by Penny Jordan
‘Well, then, they are just going to have to change their expectations,’ Luc replied, giving her a warmly loving look. ‘Because showing the world how important his wife and family are to this ‘Serene Highness’ is the most important thing to him. Which reminds me…How long is it, exactly, since I last told you I love you?’
Carrie pretended to consider.
‘Oh…about an hour,’ she teased him adoringly.
‘As long as that? Well, tonight I promise I shall show you just how very much I do love you, in every single way,’ Luc whispered softly to her.
And of course he did!
ISBN: 9781408998809
The Blackmail Marriage
© Penny Jordan 2013
First Published in Great Britain in 2013
Eton House, 18-24 Paradise Road, Richmond, Surrey TW9 1SR
Harlequin (UK) Limited
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