Absorption: Phase 03 (The Eighteenth Shadow)

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Absorption: Phase 03 (The Eighteenth Shadow) Page 30

by Grafton, Jon Lee

  30A) Chassis: The cyborg skeleton, either composed of plastic polymers in Fidos and Felixes, or titanalum in the case of military grade cyborgs.

  31) CIVborg: Stronger, faster, more powerful battery powered cyborgs used by civilian law enforcement agencies.

  32) CNED: Community Narcotics Enforcement Division; a government subsidized citizens’ organization that encourages the reporting and arrest of people who are using alcohol, in exchange for a financial commission. CNED membership is a two tiered system. The majority of its membership base falls in the first tier, an all volunteer force. About five percent of CNED members fall into the second tier, that of salaried agents who function either as full time hunters or as educators for new members. CNED works in affiliation with local police and law enforcement groups, though they technically have no more authority than an average citizen to arrest or detain another person. CNED is the driving force behind the slaughterhouse industry (see slaughterhouse or Bmod).

  33) COD: Citizen Observation Drone: The most prevalent form of security drone utilized in all North American United States cities.

  34) Combud: Subdermal, surgically implanted communications relay and personal computing network interface device. See earpad.

  35) Comdot: A small silver disc the size of an antique nickel which is worn in front of the earlobe on the upper jaw bone. The device is removable but when activated functions identically to a combud minus the thought control interface.

  36) Compassionate Reforms Division of the IRS: A healthcare grant system which subsidizes Bmod hospital expenses for citizens who cannot afford to pay for the treatment out of pocket. The cost is deferred in the form of back taxes which accrue at a fixed interest rate.

  37) Courtezan: Little known group of humans who have developed the ability to project their thoughts into other peoples’ minds; an evolutionary adaptation that can manifest anytime from adolescence into the early 20’s.

  38) CSF: Cyborg Strength Factor; cyborg physical capability in comparison to muscular strength and gallop (or flying) speed of template animal upon which the animal’s morphology is based. CSF ratings are typically measured on a common 1 – 10 hierarchical scale.

  39) DEA: Drug Enforcement Administration

  40) Dermaprix: Instantaneous, non-invasive cellular tissue analyzer used by law enforcement and Bmod hospital staff to determine the current level of THC (marijuana) in a citizen’s bloodstream. Only used for individuals who do not have a combud installed.

  40A) Digidollars: The digital currency of the North American United States Union, expressed as D$100. Contextually equivalent to the antique dollar.

  40B) Dixie: A derogatory slang term, especially popular among CNED agents, which implies weakness. A reference to the Mason-Dixon line during the antique American Civil War.

  41) DOGS: D.ubnium O.xygen G.ravotemporal S.ystem (units): this acronym technically describes the chemical and scientific components required to create a stable fusion reaction, however today it is more commonly associated with cybernetic life forms powered by nuclear fusion versus a battery (see Amendment 222 and/or CATS). Accordingly, DOGS units are the most advanced fusion powered cybernetic lifeforms in the NAUS. DOGS units are divided into civilian grade (CIV) models, which are normally wrapped in BIOSKIN© and look exactly like a regular canine, and military grade (MIL) models which are the size of a hovcar. MIL units are not wrapped in BIOSKIN©. Given the complexity and expense of stabilizing a fusion reactor of any size, and with the advent of more advanced solar battery systems, DOGS units are increasingly rare. In the last decades of the 21st century, they are exclusively used by the military in combat applications. CIV unit CSF 6.0 – 8.0. MIL unit CSF 8.0 – 10.0+ (exponential proportions).

  42) E-joint: An electronic joint nearly identical in design to an electronic cigarette, except the active chemical ingredient is liquid THC (marijuana) instead of liquid nicotine.

  43) Earpad: Slang for an internal HBPD communications and identification device surgically implanted in the majority of NAUS citizens at adolescence. See combud.

  44) FCAPA: Federal Citizens Alcohol Protection Act (33rd amendment).

  45) FCC: Federal Cyborg Commission.

  46) Felix: Common 21st Century North American vernacular for a battery powered cyborg (see battborg or CATS) based on any standard breed variant of the feline house cat; eg., American Tabby-Felix, Siamese-Felix, Burmese-Felix, Persian Gray-Felix, etc.

  47) Fido: Common 21st Century North American vernacular for a battery powered cyborg (see battborg or CATS) based on any standard breed variant of the domesticated canine; eg., Yellow Labrador-Fido, Chihuahua-Fido, Beagle-Fido, Jack Russell Terrier-Fido, etc.

  48) FR Cameras: Facial Recognition cameras (either stationary or installed in a COD) networked by a single citizen database, which is hierarchically accessible by various law enforcement agencies, local, state, and Federal; a division of the Interpol FR Imaging Network.

  49) FUI: Floating Under the Influence; A misdemeanor criminal charge for operating a hovercraft while impaired by marijuana. FUI’s remain a common societal infraction despite the widespread availability of autopilot systems on even the most rudimentary hovercraft.

  50) Ganjacoffee (janecoffee): A 12oz canned beverage containing the equivalent THC content of a single vapor joint and the caffeine content of two shots of espresso.

  51) GEODRONE©: A privately held data exchange corporation responsible for controlling the placement of all NAUS drone traffic, whether human piloted or automated.

  52) GM: Genetically Modified.

  53) Govcloud: A free online data storage solution provided by the North American United States Federal Government to all registered citizens via the Govstream, aka: the stream.

  53A) Graphene: A thin, flexible layer of pure carbon atoms that are bonded together in a hexagonal honeycomb lattice. Graphene is often used as a motherboard construct for quantum computing micro-mainframes such as those found in a DOGS unit or other advanced cyborg.

  54) Gravotemporal: Refers to the scientific means by which a fusion reaction is stabilized at the molecular level in a wormhole continuum.

  55) HBPD: Human Biosync Processing Drive (subdermal “earpad” or “combud”); “always on” micro-computer integrated into the temporal bone typically at the time of birth unless parents file a written request otherwise. All hardware is owned and operated by BIODRIVE© in association with the Food and Drug Administration of the North American United States Federal Government.

  56) HLIR Camera: Hydro Looking InfraRed; Heat sensitive cameras capable of detecting the kinetic friction created by moving water which trips a kinesis alarm.

  57) Holodata: High density digital information transmitted across a holographic based medium.

  58) Holoflage: Electronically projected light camouflage, either cloaking an individual (human, robotic, cybernetic) or a fixed structure such as a building, window or cybernetic vidorb. The most advanced holoflage systems are tactile enhanced.

  58A) Holoflix: Movies projected in standard three dimensional (or 2.5 dimensional) format across the holostream.

  58B) Hologames: Holographic video games.

  58C) Holography: Three dimensional, holographic still image production (vs. two dimensional photography)

  60) Hololicenses: Holographic permits of any nature broadcast by an individual’s holotab; building permits, floater’s licenses, hovercraft registration, proof of insurance, cyborg service date records, etc.

  65) Holoprojector: Any holographic image projector.

  66) Holoscreen: A computer monitor. Typically displays information as a 2.5 dimensional, high resolution hologram.

  67) Holostream: Also called the Govstream; a vast, worldwide cloud based computing system linking smaller computer networks, including applications, two dimensional and holographic sites for personal, government, educational and commercial use. In the North American United States, holostream access is provided free of charge to all registered citizens.

68) Holotab (slang term; tablet/phablet/phone): Hand held computer interface tablet ranging in screen size from 10 – 25 cm capable of all rudimentary communication and computer functions as well as the ability to display 2.5d static holographic displays. More advanced devices are capable of projecting full three dimensional and tactile holograms. Holotabs are typically interfaced with combuds or are augmented by a private cloud computer with which the device is networked.

  69) Holovision: Basis for all modern home entertainment consoles, capable of operating as a music server, holoflix projector, communications uplink and basic computer workstation.

  70) Holozine: Magazine represented as a hologram. Requires a holotab equipped with a broadband data receiver.

  71) Hovcar: Standard civilian passenger hovercraft which surpassed the automobile as the primary form of NAUS transportation in 2054.

  71A) Hovlev: The NAUS Magnetic Hovway Reapplication System integrated a charged, magnetic conduit system beneath all public roads to provide automated vertical hovercraft thrust. The [hovlev] gradient or traction affects only the degree to which autopilot features are utilized. A hovcar on full autopilot would use a hovlev gradient of ten [10]. A hovcar being floated manually would use a hovlev gradient of zero [0]. The system was fully completed in 2059.

  72) Hovshuttle: Or hovbus, public transit vehicle.

  73) Hovstop: Mass transit pick up and drop off site featuring holostream access, clean drinking water and bathroom facilities in most municipalities.

  74) Hovway: Transit corridors for all hovcar, hovbike and hovtruck vehicles, usually with a terrestrial bike lane as well. Hovways are composed of polymeric asphalt or plasticized cement and follow the long established routes of existing terrestrial roadways.

  75) Humdroid: NAUS slang for people who emerge from SAMCL surgery and wander through life in a robotic, highly structured existence thereafter. Most often associated with employment or affiliation with the civilian Community Narcotics Enforcement Division (see CNED).

  76) HUD: Heads Up Display of data projected via 2.5d hologram.

  78) Hypatia 5: A sprawling, multi-domed, NAUS penal colony on the lunar surface where the most hardened criminals are sent to serve their sentences working in the mineral mines. H5 is also the repository for post-slaughterhouse patients who are unable to reintegrate into society, yet do not seek euthanasia as a viable alternative. These individuals must accordingly repay their debts to society via forced labor.

  78A) Hypersense: A long distance scanning array specifically designed to detect the kinetic ripples in time caused by the micro-wormhole at the center of a fusion reactor.

  78B) Indica: The strain of marijuana typically associated with sedation, relaxation and full sensory body effects. This strain is typically the chemical base for janebeers and other popularized beverages designed to mimic the relaxing effects of alcohol.

  79) IR (mode): Independent Recognition mode allows DOGS units to operate of their own free will, mimicking the psychological profile of an organic dog or cat. Can also refer to infrared scan frequencies on HUD enabled com devices.

  80) ISS: International Space Station.

  81) Jane: NAUS slang term for marijuana.

  82) Janebev: Examples are janetea/janebeer/janewine (ganjatea/ganjabeer/ganjawine); These are popularized beverages sold to citizens 21 years of age or older which contain varying amounts of THC (marijuana). The development of these beverages was instrumental in the success of passing the 33rd amendment and/or Prohibition II as they were chemically engineered to mimic the taste(s) of a broad range of fermented beverages, including wine and beer.

  83) Javaball: (slang; j-ball); A potent coffee bar beverage typically served hot that contains two shots of espresso and 1,000 mg of liquid THC.

  84) Kinesis alarm: An computerized alert sounded when the motion of liquid within a contained space is detected. Normally used by CNED, DEA and police to discover hidden stashes of alcohol within a moving hovcar or hovtruck.

  85) Kleendroyd©: Manufacturers of commercial and household janitorial robots.

  86) KU: The University of Kansas

  87) Leaf: Nickname for marijuana popularized by hemp farmers in Kansas and Nebraska in the mid 21st century.

  89) Leafstamps: Government subsidized vouchers for personal marijuana purchases; generally provided in conjunction with food “stamps”. The stamp is actually a digital voucher uploaded to a citizen’s combud system and/or holotab.

  90) Levfans: Levitational “float” fans on all hovcraft responsible for maintaining vertical hover; typically suspension mounted to minimize any bumps or irregularities in the hovroad surface.

  91) Levtrain: A high speed, magnetically levitated mass transport system.

  91A) LPD: Lawrence Police Department.

  91B) Lunar Accord: A 2073 UN treaty permitting the use of android labor and cyborg experimentation in the lunar mining colonies. Conversely, the accord banned sentient AI’s utilizing a human form factor anywhere on Terra, primarily to protect the human based labor economy. Humanoid labor robots are permitted and mainstreamed by this legislation.

  93) MA: Marijuana (Addicts) Anonymous.

  94) MAAD: Mothers Against Alcohol Decriminalization.

  95) Magcuff: Battery powered, morphology adaptive handcuffs secured by a magnetic field.

  96) MARX (dogs): M.anagement A.ssault R.econnaissance X.enobot; these are CS3 battborgs based on the German Shepherd morphology. Like the common CATS bot available to civilians, they are not constructed around a titanalum skeletal chassis. Instead, their chassis is based on a semi-rigid polymer. MARX dogs have twice the strength and battery life of a standard CATS bot and are the modern cyborg of choice for various civilian law enforcement groups.

  96A) MTF: Bureau of Marijuana, Tobacco & Firearms.

  97) NADI: The North American Demographic Index supplies genetics profiles for every citizen in the NAUS embedded in the data core of their combud. If the citizen does not have a combud installed, this information is available in public records on the Govcloud.

  98) NAKC: North American Kennel Club.

  99) NAUS: The North American United States Union, established following The Progressive Revolution of 2041 which eventually came to include Canada, Mexico and the original United States of America.

  100) Neurosynth Circuitry: Computer circuitry integrated into the human brain as a means of basic telepathic interface and biodata retrieval.

  102) NORAL: National Organization for the Reform of Alcohol Laws.

  102A) ’Noias: Slang for the paranoid reaction some consumers of marijuana experience when using the drug. The reaction is often acute among alcohol addicts who have undergone slaughterhouse surgery (see SAMCL). A Pleasium prescription is the most common means of treating marijuana induced paranoia.

  102B) NSL: National Soccer League

  103) Petri-Meat(s): Synthetically cultured protein medium which replicate the texture, taste and nutritional content of popular antique meat products such as beef, chicken and fish.

  104) PHC: Peoples’ Hemp Collective(s). PHC’s are government subsidized mega-farms that produce 95% of North America’s hemp for industrial applications.

  105) PingMe: The most popular hologram based social media site in the late 21st century North American United States Union.

  106) Pleasium (P): A popular prescription anti-anxiety medication for which government subsidies are available; most often prescribed to those who experience paranoia after consuming marijuana.

  107) PR (Progressive Revolution): Sociopolitical change sparked by the San Andreas Geological Disaster of 2041 otherwise known as “1.9 Day.”

  109) Revolution, The: See PR – Progressive Revolution.

  110) RIOT (dogs): R.econnaissance I.nterdiction O.ffensive T.erminator; the most advanced and powerful CATS cyborgs available. RIOT units are based on Doberman Pinscher morphology and are used exclusively by civilian law enforcement and the military. These cyborgs are typically wrapped in BIOSKIN©. CSF 5.0.
/>   111) Rubcrete: High density, impact and fire resistant insulation material composed of recycled plastics, rubber and concrete which is capable of blocking all wireless stream and transmission signals.

  112) SAMCL: Sonic Addiction Micro Cellular Lobotomy – A surgical process where a nanogauge drill bit is pushed into the skull around the eye socket until it is lodged in the frontal cortex. The flexible drill bit emits a series of sonic vibrations which destroys that section of the brain theoretically associated with chemical addiction.

  113) San Andreas Geological Disaster (1.9 Day): Massive earthquake caused by hydraulic fracturing which caused the death of 1.9% of the U.S. Population in 2041.

  113A) Sativa: The strain of marijuana typically associated with emotional uplift, energy and creativity. Sativa strains stimulate the frontal cortex of the brain and are typically blended with coffee or other stimulant based beverages, if not vaporized.

  114) Seisometer: A drone or cyborg mounted sensor array which detects seismic vibrations in the Earth’s core.

  115) ServCall©: A Lenexa, Kansas, based company known for manufacturing land based service, errand and courier droids.

  116) Shiner: Derogatory slang term for a citizen who is directly involved in the black market alcohol trade, either production, sale or distribution.

  117) SimulSun©: A specialty company located in Modesto, California, that produces artificial lighting arrays which simulate the full spectrum radiation of sunlight. Due to their excessive power consumption and expense, these arrays are used almost exclusively in corporate or public sector applications.

  118) SkyDrop©: Privately owned, drone based courier service.

  118A) Slaughterhouse: A derogatory slang term given to hospitals and clinics that perform SAMCL surgery. “The Slaughterhouse Experience” is what is commonly attributed to turning a regular alcohol user into a humdroid.

  119) SSRI: Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor


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