a town close by?” I asked.

  “No,” he said. “I live in Kandalaura, a long ways from here.”

  “Kandalaura,” I said. “I’ve never heard of Kandalaura.” I wanted to ask more, but by this time, we had reached my house. When I opened the door, I could see Mom cooking in the kitchen.

  “Mom, I’d like you to meet my friend Andron,” I said.

  “Nice to meet you, Andron,” she said. “You boys are in luck because I just took a batch of chocolate chip cookies out of the oven. Sit down and I’ll get you some milk. Make yourself at home, Andron.”

  We sat down at the kitchen table and woofed down a few cookies.

  “So what do you do for fun?” asked Andron.

  “Well, we play sports or computer games,” I said. “Sometimes we build things with Legos, watch TV, or read a book. What do you do?”

  “We play games and sports too. We like doing things with our animals. I have all kinds of animal friends: Ian, my lion friend; Lightning, my black stallion; and a bunch of rainbow striped zebras. I especially like riding my horse through rivers and trees, and I like swimming with my dolphin friends.

  “Wow!” I said. “That sounds exciting.” This guy was getting interesting. At least he had imagination.

  “But the best times are when our Creator comes.”

  “Creator?” I asked. Now I was even more curious.

  “Yeah,” said Andron, “the One who created the entire universe. He usually visits in the afternoons. He can do anything.”

  “Like what kinds of things does He do? Does He play tackle football with you?” I asked.

  “He probably would if we asked Him to,” said Andron. “But usually, He invents His own games. One afternoon He brought bubbles down from the sky. They were huge and had rainbows swirling around inside. And they were so strong that they didn’t pop when you touched them. He told us to climb on top and hang on. Then He tapped them, and they went high above the trees and came floating down. He kept tapping the bubbles and dancing and twirling around below us. We were all laughing and shouting for Him to tap us higher and higher, like you do in this country when you’re swinging.”

  Mom must have been listening because she gave me a strange look.

  “Don’t worry, Mom,” I said. “We’re just pretending.” Her face relaxed, and she kept fixing dinner. I felt like things were going pretty well—until my friend Ben decided to pay me a visit.

  “Andron, meet Ben,” I said. “He’s my friend from next door.”

  “Hey, Ben,” said Andron. “Glad to meet you.”

  Then I asked Ben, “What’s in the box?”

  “It’s Herby,” he said, pulling his fish bowl out of the box. Ben’s face was down. I could tell something was wrong. His fantail goldfish, Herby, was lying sideways and motionless on top of the water.

  “He was like this when I came home from school,” he mumbled. “I didn’t feel like burying him by myself. Mary’s gone on an overnighter with friends.” (Mary is Ben’s twin sister. There’s nothing she wouldn’t do for him.) “I thought maybe you could help.”

  At this, Andron suddenly stood up. “What’s this?” he questioned. “I
don’t get it. What happened to Herby?”

  Ben gave me a puzzled look. Then he exclaimed, “He’s dead! He died!”

  “Dead,” said Andron. “What do you mean?”

  “You know, Andron,” I tried to explain. “There’s no life left in him.” I was getting a little nervous at this point.

  “Then talk with him!” exclaimed Andron. “On Kandalaura we talk to all the animals, even flying creatures and creatures of the sea.”

  He was starting to get excited now and his voice was getting louder and louder.

  Ben seemed puzzled. “I … I don’t really know how,” he said. “Could you try talking to Herby for me?” He didn’t seem to notice Andron’s mention of Kandalaura. All he cared about at that point was Herby.

  “I’ll do better than that,” said Andron. With that he leaned over the table, stuck his hand inside the bowl, and took ahold of Herby. “Herby, do what Creator made you to do. Swim!” he shouted. Then he wiggled Herby a little and let him go.

  Ben and I held our breaths and waited. Herby’s fins appeared to move a little, then his mouth began to open and close. Slowly he began to move his body. A moment later Herby was swimming.

  We all began clapping and cheering, “Yeah, Herby! Go, Herby!”

  Chapter 2


  T HAT’S WHEN MOM decided to step in. She walked over to the table, her eyes glaring and narrowing in on me. “I thought you were just pretending,” she barked. Then she scowled at Andron and slowly formed the words, “Wh-e-r-e did you say you were from?”

  Andron drew back a little, not understanding what was going on. I don’t think he had seen anger before. He’d just saved Herby’s life, so he seemed puzzled.

  “Like I told Mikey,” he said, “I’m from Kandalaura.”

  “I thought he was just pretending,” I said when Mom turned my way, still scowling.

  “I won’t be here much longer, ma’am,” said Andron. “My transport arrives soon.”

  “Your transport?” replied Mom. “What on earth are you talking about? Young man, I think I deserve some answers, and they’d better start right now!” Then she started shooting one question after another at Andron. “You mentioned Creator,” she said. “Does this Creator have a name?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” said Andron. “In your language His name is Jesus.”

  That interested Mom, so she continued. “And how do you know our language?” she asked. “Do they teach every language in your country?”

  “No, ma’am,” said Andron. “When we travel, our minds automatically translate to the spoken language.”

  “Interesting,” said Mom. She was calming down a little. I could tell because her voice wasn’t so loud and her eyes were beginning to soften.

  She was still guarded and careful. “So you’re not even from this planet,” she stated. “Let me ask you, where you come from, did you ever have a first man and woman?”

  “Yes ma’m,” said Andron. “We call them Mama and Papa. They’re the parents of our entire race, born many years ago.”

  “Hmm,” Mom thought for a minute, trying to put it all together. “Then you’re saying that people on your planet never die like Herby did. Do you have sickness or death or sin on your planet?” she questioned.

  “I don’t know any of these,” said Andron. “How did your planet come to know them?”

  “That’s a long story,” said Mom. “Our first parents, Adam and Eve, lived in a beautiful garden called Eden. They were deceived by a dazzling creature into disobeying God.”

  “We have a beautiful creature on our planet too,” said Andron. “He’s always trying to get us to go over to his side of the planet. But Jesus said not to.”

  “Oh, Andron, you must warn your people,” said Mom in a caring voice. She seemed to be warming up to Andron. “We suffered severe consequences because of disobedience. Adam and Eve had to leave their beautiful garden. Now everyone has to work to survive. Evil has come to our planet, and now we experience death, like Herby did.”

  “Surely Jesus could change all that,” said Andron.

  “He has,” answered mom. “He came to be born as one of us. Later He died a horrible death for us—nailed by His hands and feet to a cross in order to get us back.”

  “So that’s how He got those scars,” said Andron. “We always wondered, but He never told us that story.”

  “He gave His life to rescue us,” said Ben.

  “But He lives,” said Andron. “He’s alive now!”

  “Yes,” Mom said. “But He paid a huge price. Our Father in heaven raised Him up from the dead and gave Him His life back. Then He went to live with Him in heaven. After He left, He sent us the gift of His Holy Spirit. His Spirit lives inside anyone who chooses to be a follower of Jesus.”

  “It’s all recorded in a book we call the Bible,” I added.

  “And now when we die,” said Ben, “we go to heaven and live with Him forever.”

  “This is amazing!” said Andron. “I’m learning so much today.”

  “The important thing,” said Mom, “is that you and your people must never believe this creature. He’ll tell you things that are only half true.” She was talking like a mom talks to her son. I think she finally saw that Andron wasn’t a threat.

  “You know what I think, Andron,” I said. “I think you’re here for a reason.”

  “Yes,” he said slowly. “None of this was by chance. I see that now. I’m grateful to all of you for sharing.”

  “I’m glad you came,” I said. “I’ve been wanting to have you over for a long time.”

  “I’m glad you came too,” said mom. She looked at Andron tenderly. “Forgive me for being so abrupt with you.”

  “There’s nothing to forgive,” he said. “You were only trying to protect everyone. And you helped me a lot, more than you know.” After saying that, he jumped up and ran to the window. “My brother’s here!” he shouted.

  How do you know?” I asked. “I didn’t hear anything.”

  “I just know,” he said. “It’s how we communicate. I don’t want to leave, but I have to go now. My people will be very interested in what you’ve told me.”

  “Wait. You can’t leave yet,” I said. “I have something to give you.” I ran to my room and grabbed my Bible.

  What’s this?” he asked.

  “This is the book my mom was telling you about,” I replied. “It tells the story of our people.”

  “Thanks,” said Andron, holding it close to his chest. “I promise to read every word.”

  I’m sure glad you came,” said Ben. Herby wouldn’t be alive if you hadn’t come. You are coming back, aren’t you?”

  “As long as I have permission,” replied Andron.

  “Yes,” said Mom. “You must come back again. We’ll miss you. We’ve learned a lot too, but I’d like to know more.” She leaned over and gave Andron a big hug. “Don’t forget to warn your people.”

  “You can count on that,” said Andron. “Will you come see us off?”

  “You bet,” I said. “We wouldn’t miss it.” I was excited to see what he meant by transport.

  We all headed for the back yard. To our surprise, there in the middle of our overgrown blackberry bushes, was a tiny spacecraft. And sure enough, there was his brother waiting for him,
waving to us from inside.

  I was surprised. I had expected to see a huge spacecraft. This wasn’t really all that big. I was about the size of a small helicopter, only without rotor blades and tail. It gleamed of bright silver, except for a large window shaped like a copter window. About a foot behind the huge window, a door opened.

  All we could see inside was a purple curtain. Andron slipped in through the curtain, and the door closed. In a minute we could see him seated beside his brother. They waved goodbye and shot off into the sky like a silver bullet. In one second they were like a steely marble in the clear blue. Then they were completely out of sight.

  Whew! I hadn’t expected any of this. It was shocking enough to see a spacecraft in our backyard, but seeing it take off so suddenly was almost more than I could handle.

  My mind turned to mush; my knees felt weak. Slowly we all sauntered back. Ben took Herby to his house, and we went back to ours. What an afternoon!

  “Wow!” said Mom. “I wonder if your father will believe all this really happened.

  I was beginning to wonder that myself. My brain started to feel foggy. Was this all some sort of dream? When I got back to my room, I shouted aloud, “This did not really happen!”

  Just then Ben called. “Mikey,” he said, “you won’t believe what’s happening. Herby’s swimming all over the place, jumping high out of his fish bowl. I’ve got to buy him a whole new aquarium.”


  Chapter 3


  MIKEY,” MOM CALLED out, “don’t forget to feed the dog.”

  I had forgotten. But when I ran back to the utility room, the dog food was gone. “I must’ve left it on the porch. Sure enough. There it was. I lifted the bag and began pouring kibbles into Rosco’s dish. Suddenly two mice jumped out of the bag and scampered over my feet.

  “Give me a break,” I hollered. “This is ridiculous!” I was glad mom hadn’t seen it. She would have freaked out. What was I thinking about when I should have been feeding the dog? Then I remembered. It‘d been almost a year since Andron’s visit and my mind was drifting to somewhere in outer space. I’d been thinking a lot about Andron lately.


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