Impure Bargains (Impure series Book 1)

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Impure Bargains (Impure series Book 1) Page 2

by Decadent Kane

  "Ya?" Haven rubbed her forehead.

  A rough male voice said, "An unnatural has been spotted near the city." It was her boss, Rich, head of the demons and entities control, DAIS Co. A company seeking out unnaturals, or magical creatures. Though they really didn't control unnaturals so much as obtain them for study, except for demons. The company was still trying to find a way to hold a lesser demon. Rich always made the calls for retrieval himself. Haven suspected it was a way for him to be sure the job was handled as he wanted.

  "What kind?" Her back straightened. Perhaps she didn't need to summon the demon if he hadn't gone back to hell. Haven hoped Rich was sending her after a demon with some new toy to snag it, preferably the one who took her brother. She worked for DAIS as a snare. Her job was to catch unnaturals, which included demons if they ever found a way to make it happen, and bring them to the company. Assigned of course, she couldn't just randomly go around trapping things. What happened after that was none of her business. They could kill and torture the dirty beasts for all she cared.

  "A caladrius." Rich sounded a little excited.

  "What do I need to know?"

  "You can lure it by sweets and it looks like a bird. Color is white like snow. We can't verify how big it is, but you have an L-sac right?"

  An L-sac was a magically imbued bag, kind of like the idea of Santa Claus's red present bag. Only DAIS had it made in black and it weighed next to nothing no matter what was in it. Capable of holding any size creature. The company had four sacs total, and only snares had them. "Yes I have the sac. Is the creature dangerous?" She hoped, in part, it was dangerous; she could get some of her anger out of her system if she had something to throw it at.

  "Always make that assumption, Haven." Rich hung up. Haven slipped the cell phone into her jean pocket and eyed the grimoire again. The mud brown old book taunted her to open the pages. She could retrieve the caladrius after she called on a demon.


  The chalk outline of Ba'al's sigil was beneath her, drawn on the kitchen floor. It looked like a squatting frog with a circle around it. Not very original. Who was she to judge the ancient ideas of those who'd come long before her time. At least it was simple. Haven had observed her mother summon a lesser demon once. Though she had no idea what it was at the time, she'd watched her mother draw the sigil and provoke her own magic. She tried to remember why the demon had been summoned, but couldn't.

  Haven kneeled in the center. No one could trap a demon with sigils or magic, because they were the embodiment of sin. They wished to break the rules and rules are broken. There was no way to trap something that could wish its way out...because it can sin and thrive on it. Dirty, Dirty, Dirty. Haven took a long deep breath and called out Ba'al's name. Ba'al was said to be the king of hell long ago, though no one had seen or heard from him in hundreds of years. He no longer existed outside folk tales, but his name evoked power regardless.

  Summoning wasn't a particularly difficult task. The only thing to worry about was a demon or Ba'al himself killing the summoner. That's why she kneeled in the middle of Ba'al's sigil, to protect herself from being killed. Which didn't really stop her nerves. Not that Ba'al usually came to a summons. It was more his sigil and thus any demon under his command could be summoned to her at his choosing. Demons didn't give out names, and sigils worked with names. The only one available to the mass public was Ba'al's.

  Haven could only hope the one who took her brother would appear. If she had the beast's name, it would have made things much easier. Haven's hands shook despite her attempts to calm herself. She rubbed her sweating palms along her jeans. All sorts of horrible images of being torn apart and consumed by hell creatures entered her mind. Her chest tightened and she swallowed, reminding herself the demon already had a chance to rip her apart earlier and he'd given her a riddle instead.

  The sound of bubbles being popped caught her attention. Haven looked around the room, but she couldn't see the source. They sped up, popping faster and faster and then air whooshed in her face, and she blinked. When Haven looked again a small green creature hunched before her. Its wings, bat-like in appearance, spread out to the width of her hand. It yawned, stretched a bulbous form, and blinked wide black eyes. No iris. Just an unnerving black. Two pointy horns protruded from its forehead.

  " are not her are you?" Its voice, surprisingly deep, sounded like a strong man's voice. No scratch, no hitch, just a smooth voice. Haven had no clue what to say or who her could be.

  "What are you?"

  The little creature hop-walked in a circle around Haven. "No you are not her at all. Close though. Similar." He stopped and Haven turned to keep him in front of her. "Oh. I understand. The little girl. You are the little girl right?" He pinned Haven with an inquisitive look, or what she thought was inquisitive. He didn't have much for eyebrows but his eyes widened further and his head turned to the side.

  "I don't understand. What little girl? What are you?" Haven repeated.

  "Gib." A small thin hand shot forward as if he wanted to shake. Unsure, Haven reached down. His hand fit around three fingers.


  "Yup. The little girl. Where's Jane?" He let go and continued to hop-walk around the sigil Haven had made, taking it into consideration.

  "My mother? She..." Haven cleared her throat. "Died. Uh. In a car wreck when I was little." Tears stung her eyes and her words cracked, but she took a deep breath keeping them at bay. How did the creature know about her mom?

  Gib's entire form sagged, as if he deflated. His green skin turned a teal blue for mere seconds before returning to its green coloring. "Tell me how." He sounded heart broken.

  "The road never de-iced and the car went out of control." Guilt gnawed at her. She bit her lower lip and continued, "They wrecked because I started a fight with Jeremy. Mom and Dad argued and weren't paying attention." A tear slipped past her defenses and she quickly wiped it away. She had already cried her heart out over her parents. She needed to refocus on her task, getting Jeremy back. Why had she summoned Gib instead of the demon?

  "Then Gib belongs to the little girl now." His reference to himself in the third person sounded weird with his intelligent voice.

  "I don't understand. How did you know my parents? My mom? Why would you belong to me? And where's the demon I tried to summon instead of you?" The questions flew out of her mouth.

  "Gib's a familiar, little girl. Jane was mine to guard and Gib failed her." His wings flapped and then closed down to his sides. "Now Gib will guard Haven. It's your family's birthright. I'm an under fae creature, commonly referred to as an imp, but actually am a part of the derelimpiticus. Which is just a big word for Gib's race. Gib protects females in little girl's bloodline. Been with your family so long Gib can't remember not being with them."

  Haven rubbed her forehead. "Okay. You belong to my family, a familiar to my mother. But my mother wasn't a witch. We deal in magic yes, but not as witches, just magic users. How did she get a familiar?"

  "Gib not witch familiar. Gib's a guard familiar, attached to womenfolk in single bloodline. All derelimpiticus are guardians."

  "And you came to my family how?" Haven's head began to pound.

  "Gib drawn to female in the little girl bloodline. The magic chooses for us. Gib destined for those who come before little girl and those who come after."

  "Why did I summon you instead of the demon?" Haven tried not to lose her patience but an imp, really? How did she not know about the creature? What is it supposed to guard her family from? It brought more questions then she could focus on. She needed to get Jeremy back.

  Gib hobbled over to Haven and set a small finger on her leg. His eyes turned white, he blinked, and the black returned. "You are bound." He put the finger to his lips and then spotted the grimoire. "Yes, we are both bound by strong magics. Guessing the same magics binding us caused the car wreck with Jane. Perhaps they meant to get rid of us all? But who and why?"

  Patience exerted, she couldn
't stand his babbling. "Gib! The demon I tried to summon?"

  "Yes, little girl, you can't summon. I bet you hardly have any magic abilities, yes?"

  Haven threw her hands up in the air. Shaking her head she said, "Yeah, and?"

  "You don't have them because the one who bound Gib to the grimoire, bound your abilities too." He put his hands behind his back and sidestepped right to left then left to right as if pacing and thinking.

  "Right now I don't care about my magic, or that you were bound to the book. What I need is that demon. He took Jeremy and I have to get him back." Haven was ready to throw something. Her anger boiling over inside. The creature was frustrating to talk to, and he didn't make much sense. Who would bind her powers? No one even knew she had any, and she'd never done any real magic. Haven took several deep breaths to calm down. She had to summon the demon somehow.

  "Oh right." Gib sniffed the air. His wings spread out and he flapped down the hall to Jeremy's room. Seconds later, he returned. "Gib can get the demon for you."

  Haven blinked. "You can smell it?"

  "Of course I can. Haven wish Gib to retrieve demon?"

  "Well if I can't summon him, then yes. I need someone to get the nasty thing for me."

  "Gib wants unbound in return."

  "Unbound? From what? My family? You said you were destined or something–"

  "No. Gib want free from grimoire. You help Gib if Gib help you?"

  Haven sighed. Yet another thing to add to her to do list. But she needed the demon. "Yes. If you can do it, by all means." Haven held out her hands as if ushering him in the direction he should go. The sound of bubbles popping returned and the imp vanished.

  The smell of ash wafted up to her nose moments later. A burnt odor riding on the heels of a demon, like a marshmallow flaming over a campfire. She'd never admitted to anyone how much she enjoyed the smell of burnt marshmallows. Even now her mouth watered. She shook her head. Tricks. Demons were said to know all of the summoner's needs, their deepest darkest desire, the ones they even hide from themselves. It was the only way she could explain her attraction to the creature. It had to be using magics to push out her yearnings.

  Haven fiddled with her fingers, desperately hoping the rumors weren't true. She didn't want to be opened to hell spawn. Didn't want such a disgusting beast to know personal things about her. To have a creature she detested know the deepest darkest parts, those she hadn't even admitted to herself, made her feel violated. She rubbed her face, attempting to rid herself of such thoughts. It wouldn't matter either way now, because the demon was coming and once summoned, there was no turning back. Not until the demon leaves anyway. At least that's what she assumed, even if an imp was summoning him for her.

  A swirl of black smoke meandered outside Ba'al's sigil, slowly forming into a creature. A man. The one who took Jeremy. He kept his human glamour and his handsome face made her stomach twist. She curled a lip at him. Demons are not attractive. Demons are not sexy. Even as she pushed the thoughts into her head, she couldn't help an appreciative glance at the man...demon. Again, he wore no shirt. His chest had barely any hair. Just a tantalizing dark happy trail leading below his pants. Haven averted her gaze. She glanced up and into those deep purple eyes. They bore into her as if he could see every detail inside her, every wrong, every guilt, every sin, and an icy chill snaked down her spine. She shifted her weight, trying to shake off the uncomfortable feeling of him looking at her.

  "Does this belong to you?" He had Gib pinched by the wings between his demon fingers. Gib didn't seem to mind.

  "Yes." What else could she say?

  The demon dropped Gib. The air popped around the imp and he was gone again. Haven told herself to concentrate on one problem at a time.

  "Have you an answer to my riddle?" The demon stood stoic, solid, unmoving in front of her.

  Haven licked her lips. "Man is what those words have in common." She steeled her resolve. "About my brother. How do I get him back?" Her voice came out a touch more desperate than she wanted.

  The demon didn't look surprised, but cocked his head sideways, as if trying to determine her thoughts. His dark hair shifted into his eyes and her hand reached toward him to move it back behind his ear, as if pulled to him by some invisible force. She caught herself and hoped to all that was holy he hadn't seen the reaction. Haven raised an eyebrow, waiting for his response.

  This wasn't the first time she had been in the presence of a demon. Her mother had summoned one once. She barely remembered what it looked like. She mostly remembered her mother calling out, the demon showing up, and then her mother's eyes boring into hers. Nothing else came with the flash moment.

  The few other times she had been in contact with them were mainly to gain information for DAIS. The demons always looked more reptilian and couldn't glamour with her, due to her snare status with DAIS. Sometimes she was sending them back to hell trying to help those addicted to the darker sides of magic. Having a heart to heart with a demon was never on her to do list though. Hell, it never made her bucket list either.

  "Well done, little female. What would you give to have him back?"

  Chapter Three

  Desiderus considered the human female. Her eyes focused on him. Deep inside he could see desire lace her white soul, the faint trickle of a pink coloring. Did she want him? A surge of excitement sent the hairs on the back of his neck to standing. He resisted a shudder, but gave her a welcome smile. He could give her what she wanted. Her sin would be savored. He'd eat it up like raw meat as he took from her, savoring the juice, and drawing out the carnal part of her longing. With images of her writhing beneath him, naked, sweating from pleasure, back arching for him, he stepped into the sigil, intent on touching her skin.

  Her eyes widened, but she didn't back away. Brave little female. Humans always thought sigils would keep the demon out, but Ba'al's sigil only kept a demon from harming the summoner. Everything else remained fair game and he was in the mood for a good game, for a good sin...could he make her... His cock hardened and he adjusted himself in front of her, letting those perfect wide eyes watch. He reached his hand over to the female and slid the back of a finger along her soft tempting jaw line. She stilled, like a rabbit sensing danger, and yet tiny trickles of lust in that alluring bright red shade mingled in her soul. He could give her danger mixed with pleasure. Leaning into her, his lips inches above hers, he repeated himself, "What would you give to have him back?" Her breath hitched and his gaze narrowed on her racing pulse.

  If he licked her flesh, would she run from him? Desiderus kept himself from finding out, despite the rage in his cock telling him to take her, spin her around, rip off her jeans, and plunge into what he knew would be hot, wet, and tight depths. He growled at her, a rumble bubbling from his chest. Her hand came to her throat as if she could protect it. He looked into her eyes, telling her with his gaze how deep he wanted to be inside her. The earthy musk of her want filled his nostrils and his mouth watered. "I smell you female. All that desire twisting inside you. I can see it flirting with your creamy white soul. That sin begging me to take you. To dive deep inside and have you panting my name...I long to taste you." He let his snakelike tongue flick out, the essence of her skin at the tip of his taste buds. Strawberries. She flinched and he smiled. He quite enjoyed the rise he gained from her.

  "You'll never have me that way, demon." Her voice came out hoarse and unsure.

  "Would you give yourself to me if I freed your brother?" With every fiber of his dark soul he wanted her to, and he would free the simpering human... at least for a little while. Long enough to keep her to himself. He'd seduce her to his care, and in time, the darkness of their sins would ruin her for him. The seduction of those who are pure, even if perhaps not a virgin, thrilled him. She was clean compared to those he normally sought, it filled his heart with a sense of excitement. He'd enjoy taking her and her sins, perhaps both with his tongue first and next with his cock.

  Her eyes narrowed and her jaw clenched.
Oh how he hoped she would take the offer. Free will was the bane of his existence. His body leaned in of its own accord, begging to be closer to such soft ample flesh. She stood her ground, ever challenging, surprising him. The human female wasn't all skin and bones; she had a healthy figure, appropriate to her height and build. There were so many things he could teach her, introduce her to. Sure she would enjoy lust, Desiderus yearned to hear her answer. But time ticked by so slowly and the silence lay heavy in the small space between them. Heat radiated off her body, and he imagined her sweating as he took her. Flesh glistening in the moonlight. He rubbed his face along the side of hers, feeling the contact. She was like silk: so soft, so female.

  As the seconds continued to move forward, his body tensed, waiting, hoping, and invading her space to sway her. Desiderus pushed his body into hers and she took a step back. He followed step by retreating step until he had her backed into the wall with nowhere to go. He slid a hand up her bare neck and grabbed her chin, pushing it up so her eyes met his, and he held her there willing her to answer him. Her cheeks flushed a deep pink, causing a glow across her tan skin. How he wished to see that blush all over her body.

  "How long?" she finally asked. Her voice was a mere whisper, but his demon hearing caught it as if she'd said it normally. She would tip in his favor, seduced by his darkness, by her lust. He could taste it.

  He wasn't ready to make this easy. She had to be more specific. "How long what, female?"

  She cocked an eyebrow. "How long would I have to give myself to you?" She licked her lips and tried to look away but Desiderus held fast. She began again, "Forever, or months, or days?"

  Desiderus let go of her chin and pinned each wrist to the wall beside her. She resisted a little when he pushed them up above her head, causing her lovely breasts to thrust forward, straining through her shirt, begging for him. He pictured her nipples a dark shade of red, maroon almost. They instantly pointed as he glanced at them. Leaning down he took one into his mouth, sucking in one long deep move through her shirt. She let out a gasp, but didn't stop him. Desiderus slowly moved to the other nipple, tugging it into his mouth through the material, and then her knee came up, hitting his balls, causing pain to shoot through the middle of him. He let her go taking a wounded step back. He'd thought he had her. This new information hardly registered. Desiderus couldn't remember the last time he was...rejected. The female stood there, still against the wall, and though her chest heaved and the red tinged her soul, she glared at him with a cool calm expression. Determination, almost. He had a choice to make, either let it slide, or dish out a punishment.


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