Unexpected Temptation

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Unexpected Temptation Page 13

by Samantha Hunter

  Pulling her along with him, he located a private alcove, some sort of sitting room, probably for the staff. No one was here now, so he went inside, closing the door behind them.

  He should walk away. Get his distance. Cool down.

  His baser instincts argued with him that the only way he might ever think straight again would be to take her hard and deep, letting her know exactly what she did to him.

  The idea of it made his hands shake. He needed Vanessa. It was as if he had created the instrument of his own torture, putting her in that dress, those shoes...and all he wanted was to tear them off.

  The room was quiet, the throbbing beat of the music still shaking the club outside the door, but all Luke could hear was the pounding of his heart.

  “Luke,” Vanessa said, starting to say something, but he didn’t want to talk.

  Instead, he dropped a possessive kiss on her lips. The desperation he felt didn’t make room for gentleness, not at first. He needed her as close as he could get her.

  She opened underneath him, letting him in. He took the invitation, rubbing his tongue on hers as he walked her backward into the room, until they met the farthest wall.

  Her arms wound around him, and he slid his hands down over her bottom. He was breathing hard, the sudden heat making him break out in a sweat as she loosened his tie and pulled his shirt from his pants. Her fingers teased his skin. Breaking the hard kiss, he looked down into her face. She was breathless, her cheeks flushed, eyes bright.

  “Don’t stop,” she whispered.

  It was the last thing on his mind.

  “I don’t know how I thought I could stay away from you,” he said as he ran his hands over her midriff, closing them over her breasts, the heat of arousal warming the thin satin veil of her dress.

  She wasted no time releasing his erection, both hands closing over him, covering and stroking until he thought he would lose his mind.

  “So good,” he muttered, turning her around against the wall. She planted her hands there, and turned her head to meet his gaze. Luke thought his heart might stop.

  He pushed her dress up over her hips and noted the slip of a thong that she wore. He pulled it aside, widened her stance with his knee. His fingers discovered that she was more than ready.

  He leaned in, placing his hands over hers on the wall, finding her center and easing himself inside her.

  He paused for a moment, trying to catch his breath, trying to slow down, but his body had other ideas. Her eyes were closed and she bit her lip, her expression a study in pleasure. He wished he could carry a picture of her looking like that.

  He started moving in short, staccato thrusts as he circled his hands around to cover her breasts. He touched her in rhythm with his movements until she was saying his name like a chant.

  Luke loved how her body moved with his, the synchronicity they shared. His legs trembled as his release built. He clenched his jaw, fighting to hold on as her body brought him closer to the edge. He found the slick, hard nub between her thighs and rubbed until Vanessa buckled in his arms, crying out.

  He watched her so closely he almost forgot his own pleasure, so focused was he on hers. She painted a picture so erotic that he never wanted this to end. Her second orgasm sent him over. He was helpless by then, the rush of pleasure more sharp and pure than he’d ever experienced.

  Luke lost track of everything for a few moments, holding on to her as if their very survival required it. She no longer touched the wall, but leaned back against him. His legs were like rubber, and he thought he and Vanessa might both end up on the floor.

  Her dress was askew, her thong on the floor by his foot. He held her close, his face still buried in the soft skin of her neck. He raised his head and met her eyes. She looked dazed, and completely spent.

  “I’m sorry, honey,” he swore softly against her skin.

  “For what?”

  “That was too fast, too—”

  She chuckled, surprising him.

  “I thought you were saying you were sorry to have been with me.”

  It was his turn to be confused.

  “Of course not. Why would you think that?”

  “Just because...we said we wouldn’t be together like this anymore, so I thought you might regret it.”

  “Never. I was stupid to think I could stop wanting you.” He kissed her temple as desire stirred again.

  He was relieved, amazed, turned on—and in real danger of falling too hard for this woman. He’d known it was a possibility since their time on the boat, but he’d been denying it. Thought if he could stay away, call it only sex, then he’d be in the clear.

  That wasn’t going to happen.

  “I’m afraid that if we leave, this might not happen again. I don’t want this to be the last time.”

  Luke stared down into her face, confronted with her honest statement. He should say yes, that this couldn’t happen again, but that was a lie.

  “You’ll probably hate me in the end, Vanessa, but I couldn’t stay away from you now for anything. Not unless you told me to. If you told me you didn’t want me, then I would.”

  He almost wanted to beg her to tell him that; to tell him the one thing that could keep him from taking her again. And again.

  “No, I can’t tell you that. I know it’s complicated, but neither of us knows what we’ll feel later. We don’t know what will happen. We’ll face what comes later, later.”

  So sweet, so convincing.

  Luke wanted to be convinced.

  More so, he wanted to get her back to the room and lose himself in her for the rest of the night. She was right. There was no way to see what was coming next. They were playing a dangerous game—with their enemies, and with each other.

  “Let’s get out of here,” he said.

  They righted themselves as best they could, and he draped his jacket over her shoulders to help hide her mussed appearance. It was a nightclub, and the night was young. All kinds of wild things were happening. No one thought twice as they crossed the dance floor to the door, where they waited for the valet to bring their car.

  Luke passed the time by whispering all of the things he wanted to do to her when they got back to the room. He liked how it made her nipples perk against the fabric of the dress, and how her lips parted as she caught her breath at one particularly naughty suggestion.

  He planned to make every night count. For both of them.

  * * *

  VANESSA STROLLED ALONG the private beach behind their hotel, breathing in the fresh air. The partying the night before had left her with a bad headache. She hadn’t drunk that much tequila in, well, ever, but she’d slept like the dead. Then, that morning, he’d massaged her headache away in the most sensual way possible.

  Something had changed between them. When they were together at the club, they’d both had to admit that what they had was too strong to ignore. The question was, what was it? She’d never felt about anyone the way she felt about Luke, but was this love? Lust? Something else?

  If she thought about it too much, it scared her—it was as if he thought this was all they’d ever have, and he was trying to soak up every last bit. He was convinced that she would hate him when it came to dealing with Julie—if it came to that—but Vanessa’s emotions were so confused now, she couldn’t predict what would happen.

  She heard Luke’s voice from behind her and turned to see him coming toward her, his hair tossed in the ocean breeze. Her heart skipped a beat as he came closer. Only a few other guests were out on the beach this early, but it was practically deserted.

  “Good morning. I wondered where you’d gone when I got off the phone.”

  “I left a note on the table. I’m sorry. I needed to get some air, and it’s such a gorgeous day.”

  “It is,” he agreed,
pulling her in for a long, lingering kiss. “I was worried. It’s not safe for you to be out here alone.”

  She smiled. “I’m sure I’m fine. Hardly anyone is out here, and it’s a private beach.”

  “We don’t know who’s watching. Wait for me next time, okay?”

  Vanessa wanted to argue, but nodded, instead. She wasn’t used to having to check with anyone before she made a decision. They linked hands, walked along together in the surf. If not for the situation, it would be perfect.

  “I’ve been thinking,” Vanessa said tentatively, choosing her words carefully. “I understand why you want Julie to pay for her part in whatever she did. I really do. I hope you understand why I want to help her, or why I believe that she’s not as guilty of all the horrible things you think she is. It’s not that I doubt you, or that I don’t believe you. It’s that I need to believe in her, too. Do you know what I mean?”

  Luke let out a heavy breath and pulled her a little closer. “I do understand that. Though you did freak me out a little when you took off on your own yesterday.”

  “I know. I’m sorry. I felt pushed into a corner. I knew you wouldn’t listen to me or let me help, so I followed my instincts.”

  “I do understand, but you can’t underestimate the danger of this setup. It’s not just about Julie, but the people she’s working with and what they’re willing to do to protect their business.”

  Vanessa nodded, rubbing her arms.

  “Cold?” he asked, concerned.

  “Worried. It’s frightening, but that’s why I am so afraid for her, too.”

  He faced her, his hands on her shoulders. “I do understand, Vanessa, and frankly, I admire your devotion to her. I don’t share your faith in her, but I do understand.”

  “Thank you.”

  “You know what? This morning I should teach you a bit more self-defense. You already have the basics and your reflexes are good, but I’d feel better knowing you can handle yourself.”

  “My dad did teach me a lot. He must have figured out how helpless I felt, having been pushed from place to place, and that I was alone. He signed me up for classes. I didn’t make black belt, but I learned enough to hold my own with big guys in the class.”

  “He sounds like a great dad.”

  “He’s amazing. Mom, too. They changed my whole life. He wanted me to know I was never alone, I had them, but if I was alone, like you said, I had no need to be afraid. He opened up a martial arts studio of his own after he retired. I didn’t keep up with it as much as I should have, but I remember a lot.”

  She wanted to say that maybe Luke might like to meet her parents sometime, but bit back the words. They’d crossed some line together, had opened up a bit and reconnected, but they weren’t there yet. Maybe they wouldn’t ever be, but she wasn’t going to think about that now.

  She smiled at Luke cheekily. “So I’m not as helpless as you think.”

  He grinned, backing up a few paces and making a gesture with his fingers toward him, beckoning her.

  “Show me what you got, then,” he invited, his eyes devilish.

  Vanessa tapped her chin, narrowing her eyes at him.

  “Let’s try a practice scenario. Maybe, having spotted a suspicious-looking man on the beach, I’ll walk the other way. A woman alone, on a deserted beach. Who knows what kind of trouble I could end up in?”

  She turned and walked in the opposite direction, calming her excitement and speculating what Luke would do next. She was sure she could handle anything he would try.

  But as she walked, she didn’t hear anything. A few minutes passed, and she moved farther on down the beach. Finally giving in, she looked behind her. Luke was there, strolling along, acting as if nothing was unusual, a few yards behind her. Maybe he didn’t want to attack her? Maybe he’d changed his mind?

  She continued on, unsettled and distracted. What was he up to?

  A grunt and a curse from behind her made her turn again, and she saw Luke kneeling in the sand, holding his ankle. He was barefoot and wincing in pain.

  “Are you all right?” she called, racing back toward him.

  “Jellyfish,” he ground out between clenched teeth.

  “Oh, no,” she said, careful where she stepped. When she reached him, she bent down to check out his ankle. “How bad is it?”

  She sifted her mind for the advice she’d heard about how to ease the pain for the stings, and before she could say another word, Luke’s ankle swept out. Vanessa grunted as she found herself flat on her back in the sand.

  He flipped over neatly, trapping her legs with his and pinning both arms by either side of her head.

  Surprised—and somewhat aroused—she smiled.

  “You were faking,” she accused.

  “One of the oldest tricks in the book, but works every time, unfortunately. Turning someone’s instinct to help against them.”


  “That’s why it works.”

  Her eyes widened as she felt him, hard against her hip, clearly enjoying this as much as she was.

  Except that she wanted to win.

  His smile was predatory—and superior. It irked her and turned her on all at the same time.

  “So what are you going to do now?” he said, moving so that his thigh intruded between hers.

  If it wasn’t Luke, this would certainly be a terrifying situation, not an arousing one, and Vanessa closed her eyes, trying to imagine that. What would she do?

  No tears. He would be expecting that, and a real attacker would only want her to cry, to show weakness.

  Opening her eyes she looked into his, licking her lips, as if in fear, or worry. She struggled against his hold, to no avail. He was strong. She couldn’t move.

  “I’m sorry, Luke.”

  She knew what she had to do to get the upper hand.

  “It’s okay. I can show you some steps to—ugh, what the—” He loosened his hold and fell off her as he wiped at his eyes. He’d pinned her arms, but not her wrists and hands. Vanessa was able to get a bit of sand and fling it at his face; it did the trick.

  “Right about now I’d kick you in the face or in the groin, and then I’d run. I think that would work.”

  “Yeah, you’re right. That would work.” He blinked as he brushed the sand from his face, and her momentary win dissolved into worry.

  “Oh, no, are you okay? I couldn’t get out of that hold, so it was all I could think of,” she said hurriedly, guilty now and hoping she didn’t really hurt his eyes. It had only been a small bit of sand, or so she thought.

  “I’m okay,” he assured her, blinking hard and pushing to his feet.

  Vanessa put her hand out to help him. He took it, and then dragged her back down, trapping her again. This time, he made sure he had her hands.

  “Hey. No fair. You wanted to prove I could get away, and I did.”

  “Yes, you did,” he agreed. His eyes looked fine, if a bit watery, but mostly they were lit with desire as he looked down at her. “You play dirty. Good.”

  “Maybe I should take a turn and attack you. See if you can defend yourself against me,” she suggested with a wiggle of her eyebrows.

  “Vanessa, I’m pretty sure I have no defenses against you at all.” He was completely serious as he dipped down for a kiss.

  As their lips met, their fingers wove together and Luke moved more fully over her, the length of him completely covering her. Vanessa regretted her choice to wear jeans, even though these were cropped at the knee. The fabric was too much barrier between them. She groaned into his kiss, pressing up against him.

  “I need you,” she said with utter honesty.

  He freed her hands and they understood each other instantly.

  “Over there,” Luke said, nodding toward a secluded
gathering of boulders and trees.

  They hurried to the spot, undoing belts, buttons and zippers while kissing and touching as if they hadn’t been near each other for months instead of hours.

  “I need you, too,” Luke said, devouring her mouth as he touched her everywhere, his hands closing over her breasts beneath the shirt she still had on, and then traveling down over her backside, where he squeezed and brought her to him.

  Vanessa fell to her knees in the sand, where she knew they would be hidden from view, but also where she could live out one of those fantasies she’d always had. As she looked back at him, he stared down at her, looking much like a hungry alpha wolf.

  “Vanessa,” he said roughly.

  “Luke. Please,” she said, loving the feeling of the warm air on her exposed skin.

  He might have even growled as he joined her, and she smiled as he knelt between her thighs, and ran his hands down over her back, along her bottom, parting her.

  He took his time, stroking and caressing her until she was shaking with desire, pleasure thrumming through her body at his touch.

  “Oh, yes, Luke,” she cried, holding him tight. “Now.”

  He accommodated, his hands holding her steady as he thrust deep and sure, giving them both what they wanted. Vanessa loved to hear his labored breathing, his moans of need, and she wanted to fuel them. And she knew how. Luke liked words.

  She gasped as he picked up the pace. “I want all of you, Luke...don’t hold back.”

  She was rewarded when he lost control, increasing the pace, his heavy breathing telling her that he was as hot as she was.

  He told her how good she felt, and how close he was. He snuck a hand down between her thighs. A few quick strokes and she was biting her lip so she wouldn’t scream, moving against him. His long groan of release accompanied hers, and for several moments, Vanessa didn’t know anything but waves of pleasure that seemed to work through her whole body, her legs, her arms, everywhere. Luke collapsed over her back, his arms winding around her front, holding her tight, the two of them melded into one.

  “Vanessa...you...” he said.

  She smiled, thrilled; her muscles turned weak as her entire body sang.


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