The Age of Voltaire

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The Age of Voltaire Page 118

by Will Durant

  20. Manon Lescaut, 220.

  21. Ibid., 10.

  22. 57.

  23. Faguet, E., Literary History of France, 489.

  24. Saintsbury, introd. to Manon Lescaut, ix-xii.

  25. Bury, J., History of the Idea of Progress, 135–36; Martin, K., 280.

  26. Lichtenberger, A., Le Socialisme et la Révolution française, 73; Martin, H., XV, 335; Martin, K., 62; Hazard, 197.

  27. In Martin, K., 61.

  28. In Crocker, Age of Crisis, 426–29.

  29. Duclos, Considérations, 11–12.

  30. Ibid., 17, 21.

  31. 27.

  32. 25.

  33. Toth, 38.

  34. La Bruyère and Vauvenargues, Selections, 189.

  35. Vauvenargues, Oeuvres choisies, CXV, IV.

  36. La Bruyère and Vauvenargues, 179.

  37. Vauvenargues, CLXXXVII.

  38. Ibid., CLXXXII.

  39. Crocker, Age of Crisis, 138–39.

  40. Ibid., 30.

  41. Vauvenargues, CLXIX.

  42. La Bruyère and Vauvenargues, 173.

  43. Vauvenargues, CL.

  44. Ibid., LVII.

  45. CLXXX.

  46. CLVII.

  47. P. 158.

  48. P. 173.

  49. Ibid.

  50. 310.

  51. Voltaire, letter of Apr. 4, 1744, in Martin, H., XV, 407n.

  52. Voltaire, XIXa, 43.

  53. Sorel, A., Montesquieu, 125.

  54. Ibid., 9.

  55. 23

  56. Montesquieu, Spirit of Laws, Book V, Ch. xix.

  57. Persian Letters, XXIV.

  58. In Sorel, 43.

  59. Herodotus, History, IV, 183.

  60. Aristotle, Historia animalium, viii, 12.

  61. Persian Letters, XII.

  62. Letter XXIV.

  63. XXIX.

  64. CXVIII.

  65. CXIII.

  66. CXVIII.

  67. XXXV.

  68. LXXXVI.

  69. Sorel, 49.

  70. Grandeur et décadence des Romains, introd., vi.

  71. Ibid., Ch. xviii.

  72. Ch. xii.

  73. Ch. xviii.

  74. Ch. vi.

  75. Ch. xv.

  76. Quoted in Faguet, Dix-huitième Siècle, 195.

  77. Spirit of Laws, preface.

  78. Ibid.

  79. Palache, 35.

  80. Martin, K., 151.

  81. Spirit of Laws, Book I, Ch. iii.

  82. Ibid., XIV, i-x.

  83. XVI, i-iii.

  84. Ibid., xi.

  85. Ibid.

  86. XIV, v.

  87. VIII, xvi-xix.

  88. Explanatory notes prefixed by Montesquieu to the second edition.

  89. IV, vi.

  90. In Sée, H., Idées politiques en France au xviiie siècle, 46.

  91. Spirit of Laws, VIII, ii.

  92. V, xiii.

  93. V, x.

  94. XI, vi.

  95. Ibid.

  96. Ibid.

  97. XI, iii.

  98. Grandeur et décadence, Ch. vii.

  99. Spirit of Laws, XXIII, xxviii.

  100. XV, v.

  101. X, ii.

  102. XIII, xvii.

  103. Pensées diverses, in Hearnshaw, Great Thinkers of the Age of Reason, 116.

  104. Faguet, Dix-huitième Siècle, 173.

  105. Spirit of Laws, XXIV, x.

  106. I, i.

  107. XII, xxix.

  108. In Havens, Age of Ideas, 121.

  109. Spirit of Laws, XXIV, ii.

  110. Ibid., iii and xxvi.

  111. XXIV, v.

  112. XXV, V.

  113. Ibid., xiii.

  114. Ibid., x.

  115. Quoted in Faguet, 195.

  116. Sorel, 166.

  117. Pappas, Berthier’s Journal de Trévoux, 78 f.; Martin, K., 153.

  118. Sorel, 163.

  119. Martin, K., 168.

  120. Sorel, 165.

  121. Voltaire, XIXa, 238–39.

  122. Philosophical Dictionary, art. “Climate,” in Works, IVa, 204–9.

  123. Ibid.

  124. Art. “Laws,” in Works, VIa, 104.

  125. Art. “Laws, Spirit of,” in Works, VIa, 106–8.

  126. Morley, Life of Voltaire, 9.

  127. Cf. Macaulay, Critical… Essays and Poems, I, 226; Dunning, History of Political Theories, III, 428–31; Flint, History of the Philosophy of History, 272–76; Brunetière, 301; Stephen, L., English Thought in the 18th Century, II, 188; Sorel, 139–41.

  128. Spirit of Laws, VII, iii.

  129. Spencer, Principles of Sociology (3v., London, 1876–96).

  130. Laski, H., Political Thought in England, 109.

  131. Taine, Ancient Regime, 213.

  132. Walpole, Letters, II, 187 (Jan. 10, 1750).

  133. Sainte-Beuve, Portraits, I, 146.

  134. Hearnshaw, French Thinkers of the Age of Reason, 116.

  135. Havens, Age of Ideas, 127.

  136. Sorel, 169.

  137. Grimm, Correspondance, II, 491.

  138. Gibbon, E., Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (1779 ed.), II, 142.

  139. Waliszewski, Romance of an Empress, 91.

  140. Sorel, 171.

  141. Faguet, Dix-huitième Siècle, 188.


  1. Desnoiresterres, I, 410.

  2. Bain, R. N., in Voltaire, Charles XII, introd., xxii.

  3. E.g., Buckle, I, 577.

  4. Voltaire, Charles XII, p. II.

  5. Ibid., 334.

  6. Letter of Aug. 25, 1732, in Works, XXIa, 216.

  7. Zaïre, I, i, in Works, Xa, 27.

  8. Zaïre, II, iii.

  9. Desnoiresterres, II, 2.

  10. Créqui, Souvenirs, 35.

  11. Brandes, I, 256.

  12. Ibid., 345.

  13. Letters on the English, Letter 1, in Works, XIXb, 193–98.

  14. Letter v.

  15. Ibid.

  16. Letter VIII, translation in Havens, Age of Ideas, 168.

  17. Ibid., 169.

  18. Letter x.

  19. Letter VIII; Hearnshaw, French Thinkers of the Age of Reason, 151.

  20. Works, XIXb, 29.

  21. Brandes, I, 203.

  22. Voltaire, XIb, 212.

  23. Ibid., 219.

  24. 235

  25. Buckle, I, 517.

  26. Parton, I, 225.

  27. Ibid., 303.

  28. 343.

  29. Desnoiresterres, II, 139.

  30. Parton, I, 384.

  31. Desnoiresterres, II, 239.

  32. Ibid., III, 113–15.

  33. Françoise de Graffigny, Vie privée de Voltaire et Mme du Châtelet à Cirey (Paris, 1820), in Brandes, I, 400.

  34. Brandes, I, 354.

  35. Pomeau, La Religion de Voltaire, 190.

  36. Parton, I, 391.

  37. Créqui, 35.

  38. Parton, I, 389.

  39. Wade, Ira, Voltaire and Mme. du Châtelet, 14.

  40. Ibid.

  41. 37.

  42. Brandes, I, 388.

  43. Voltaire, XXIa, 197–201.

  44. Desnoiresterres, III, 330.

  45. Voltaire, XXIa, 193, 209.

  46. Letter of Apr. 15, 1741, in Gay, Voltaire’s Politics, 26.

  47. Brandes, I, 365; Desnoiresterres, II, 53.

  48. Voltaire, XXIb, 107.

  49. Ia, 299.

  50. Voltaire, Traité de métaphysique (Oeuvres complètes, XLIII), end of Ch. i.

  51. Ibid., p. 187.

  52. Taine, Ancient Regime, 258.

  53. La Pucelle, Canto II, in Works, XXa, 83 f.

  54. Voltaire, Alzire, I, i.

  55. Brandes, I, 361.

  56. Parton, I, 445.

  57. Fellows and Torrey, Age of Enlightenment, 474.

  58. Mahomet, III, vi, in Works, VIIIb, 55.

  59. Brandes, II, 8.

  60. Voltaire and Frederick the Great,
Letters, p. 102.

  61. Gibbon, E., Journal, 130.

  62. Parton, I, 462.

  63. Brandes, I, 405.

  64. Ibid.

  65. Mitford, N., Voltaire in Love, 75.

  66. Parton, I, 542–45.

  67. Martin, H., XV, 402.

  68. Voltaire, XXIb, 98.

  69. XXIa, 190, 193.

  70. Ibid., 195.

  71. Parton, I, 575.

  72. Ibid., 352.

  73. Voltaire, VIIIb, 12.

  74. Ibid., 14.

  75. Voltaire, IIa, 282.

  76. Ib, 6.

  77. IIb, 41.

  78. IIa, 63.

  79. IIa, 26.

  80. IIa, 44–45.

  81. Parton, I, 581–82.

  82. Voltaire and Frederick, Letters, 188, 191.

  83. Longchamp in Parton, I, 553 f.

  84. Longchamp in Desnoiresterres, III, 246, and Parton, I, 556.

  85. Parton, I, 562.

  86. Voltaire and Frederick, Letters, 197.

  87. Desnoiresterres, III, 390.

  88. Parton, I, 571.

  89. Voltaire-Frederick Letters, 33.

  90. Voltaire, Lettres d’amour à sa nièce, 53.

  91. Voltaire, Love Letters to His Niece, 46. Dr. Besterman translates cazzo as “prick.”

  92. Lettres d’amour, 57; Love Letters, 48.

  93. Lettres d’amour, 69; Love Letters, 54.

  94. Letters d’amour, 77; Love Letters, 57.

  95. Lettres d’amour, 77; Love Letters, 58.

  96. Lettres d’amour, 146.

  97. Love Letters, 103.

  98. Lettres d’amour, 15.

  99. Marmontel, Memoirs, I, 121.

  100. Mitford, N., Voltaire in Love, 303.

  101. Nicolson, Age of Reason, 110.

  102. Voltaire-Frederick Letters, 212; Gay, Voltaire’s Politics, 150.

  103. Gay, 151.


  1. Mossner, Hume, 210.

  2. Richard, E., History of German Civilization, 326; de Tocqueville, L’Ancien Régime, 27; Thompson, J. W., Economic and Social History of… the Later Middle Ages, 483.

  3. Taine, Ancient Regime, 28.

  4. See Mühlhausen as described in Spitta, J. S. Bach, I, 344.

  5. Láng, Music in Western Civilization, 608.

  6. Montagu, Lady Mary W., Letters, I, 255 (Nov. 21, 1716).

  7. Tietze, Treasures of the Great National Galleries, 137.

  8. Burney, C., General History of Music, II, 943.

  9. Desnoiresterres, IV, 160.

  10. In Cassirer, Philosophy of the Enlightenment, 334.

  11. Francke, History of German Literature, 223.

  12. Ausubel, Superman: The Life of Frederick the Great, 756.

  13. Wolf, History of Science… and Philosophy, 778.

  14. Hazard, European Thought in the 18th Century, 40.

  15. Lovejoy, Essays in the History of Ideas, 108.

  16. Enc. Brit., XXIII, 697c.

  17. Enc. of Religion and Ethics, VIII, 838b.

  18. Schoenfeld, Women of the Teutonic Nations, 283.

  19. Ibid., 298.

  20. Text in Smith, P., History of Modern Culture, II, 601.

  21. Chesterfield, Letters, Sept. 5, 1748.

  22. Goldsmith, O., Inquiry into the Present State of Polite Learning in Europe, in Miscellaneous Works, 426.

  23. Frederick the Great, Mémoires, I, 63.

  24. Montagu, Lady Mary, letter of Dec. 17, 1716.

  25. Dillon, E., Glass, 5.

  26. Bock, E., Geschichte der Graphischen Kunst, 477–84.

  27. Berlin.

  28. Barockmuseum, Vienna.

  29. Sitwell, S., German Baroque Art, 94.

  30. Oxford History of Music, IV, 4.

  31. Láng, 450.

  32. Spitta, Bach, II, 46; Enc. Brit., XVII, 896b.

  33. Spitta, III, 18.

  34. Rolland, Musical Tour, 84.

  35. Ibid., 211.

  36. 207–8.

  37. Grove’s Dictionary of Music, II, 556.

  38. Rolland, 211n.

  39. Grove’s, V, 297.

  40. Ebeling in Rolland, 119.

  41. E.g., Concerto in D for trumpet; Suite in A Minor for flute; Don Quixote Suite.

  42. Schweitzer, A., J. S. Bach, I, 103–4.

  43. Spitta, I, 373.

  44. Grove’s, I, 158. On the Vivaldi transcriptions, see Pincherle, Marc, Vivaldi, 230–31.

  45. Spitta, II, 147.

  46. Láng, 493.

  47. Grove’s, I, 161.

  48. Schweitzer, I, 115.

  49. Spitta, III, 261–64.

  50. Grove’s, I, 165.

  51. Pratt, History of Music, 257.

  52. Schweitzer, I, 338.

  53. Ibid., 321.

  54. Spitta, II, 55.

  55. Forkel in Schweitzer, I, 323.

  56. Ibid., 404.

  57. 292.

  58. Láng, 499.

  59. Davison, A., Bach and Handel, 56.

  60. Schweitzer, I, 180.

  61. Spitta, III, 252.

  62. Ibid.

  63. 263.

  64. Weinstock, Handel, 4.

  65. Grove’s, I, 167.

  66. Rolland, 71.

  67. Spitta, II, 147.

  68. McKinney and Anderson, Music in History, 407.

  69. Words of the preacher at Bach’s funeral, Spitta, III, 275.

  70. Letter of Karl Zelter in Schweitzer, I, 231.

  71. Ibid., 230; Rolland, 219; Davison, II.

  72. Schweitzer, I, 238.

  73. Ibid., 242.

  74. 254.


  1. Carlyle, T., Friedrich the Second, IV, 173.

  2. Goodwin, European Nobility, 129.

  3. Montagu, Lady Mary, Letters, I, 245.

  4. Goodwin, 112.

  5. Mowat, R. B., Age of Reason, 264; New Camb. Mod. History, VII, 402.

  6. In 1714–34.

  7. 1720–33.

  8. 1715–56.

  9. 1722–32.

  10. 1729–32.

  11. Nawrath, Austria, 15. The church was built in 1733.

  12. Sitwell, German Baroque Art, 37; cf. Baedeker, Austria, 46.

  13. Barockmuseum, Vienna.

  14. Ibid.

  15. Montagu, Lady M., I, 238.

  16. Burney, C., II, 942.

  17. Garnett, R., History of Italian Literature, 315.

  18. Frederick, Mémoires, I, 14.

  19. Enc. Brit., X, 274b.

  20. Coxe, Wm., History of the House of Austria, III, 241.

  21. Ibid., 242.

  22. New Camb. Mod. History, VII, 407.

  23. Monroe, Paul, History of Education, 435.

  24. Macaulay, Essays, II, 121; Acton, Lectures on Modern History, 288.

  25. Camb. Mod. History, VI, 210.

  26. Ibid., 213.

  27. 214.

  28. Carlyle, Friedrich, I, 335.

  29. Wilhelmine, Margravine, Memoirs, 31, 34, 52, 204.

  30. Ibid., 13, 63.

  31. Carlyle, I, 377.

  32. Wilhelmine, 91.

  33. Ibid., 84, 91.

  34. Carlyle, II, 95.

  35. Camb. Mod. History, VI, 212.

  36. Wilhelmine, 109.

  37. Ibid., 164.

  38. Carlyle, II, 327.

  39. Ibid., 339.

  40. 349.

  41. Wilhelmine, 230.

  42. Carlyle, III, 64–66.

  43. Ibid., 66–68.

  44. Voltaire-Frederick Letters, Nov. 4, 1736.

  45. Apr. 7, 1737.

  46. Jan. 20, 1737.

  47. Frederick to Voltaire, Nov. 4, 1736, Feb. 8, 1737.

  48. Dec. 3, 1736.

  49. Dec. 25, 1737.

  50. June, 1738.

  51. Dec. 25, 1737.

  52. Mar. 28, 1738.

  53. Carlyle, III, 98.

  54. Parron, I, 240.

  55. Frederick, quoted in Villari, P., Life and Times of N
iccolò Machiavelli, II, 201.

  56. In Francke, History of German Literature, 230.

  57. Carlyle, III, 142.

  58. Valori in Ausubel, 435.

  59. Frederick to Voltaire, June 6, 1740.

  60. June 27, 1740.

  61. Lea, H. C., Superstition and Force, 575.

  62. Carlyle, III, 161.

  63. Ibid., 163.

  64. Smith, P., History of Modern Culture, II, 571.

  65. Carlyle, III, 175.

  66. Goldsmith, O., Miscellaneous Works, 427.

  67. Carlyle, III, 233.

  68. Ibid.; Desnoiresterres, II, 290.

  69. Voltaire-Frederick Letters, 143.

  70. Fleury to Voltaire, Nov. 14, 1740, in Parton, I, 438.

  71. Ibid.

  72. Carlyle, III, 278.

  73. Ausubel, 443.

  74. Lützow, Count von, Bohemia, 317.

  75. Frederick, Mémoires, I, 94.

  76. Ibid., 103.

  77. Coxe, House of Austria, III, 270; Macaulay, Essays, II, 126.

  78. Enc. Brit., XIV, 88Id.

  79. Carlyle, IV, 70.

  80. Coxe, III, 309.

  81. Carlyle, V, 36.

  82. Voltaire to Frederick, March, 1742, in Voltaire-Frederick Letters, 159.

  83. Frederick to Voltaire, Feb. 12, 1742.

  84. Frederick, Mémoires, I, 5.

  85. Enc. Brit., IX, 718c.

  86. In Robertson, J. M., Short History of Freethought, II, 313.

  87. Carlyle, V, 201.

  88. Ibid., III, 260.

  89. Carlyle, V, 197, hotly repudiates any sodomitic implications.

  90. Enc. Brit., IX, 718c.

  91. Carlyle, V, 65.

  92. Ibid., VII, 462; Mowat, Age of Reason, 101.

  93. Letter of Aug. 31, 1750, in Parton, I, 611.

  94. Desnoiresterres, IV, 108.

  95. Taine, Ancient Regime, 28m.

  96. Voltaire, Works, XXIa, 221.

  97. Parton, I, 610.

  98. Ibid.

  99. Carlyle, V, 137.

  100. Ibid., 146.

  101. Gay, Voltaire’s Politics, 154.

  102. Voltaire, XXIa, 213.

  103. Lanson, Voltaire, 112–13.

  104. Parton, I, 340.

  105. Chesterfield, letter of Apr. 13, 1752.

  106. Parton, II, 59.

  107. Ibid., 59–60; Desnoiresterres, IV, 196.

  108. Morley, Life of Voltaire, 184.

  109. Carlyle, V, 182.

  110. Ibid., 180.

  111. 209.

  112. 213.

  113. 214; Strachey, Books and Characters, 191.

  114. Voltaire, XIXa, 184f.

  115. Ibid.

  116. Parton, II, 126.

  117. Ibid., 103.

  118. Carlyle, V, 223.

  119. Parton, II, 108.

  120. Ibid., 138.

  121. Voltaire, Lettres d’Alsace, 135–36 (Dec. 14, 1753).

  122. Parton, II, 167–69.

  123. Montesquieu, letter of Sept. 28, 1753, in Lanfrey, L’Église et les philosophes, 162.

  124. Philosophical Dictionary, article “Quakers.


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