Obsidian: Birth to Venus (The Obsidian Chronicles Book 1)

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Obsidian: Birth to Venus (The Obsidian Chronicles Book 1) Page 24

by Marisa Victus

  “No, none at all,” Jai said.

  “And now?”


  Sean hovered, eager to see Kevin’s view. “We were siphoning when it happened.”

  “I see. Just as before. Siphoning’s definitely a cause. Anything different this time?”

  Jai laughed. “No. Like last time, there was no effort on my part. I just felt myself mind-sync like usual. My energy flowed into Sean, his into me. Then, a sudden flash, like gold flooding through my body. Soon, that was all I could see. At the end, there was something like vertigo. Then, I jerked back to reality.”

  “Well, if you thought that was shocking,” said Sean, “just imagine opening your eyes and a tiger’s staring at you.” Jai laughed, circling her eyes around the room.

  “Interesting,” Kevin whispered. “And, now, what sensations do you feel? Anything out of the ordinary?”

  “Well, last time my eyes shifted, I saw trails of color. Yellow on Sean; blue on you. There aren’t any trails this time, but my vision’s clearer, definitely more focused, enhanced.”

  “No rapid color-changing either. Just this rich, sunny hue.” Kevin took a step back, then pulled the monocle off his head. The top of his hair fell in waves, past his undercut, and masked his left eye. He shook his head to the left, sending his hair flying back. With the monocle down, he raised his arms up. “Cuff, display,” he commanded, and the video hovered in hi-res 3D above them. He expanded the view and played the recording. “Check this out!” he said, excitedly.

  Sean’s jaw dropped. Jai’s eyes appeared to be golden, but, magnified, they were more like the sun, like a mass of incandescent gas, shifting subtly between yellow, amber, orange, red, or white, depending on the position of her pupils. Jai found it hard to believe. “Those are my…that’s what’s in my eyes?”

  “Yes, those are your eyes.” Kevin laughed and cupped his hand thoughtfully over his mouth. “I can only imagine what the other colors look like, up close.”

  “How long do you think this will last?” Sean asked. “Should we be concerned?”

  “I don’t know,” Kevin admitted. “Who’s to say how long it will go on. Maybe it’ll shift back to brown in a day, maybe even a few hours? We’ll have to wait and see. Let me hook up the MRI-OIS.”

  As Kevin placed the sensors on Jai’s head, she proposed, “Let me try? Maybe I can shift the color on my own.” Kevin shook his head, encouraging her. She closed her eyes, centered herself with a calm breath, and exhaled. Moments later, she opened her eyes. “Well? Did it work?” Kevin and Sean laughed, then nodded enthusiastically.

  “It did!” Sean gave her a hug. “You’re back to yourself!”

  Jai laughed. “My so-called normal self.”

  “Now, that’s interesting!” Kevin shouted, pointing to the scan. “Your resting energy pattern’s gold this time, not green. And, look, underneath it! The Mandelbrot siphoning pattern…it’s still there!”

  “It’s bigger this time,” Sean said.

  “And, it’s spiraling,” said Kevin. “This siphoning pattern isn’t just a fingerprint left behind. It looks like a color-shifting ‘black hole’ of sorts, capturing all the energy, all the colors, in the soft tissue of Jai’s brain.”

  Sean looked at Jai. “And, you’re sure, there was no pain, no loss of consciousness this time?”

  Jai shook her head no, relieved.

  “This is promising, guys” Kevin said.

  “It is?” Sean wasn’t convinced. To him, it sounded like something sinister was growing in her body.

  Kevin was far more optimistic. “Yes, Sean. For Jai to have these abilities, without the pain…that’s the best we can hope for.” He grabbed Jai by the shoulders. “Rest for now. Later, we can test your eyes again. Maybe we can capture all the other eye-shifts, conduct some more scans with the MRI-OIS. Just imagine — ”

  The Home system rang, cutting Kevin off. “Mail delivery,” it announced. Jai rushed downstairs to find a single envelope waiting for her. Tiffany blue. Her own handwriting in the return address. Kurt and Charlene Von Brandt. Jai read the names aloud, and ripped the envelope open. Just a day short of the baby shower, and Diana’s parents had finally delivered their answer. And, not in one piece, but two. The invitation was torn in half.

  Chapter 37


  “It’s time to celebrate!” Sean yelled.

  Avena and Borda walked straight to the poolside table, eager to examine the cake. “So, here it is, the mystery cake!” Avena squealed. Sean had decorated the cake with alternating tiers of blue and pink crystalized flowers. Borda picked up a serving knife and held it dangerously close to the icing.

  “Drop it!” Jai screamed, running in from afar. “Don’t even think about it,” she said, and pulled Borda back by his ear. He dropped the knife and held his hands up in the air, a mischievous look still on his face.

  “No matter. On to method #2,” Borda said, his voice trailing away as he ran. Borda cornered Kevin, who’d tested the fetal DNA circulating in Diana’s blood to determine the baby’s sex and species. That was the extent of Kevin’s involvement, but it was enough to garner Borda’s attention. “Is it a boy or a girl, Doc? And, is the baby sentient, like meeee?” he asked, puffing out his chest.

  Kevin pointed at Jai, then pretended to slice his throat with a finger, as in, Jai will kill me if I spoil the surprise. Kevin told Borda, “I’m not making the rounds tonight. I’m off duty!”

  Before Borda could launch into method #3, Sean yelled, “Whoa, doggy!” and pulled Borda away by the collar of his t-shirt. “Give the Doc some breathing room!” Sean yelled, as Borda pretended to sniff at Kevin. Kevin laughed and steadied the glass of wine in his hand.

  Jai paid them no mind and gave Diana and Mach a tour of the surrounding garden before walking them back to the table. She pulled a seat for Diana. “My ankles,” Diana moaned. “No more heels for these bloated bananas,” she lamented, and gave Jai a kiss on the cheek. “Thank you, Jai. The decorations…the food…everything’s just gorgeous! I love it!”

  “Yes, it’s perfect!” said Mach.

  “I’m so happy you like it. Love you guys!” she said, and gave them a kiss on the cheek. Jai sat back in her chair and suddenly felt down. She pictured Zin alone while everyone celebrated outside. There’s no time for that, she told herself, as she stood to greet Elizabeth and James. They'd just arrived, along with the other guests from Mach’s side of the family, and the friends Diana had invited. Everyone was enjoying the food and music and walking the garden.

  But, periodically, Jai glanced at Diana, unable to tune out her thoughts and feelings. Even far away, she could hear Diana’s breaths. They were labored, and not from the baby. Here it is, the big day, Diana thought, and my parents aren’t here. Jai and Avena had delivered the bad news when Diana and Mach had arrived the night before, but Jai had spared them the details. They didn’t need to know her parents had torn the invitation in half. It was mean-spirited. And, Diana was the last person who deserved to be on the receiving end of that. Diana was beautiful, more so on the inside than on the outside; and, she was a vision both before and throughout her pregnancy. In fact, pregnancy had heightened her beauty because Jai could see, more than anyone, Diana’s strength. She was determined to set aside her parents’ judgments and issues. Jai smiled as she watched Diana tighten her grip on Mach’s hand. Diana told herself, I’m not going to cry anymore. This is my child. She rubbed her belly. I’m going to protect my new family and our happiness. Her mind made up, she was smiling at her guests, as she oohed and ahhed at the thoughtful gifts they’d given.

  Sean poured everyone a flute of champagne, and Jai turned to announce that the time had come. “Everyone, take a glass and gather round!” They all crowded around the table and admired the beautiful pink and blue cake pedestaled before them. Jai poured Diana another sparkling cider, and called her over. “Now, may the guest of honor please take hold of her scepter!” Jai joked, and handed Diana the knife.

/>   “Why, thank you!” Diana said. She cut the cake, exposing whole raspberries nestled between many moist layers of cake. The tiers were colored in ombre hues: a pastel pink; subtle blush; rich ruby; bright maroon; and, finally, deep magenta. Everyone gasped and cheered, “It’s a sentient girl!” and toasted to their happiness.

  At sunset, Elizabeth and James hugged Jai goodbye, and Mach pulled Jai aside. “Thank you so much,” he said. “It was a beautiful day. Just perfect.”

  “I’m so glad you enjoyed it. I can't wait to spoil your baby girl.”

  Mach smiled. “Neither can I.”

  "Will you two be staying for dinner?”

  “I wish we could, but Sean’s firing up the jet to take us and the rest of the guests back to Pennsylvania. Given what’s happened with Diana’s parents, I think it’s best if we spend some more time with my family, try to keep her mind off of her own. Which is why I wanted to talk to you. I hate to ask you…I know you’ve been incredibly busy, and you just threw us this amazing party…but, would you be willing to go in my place, with Borda?" He adjusted his glasses. "I've been trying to find out where the Club O sentient is. A couple of days ago, I found a potential source…someone who might know the sentient’s location. Of course, Borda’s eager to meet the source. He asked me to go, then postponed it for Diana’s sake, but it’s not fair to keep Borda waiting anymore.”

  “No problem. I'll go with him. Is the meeting already set up?”

  He raised his cuffs. “Date's in two days, May 3, noon in Central Park. I can send you the full details as soon as we board the plane."

  "And, the source?"

  "I hope he's reliable. He's a triple-max guard and potential officer at the naval base, off the Cuban coast.”

  “Guantanamo Bay?" Jai asked. Mach nodded. "I thought they shut the detention center down?”

  “They did," he said, "but the Club O incident stirred up the pot. Source claims the government's about to reopen the detention center under a different name, and the sentient’s inside or will be soon. Source claims he can sneak us in, so we're meeting with him to discuss the details. Ideally, the source can help us talk to the sentient before security's heightened, before there’s a press conference." Mach looked around, watching the guests board Sean's jet. "It's been months since the incident happened. The lack of progress has angered a lot of people."

  Jai sighed. “Yeah. Humans want strict measures to be taken. And, while I can't agree with a sentient list, I can’t say I completely disagree with the humans. This sentient ought to be punished, just the same as anyone else. I just worry, though. An offshore facility that's not subject to the Geneva Convention? That's overkill. I mean, when has the government used Guantanamo for detaining U.S. citizens? I believe it's only happened once, and they didn't even realize the guy was a citizen when they first imprisoned him. He was raised in Saudi Arabia. And, when they found out he was American, they let him out…just made him renounce his American citizenship and sent him packing."

  "I know. The idea that it'll become a prison for any citizen is frightening."

  "It is. It's essentially a hidden penal system. Who knows what will happen to sentients in there? It's outside the public eye. There's no media access, less accountability. Plus, it won't address the full scope of the problem. It’s not like this sentient was acting alone.” Jai looked over at Borda, dancing on the terrace with Avena. "I guess there's only one way to find out."

  Chapter 38


  Jai woke to the sound of Borda, banging on her bedroom door, followed shortly by Sean's voice. "Give us another hour!" Sean yelled, but Borda began drumming the door. He was singing an old classic: Rage Against the Machine’s Killing In the Name. "Ugh!" Sean moaned, pulling his pillow down over his head.

  "I'll go, I'll go," Jai mumbled, her eyes barely open. It'd been a long time since she'd actually felt tired, but she'd been going non-stop. Plus, after the baby shower, they were all up late, swimming in the rooftop pool. Sean stayed buried under the pillow, then threw out a hand, trying to grab her, to stop Jai from getting out of bed. He missed. Jai looked down at herself. Beige tank top. A pair of Sean's boxer briefs. I'm decent, she thought, and slid her slippers on. She flung the door open. Borda stood, still wearing the swim trunks he'd borrowed last night, with a boyish grin on his face.

  "Goooood morning, my lovelies!" he crooned. His good humor was unsettling.

  "Why's that make me shiver?" Jai asked, mockingly.

  "Ahh, you love it!" he said and launched right into her bed, landing on top of Sean.

  "Get the hell off me!" Sean cried, hunkering down. He was not going to poke his head out.

  "No can do! There's just one day to prepare! Besides, I'm huuuunnngggryyyy," he mewed. Sean lay like a bag of potatoes, ignoring Borda's body on top of his. Jai turned away, about to leave Sean to fend for himself, when Borda threw the duvet over himself and Sean, thinking, I'll just gas him out.

  "Don't even!" Jai screamed, startling Borda.

  How'd she know? Borda wondered. I didn’t say it out loud…did I?

  He didn't have time to figure out the answer. Jai had picked up a pillow and thrown it, smacking his head. "Out! Now!" she yelled, and Borda lowered his head. He whimpered like a puppy. "Follow me," she ordered. "I know how to scramble a few eggs." Sean stuck a hand out, waving goodbye, and Jai marched Borda downstairs. "Here, sit," she commanded, and pulled a stool out from the kitchen counter.

  He took a seat, still pretending to sulk. "That's the first time you've raised your voice at me, Jai," he said, sullenly.

  Jai laughed. "I'm sure it won't be the last." She grabbed the eggs, milk, and manchego out of the fridge, and diced some mushrooms, onions, and tomatoes, before heating the pan. "Make yourself useful and make us some joe."

  Borda jumped up, eager to have a friend as addicted to coffee as he was. He didn't need to ask. Crema was an absolute must. He ground the beans and poured Jai a latte. Bowing, he handed it to her, and looked up with puppy eyes.

  Jai looked at the latte, complete with a perfectly shaped heart made of white foamy milk. "Is this supposed to be some sort of heartfelt apology?" He stuck his tongue out and panted happily. She laughed, and pat the spikes of blue hair on his styled head. “Ouch!” she joked, as a spike pricked her palm. She took a sip. “Mad skills,” she praised. The latte was delicious. “But, Borda, 5 a.m.? This is the earliest I've ever seen you get up." For Borda, it was 10 a.m. at best, and that was on a riding day.

  He reached for his own latte and sat back down. "We're finally going after them." Those murdering pricks, he thought, as he took a drink.

  "What's the deal, anyway, with that source?” Jai asked, “Do you know how Mach found him?"

  “He’s originally from Annapolis,” Borda said. “From Mach’s days at the Naval Academy. Mach was two years ahead of him, so he doesn't even remember the guy. The guy recognized Mach from the news. Mach gave an interview about one of his missions with Sean's company."

  "I didn't realize Mach worked for the Division." Jai whisked the eggs lightly and poured them into the pan.

  "Well, technically, he doesn't. He has his own company, a non-profit that organizes communities for volunteer missions, both in the U.S. and abroad. Sean reached out to him in the early days, when the Division was setting up its humanitarian branch. Sean wants him to run the branch, but Mach prefers consulting."

  Jai turned back to the stove, her anger flaring. And the Von Brandts question the kind of person Mach is, the kind of parents Mach has? Now, that’s the blinding power of hate. She took another sip of latte, cleansing her palate of the bad taste the Von Brandts had left in her mouth. The soft eggs were beginning to settle as she dropped the veggies and shredded cheese into the pan. “Mach’s not sure if we can trust the source,” Jai said, and began folding the omelette.

  "Yeah. I don't know. I guess we'll have to see."

  "Well, Sean's agreed to drive us there, listen in, and cover us from afar. We can finalize the p
lan when he comes down." She plated the omelette and began handing it to Borda. “We’re meeting the source at noon," she said and pulled the plate back. "7 a.m. is plenty early."

  "Yes, yes, I promise not to bother you until at least 7 a.m. next time,” he said, and she relinquished the plate. "Mmm," he growled, sniffing the omelette. In just a few moments, the plate was clean, and he was leaning back in his chair, rubbing his flat-as-a-board belly. Jai had seen him eat an entire buffet at dinner without his belly changing so much as a millimeter.

  "So, tell me," he leaned back in. "What's the deal with the Viking in a coma?"

  Jai nearly choked, surprised that Zin hadn't crossed her mind that morning. Ever since she’d met Zin, he had been on her mind. Even yesterday, she’d thought of him mid-baby bash, but Kevin had reminded her. "Try to relax. Enjoy yourself. Zin's stable," he’d said. Still, Jai had forgotten to tell Borda about Zin. She admonished herself, especially when disastrous consequences were possible; Borda loved to roam and was generally wary of any and all interlopers. Apparently, Borda had stumbled upon Zin at who knows what hour.

  "Riiiight," Jai said, swallowing a final bite of egg and mushroom. “The Viking in a coma…that’s Zin." She hadn't thought much about revealing his true identity as Patient X. But, Sean and Kevin had weighed the pros and cons ad nauseam. To them, Zin was safer the more people there were to protect him, and Borda and the rest of the family were the best guards anyone could ask for. Still, Jai knew she'd be in hot water if Zin woke up and had returned to his loathsome self. Please, forgive me! she thought, and bit the bullet. "That Zin…he's…he's actually…."

  "Patient X," Kevin said, nonchalantly, as he walked into the kitchen. Kevin was already on his second cup of coffee and coming back for more. For once, Borda sat in silence. "Yup,” Kevin said. He let his lips pucker on the p, as if that let the news sink in.

  "But…how?" I probably shouldn't have messed with him, Borda thought. Immediately, Jai’s mind flooded with visions of Borda lifting and dropping Zin's arms. Again and again, they fell flat onto his body. Jai shook her head and took another swig of coffee.


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