The Kiss That Saved Me (The Tidal Kiss Trilogy Book 2)

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The Kiss That Saved Me (The Tidal Kiss Trilogy Book 2) Page 30

by Kristy Nicolle

  “Hey, I’m sorry about before. When I, you know, attacked you,” I lack the ability to feel bashful like I once had, but I can’t help but notice my cheeks warming slightly.

  “I killed you. I’d say we’re even,” she isn’t looking directly at me, always uncomfortable around public displays of emotion. I nod in response, not wanting to make an issue out of it just to make myself feel better. We move together, silently, but it isn’t as awkward as I thought with her, in a way we’re more similar now than I’d have ever thought possible. She’s seen the darkness too, but she hasn’t been so lucky in getting rid of it. It’s a part of her now and I don’t envy her. Always keeping her emotions, her rage in check. Not listening to the voices in her head telling her to kill, to destroy everything she touches. I look at her differently now and I know she’s stronger than anyone gives her credit for.

  “So where are we going?” I ask aloud, not filtering my thoughts as I watch a lowering sun throw silver lines across the ocean floor.

  “I told Orion to go somewhere safe. He wanted to set a place but I was too distracted by the news about Saturnus and I told him I’d manage,” she shakes her head, clearly regretting her decision. She increases her speed as she rises toward the surface. I follow her.

  “What do you mean the news about Saturnus?” I ask her and she looks at me. Her expression is impassive, which for Azure is a restrained translation of grimness.

  “He’s evil, Callie. We don’t know how long it’s been going on for, but he dropped the glimmer and left the city defenceless. He turned it from a fair fight into a blood bath. According to Orion, he can glimmer his own image, like a chameleon. Lucky bastard.” I can’t tell if she’s scared or jealous, but her pale skin glows slightly as we near the surface, the sunlight making her ghostly.

  I pause a second as I feel the water run across my skin, the light pressure from the lack of depth exhilarating me. No matter how bad things get, I can’t deny that slipping through the ocean’s liquid bounty brings nothing but pleasure, despite the desperately melancholy knot tied deep within my gut. I try to wrap my mind around the information that’s just been imparted. Something inside my brain clicks into place and my synapses fire in a quick assault.

  “Yes!” I suddenly burst and Azure falters in her stroke.

  “What the hell?” She exclaims, demanding I answer for my outburst.

  “It all makes sense now! I touched him… and he freaked out, the first time in his office right before Titus tried to kill me, he practically tackled me to the floor. Orion was furious. I knew it was about more than me seeing that stupid prophecy! He was worried I would steal his glimmer! It happened again right before the coronation… Why didn’t I see it before? I kept seeing this… weird alternate version of him in my head.” I’m pleased with my own ability to see what before was a mystery.

  “Thanks for letting us in on that little titbit,” Azure’s tone is droll and her expression is unimpressed.

  “So you share every vision you have?” I ask her, she frowns slightly.

  “No.” Her reply is a mumble.

  “I didn’t think so,” I retort, feeling numb.

  I don’t want to feel bad about the past anymore, it isn’t like I can change it now. I feel myself let go, and a weight lift off my shoulders. I can only move forward. After all, I’ve come so far from the girl who awoke a mermaid, so confused and weak… I think about Orion, about that first afternoon were I opened my eyes and went crashing to the floor of the marble chapel. I remember how he held me, how he told me to breathe. How he became something for me to cling to among waves of disbelief that continued to crash down over me despite my lack of readiness to believe in Atargatis, in her magic. He had been my rock on that day and for many that followed, I couldn’t deny that, even if I didn’t like him very much. Suddenly something within me clicks again, sparking more inspiration.

  I speak my mind, unable to help myself as a knot tightens in my stomach again. I don’t know if I’m ready to see him yet.

  “I know where Orion would go for sanctuary.”


  The white marble walls rise high around us, like a physical manifestation of Atargatis, the Goddess I so sorely need to protect my people and I. I have failed, I have let everything my father worked for collapse and shatter. His legacy is gone.

  “Orion!” I hear someone’s voice calling me, parting the tides of grief that seem to be rolling in with unstoppable force.

  “Yes, sorry…” I say mumbling. It’s Sophia, I found her with the rest of the mermaids, cowering in Oscar’s study surrounded by his personal supply of weapons. I was only looking for a sword or spear, and yet I found a mass of maidens, huddled and shedding diamonds, terrified.

  “It’s okay. You lost just as much as we did, if not more… but the other maidens, well… they’re scared. They want to know what you’re going to do,” she looks at me, her brown eyes so filled with sorrow. She is now alone, having lost her mate. He is dead, or worse: being tortured for information. She is not alone, the maidens here have lost much and many are now alone. Just like me.

  “What I’m going to do?” I look at her incredulously. Doesn’t she see that I’m the last person who should be left in charge? A familiar voice travels towards me, angry.

  “Yes, you’re the Crowned Ruler, remember?” I turn and come face to face with Cole; his eyebrows are knitted together.

  “I…” I start but I can’t quite bring myself to make a single syllable. I screwed up. I listened to Saturnus; I trusted the wrong man and I spread my men too thin. Now they’re dead.

  “Well?” Cole jumps on me, no mercy. He’s pissed.

  “I’m sorry I…” I can’t speak again. My voice seems to have disappeared along with my confidence.

  “Don’t be sorry! Be what we goddamn voted for! You think you’re not up to the job? I get it. But people are dying!!” He’s yelling, clearly distraught.

  “Don’t you think I know that?” I look at him, feeling deflated and his eyes narrow with frustration.

  “Then do something!” He snaps, hovering angrily above the sand swept white marble floor.

  “Every choice I make ends badly. I don’t know what to do… This isn’t simple. I trusted the wrong person, Saturnus… he betrayed us all.” I look deeply into Cole’s eyes as they widen. I also notice a silence fall and I know that the mermaids are listening in.

  “Saturnus… but he’s the Goddess’ soulmate… he’s our connection to her. How…” I can tell he’s totally stunned.

  “I know,” I turn to the rest of the mermaids, watching their hunched forms perk slightly as my eyes fall onto them. “Saturnus was a liar. He dropped the defensive glimmer of the city. We didn’t stand a chance. His alliance is with the Psirens now.” They gasp, slightly melodramatic. I can see that they aren’t cut out for this.

  “What are we going to do now?” Alannah looks at me with her mint green eyes and scales glimmering intensely. I don’t have an answer. Her tailfin is stone still and I feel the eyes of all her companions bear into me, needing something I can’t give them. I turn as a voice comes from the opposite end of the chapel, a voice that ices my blood, yet sets my skin on fire. She speaks.

  “Now, we fight.”


  My words ring out through the water and ricochet from the white marble walls like bullets. Heads turn and eyes fall upon me as the impact of my words takes hold. Orion’s face is harrowing to witness as his icy blue irises clamp onto me. I feel myself drawn to him suddenly, an acknowledgement of what I have lost. I cannot help but want to hold him, for I realise now he has lost far more.

  “Callie.” The word doesn’t come from where I expect, but my name is instead called out in exclamation by Sophia. I feel Azure at my back, pushing me forward into the room. “Where have you been?” Sophia asks, raising her eyebrows.

  “I was…” I begin, but Orion cuts me off.

  “She was with the Psirens.” I hear a number of gasps from the merm
aid crowd. I notice Alannah, Skye, Marina, Rose and a few other maidens who had become a part of my friendship group quickly, as well as one or two Knights who are injured, lying against the wall with their fins outstretched and covered in blood stained chainmail. Fahima is with them, her tangerine scales starkly contrasting to her dark skin, her eyes travel and I wonder what she’s looking at. As I move further forward through the smashed in stained glass window I notice the object of her adoration, Ghazi, who is floating diligently next to Cole. They are both watching me like I’m dangerous.

  “You… why would you go to them, Callie?” Sophia is looking at me with wide, bloodshot, brown eyes. She’s clearly been crying. I look around but I can’t see Oscar anywhere.

  “I needed to find out where my father is,” I explain it to her in the simplest way I can think of. Orion rolls his eyes behind her and Rose speaks up from over his shoulder, her dusky pink tailfin swaying from side to side in that ethereal way that all the mermaids seem to adopt.

  “That’s all well and good, but you are supposed to be our Queen. How could you leave us? Shaniqua never would have done something like that.” I look at her, narrowing my eyes, feeling like I’ve been slapped. I want to yell and make a fuss, have someone defend my honour, but I’ve blown that bridge with Orion to smithereens and I guess it’s time I square up to the consequences.

  “I know. I’m sorry. It was selfish of me.” I look down at the split in my tailfin, to the sparkling sinew and shimmering flesh, feeling guilt wash over me. I look up again and Orion looks surprised.

  “So…” he coughs, clearing his throat, trying to bring some authority to his tone. He might be able to act to the others, but I know inside he’s broken. “Will you be gracing us with your company? Or is this just another stop on your travels?”

  Damn. That stung. Okay, damage control. I take a deep breath, exhaling bubbles.

  “No. I’m here to stay. I know I’ve made a mess of things, but I’m not fleeing any more. I have to be the Queen all of you deserve and that means never abandoning any of you,” I inhale sharply as my next words cross my mind. I don’t want them to be misconstrued, but I really do feel I need to vow them to my people, “‘til death do us part.”

  Orion doesn’t react; instead he crosses his arms and furrows his broad brow.

  “Did you know?” He looks at me suspiciously.

  “Know what?” I ask as the mermaids lean in, they can sense he’s raging for an argument, but after everything I’ve been through I realise that arguing with him is something I can handle.

  “That Saturnus was working with the Psirens. I mean, I find it rather convenient that you just turn up looking the picture of virtue. The last time I saw you… you were like one of them. How do I know Saturnus isn’t using you to play me?” He presses his lips into one, unforgiving line. The mermaids behind him narrow their eyes also.

  “Really? You really think Saturnus would use me to get to you?” I feel offended. I feel the sinew and muscle in my lower abdomen twitch, willing me to flee. Instead, I ignore it, staying through the unpleasantness.

  “He already has,” he gripes.

  “What… when?” I demand of him. Suddenly, as I refuse to crumble under his scrutiny, something shifts behind his irises and he looks uncomfortable. He rubs the back of his neck and I notice a large gash in his abdomen that has started to heal. He doesn’t answer my question. “Well?” I demand, irritated.

  “Maybe we should talk about this in private…” he replies hesitantly.

  “Uh… no. You wanted to do this here. Let’s do it here. When has Saturnus ever used me against you?” I look behind him, at the transfixed stares of the women.

  “When he told me to propose!” He bursts, like it’s been welling up inside him since the day I left him. He throws his hands up, dislodging water and frightening a silver fish that’s swimming past him, minding its own business. The movement stirs his tousles and his eyes look lost.

  “What?!?” I exclaim and Sophia’s eyes almost pop out of their sockets.

  “Saturnus… he said he’d overheard you saying that you wanted to get married…” he mutters under his breath.

  “So what? You couldn’t have just asked me?” I look at him, confused and hurt that we’d been so easily manipulated.

  “I did ask you! I proposed!” He looks at me like I’m stupid, incredulous. His voice is shaking and I wonder if he might cry.

  “Yes, in front of everyone! That doesn’t exactly give me any say, does it? Saturnus knew I would say no! That’s why he got you to buy that ring, so I’d get scared and run. He wanted to break us apart, because he wanted you distracted,” I feel my chest rise and fall as my heart races.

  “Yes and he got exactly what he wanted, didn’t he? If you really loved me he wouldn’t have been able to make you run so easily!” I’m taken aback by his logic and I realise that if I retort this will escalate to a full on screaming match. That’s no good for anyone right now, especially not him. He’s lost his home, his men, his sister, and all closeness to Atlas’ memory. That is enough.

  “You’re right. I’m sorry,” I reply. He moves slightly backwards in the water unintentionally and his eyes lose their fire. Instead they become reserved and guarded.

  The mermaids stir behind him, sensing the storm has passed.

  “Okay you two. Break it up,” Azure comes past me, having been sat on the step of the altar, spectating and probably amused.

  “Sorry,” I mumble again.

  “I couldn’t get Star out,” Azure says to Orion. His face contorts but then a mask of unfeeling calm comes into place. It’s not unlike that which I have watched Saturnus implement.

  Ghazi moves forward, turning to Cole and makes several hand symbols in quick motion; sign language which I can’t understand. Cole translates quickly to Orion.

  “Ghazi wants to know why they need Starlet? I mean, why not just kill her. Is it her visions?” Ghazi’s eyes greet me with a certain warmth. I smile back at him, glad that not everyone here totally hates me.

  “I might be able to answer that,” I interject as Orion moves to speak, his eyebrows rising.

  “Do tell.”

  “I think it’s something to do with them raising the Necrimad.”

  “They’re still singing that same old tune?” Azure laughs, as I turn to her with a surprised look.

  “Yes, why?” I enquire. The other mermaids are rising, moving to join in the conversation. Ghazi eyes them with a frown

  “I didn’t think Solustus was that stupid,” she crosses her arms. I raise my eyebrows, a silent question and she exhales heavily.

  “Okay. So Solustus isn’t a good guy, but he’s not destructive like Titus was. A beast the size of the Necrimad will kill everyone, him included.”

  “So why did Titus want to bring it forward?” Orion sounds smug behind me.

  “Titus had a lot of darkness, so much so he couldn’t see clearly, he was purely and instinctually power hungry. He didn’t think about the consequences, whereas Solustus will, he’s logical, drastically so,” she shrugs, like the words she’s speaking mean nothing to her even though I can’t deny that they send chills through me.

  “Okay. So seeing as we can assume Saturnus and Solustus are aligned toward the same goal… why do they need Starlet?” Orion demands the answer of me, cocking his chin with a cocky exuberance. He’s using it to cover his pain, but it’s pissing me off.

  “Solustus stuck me in the vents with these like… fumes or something. Said I could speak to the Necrimad because of Titus.”

  “What do you mean?” Sophia looks over at me and I sigh, I guess lying would be nothing but painful. I shift in the water, calming myself.

  “As the vessel I can absorb magical power, so when Titus died a part of him stayed within me. His darkness. It’s gone now… but I don’t know how.” Sophia and the other mermaids back away. Azure barks, making everyone jump.

  “Hey, she’s clean. I’d be able to tell,” she nods at me, gi
ving me permission to continue speaking. I know she wants to hear what I have to say, because it’s about Star. Regardless, I’m grateful for her support.

  “Well, I spoke to it. It said something about needing pure blood,” I say and Azure groans.

  “Oh for shits sake that’s so cliché. Blood of a virgin? Seriously? What on earth kind of ritual requires that?” She barks. I feel a slight sense of shock. Starlet was a virgin? She seemed so… not the type. I shake my head, my long blonde hair tickling the base of my spine where flesh turns to scale.

  “An old one,” Marina comes through the crowd of women who are in a horseshoe formation behind Orion. She looks awful, her breast is slashed and she has a black eye, it’s healing already, but her wounds still shock me. It’s the first time I’ve ever seen her without her hair pristinely kept.

  “They have my scythe, too,” I drop this bombshell.

  “How?” Cole demands and I shrug.

  “I don’t know. Solustus must have had it all this time, but it’s useless, it served its purpose,” I remind Cole of this fact but he doesn’t look so sure I’m right.

  “We have to go and get Star,” Azure says fiercely. “I have someone looking out for her but we can’t leave her there.” As her words reach Orion I watch him debate this momentarily.

  “We can’t, Azure,” he shakes his head, looking grim.

  “She’s your sister, Orion!” I remind him, shocked at his lack of compliance on the matter of family, which he usually held so dear.

  “Her life is not worth the extinction of our race. We need to get far away from this place. We need to regroup and heal.” He looks at me, his gaze softening, as if his façade of coldness is cracking under the weight of his decision.

  Azure is about to retort when we hear something suddenly stir from outside the silent walls of the white marble chapel.

  We freeze, instantly forgetting the passionate tongues of the argument that clash together like swords. My blood begins to pound in my ears but I remind myself of Vex’s voice, telling me to focus and I hone my senses. After a few moments I hear the stirring again and I move high above the height of the group and swim towards one of the windows.


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