Protected by the Beta

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Protected by the Beta Page 6

by Bethany Shaw

  “Then we can participate in the festivities tonight.”

  “Outside and inside?” she asked, waggling her brows at him. She wanted to do the bonfire, but she also wouldn’t mind a little more action between the sheets either.

  “Most definitely.”

  She stared at her hand again and traced her finger over the mark.

  “It will never go away or fade,” Essex said. He came up behind her and slid a plate in front of her. “I hope you like bacon and ham omelets.”

  “A girl could get used to this kind of treatment,” she told him, picking up her fork. Her eyes went to her plate. It looked amazing.

  “Good. I want you to get used to it.” He put a hand over hers and placed a chaste kiss on her cheek. “This is how it will always be.”

  She bit the inside of her cheek to keep from questioning him. “So how exactly are you going to help me use my magic?”

  He made a face and then smiled. “I’m not completely sure. We’ll have to experiment and see how we can get you to teleport. It will be fun.”

  “Fun? Right.” She giggled anyway. She thought about telling him about her other power she’d used, but decided against it. It’d probably be best to work on one power at a time.

  Essex sat down opposite her with his plate. He dug into his eggs and took a hearty bite. She began to eat too. The eggs were done perfectly. So were the ham and bacon. The man really knew how to make breakfast. She’d have to find out about lunch and dinner later.

  “What are you thinking about?” Essex asked.

  “If you can cook this good for dinner? I love watching all the cooking shows, but I’ll admit that I’m nowhere near talented enough to make any of them.” She shrugged. Might as well tell him now, that he was going to be the primary chef. Otherwise, they’d be eating burnt toast and dry eggs for the duration of her stay.

  “I can handle that. Anything in particular you fancy?” he asked.

  There were a ton of things she’d always wanted to eat, but had never had. How could she choose just one thing?

  “I’ll tell you what, why don’t you make a list, and next time someone runs into town to the store, I’ll have them pick up whatever you need.”

  She nodded and smiled at the idea. Then his words hit her. “Wait! You don’t go to the store yourself? Do you leave Emerick?”

  Essex blew out a breath and smoothed a hand over his stubble. “Not unless I have to. The thing you have to understand, Haven, is that the people hunting for us? They will never stop. Ever. Anytime we leave Emerick is dangerous. It puts a target on our back and makes it possible for them to find the town, too.”

  “So... Are you saying I can never leave?” Haven asked. She shoved a forkful of food into her mouth and swallowed it down.

  “No. It’s just very difficult.”

  “Will I ever see the outside world again?” she asked. There were places she wanted to go. Things she wanted to see. Sure, she didn’t have the money for them now, but one day she might. Emerick seemed nice, but that didn’t mean she wanted to be trapped here the rest of her life. Would she ever be safe from The Hags?

  Her belly fluttered. Her family had been killed when she was six. It had been over twenty years since their deaths, and they were still out there. She’d never be safe at this rate.

  Haven covered her mouth.

  “We have to work on your magic. MYTHS is getting closer to hunting them down, but it is a process.”

  “One that will probably take the rest of our lives.” She stood up and shook her head before going to the door.


  She held up a hand and glared at him. “I’m going for a walk. Don’t worry, I’ll stay on the path this time, regardless of what I hear.”

  She didn’t give him a chance to respond before going out the door and slamming it shut behind her. Her life wasn’t glamorous, but she did have a job and a few people she talked to. Her apartment was nice, and she loved the ocean. Was she going to have to give all that up?

  Sure, she wanted to live and be safe, but she wanted to live her life her way. She ran a hand through her hair as she marched down the steps.

  Maggie was out on her front step and waved. Haven shifted on her feet, torn between going to Maggie to talk or wandering off on her own. Before she could think too much on it, she made her way to Maggie’s porch.

  “Morning,” she greeted. “You seem flustered. Is everything okay?”

  “No. Yes. I don’t know.”

  Maggie patted her shoulder. “What happened?”

  Haven sighed and let Maggie guide her to a swing that hung from the rafters. They sat down together, and Maggie began to sway them back and forth.

  “I’m a prisoner here... for-like-ever.”

  Maggie patted her leg. “It scared me, too, when I realized I might never be able to leave Emerick. My parents and friends all live in Florida. I had a great job at a hospital, and was working my way up. Then my life turned upside down because of some psychotic vampire.” She shrugged her shoulders.

  “Is he still out there?” Haven asked.

  Maggie shook her head. “No. MYTHS took care of him.”

  “But you stayed?” Haven asked, curious. Was it all because of Lucas? Would she ever give up everything for some guy?

  “I stayed because I fell in love. Not just with Lucas, but the town and the people. My parents are a phone call away anytime I want to talk to them, and I can go see them. Working here is a lot different than the hospital, but there’s a personal feel to it. I know everyone in town. My patients are more than just a chart number. I’m personally invested in each and every one of their wellbeing.”

  “All I do is work at a call center.” There was nothing spectacular about her job at all. It was mundane. Her employer had probably already fired and replaced her, even though it hadn’t been that long.

  “They were able to get some information off the one guy they killed in the woods. MYTHS is searching out the rest of the group. Who knows, maybe in a few days it will be safe for you to go,” Maggie said with a smile.

  “Maybe. What about Essex? Can he just leave?” She didn’t think so. She knew a little about wolves. They were pack animals. Wouldn’t he need to be around other people like him? Could she keep him happy by herself?

  “I mean he could. He is Beta of the pack, which is a high-ranking position. If you wanted him to, he would probably give it up for you.” Maggie picked up Haven’s palm and tapped on the mark. “He’s your mate. He’d do anything for you.”

  “Would Lucas have left for you?” Haven asked.

  Maggie seemed to think about it for a minute. “I think he would’ve. These men and women here, they are honor-bound and one hundred percent committed to their family and mate. I never thought I’d have a fairytale type love, but I do. Lucas is better than any story book hero.”

  Haven’s attention went across the way to where Essex was coming out of his place. Maggie spoke up, “You should talk to him. He can sense your unrest. It’s part of being mated.”

  “He can really sense how I’m feeling?” Haven asked. She met Essex’s gaze and recalled him saying something similar earlier. A worried look did mar his face, and she swallowed hard, hating that she’d made him feel that way. It hadn’t been her intent.

  “There is so much to learn about this world. I feel like I’m still learning things, too. If you ever have any questions, feel free to ask me. I know it’s not always easy to ask them.” Maggie stood up and stretched.

  Haven stood too. “Thanks, Maggie.”

  “Any time.” She gave Haven a gentle nudge. “Go talk to him.”

  She offered Maggie a thankful smile and then made her way back to Essex. “Hey.” She lifted her hand and waved lamely at him.

  “Hey. Are you okay?” he asked. He made his way down the steps.

  “I’m fine.” She drew in a deep breath. “There is so much to take in and consider. It’s a lot.”

  “I understand.”

nbsp; She lifted her brow and made a face at him.

  He nodded and took her hand leading her down the path toward the woods. “There are some days that I wonder what it’d be like to leave. What the world looks like outside of Emerick. I’d love to go home again, to see the lands I grew up on. I haven’t been home since my family died. I miss it.”

  “Maybe we could go sometime... together.” She was curious about where he grew up, too.

  “You’d come with me?” he asked with a smile.

  “England is one of the places I’ve always wanted to visit.” She nudged him with her shoulder. “Plus a whole country of men speaking with an accent. How could I pass that up?”

  He rolled his eyes but laughed. “I didn’t think I had much of an accent anymore.”

  “Trust me, you do.”

  “And you like it?” he asked, raising his brows.

  “Of course. I think most women like a man with an accent.” Heat crept over her cheeks at her admission.

  “I’m glad you like it.”

  He grasped her hand and curled his fingers around hers. His warmth seeped into her. It was comforting, and she found herself leaning into him, wanting to feel more.

  When they came to a stop, she glanced around. The town was gone and they were in the middle of the woods. She turned around, taking in all the trees. She’d been so entranced with Essex and his touch, she hadn’t even been paying attention.

  “Don’t worry, we are within Emerick’s perimeter.”

  “What are we doing out here?” she asked.

  “We are going to practice your teleportation, remember?”

  She closed her eyes and shook her head even as a smile slipped over her face. Why was she acting like such a flake around him? What if there was some truth to what he’d said? What if they really were soul mates? She’d have a family – somewhere to belong. Sure, Stephen was family, but he’d lied to her for her entire life, though it might not be entirely his fault.

  Haven opened her eyes and cleared her throat. “So, how does this work?”

  “How did it work when you used it before?” he asked.

  She shrugged; she had no idea. “It just happened.”

  “Both times were when you were attacked? It’s never happened before that?

  She shook her head. “No. I’d know if I’d done it before.” That wasn’t something you just forgot.

  “I don’t think I can scare you, well, at least I hope I can’t.” Essex grinned at her. “So why don’t you close your eyes and focus on moving to those rocks over there.” He turned and pointed to a rock formation about twenty feet away.

  “I’ll try.”

  She closed her eyes and pictured the rock formation and standing on top of it. When nothing happened, she shifted her feet and peered one eye open.

  Essex chuckled. “Close your eyes. It won’t happen right away. Just keep focusing.”

  She drew in a deep breath but did as he asked. She imagined standing on the rocks, the way they’d be uneven beneath her feet and how she’d feel taller.

  Something flickered in her belly. It was the same sensation from the day before. She followed the feeling, pushing it, stretching it, until she felt the tiniest shiver creep through her. Her feet faltered, and she stumbled forward.

  Her eyes popped open as she lost her balance. She was standing on top of the rocks; actually, it was more like she was falling. She fumbled as she moved forward, and to keep from landing on her face she leaped, landing in a squat at the base of the rocks.

  “Good job.” Essex ran to her and knelt by her side. “You okay?” He put one hand on her shoulder.

  “I need to work on my gracefulness,” she said with a laugh. “But I’m fine.”

  “You did good.”

  “I fell,” she said, brushing herself off.

  “We all fall the first few times we try something new. That’s why it’s called practice.” He tilted his head toward her and gave her a look as if daring her to challenge him.

  “I just don’t understand why I’ve never teleported before?” She backed up and sat down on the rock, staring up at him.

  “My guess is your powers were bound for your protection.”

  “Bound?” she frowned up at him. “Like someone stopped me from using them? Why?” Why would someone do that? Then again, why had they kept her identity a secret too? No one had told her a damn thing about her past.

  “Yeah,” Essex confirmed with a nod. “Like I said, it was for your protection. You were just an infant. Children can’t control their magic. It would have been easy for you to slip up as a child and accidentally use it. When we use magic, whether it is teleporting or shifting, it leaves a sort of residue, if you will, which means someone can track you. They probably bound your magic to keep you from using it, but allowed it so you could use it in a true emergency, such as being attacked by another supernatural.”

  Haven slapped her hand down on the rock and instantly regretted it. Pain shot through her hand and up her arm from the uneven surface. She grunted but bit out, “So why did you get to keep your memories, but I didn’t?”

  “I don’t know. I was quite a bit older than you. You were so young... a baby,” he told her.

  It didn’t make any sense. Essex was a little older than her, but he’d still been a kid when his family had died. Why did he get to keep his memories and she hadn’t?

  “I was six, Essex. That’s not a baby.”

  “Six?” he asked with a frown. His brows dipped down into a scowl. “No. Haven, you were an infant. Your parents died shortly after your birth.”

  Haven shook her head. “No. I was six. That’s when I went to live with Stephen.” She inhaled a deep breath and let it out. “What do you mean, they died right after my birth?”

  Essex scrubbed a hand over his stubble. “I remember hearing about it. I might have been young, but I know what I heard, especially when it concerned the people that murdered my family.”

  “I don’t understand. I was six.” She’d been six. She might not remember much, but she did know that.

  “I’m sure there is a good reason for the discrepancy. Perhaps now that you have unlocked the truth, Stephen is allowed to answer your questions. I’m sure he could tell you,” Essex said.

  “Maybe.” She took his hand and pulled him a little closer to her. “Thank you for helping me, and for being honest with me. I really appreciate it.”

  “I’ll always be honest with you, Haven.” He reached his free hand out and tucked it under her chin, tipping it up. “We’ll get to the bottom of everything, promise.”

  She licked her lips and leaned in to kiss him. It wasn’t like her to fall for someone so fast. She usually had a ten-date-rule before sleeping with someone, not that many men made it that far. Yet with Essex, she felt like they’d already been together for months. He was comfortable, and felt like home.

  She hoped she wasn’t setting herself up for disappointment later on. She didn’t want to think about that right now, though. All she wanted to do was feel and enjoy the moment.

  Haven flicked her tongue inside his mouth and trailed it over his teeth before gliding it against his tongue. She moaned when one of his hands went to her hair and tangled in her thick locks. He nudged her knees apart with his and put himself between her thighs.

  She trembled, already anticipating what it’d be like to have him again. Her hand went to the bottom of his shirt. She curled it into her fist and rolled it up. Essex pulled back only long enough to remove the shirt before his lips found the crook of her neck.

  Tingles shot through her as he kissed his way up to her earlobe. He released the hand that was still holding hers so he could remove her top. She glanced around briefly, aware of her state of undress. She never wore bras with the tanks that were lined. It just added an extra layer and made her hot. Not to mention, for instances such as this, there was one less thing to remove.

  Essex put one hand on her breast and gently began to knead it. The man knew ju
st how to touch her to drive her crazy. His other hand went to her apex to cup it through the material of her shorts. She groaned and rubbed against him.

  His hand went to the button on her shorts and flicked it loose. He backed away long enough to lower his own shorts. She scooted off the rocks and rolled her shorts and panties down her legs.

  Essex’s hands went to her bottom, cupping it before lifting her up. She giggled and clasped her hands onto his shoulders to support herself. He carried her a few feet to a smoother rock and sat her on top of it.

  She sucked in a breath when he placed himself at her entrance. Her eyes darted around their surroundings once again.

  “No one is anywhere near here. I promise,” he said before kissing her.

  She didn’t protest, trusting him completely that he was telling the truth. There was something thrilling about making love in the woods. She’d never done anything like this before. No, she didn’t want to get caught, but there was something exciting about the prospect of it.

  Essex slid into her inch by inch. She dug her nails into his shoulders and whimpered. He was so thick and full, and stretched her wonderfully. His lips found hers again as he set a slow, steady pace.

  She loved how he took his time with her. All her other lovers had only cared about their orgasms. Last night wasn’t her first, but it was the first time she’d ever come so hard. Would it always be like this with him? She really hoped so. A girl needed a toe-curling orgasm every once in a while. Though if she stayed with him, it would be much more than once in a while. At least, she hoped it would.

  Essex nibbled on her lip while one of his hands slid between them. Once again he put his thumb on her clit and used just the right amount of pressure to drive her crazy.

  An orgasm began to build in her. She rubbed herself against him harder, loving the friction their bodies created. She was so close. He pushed into her harder, faster as if sensing her need to release.

  Her orgasm hit her like a tidal wave. A rush of pleasure coursed through her so hard, she screamed out loud. Essex followed her over the edge a few moments later, burying himself deep within her as he growled out his release.


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