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Small Moments

Page 12

by Kimberly Forrest

  Completely spent, Rin’s knees buckled and she sat heavily on the floor while she tried to catch her breath. A glass of water swam before her slightly blurred vision and she blinked. Lucy, the co-owner and one of the waitresses here at the diner, was crouched beside her. “Come on, sweetie, take a sip.”

  Rin suddenly realized just how thirsty she was and she snatched the glass and drank deeply, the cold liquid dribbling down her chin in her haste.

  “Easy, now, slow it down.” Lucy murmured, her hand coming to Rin’s back to rub little soothing circles.

  Sucking in a much needed breath after guzzling down the water, Rin tipped her head back. “Is he okay?” Her voice sounded strange to her ears, deeper, scratchier, and so tired.

  Rin sensed Lucy pushing up slightly from her crouch to look out the windows. “I see Christian Black out there, he’s standing with his brother’s help and holding something to his head, but I’d guess he’s probably going to live." The older woman sat down fully on the floor next to Rin with a slight grunt. “Want to tell me what happened?”

  Rin gave her the condensed version, explaining only how she saw the car off the road and tried to help, omitting the part about driving back from some illegal fighting and gambling ring.

  Lucy gave her a pat on the arm. “I’m sure Tim – he’s our local paramedic – will be able to patch him up just fine.”

  Rin had to swallow the snort that rose up in her throat. She hadn’t seen him there, but more than likely Tim was with Mike, counting out his share of their ill-gotten gains.

  “You look whooped, sweetie.” Lucy offered gently, “Do you want me to call someone to come get you? I know The Cedars is just across the road, but I’m sure David would be more than willing to come pick you up.”

  Rin shook her head and pushed herself up off the floor. No, she didn’t want to go to The Cedars, and she didn’t care how tired she was. She was done being a coward and avoiding her problems. She had managed to face her fears tonight and actually rescue a bear shifter. She could do this. Tomorrow she would face her uncle and deal with whatever had brought him here, but tonight she would confront Mike. He had told her he loved her. Now it was time for him to prove it and stop lying to her.

  Mike hissed out an expletive as he flexed his swollen knuckles. Bastard had had a torso like solid rock. Tim was off collecting their winnings, and Mike scanned the crowd. He could have sworn he had picked up Rin’s scent earlier, just for a moment as the air currents had shifted in the large warehouse. He hadn’t been able to let it distract him then, but now he looked for her, hoping he had been wrong, but the twisting of nerves in his gut didn’t bode well.

  He never wanted her to know about this side of his life. He did it because he needed the money, and he was good at it, but he certainly didn’t enjoy it. In fact, he had every intention of quitting as soon as his nest egg had a little more padding. Then he could wash his hands of this business, but still have a comfortable cushion to keep his shop running. Not to mention the added incentive of buying Rin nice things. She deserved to be pampered with little gifts and he looked forward to spoiling her – something he wouldn’t be able to do with the meager bit of money the garage brought in.

  Wrecker service paid pretty well, but that was unreliable. Sometimes he could go weeks without a call, especially in the summer months. No, a couple more fights like this one tonight, and he’d be able to quit for good.

  Mike was smiling slightly as he imagined Rin’s look of surprise when she opened a present from him, something wrapped fancy from a jewelers store – maybe a charm bracelet – he bet she would like something delicate and pretty like that. Then he recalled how she always seemed to reach for her chest when she was agitated. A necklace, perfect, something she could grab onto and hold in those moments when she needed to hold something other than him.

  “You ready?” Tim’s booming voice shook Mike from his daydreams and he grunted, half tempted to see if a jeweler was open right now, knowing that he’d be disappointed.

  With a sigh, he nodded and they set out to where the car was parked, well away from the warehouse and the possibility of theft of damage. The cold felt good, the snow that had lightly started to fall making the area look much better than it actually was.

  Mike cleared his throat, his belly tightening with trepidation. “Did you, ah, did you see Rin tonight in the crowd?”

  Tim looked at him sharply and frowned. “No. Why, did you? Why the hell would she come here? This place is too rough for such a little squirt.”

  Mike growled, indignant on Rin’s behalf. “She’s a lot tougher than you’d think.” He shook his head, running his hand through his hair in agitation and then wincing when his knuckles started throbbing once more. “I didn’t see her. I thought I caught a hint of her scent.”

  Tim threw back his head and let out a bark of laughter. “That’s a mated male for you. Can’t be away from your female for more than an hour without going nutty and scenting her around every corner. Oh, how the mighty have fallen.”

  Mike snorted. “You make it sound like I should be upset to be mated.”

  Tim shot him a side eye. “There’s a reason they call it a ball and chain, you know.”

  “Speak for yourself. I couldn’t be happier than I am with Rin.”

  Tim snorted and clutched at his chest before batting his eyes, “Does Rin complete you?”

  Mike threw what should have been a playful punch, once again forgetting his knuckles and let out a loud curse that sent Tim into another round of laughter. “Asshole,” Mike muttered, tucking his injured hand under the opposite arm, “But yes, she does complete me, so suck it.”

  Tim continued to laugh all the way to the car. Then growing serious as he settled into the driver’s seat, he shot Mike a hopeful expression, “Dunkies?”

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  The first thing Mike scented when he came through the door to his dark loft was Rin. With a contented smile, he imagined her all warm and toasty, curled up in his bed sleeping and he couldn’t wait to crawl in behind her and cuddle until he fell asleep.

  The light snapping on by the couch had Mike startling and clutching at his heart with a rather embarrassing yelp. “Holy shit, Rin. You scared the crap out of me.”

  He had been smiling when he said the words but one look at her face and his smile fell, replaced by concern. “What is it? What’s happened?”

  “I followed you tonight.”

  Mike grimaced, not sure what to say now that his worst fear had come true.

  Rin motioned with her hand to the closed laptop sitting next to her on the couch. “And while I was waiting for you to come home, I looked it up online.” Man, he hated how flat her tone was. Why wasn’t she screaming at him? Yelling? Something…

  “Did you know that if someone had called the cops and reported that place everyone there would have been arrested?”

  Mike blew out a breath and winced as he ran his swollen hand through his hair. “I wish you hadn’t seen that, Rin. I never wanted you to see me like that.”

  That statement finally got a response. Standing up from the couch, her eyes glittered with anger as she marched over to him, poked a hard finger into his chest, and spat, “So you lied about it? Really? You thought that was the better way to go? Why?”

  “It’s not like I’m proud of it,” Mike growled.

  “Then why do you do it?” Her voice was a plea, begging for him to explain it to her so that she could understand, and it was tearing him up inside that he had hurt her. By trying to protect her, he had hurt her.

  Mike was too agitated to stand still so he started to pace. “I was drowning in debt, Rin. Do you know how much money it takes to keep this place open?” He asked waving his hand around to encompass the building. “Even if I service every vehicle in Malsum Pass every week, I still wouldn’t pull in enough to keep the lights on. I have to keep my prices competitive or people will go elsewhere, but I can’t make a profit
at those rates.”

  Blowing out a frustrated breath, he collapsed onto the couch and dropped his head into his hands. Rin sat down next to him and he felt her hand come to rest on his back. “The fights pay out enough that I’ve been able to clear my debt, keep this place open, and even save some money.”

  Rubbing his hands over his face, he sat back. “But I’ve been planning to quit soon,” he assured her. “I’ve got enough of a cushion now where I should be good with the combined income of the garage, the wrecker calls, and the sales from the cars I fix up.”

  Rin’s hand came to his cheek and turned his face so that he was looking at her before she cupped his face with both hands. “I want you to quit now. No more. I understand why you did it, but you're mine. The thought of you getting arrested, or hurt, or worse... please, please just stop. Please tell me that you won't put yourself at risk like that again.”

  Mike’s hands reached for her face as well and smoothed his thumbs over her cheeks. He could see it all in her eyes – her fear, her love… how important his next words were to her. He loved this female, and if such a small thing would make her happy then there was no question as to his answer. With firm resolve, and absolute honesty, he looked deeply into her eyes and said the words, “I promise.”

  The breath Rin hadn’t been aware she was holding left her in a rush. She could see the truth in Mike’s face, so open and honest. And shining from his beautiful hazel eyes, love for her. Happiness nearly overwhelmed her and with a glad cry, she threw her arms around his neck and peppered his face with kisses.

  Within moments, Mike had her on his lap, his arms locked tight around her as he sealed his mouth to hers. What had started as an expression of relief and happiness quickly turned to passion as heat uncoiled in Rin’s belly.

  Close to panting, Rin broke the kiss and attacked his shirt, nearly desperate to remove it, to see him fully, feel him fully. Mike eagerly obliged, the sound of threads snapping at the seams as he tore the shirt roughly over his head.

  As soon as he was bare to the waist, Rin’s hands skated over his ribs, his belly, while her lips caressed in their wake. Mike groaned, the sound music to her ears and her fingers set to work on his jeans. Mike’s hands covered hers and forestalled her. Shooting him a questioning look, he smiled in reassurance and scooped her up into his arms as he stood from the couch. “I love your hands on me, baby and I love the way you take charge, but right now I need to touch you, Rin. Tonight, let me love you.”

  Rin was sure she was going to melt into a puddle of goo as Mike laid her down on his bed and slowly removed her clothing, kissing every inch of flesh as he bared it to his admiring eyes. If Rin had had any doubt about Mike’s feelings for her, the way he looked at her now, the way he worshipped her, would have put any fears to rest. With fingers, lips, teeth, and tongue he brought her to screaming heights of desire again and again before he finally entered her waiting warmth.

  Mike’s eyes were intense as he gazed into hers, glittering with need yet he held back. His jaw was clenched hard. His arms locked, to hold his weight above her, trembled with his restraint as each thrust of his hips was designed to bring her the most pleasure rather than letting go and pumping into her roughly as he most likely wanted.

  Lifting her hands, she cupped his face. Such a good male, such a sweet male, and completely hers. Her eyes shining with love and her voice breathy with passion Rin moaned, “Let go, love, I want all of you. I need you.”

  The dam of Mike’s control broke. His mouth crashed down on hers as his arms squeezed her tight and his hips thrust rapidly in his passion; deeper, harder, and exactly what Rin needed. It was a spectacular display that propelled her quickly to the pinnacle, and once spent, left her smiling in satisfaction.

  Cuddled together in the tangled sheets, their breathing still slightly labored, Mike’s fingertips caressed the skin of Rin’s arm. “So who gave you a ride to the warehouse tonight? Ginny?” His voice was sleepy and he even ended the question with a yawn.

  Rin was also tired after such an eventful evening, but his question had her blushing. As if he could feel the heat of her cheeks against his skin, Mike’s head lifted from the pillow to look down at her face with concern. “Rin?”

  Twirling her finger through the mat of hair around his nipple, she lifted a shoulder in a shrug. “I drove.”

  Mike let out a slight choking sound of disbelief. “You did?” Then he chuckled and wrapped his arms tight around her and gave her a squeeze.

  Rin’s finger stilled in surprise. “You’re not mad?”

  “Why would I be mad?” Before Rin could explain that she had technically stolen a car and driven illegally, Mike asked, “I thought driving wasn’t for you?”

  Rin propped her chin up on his chest and grinned. “I guess I just hadn’t found proper motivation.” Her expression turned to pure chagrin. “I ah, may have scuffed up the car on one side.”

  Mike sat up fully, pulling her with him, and frowned, his hands gripping her arms. “Were you in an accident?” He asked appalled at the idea, “Are you hurt?” He finished, the words coming out in a deep growl.

  “I’m fine,” she was quick to assure him, her hands settling on his shoulders as she pet him to calmness, “Though there’s a trashcan that wasn’t so lucky.”

  Mike collapsed back onto the pillows in relief taking her down with him and resumed his strokes only on her back this time. He kissed the top of her head. “I’m not sorry you found your motivation, Rin, but I am sorry that it was because you had reason to be suspicious of me.”

  Rin yawned and burrowed closer. “I love you, Mike. No matter what.” She said sleepily. “Just no more lies, okay?”

  Mike squeezed his arms around her and kissed the top of her head. “I love you too much, Rin to ever keep anything from you again. Promise.”

  That was all she needed to hear before falling asleep, warm in her lover’s embrace, with a contented smile on her face.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Rin examined her appearance in the mirror at work with a critical eye. Casual, yet professional. She looked competent even if she didn’t feel confident, and that was important since she was about to meet her uncle for lunch. She couldn’t let him sense fear or weakness, after all, despite his age, he was still a predator.

  As soon as she’d come in to work she had called her uncle’s assistant, since she still didn’t have a direct number to her uncle, and set up this meeting. The assistant had been completely uncooperative in giving her clues as to what her uncle wanted to see her about, so she was already going into this at a disadvantage. She needed to keep the meeting professional and treat him as if he was nothing more than a client. She would be cordial, hear what he had to say, respond as appropriate, smile when necessary, and then it would be done. Simple.

  Rin groaned and slumped against the sink. It didn’t matter how many times she went over it, this did not feel simple. Especially after the reports from Margaret Tully about her uncle’s condescending attitude, and then Ginny filling her in about his anger when her uncle had failed to find Rin at her office. The overall consensus was that Makoto Nakamura was not a pleasant male.

  Ginny poked her head in the door and Rin straightened as the older woman whispered, “He’s here.”

  Checking her appearance one last time, Rin took a deep breath and then another. She was about to be reunited with a member of her family, yet she felt like she was walking to her execution. Hoping that her body didn’t betray her with shaking hands or a voice that cracked, Rin left the bathroom to greet her uncle.

  Rin took in his appearance with a sweep of her eyes, the expensive suit, the designer watch, and the fine shoes; the long coat draped over his arm. He was not a tall male, yet he held himself like a king among peasants. That was the first thing Rin noticed. His head was bald, merely a peach fuzz of silver on his scalp. His skin was the color of worn leather, and deeply lined with age. His eyes were narrow, shrewd, his look calculating
. To give the male his due, Rin bowed. “Oji.”

  “Mei,” Her uncle returned with a slight inclination of his head. “There are things we must discuss. But first, we will eat.” His voice was gruff, almost raspy, and resembled that of a chain-smoker, though she couldn’t smell tobacco on his person.

  Her uncle turned and walked away. That was it. No hug, no small talk, not even the smallest indication that he was happy to see her. Only a command, and the full expectation that she would follow. Rin grit her teeth and reminded herself that in an hour, she would be back at work and hopefully, whatever information her uncle felt necessary to impart would be dealt with and he would be on his way, never to darken her doorstep again.

  As soon as they were enclosed in her uncle’s vehicle, he barked out an order to his driver or assistant or whatever the other male was and they were on their way. Unfortunately, not toward the diner like Rin had assumed. They were heading out of town. “Where are we going?”

  Her uncle eyed her with those narrowed eyes and spoke in Japanese, “You have been avoiding me, Niece.”

  It took Rin a moment to answer, and not because she didn’t know the language. After all, she’d learned it as a child and had grown up speaking it regularly at home with her parents. Rather, it was because she wasn’t sure how she wanted to respond. Honesty or make up a believable excuse? Finally, she decided it was best to stick with the truth. “I am angry with you, Uncle.”

  He didn’t look surprised, or angry, he simply grunted before turning his attention to the front windshield. Rin had to grit her teeth again and couldn’t help but wonder if they’d be ground to powder by the time this meeting was at an end. He wasn’t going to even ask why she was angry. Unbelievable.


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