Obsidian: Birth to Venus (The Obsidian Chronicles Book 1)

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Obsidian: Birth to Venus (The Obsidian Chronicles Book 1) Page 10

by Marisa Victus

  And, it didn’t hurt that he’d apologized for his brash behavior. “Listen, Jai,” he’d said, pulling her aside. It was their first night together, after the piazza. “I’m sorry if I rubbed you the wrong way. I can be an impatient son of a bitch, and….”

  “No worries,” she’d said, cutting him off. “I needed the push. Truth is, I’ve known I’m sentient for a long time.” She caught her breath, realizing she’d left herself wide open. Please don’t ask for my birth date.

  “Thanks for being so gracious,” he said. Relief washed over both of them. “Sean was going to break my balls,” he said, miming it with his hand. "You know Sean. He means it.”

  She laughed in agreement. “Yea, but none of you can take all the credit. I would have told you anyway. I wanted to tell you. The timing was right. And, for the first time in my life, I could see myself reflected in someone else.”

  “I know what you mean.” Borda looked out at the water. The setting sun was shining on it, and he traced the brim of his hat with his fingers.

  “Stop!” Sean’s voice boomed from behind them. Borda swung and glared back. “It’s eight,” Sean said. “Time to wash up.” It was rare for Sean to let them run late. Seven p.m. sharp was their usual weekly dinner time; the earlier the better to get started on the nine-course menu. “Let’s do this!” he’d say, a long row of wines to pair with each dish, or sake if it was sushi night. Jai looked at Sean, wondering what it was that made this man, this regularly chipper guy, go completely zen, insanely focused at tai chi; Mortal Combat at karate, kung fu, judo, jiu jitsu, capoeira, or whatever other practice they chose for the day; and end the day with a lil French Laundry. Jai was still savoring the first time he’d cooked for her, their first night together, after their trip to Rome. Sean even prepared special meals for her mother, who relished her new low sodium diet like she'd never had before. In another life, he’d be a chef. In this life, he had too many hats to wear only one. That was for sure. And, Jai was not complaining. By meal's end, Mach leaned back in his chair, rubbing the six-pack on his stomach, as if it were actually distended. It was amazing none of their stomachs were, with all the dishes they'd shared. “That was superb,” Mach said. “Now, on to the club! First round’s on me. Tonight, we’re all letting loose. "

  Chapter 16


  Jai laughed her way, walking backwards, up the stairs. “Shhh!” she giggled, pressing her left index finger against her bright fuchsia lips. “Don’t wake Joy up.”

  “You’re the one who needs hushing, not me!” Sean whispered emphatically. He swept her up in his arms and carried her to the third floor, to “The Rotund,” the rotunda they’d nicknamed for its primary purpose: winding down after a late night meal. It was the perfect place to enjoy a 360-degree view of the city, including Madison Square Park. Sean walked across the expansive room and set her down on the chaise in front of the marble fireplace. As he stoked the fire, Jai lay back and stretched her tall body, her taut stomach peeking out from a knit crop top. Turning to her side, she watched the flame catch. A soft, warm glow enveloped the dark room. Gently, he closed the glass door. Shadows danced along his strong hands, and he removed his blazer. Even through his clothes, she could see the definition in his broad shoulders and body. He turned toward her, folding the sleeves of his crisp dress shirt. The flame flickered, drawing shadows on his forearms, across his chiseled chest.

  “Thank you, Sean. I had a wonderful time.”

  “That’s great. Joy said you’d enjoy it,” he said. Jai did. It was the first time she’d seen a Broadway show in years.

  “You sure know how to do your sleuthing.”

  “Of course I do. Joy’s my in. Always has been.”

  “Oh really?” Jai laughed. “You know, you never did tell me about that.”

  “What’s there to tell? I just begged and pleaded till I wore her down, that’s all. Only took me two years, but I made it.”

  “Two years?!” Jai sat up and crossed her legs underneath her. “Where’s my pepper spray?” she asked, pretending to search for it.

  “Yea, I know,” he admitted, blushing. “It’s embarrassing. Hence, my reticence.”

  Yet, in the two months since they’d met, he hadn’t made a move. Even that morning, their sparring session was like most. She flung a side kick past his shoulder. He blocked it with his hand. She spun. He grabbed her from behind, wrapping his arms around hers. Arms crossed against her chest, she ran backwards, slamming his back against the wall. His grip loosened but, a moment later, he had her wrapped again, holding her body tight against his. I’m not letting go, was all he thought as he fastened his grip. A hard elbow, and she’d broken free of him and his thoughts. She kicked again, this time knocking him hard against the temple. He fell. She kneed his chest, then pinned him, her body seated atop his.

  He smiled. “Not so fast,” he said, then spun them around. In the split-second before her back hit the floor, she felt it: his hand cupping the back of her head. He held her there, mere inches from his face. Time seemed to stop as he swallowed, looking deep into her eyes. Jai’s heart was beating hard. She wanted to push away, but she couldn’t. The sun was shining, bringing out the tiny flecks of gold in his dark green eyes. He held her there, in his gaze, looking into her deep brown eyes, watching her long lashes flutter with each blink. His gaze followed the outline of her cheeks. He looked down at her soft, pink lips. Jai could hear his heart beating faster and faster before he pulled himself away.

  He was close, it seemed, to kissing her. It had become a daily thing, especially when they sparred. But, he never did. Except for a few pecks on the cheek; a hug here and there; or, leading her by the hand, he’d kept his distance. Jai had to wonder. Does he have a ton of baggage, or what? Of course, she understood baggage. Everyone had a history; she of all people understood that. You don’t live as long as sentients do without a past. But, what had happened, to make him pull back every time he got close?

  It made no sense. Especially when he only seemed to have eyes for her. Since their first night out, there was no shortage of women who wanted him. Just getting to their private room in the club was an adventure. Jai could normally shut out other people’s thoughts, but when he entered the room, the intention of his admirers was so strong, and there were so many of them, she couldn’t help but read their thoughts. It was the first time Jai had experienced it, outside herself. Now, she understood why Sean had always used the private side entrance, and why he’d hired undercover bodyguards to protect them inside. Most of all, she admired the way he didn’t let the attention bother him, or prevent him from living life the way he wanted to live it. Far from separating himself from the fray, he walked right into it. And, he took Jai with him.


  Jai remembered it well. “Not again,” Borda had groaned, waving Sean and Jai faster to the VIP room. Sean ushered Jai through the crowd, pulling her forward by the hand, urging her to walk in first. Jai walked past the two guards and joined Borda at the VIP entrance.

  “Sean! Sean!” A woman yelled over the music. The guards barred her with their massive arms, but she tried to force her way past them.

  The woman grabbed Sean by the arm. Sean’s body stiffened as he turned to face her. “Kindly remove your arm,” he said, in a polite tone.

  “But, Sean, I need to talk to you. Join me for a drink?” She was brazen, leaning her ample breasts forward, over the guards’ arms. Borda laughed.

  “No thanks,” Sean said, turning away. She reached past the guards and grabbed Sean again. He ripped his arm away. Jai could hear his voice grow cold. “I’m taken,” he yelled, and took Jai’s hand at the door.

  Borda sighed. “Well, that’s the second girl this week. Third admirer, if you count that guy who waits out front.” Sean ignored Borda and invited Jai to sit. He asked Quaid to set the grand table in the middle of the room, then disappeared to his office in the back.

  Jai took a seat and crossed her legs. She’d seen it many times now, a girl or
guy trying to get past the guards, to create a wedge between them. Each time, Sean had politely acknowledged them, declined their feelings, then turned his attention to her. She found it admirable, and far gentler than her own method.

  Avena had even joked, “When it comes to Jai, Sean’s met his match.” Jai’s foray into the sentient world had been brief and she’d only come to the club a few times, but many men and women had already sent Jai gifts, beautiful clothes and jewelry. They’d invited her to dinner. They’d even asked her to join them on extravagant trips. Jai always declined, much to Sean’s delight. But, none was more persistent than the man in a polished grey suit. Jai had noticed him, felt his gaze since the first night she’d come to the club. He’d seen her enter with Sean, but it didn’t deter the man. One night, Sean was meeting with Quaid when Jai and Avena walked out to the dance floor. Immediately, the man was there.

  Avena stepped back, a bit amused as the man nudged his way closer to Jai. He was a skilled dancer and just as confidently leaned in. “Hello,” he said. “I’m Chris.”

  “Hi.” Jai smiled, finding no need to be rude.

  “And, you are?” he asked.

  “Just enjoying the night with my friend, here,” Jai said, without giving away her name. She eyed Avena, giving Avena the cue to venture farther away, out onto the dance floor.

  “Can I join you?” he asked.

  “Thanks, but no,” Jai said politely. And, just as Chris was about to reach for her arm, she felt Sean’s presence. She hadn’t noticed Sean was there. Yet, there he was, dancing right beside her. It was the first time Jai had noticed; there was something endearing about the way Sean would stake his claim when anyone else approached her. It was the subtle, primal way in which he stroked the small of her back, or ran the tip of his fingers along her neck. He waited patiently for Jai to assert herself, but, clearly, he wanted her to remember he was there. He hoped she would pick him as much as he always picked her.

  Weeks later, everyone was calling him “Shadow.”

  Jai hadn’t noticed it before. “Is he that good at his job?” she asked.

  Borda laughed. “We don’t call him ‘Shadow’ because of his work. It’s because of you.”

  “Yea,” agreed Mach. “You just call me if your shadow gives you any problems.”

  “It’s like you two are attached at the hip,” Diana quipped. “The list of things he plans for you keeps getting longer and longer.”

  Avena took it even further, saying, “I might be his twin, but you’re his soulmate.”

  Jai didn’t know what to make of it. She spent hours talking with Avena, only to have her run off at the sight of Sean. Avena wanted to give them more privacy than they already had. Avena even started calling her “Sis,” like Sean and Jai were already paired. “I wouldn’t have it any other way,” she would say.

  But, what mattered most was what Sean showed Jai, and he didn’t hide his affection for her. Whenever they were together, he surprised her with the most thoughtful gifts or observations. It was clear he’d picked up on her preferences, and he remembered her aspirations. After mentioning it only once, he’d commissioned a painting of Siam tulips for her bedroom; and, after a few months of knowing him, he’d already taken her snowboarding, SCUBA diving, and base jumping for the first time.


  Tonight was no different. They spent the evening at the theatre, watching one of Jai’s favorites. Sitting beside him, she pretended not to see him peek at her. He always made sure she was enjoying herself. It made her think they’d grown closer, but the more she opened up to him emotionally, the more pronounced the physical distance appeared to be. When he led her to their seats, she’d even let her hand linger on his, but he pulled his hand away soon after they sat. Never mind, she thought, and lost herself in the musical.

  Now that she was home, watching the fire in front of her, it was harder to quiet her doubts. She was used to thwarting men’s physical affection, not wondering why it was lacking. Did Sean’s first love die or something horrible like that? She laughed at herself. Given her gifts, most people would’ve read his mind or made the first move by now. Neither were her style. Besides, she could imagine all sorts of terrible scenarios. What would I find, if I actually peeked inside his brain?

  “Jai,” Sean whispered, snapping her out of her reverie.

  “Yup!” She shook her head and shoulders, waking herself out of the stupor she was in. He knelt down in front of the chaise and rested his hands on either side of her knees. With his right arm raised, he traced her face, from her forehead to her chin. His green eyes locked on hers, the firelight highlighting his light brown eyelashes. She laughed, wondering how many people would kill to be this close to him. His gaze intensified.

  With a hand, he caressed the soft skin behind her ear, then pulled her neck gently toward him. He bowed his head, and touched his forehead gently to hers. This is it, she thought. My first invitation, to see and be seen by a sentient. Then, slowly, he touched his lips to hers. So soft were his lips, it left her exposed, unprepared for the electric shock that pulsed immediately through her veins. A blazing fire of energy and emotion flushed through her body. Their lips parted, his tongue fluttering gently with hers. She could feel his desire build, like a dam at capacity, beginning to break.

  He kissed her urgently, a wash of images flooding her mind. Reading about Jai. A feeling of admiration. A rush of excitement. The first time he saw her picture in Joy’s office. All the times he’d asked Joy to introduce them. The thrill of fighting Jai for the first time, and wondering if she was more than he could handle. The exhilaration of introducing her to the sentient world. And, the peace he’d felt, knowing her experience, Awakening to the sentient life, was far better than his own. Though her eyes were closed, Jai could see a bright fiery glow. She could feel his body blaze, as his fingers and hands gripped her shoulders, arms, and waist. He pulled her in close. Closer and closer, his mind was intoxicated with the realization that, yes, tonight. Now. I’ve finally, truly kissed her.

  When Sean pulled away, Jai felt like a vacuum had sucked all the warmth out of the room. He replaced it with the heat and ardor in his eyes. Mouth open, he sighed. “You have no idea how much I’ve been wanting to do that…since the first day we met.” Jai smiled, as his eyes stayed glued on her. “I know it’s only been a few months since the day I surprise-attacked you in the penthouse, but I want you to know my feelings for you are sincere. I don’t know how to explain it. I know you’ve only known me a brief time, but when I said I’ve always felt a connection to you, it’s true. I’ve admired your business and everything I’ve read about you. But, more than that, since I’ve actually met you, you’ve surpassed my expectations in every way imaginable. I’ve tried very hard to be respectful and keep my distance. I didn’t want to push myself on you too fast. You were just Awakening as a sentient. It’s a lot to take in and experience, and I’d hate to ruin it for you.”

  Jai laughed. “The idea that you could ruin anything is ridiculous.” She kissed him again, thinking, He’s only made my life better, and felt a knot in her stomach. So, why do I feel afraid?

  Chapter 17


  “Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you….” Everyone sang, smiling at Joy, who was seated at the head of the table. “First, dinner at Masa, and now this!” The Kobe beef and sushi sent Joy’s tastebuds into orbit, but she was overwhelmed by the dessert. Sean was sending cart after cart into the room, ushering in the Thai confections he’d prepared painstakingly for her. Having never cooked Thai food before, it was a labor of love. The presentation was clear; he’d prepared each with great care.

  And, with impressive pronunciation, he said, “First, the nine auspicious desserts of Thailand. We’ve got tong yip, tong yot, foi tong, and tong ek,” motioning to a beautiful display of bright golden flowers, bite-sized drops, delicate threads, and carved gold-leaf, all fashioned out of sugared egg yolks. “May you continue to enjoy love, success, and prosperity in your

  “Then, we have met khanun,” he said, motioning to a golden mung bean dessert, each piece the size of a jackfruit seed. “May you continue to enjoy the love and support of family and friends.”

  And with another wave of the hand, he said, “Next, we have cha mongkut,” a sugary jasmine treat, festooned with a delicate wheat flour crown. “For the crown you wear, not only as my mentor, but as a mother in my heart.”

  “And mine!” Avena yelled.

  “And ours!” added Diana and Mach.

  Even Borda said, “You know it,” with a mischievous smile plastered on his face.

  Jai watched them, laughing, remembering the first time she'd told everyone Joy was actually her mother. It helped, to have so many women giving birth so late in life. Mom gave the impression she'd had Jai when she was 60, making Jai younger than Patient X. Jai’s secret was safe; no one questioned if she was the Eldest. They just called Joy “Mom” soon after she’d met them. Joy had that effect on them, even Borda. With a grin slapped wide on his face, it was obvious even he loved calling her Mom, no matter how much they all teased him about it. Jai didn’t mind it one bit. She loved how Mom was a mother to them all. For the first time since she’d lost Darin, she felt like she wasn’t an only child anymore.

  She smiled, as Sean returned to the matter at hand. “Next, we have sanay chan,” he said, as he pointed to a bowl of golden orbs, shaped like whole nutmegs, “for the charm and love in your life. We know your moon will never wane.

  “And, of course, khanom chan,” he said, waving his hand at a group of layered coconut jellies, in an assortment of pastel colors, “and khan tuay fu,” light, pillowy rice flour cakes, steamed with jasmine flowers for a rich, fragrant aroma. Beside them were cards tied with ribbon, with messages from Joy’s students over the years. “May you know how much you mean to everyone you’ve touched in your life.


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