The Age of Voltaire

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The Age of Voltaire Page 124

by Will Durant

  Bach, Johann Jakob, of Stockholm (1682–1722?), brother of J. S. Bach, 412

  Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685–1750), 226, 295, 397, 407, 409, 412–30;

  appearance and character, 428–29;

  at Arnstadt, 413, 418;

  birth of, 412;

  at Cöthen, 414–15;

  death of, 429;

  at Eisenach, 411, 412–13;

  and Frederick II, 408, 411, 417, 421;

  and Handel, 227, 231, 234, 241, 242, 410, 413, 417, 422, 427–28, 429;

  at Leipzig, 415 f.;

  as organist, 413–14, 417, 427–28;

  and Telemann, 411, 427;

  at Weimar, 414, 417, 418, 424;

  works: instrumental, 414, 417–23, 429;

  vocal, 423–28

  Bach, Karl Philipp Emanuel (1714–88), son of J. S. Bach, 409, 411, 417, 420–21, 429

  Bach, Maria Barbara (1684–1720), 413–15 passim

  Bach, Veit (d. 1619), 412

  Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann, of Halle (1710–84), son of J. S. Bach, 234

  Bach family, 45, 412

  Bachelier de Salamanque, Le (Lesage), 30

  Bachgesellschaft, 430

  Bacon, Sir Francis (1561–1626), 119, 528, 606, 609;

  Bolingbroke and, 123;

  influence on Encyclopedists, 369, 625, 633, 636, 651;

  Voltaire on, 369

  Baculard d’Arnaud, François de (1718–1805), 393, 463

  Baden-Durlach, Karl Wilhelm, Margrave of (fl. 1715), 406

  Baer, Karl Ernst von (1792–1876), 576

  Baletti, Giuseppe (d. 1762), 27

  ballet, 295, 315

  Balzac, Honoré de (1799–1850), 36, 679

  Bamberg, 406

  Bandello, Matteo (1480?–1562), 188

  banking, 10–16, 56, 58, 265–66

  Bank of England, 10, 59, 96

  Banks, Sir Joseph (1743–1820), 559

  Banque Générale, 11–12

  Banque Royale, 12, 14–15

  Baptists, 62, 118

  Barbados, 264

  Barbier, Edmond Jean (1689–1771), notary and diarist, 609

  “Bard, The” (Gray), 182

  Barnard, Sir John, 183

  Barockmuseum, Vienna, 433

  barometers, 306, 550, 552

  baroque style, 5, 302, 303, 400;

  in architecture, 24, 215, 307, 399, 405–6, 432–33;

  in ceramics, 404;

  in music, 295, 428;

  in sculpture, 405, 433–34

  Basel, 469

  Basel, 473, 476, 483, 509

  Basel, University of, 476, 477, 509

  Baskerville, John (1708–75), 163, 214

  Bastille, 17, 496;

  fall of, 512, 529;

  Voltaire in, 3, 17, 33, 35–36, 41, 246, 267

  Bath, Lord, see Pulteney, William

  Bath, England, 66, 80–81, 88, 161, 216, 541

  Bath, order of the, 97

  Bathurst, Allen, 1st Lord Bathurst (1684–1775), 170, 171, 172

  Baudelaire, Charles (1821–67), 661

  Bauhin, Gaspard (1560–1624), 563

  Baumgarten, Alexander Gottlieb (1714–62), 403

  Bavaria, 397, 398–99, 405;

  challenges Pragmatic Sanction, 436;

  in War of Austrian Succession, 276, 452–56;

  in War of Spanish Succession, 398

  Bayle, Pierre (1647–1706), 355, 612, 616, 633;

  influence of, 119, 247, 499, 609, 624, 638, 692;

  on Chinese tolerance, 505;

  and atheist morality 757, 776–77

  Bayreuth, 404, 442, 469

  Bayreuth, Margrave of, see Henry, Margrave of Bayreuth

  Beaumarchais, Pierre Augustin Caron de (1732–99), 330

  Beaumont, Christophe de (1703–81), Archbishop of Paris, 639, 771

  Beaumont, Élie de, see Élie de Beaumont, J. J. B.

  Beauvais, Abbé Jean Baptiste Charles Marie de (1731–90), 782

  Beauvais, bishop of, 254

  Beauvais tapestry works, 305, 312, 315

  Beauvau, Louis Charles Antoine, Marquis de (1710–44), 782

  Beccaria, Cesare Bonesana, Marchese di (1735?–94), 447, 691, 696

  Becher, Johann Joachim (1635–82), 524

  Becket, Thomas à (1118?–70), 158

  Bedlam (Bethlehem Hospital), London, 147, 219, 220, 222, 597

  Beethoven, Ludwig van (1770–1827), 241, 409, 411, 429;

  on Handel, 427

  Beggar’s Opera, The (Gay-Pepusch), 65, 70, 185–87, 217, 231, 233–34

  Behn, Aphra (1640–89), 188

  Belgium, see Netherlands, Austrian

  Belgrade, 435

  Belle-Isle, Charles Auguste Fouquet, Maréchal Comte de, later Duc de (1684–1761), 22, 271–72, 338, 452–53, 454–55

  Belle-Isle, Comtesse de, 22

  Bellevue, Château de, 282, 294, 315, 319

  Belsunce de Castelmoron, François de (1671–1755), bishop of Marseilles, 258, 288

  Benedict XIV (Prospero Lambertini), Pope (r. 1740–58), 300, 539;

  and Voltaire, 385, 483; see also Epilogue

  Benedictines: as teachers, 286, 775;

  abbeys of, 406, 432, 433;

  of St.-Maur, 501; see also Calmet, Dom;

  Prévost, Abbé

  Bénezet, Pastor (d. 1752), 257

  Bengal, 113

  Bentham, Jeremy (1748–1832), 139, 149, 336, 376, 529, 687, 691

  Bentley, Richard (1662–1742), 168, 217, 500

  Berenice (Handel), 236–37

  Berg, duchy of, 436, 451

  Bergen op Zoom, 386

  Bergier, Nicolas Sylvestre (1718–90), 699, 756–57, 763

  Bergman, Torbern Olof (1735–84), 524, 525, 560–61

  Bering, Vitus (1681–1741), 557–58

  Bering Strait, 557, 560

  Berkeley, George (1685–1753), 67, 95, 106, 117, 215, 633, 780;

  replies to skeptics in Alciphron, 121, 124;

  criticizes materialism, 143, 166, 713;

  praises Pope, 166;

  on mathematical abstruseness, 124, 508;

  tar water of, 199

  Berlin, 400, 437, 438, 599;

  palaces of, 406;

  music in, 410, 412, 430, 455

  Berlin, Treaty of (1742), 454, 457

  Berlin Academy of Sciences, 323, 448, 498, 509, 519, 697;

  d’Alembert and, 516, 551;

  Euler heads mathematics section, 510, 511;

  Frederick II and, 448, 460, 477, 510, 516, 621, 688;

  under Maupertuis’ presidency, 448, 465–68, 514–516

  Bern, 473, 474–75, 476, 477, 590, 680

  Bernacchi, Antonio (1685–1756), 234

  Bernard, Samuel (1651–1739), 265

  Bernardin de Saint-Pierre, Jacques Henri (1737–1814), 335

  Bernini, Giovanni Lorenzo (1598–1680), 433

  Bernis, François Joachim de Pierre de (1715–94), 493, 730, 767

  Bernoulli, Daniel (1700–82), 476, 509, 516–17, 538

  Bernoulli, Jakob II (1758?–89), 476, 509

  Bernoulli, Johann I (1667–1748), 476, 509, 516

  Bernoulli, Johann II (1710–90), 509

  Bernoulli, Johann III (1744–1807), 509

  Berry, Charles, Duc de (1685–1714), 20

  Berryer, Nicolas René (1703–62), 630, 643

  Berry, Marie Louise Élisabeth d’Orléans, Duchesse de (d. 1719), 8, 20–21, 26, 34–37

  passim, 596

  Berthier, Guillaume François (1704–82), 356, 605*, 757–59, 763, 768;

  and Encyclopédie, 637–39, 758, 759

  Berthollet, Claude Louis (1748–1822), 525, 534, 536, 584

  Bertin, Henri Léonard (1720–92), 660, 764

  Besançon, 756

  Besançon, Academy of, 498

  Besançon, Parlement of, 771

  Besnard, François, memoirist, 260

  Besterman, Theodore (1904–), 392*

  Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, 403

  Beuchot, Adrien Jean Quentin (1773–1851), 644*

  Beverley, Yorkshire, England, 55

  Bibliotheca botanica (Linnaeus), 562

  Bibliothèque Nationale, 23, 611*

  Bibliothèque raisonnée, 466–67

  Bibliothèque Royale, Paris, 19

  Bicêtre, Hospice de, Paris, 598

  Bidassoa, 32

  Bijoux indiscrets, Les (Diderot), 376, 624, 626–27, 631

  Bill of Rights (England, 1689), 105

  Binfield, England, 164

  biology, 401, 507, 563, 569–81, 583, 586, 651

  Birkenhead, Frederick Edwin Smith, 1st Earl of (1872–1930), 101*

  Birmingham, England, 52, 214, 526, 528–30, 579;

  Priestley’s letter to, 529–30

  “Birthday Ode” (Handel), 231

  Black, Joseph (1728–99), 517, 524, 556, 584

  Blackheath, 88

  Blackmore, Sir Richard (1650?–1729), physician and poetaster, 171

  Blackstone, Sir William (1723–80), 72, 360, 494

  Blanc, Mont, 552, 561

  Blenheim Palace, 91, 215, 217

  Blois, Marie Anne de Bourbon, Duchesse de, later Duchesse d’Orléans (b. 1666), 8, 19, 20, 21

  Blois, France, 308

  blood circulation, discovery of, 507, 567

  bloodletting, 593, 597

  Blount, Charles (1654–93), freethinker, 120

  Blount, Sir John (fl. 1720), 58, 59

  Blount, Martha, 171

  Blue Nile River, 560

  Boccaccio, Giovanni (1313–75), 188, 780

  Bodin, Jean (1530–96), 349, 359*

  Bodmer, Johann Jakob (1698–1783), 400, 477

  Boerhaave, Hermann (1668–1738), 507, 562, 601, 618

  Boffrand, Germain (1667–1754), 307, 308

  Bohemia, 431, 432, 436, 450;

  campaigns in (War of Austrian Succession), 272, 276, 338, 453–56, 457

  Böhler, Peter (fl. 1738), 131, 132, 403

  Böhme, Jakob (1575–1624), 127

  Boileau-Despréaux, Nicolas (1636–1711), 3, 464;

  Buffon and, 575;

  effect on French poetry, 323, 668;

  German writing and, 400, 477;

  Pope and, 165, 166, 177, 246

  Bois de Boulogne, 295, 696

  Boleyn, Anne (1507–36), 357

  Bolingbroke, Henry St. John, Viscount (1678–1751), 57, 99–101, 132;

  character and morals of, 66, 99;

  Chesterfield on, 465;

  deism of, 38, 91, 116, 120, 123, 125, 172, 247;

  dismissal and flight, 91;

  in France, 38, 91–93

  passim, 99 f., 294;

  and Jacobite invasion, 91, 92;

  on Marlborough, 23, 299;

  pardoned by George I, returns, 99, 110, 111;

  and Pope, 99, 168, 169, 170, 172, 174;

  second return, 100;

  and Mme. de Tencin, 23, 299;

  third return, death, 123;

  Voltaire and, 38, 93, 116, 246, 247, 362, 738, 743;

  and Walpole, 96, 99, 100, 101, 162;

  writings of, 99–101

  Bolingbroke, Viscountess (1), nee Frances Winchcombe (d. 1720), 93

  Bolingbroke, Viscountess (2), see Villette, Marquise de

  Bologna, University of, 522, 591

  Bolton, Lancashire, England, 136

  Bombay, 264

  Bonaparte, Napoleon, see Napoleon I

  Bonn, 405

  Bonnet, Charles (1720–93), 481, 576, 578, 583, 625

  Bonnie Prince Charlie, see Stuart, Charles Edward

  Bonnier, merchant, 290

  Bononcini, Giovanni Battista (c.1672–c.1752), 232–33

  Bon Sens du curé Meslier, Le (ed. d’Holbach-Diderot), 611, 617, 711

  Bontemps, Mme., fortuneteller, 493

  Book of Common Prayer, 129

  Bordeaux, 308, 309, 310, 497, 517;

  commerce and industry, 66, 261, 262, 264;

  Montesquieu and, 340, 341, 344, 680

  Bordeaux, Academy of, 341, 498

  Bordeaux, Parlement of, 257, 341, 344, 770

  Bordeu, Théophile de (1722–76), 599, 600, 621, 652–55

  Bordoni, Faustina (1693–1783), 233, 234, 243, 410

  Borgia, Caesar (1476–1507), 731

  Boschi, Giuseppe (fl. 1710), 229, 230, 233, 234

  Boscovich, Ruggiero Giuseppe (1711–87), 508, 538, 539

  Bose, Georg (fl. 1742), 519

  Bosnia, 435

  Bossuet, Jacques Bénigne (1627–1704), bishop of Meaux, 254, 325, 597, 760;

  Montesquieu and, 345, 346, 350;

  Voltaire and, 464, 484, 485, 504

  Bossut, Abbé Charles (1730–1814), 516

  Boston, Lincolnshire, England, 55

  Boston, Massachusetts, 565, 595–96, 721

  Boswell, James (1740–95), 158, 161, 750

  Botanic Garden, The (E. Darwin), 580

  botany, 507, 508, 561–68, 569

  Böttger, Johann Friedrich (1682–1719), 404

  Bouchardon, Edme (1698–1762), 307, 309, 310

  Boucher, François (1703–70), 28, 303, 310, 313–16, 330, 404;

  Chardin contrasted with, 316, 317, 318;

  death of, 316;

  Diderot criticizes nudes of, 312, 313, 316, 665, 667–68, 674;

  La Tour compared with, 320, 321, 322;

  Le Moyne’s influence on, 25, 311, 313;

  and Oudry, 312, 315;

  and Mme. de Pompadour, 281, 282;

  his portraits of her, 279–80, 315–16, 321;

  as tapestry designer, 305, 314, 315;

  and Vanloo, 312, 314

  Boucher, Jeanne Buseaux, 314, 315

  Boufflers, Duc Joseph Marie de (1706–47), 287

  Boufflers, Duchesse de (fl. 1747), 301

  Boufflers, Marie Françoise Catherine de Beauvau-Craon, Marquise de (1711–87), 389

  Boufflers-Rouvrel, Marie Charlotte Hippolyte, Comtesse de (1725–1800?), 158, 161

  Bougainville, Louis Antoine de (1729–1811), 558, 662, 664

  Bouguer, Pierre (1698–1758), 517–18, 552

  Bouillon, Charles Godefroy de La Tour d’Auvergne, Duc de, 252, 328

  Bouillon, Louise de Lorraine, Duchesse de (1707–37), 23, 328

  Boulainvilliers, Henri de (1658–1722), 502, 610

  Boulanger, Nicolas (d. 1759), 692–93, 695, 698

  Boulle, André Charles (1642–1732), 304

  Boulogne, Abbé Étienne Antoine de (1747–1825), 782

  Boulogne, bishop of, 288

  Boulton, Matthew (1728–1809), 528, 579

  bounties, export, 98

  Bounty, 557

  Bourbon, Louis Henri, Duc de, Prince de Condé (“Monsieur le Duc”; 1692–1740), 14, 269, 270, 274, 307–8, 344

  Bourbon, Duchesse de (fl. c.1780), 594

  Bourbon, Marie Anne de (fl. 1725), sister of “Monsieur le Duc,” 344

  Bourbon, house of, in France, 352, 611, 694;

  restoration of (1814/15), 677;

  in Spain, 285

  Bourbon, island of, 264, 294

  Bourdaloue, Louis (1632–1704), Jesuit theologian, 254

  Bouret, Abbé Siméon (b. 1710), 328

  Bourgeois Gentilhomme, Le (Moliere), 619, 669–70

  bourgeoisie, French, 263–66;

  in art, 288, 316, 318;

  and the Church, 611, 781;

  dress of, 293;

  education of, 286;

  Encyclopédie influenced by, 647;

  in government, 253, 266, 275;

  Jansenism among, 256, 768, 771;

  in literature, 331, 625, 665, 669–71, 752;

  morality of, 287–92 passim;

  in the nobility, 252;

  supports Revolution, 264, 290, 535

  Bourges, 757, 759

  Bourrienne, Louis Antoine Fauvelet de (1769–1834), 31

  Bourse, Paris, 265

  Bow Street police court, London, 196, 198

  Boyce, William (1710–7
9), composer, 225–26

  Boyer, Jean François (1675–1755), bishop of Mirepoix, 288, 382, 638

  Boyle, Richard (1695–1753), see Burlington, 3d Earl of

  Boyle, Robert (1627–91), 214, 516, 584

  Boyle lectures, 127

  Boylston, Zabdiel (1679–1766), 595–96

  Bradley, James (1692–1762), astronomer, 537, 539–41, 544

  Bradley, Richard (fl. 1717), botanist, 565–66

  Brahmins, 151, 502

  Brahms, Johannes (1833–97), 242, 407, 430

  Braille, Louis (1809–52), 629

  Braille system, forerunner of, 597, 627, 629

  Branca, Giovanni (1571–1645), 52

  Brandenburg, electorate of, 437, 451;

  Mark (province) of, 437, 510

  Brandenburg Concertos (Bach), 242, 414, 415, 421–23

  Breitinger, Johann Jakob (1701–76), 400, 477

  Bremen, free city of, 397

  Brera Observatory, Milan, 539

  Breslau, Silesia, 451, 452, 453, 551

  Brest, France, 109, 110

  Breteuil, Louis Nicolas Le Tonnelier, Baron de (1648–1728), 365

  Brézé, M. de, 383–84

  Briasson, French publisher (fl. 1745), 634

  Bridewell, London, 222

  Bridgeman, Charles (fl. 1730), 78

  Briefe die neueste Literatur betreffend, 498

  Brieg, principality of, 451

  Brighton, England, 80

  Brissot, Jacques Pierre (1754–93), 689

  Bristol, England, 55, 60, 108, 132

  Britain, see England

  British Board of Longitude, 538

  British Museum, London, 70, 214, 243, 499, 559*

  British Empire, 113

  British thermal unit, 517

  Briton, The, 202

  Brittany, 259, 590, 770

  “Broadbottom, Jeffrey,” 82

  Bromfield, William (fl. 1752), surgeon, 243

  Brompton, England, 588

  Broschi, Carlo, castrato, see Farinelli

  Brown, Lancelot “Capability” (1715–83), 78

  Bruce, James (1730–94), 560

  Bruchsal, 406

  Brucker, Johann Jakob (1696–1770), 645

  Brueghel, Pieter, the Elder (1520?–69), 220

  Bruges, 278

  Brühl, 405, 406

  Brunetière, Ferdinand (1849–1906), 633, 689

  Bruno, Giordano (1548–1600), 645, 692

  Brunswick, 411

  Brunswick-Bevern, duchy of, 442

  Brunswick-Lüneburg, duchy of, 89

  Brussels, 278, 365;

  Voltaire in, 38, 82, 378, 379–80, 440

  Brutus, Lucius Junius (fl. 509? B.C.), Roman consul, 361

  Brutus (Voltaire), 361–62

  bubonic plague, 590

  Buckingham and Normanby, John Sheffield, Earl of Mulgrave and 1st Duke of (1648–1721), 214

  Buckle, Henry Thomas (1821–62), 349, 370

  Buffier, Claude (1661–1737), 758

  Buffon, Georges Louis Leclerc, Comte de (1708–88), 248, 498, 508, 532, 553–55, 569–75;


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