Small Moments

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Small Moments Page 8

by Kimberly Forrest

  Mike winced as he pulled in a gulp of air and shook his head, “I’m fine” he wheezed out, but his eyes were still closed and he looked anything but fine. How badly had she hurt him? Yes, she had thrown herself at him and he may not have been braced for the impact, but this seemed like more than having the wind unexpectedly knocked out of you. By the look of him, he was in some serious pain.


  Another shake of his head and then his eyes opened and he attempted a smile. “I’m sorry. I’m good.” Her expression must have conveyed her disbelief since he reached over to take her hand and deliver a little squeeze. “Really.” His face turned a bit sheepish, “Do you, ah, want to try that kiss again?”

  Rin blinked, her mouth falling open and her look turning incredulous. No, she did not want to try that kiss again, no matter how adorable he looked at the moment. Right now, she still had no idea why he had been in so much pain and she wanted answers. Not bothering to answer his request, she focused on his statement. “You’re not fine. What happened?”

  She waited for an explanation, her look expectant, and when it wasn’t immediately forthcoming – he actually diverted his gaze back to their lunch! – She tugged her hand loose, crossed her arms over her chest, and scowled. “Explain.”

  Mike grimaced, looking uncomfortable and took a big bite of his sandwich. Rin wanted to snatch it out of his hand. She was about to tell him to stop stalling when he swallowed and one of his shoulders lifted in a small shrug. “Just bruised some ribs last night on the job. I would have slathered on some of my miracle cream if I didn’t think it would spoil your appetite.”

  Rin ignored his attempt at humor, her gaze dropping to the injured area of his body. Her first thought was to inspect the area herself, but she didn’t voice that particular desire. “Did you go to the ER?”

  Mike took another bite, chewed, and swallowed before he answered. “Tim was with me, he’s a paramedic so he checked me over. Nothing a doc could do for me but to tell me to take some pain killers which I’m doing.” He shrugged again, his lack of concern for his health grating a bit on her nerves, then he nudged his chin toward the food. “You should eat. Your lunch break is almost over and I’d rather hear more about how your new job is going.”

  Rin wanted to argue. She wanted to tell him that he should at least have some x-rays taken. What if he had some fractures? But she was a sucker for that boyish grin. With a little huff of irritation, she picked up her sandwich and took a bite, letting the subject drop for now.

  Mike had her back to the office right on time. His truck was warm, her belly was full and she was feeling pretty mellow. Rin let out a contented sigh. She would have loved a nap right about then, but she still had files waiting for her. She was trying to convince herself to exit the vehicle when she suddenly remembered the key to the garage Mike had left for her. “Oh, I have your key.” Turning her head, she dug into her coat pocket. With a grin she pulled it loose and turned to give it to Mike, only to find him leaning in close. His gloveless hand cupped her cheek and Rin’s breath caught as his lips touched hers. She closed her eyes and opened her senses as his mouth moved so carefully over hers. He sucked her bottom lip gently between his teeth and Rin nearly groaned. Her fingers were digging into his coat, gripping, afraid he would stop before she was ready.

  Unfortunately, all good things come to an end. Mike pulled back slightly with a smile and kissed her nose while she took a ragged breath. “Keep the key,” he murmured, “So you don’t have to worry about missing your workout if I’m on a call.”

  Rin could only nod, her focus on his mouth and wanting to kiss him again. So she saw the words form before she actually heard his next question. “Will you come by after work tonight?”

  “Yes,” came out as a dreamy sigh, and the wide stretch of Mike’s pleased smile had her giving herself a mental shake. She needed to focus, she had work to do, but tonight… She still had the groceries she had purchased the night before, so tonight she’d make good use of them and make Mike dinner. A real date, hopefully with more of those wonderful kisses. “I’ll make dinner?”

  Rin didn’t think it was possible, but Mike’s smile grew even wider, his hazel eyes lighting with such pleasure as he nodded that Rin couldn’t help but feel giddy. If she didn’t get out of his truck right now, she’d be throwing herself on him again. With a quick laugh of pure joy at his expression, Rin couldn’t resist leaning in for a kiss goodbye that lasted all of a second before she jumped out of the truck. Grinning like a lunatic she turned and waved goodbye before heading back into the office.

  She was still grinning when she reached her desk and shed her coat, and she was still grinning when Ginny leaned her head into the office. Ginny’s smile was positively devilish, “I was going to ask how lunch went, but judging from that look on your face, I’d say it went pretty well.”

  Rin collapsed into her chair, her hands coming up to clutch against her chest, and a dreamy expression lit her face. “He kissed me.”

  “Well, I’d say so. Look at you, gushing all over the place. Does my heart good to see it. You and Mike are both good people and you both deserve to be happy.”

  Placing her elbows on the desk, Rin leaned her chin into her hands. Her face was starting to hurt from all the smiling, but she wouldn’t change it for the world. “I’m making him dinner tonight.”

  Ginny sat down in the visitor chair on the other side of the desk and mirrored Rin’s pose, her eyebrows moving up and down comically. “Dinner and a movie? What are the young ones calling it? Netflix and chill?”

  Rin snorted a laugh, shaking her head, but Ginny kept on, “Do you need some movie recommendations? Something sexy and romantic? Maybe a little Fifty Shades to get the blood flowing?”

  Rin couldn’t stop laughing. Her eyes were watering, her face had gone from ‘starting to hurt’ to downright achy, and she was possibly in danger of peeing herself a little, but this feeling was absolutely wonderful. She couldn’t remember the last time she was this happy. It felt like her life was finally settling into place.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Rin didn’t think anything could spoil her mood. The remainder of her afternoon, she hummed while she worked, with Ginny occasionally joining in from the next office over, and their productivity was way up thanks to the happy atmosphere.

  Now that she was back at The Cedars, she was quick to shower and dress, though she did take extra time with her hair and makeup. Mike usually saw her all sweaty, with no makeup or like today, in boring work clothes. Not that the outfit she chose was anything too exciting – it was winter after all, and she had to dress for the weather. But the sweater was one of her favorites, soft, with blue and white horizontal stripes, cut just so that it actually looked like she might have a bust. Added to that, a pair of black trousers with a side zip that hugged her backside perfectly. Her mirror told her she looked damn good. She was smiling again, ready to grab up her coat and head down to pull the chicken out of the refrigerator when her eyes fell on the piece of paper she’d left on her nightstand.

  With a sigh she picked it up. She really should call her uncle. The puzzle as to why he was trying to get in touch with her could be dealt with simply by picking up the phone, but so far, she’d been hesitant. She barely knew the male, and what she did know, did not lean toward the warm and fuzzy. He was a grouchy, hard-nosed businessman with no time for family. Period. End of story. So what did he want with her? But, not calling smacked of cowardice, and she didn’t want to be a coward. Hadn’t she already convinced herself that she was done running away? A quick call, a bit of conversation, and answers would be hers. Simple.

  Before she could change her mind, Rin dialed. She expected her uncle to answer, was prepping what she would say to him when she heard his voice. What she hadn’t expected was to get the voicemail for her uncle’s assistant. His assistant! He couldn’t even be bothered to leave the number to his own cell!

  Rin jammed her finger hard int
o the button to disconnect the call, wishing the phone was one of those old-fashioned jobs that she could slam down into the cradle. It would have been much more satisfying, and far less painful to her now throbbing finger.

  Her uncle was a bastard. That was all there was to it. If he couldn’t be bothered to make the effort, then neither would she. Closing her eyes and taking a deep cleansing breath, Rin shook off the anger by imagining Mike’s smiling face. Almost immediately her good humor and excitement returned as butterflies danced in her belly. She was going to go have a delicious dinner with a wonderful male. Best to leave her anger here where it couldn’t poison the evening she had planned.

  With a bounce to her step, Rin practically skipped down the stairs and couldn’t suppress the huge smile of surprise to find Mike waiting for her near the reception desk. “I thought I was coming over to your place?” She said, walking straight to him and grabbing one of his calloused hands in hers.

  He looked great in his olive green pullover and jeans, his hair still slightly damp from a recent washing, and curling adorably on the ends. But he smelled even better. Rin breathed deeply through her nose and was startled by a rather high-pitched growl escaping her throat. Judging by the surprised, yet thoroughly pleased look on Mike’s face, he’d heard the sound, and Rin felt her cheeks explode with bright color. She’d never made that noise before. In fact, for the most part, her fox was usually pretty quiet as long as she gave it free rein every now and then. Considering she’d just recently shifted, the lack of control was a bit disconcerting.

  Ducking her head in embarrassment she whispered, “You smell really good.”

  Mike brought his head down and touched his nose to her hair. His low rumbly growl of approval sent shivers down her spine. “You smell really good too.”

  With a finger under her chin he nudged her face up, dropped a quick kiss on her lips, and answered her original question. “I thought you’d prefer a warm ride to walking. That wind is bitter out there.”

  Her embarrassment forgotten, Rin was once again grinning. So considerate, her male. And she did consider him hers. Since that night that he’d invited her up to his place, when they’d almost kissed, she had staked a claim. She hadn’t had a boyfriend since high school; too focused on her studies at university to find the time, so the thought of Mike as hers was exciting indeed. “Let me just grab the groceries.”

  Within minutes they were on their way, cocooned in the warmth of his car, a welcome relief after being slapped in the face by a biting wind as soon as she walked out the door. Mike’s place was quite warm as well – and clean. The entire place held the scent of Febreze and lemon furniture polish, while the rug had fresh vacuum marks. He’d cleaned… for her. Her sweet male. Unable to resist the urge, Rin didn’t even bother to shed her coat before she was wrapping her arms around Mike and hugging him hard.

  He hugged her back without a wince but Rin pulled back suddenly when she remembered his injury, concern written on her face. “I’m sorry, I didn’t think. Did I hurt you?”

  Mike shot her a grin before one of his hands sunk into her hair and he pulled her back to his chest. “They’re much better. I spent the afternoon slathered in my stinky miracle goo.”

  Rin couldn’t resist taking in another draw of his freshly showered scent. “Well, thank you for showering. My nose appreciates it.”

  Throwing back his head with a laugh, Mike released his hold on Rin and helped her remove her coat before shrugging out of his. “So, dinner, what can I do to help?”

  Chapter Nineteen

  “Not that I’m complaining, since I couldn’t be happier that you’re here,” Mike was saying as he made his way through a second helping of Rin’s chicken and biscuits. “But why did you decide to stay in Malsum Pass? It’s not exactly an exciting town with a lot of opportunity.”

  Mike had helped her in the kitchen while she had prepped the meal, frequently nuzzling her neck, or placing his hand on her back every time he’d pass behind her and allowing his fingers to linger. Rin couldn’t stop smiling. Every touch was thrilling, and distracting, and it had taken twice the time it should have to get dinner ready, but neither one of them had any inclination to rush, choosing to savor their time together instead.

  Once dinner had been on the counter that separated the little kitchen area from the living room, and they had been seated on the tall bar stools with full bowls before them, conversation had flowed as they’d eaten. Mike told her about growing up in Malsum Pass, his best friend Tim at his side, constantly getting into mischief. About his love of cars and fixing them up, about his garage… He’d frowned at that point, “Making a living in such a small town can be tough.” Which had led to the question about why she had chosen to stay.

  Rin took a sip of her soda and lifted one shoulder in a shrug. “I was sitting on the swing at The Cedars one night, staring up at the sky, trying to figure out what I was going to do with my life – where I was going to go – and everything was so quiet; no horns blaring, no one yelling. It was just so peaceful.” Rin paused, for a moment, absently poking at a chunk of chicken on her plate. “Mostly, it felt safe, and I needed that.”

  Mike slid his hand over the short distance between them and Rin gripped it in gratitude. “You couldn’t go home to your folks?” Mike shook his head and let out a self-deprecating laugh. “Sorry. I’m an idiot and it’s none of my business. Ignore me. I am not trying to talk you out of staying.”

  Rin couldn’t help but laugh. She gave his hand a squeeze. “You’re fine, and you’re not an idiot. My parents passed away this past summer.” Her look turned thoughtful. “It was as if they were just waiting for me to graduate…” Her voice trailed off and then she cleared her throat and took another drink of her soda. “Dad had a heart attack just after my graduation from university, and Mom followed him a few weeks later.” Rin averted her gaze, not wanting to see the look of sympathy on Mike’s face, certain it would make her cry.

  Appreciative of the firm grip still on her hand, Rin launched into a much happier story. “I was their little miracle. When they were first mated, they’d tried to have children, but were never blessed. They gave up the notion of a family and focused all their energy on their medical practice instead.” Rin blinked away the haze of the past and turned her gaze to Mike’s face to see him listening intently. “They were both GP’s and had a small family practice in Astoria where I grew up.” She smiled fondly, recalling the tale her parents had told her so many times. “Mom was in her late forties, Dad was in his mid-fifties, and Mom was so certain that she was going into menopause when she missed her period.” Rin’s grin stretched wide and she winked at Mike, “Turned out she was pregnant with me.”

  Mike laughed, then raised a brow as a thought struck him. “Both doctors? I’m surprised you didn’t follow in their footsteps and go to medical school as well.”

  “That was the original plan. I even spent time with them at the clinic,” Rin shook her head and frowned, “turns out I did not have the stomach for it. I got way too emotional. But I was great in the office.” She said, her face brightening. “Numbers were easy for me, they made sense, always consistent, you know?”

  Mike scowled, “Math was my worst subject in school. It makes sense when I’m dealing with cars or plus and minuses for the garage – real life stuff – but that calculus…” Mike shuddered and Rin laughed.

  When her merriment wound down, she took a bite of her food, chewed, and swallowed before she asked, “What about your family? Are they here in town?”

  “Dad worked for the state, but a few years ago he was hit hard with arthritis. It was always worse in cold weather, so Mom convinced him to retire, pack up the family camper, and head south for the winter. They used to leave after Thanksgiving and come back just before Easter, but each year they seem to head out earlier and stay longer. This year I don’t expect them back until mid-May at the earliest.”

  Rin smiled and nodded, scooped up another mouthful of foo
d and then nearly choked as Mike said, “They’re going to love you.”

  It was the look on his face rather than his words that made her heart stutter. Love. And it was shining from his eyes like twin beacons calling her home. Perhaps some might think it was too soon, that she was deluding herself and seeing only what she wanted to see, but one thing she had learned at the hands of the fur traders was that life was short – too easily snuffed out – and you had to grab your happiness where you could find it and hold on with both hands.

  Sliding off the barstool, Rin was fully prepared to do just that.

  Mike knew his eyes had gone round as saucers. His fork slipped from his fingers to clatter loudly against his dish, but he didn’t hear it, his attention focused solely on Rin as her fingers grasped the bottom of her sweater and pulled it over her head. Sweet mother of all that was holy. She was a goddess; standing unashamed before him, bare but for a white lace bra that cupped her small but perfect breasts.

  He couldn’t take his eyes off of her, all of that silky soft skin, and those eyes, the hot gaze of a seductress, it was a fantasy come to life and Mike was frozen in place. It took spots appearing in his vision, obscuring his tantalizing view, to remind him that he had to breathe.

  Pulling in the needed oxygen with a gulp, Mike managed to forestall passing out like an idiot before his female. Then she opened her mouth and the words that came out nearly sent him to the floor despite the air filling his lungs. “Don’t you want to touch me?” The sound sultry, the request heart pounding in its possibilities, sent his erection from hard and throbbing, straight to agonizing in the blink of an eye.


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