
Home > Romance > Surrendering > Page 15
Surrendering Page 15

by Ahren Sanders

  Tripp lets go of his arm, but gives him a glare. “One more shot man, that’s all you get. If she gets hurt again, you have all of us to answer to.”

  “I appreciate it brother, but nothing to worry about. If she takes me back, I may NEVER let go.”

  I’m not sure what he means, but I like the sound of it.

  We head to my room and I air kiss Tripp and Ken goodnight. Before we go to bed, I know I need to say something.

  “Dec, we still need to talk. I’m too drunk to talk tonight, but I need to know what happened.”

  “Sunday night at my place. I’ll make you dinner and tell you everything. I will beg, grovel, and plead to you for a chance to make this right between us. But tonight, I just want to hold you and wake with you in my arms.”

  That sounds good. “Okay.”

  He takes off his shirt and jeans and gets into bed in his boxers. He pulls me on the bed directly into him. He kisses my forehead and says, “Sweet dreams, Sparkle.”


  My phone rings in the bathroom, but I don’t have the energy to get up and answer it. Then I hear Finn’s phone start ringing in the living room. Coincidence? Who needs us both this early in the morning- or afternoon? I have no idea what time it is.

  Warm arms wrap around my middle and I remember Declan is in bed with me. I start to move away, but decide I like the warmth instead. I lean closer into him and he squeezes me tight. He’s awake.

  “Hey,” I say with sleep still in my voice.

  “Hey back. Go back to sleep. I didn’t mean to wake you.”

  “Why aren’t you asleep? What time is it?”

  “I’m not sure of the time, but I’ve been awake for a little while.”

  “Can’t sleep?”

  “Admiring my view. You’re cute when you sleep.”

  “You’ve been watching me sleep again? Isn’t that a little creepy?”

  “Maybe it is, but it felt peaceful. I wasn’t sure if I’d ever get back to this place.”

  “Dec, maybe we should talk about-“

  “Shhh,” he presses his fingers to my lips. “We’ll talk tomorrow night. For now, just let me watch you. You really are beautiful.”

  Fuck it, I reach up to kiss him and there’s a banging at my door. We both jump.

  “RJ! 311 situation! ETA ten minutes! Are you awake?”

  DAMN! “I am now. Be right out! You take the kitchen; I’ll get the living room.”

  I jump out of bed like it’s on fire. I reach for a pair of sweats and yell at Declan, “Get up, get dressed, and get to the living room.”

  I run to my bathroom and he looks stunned.

  “What the hell is going on? What does 311 mean?”

  “It’s a fucking code we use. It means my mother is on her way. She’ll be here in less than ten minutes. I’m not sure what’s going on, but I can promise it’s not good. She can’t find you in my bed; I would prefer to introduce you. Now get up and get dressed- PLEASE!!!”

  “Okay, calm down. I’ll get out of here, but first, come here and give me a kiss. I’ll feel much more motivated once I taste you.”

  “Did you not hear me? My FUCKING mom is almost here! This is NOT good. If you ever want a taste of me again, you will get dressed and get out there. And pick up any trash too. She’s never been here before.”

  He starts laughing and I pick up a flip-flop and throw it at his head. He ducks and puts up his hands in defeat. I shut the bathroom door, but see him put on his jeans before it closes.

  When I get into the living room, Declan and Kendall have everything almost normal. There is nothing I can do about the mattress in the middle of the floor, but mom won’t care about that. I run to the kitchen. Finn and Tripp have the coffee started and the dishes are almost put away. The microwave clock tells me it’s 10:00. Not as early as I thought.

  “How’d you know she was coming?”

  “Robbie has been calling you all morning. He finally got me. Apparently, your mom asked him this morning if he’d seen the video yet. She told him she was on her way here.”

  “What video?”

  “Not sure, but we’ll find out soon.” He shrugs. I notice he hasn’t put his shirt back on since he woke up.

  “I’m going to wake Charlie and Harper so they aren’t surprised. Thanks for everything.”

  “No problem, last night was a blast. I have a feeling that Jenna may have words for both of us though. I’m staying a while.”

  That’s just the way Finn is. He always has my back and he knows how to handle my mom. I’m not sure what could’ve set her off, but I don’t have time to worry about it. I open the door and see Charlie and Harper sprawled out at opposite ends of the bed.

  I shake the first appendage I find. “Hey girls, I hate to wake you up but we got warning that my mom’s on her way here. She’ll be here any minute.” She grunts, but I’m not sure which one I woke up.

  I’m on my way to the other bedroom when the doorbell rings. I take off running towards the door so I can be the one to greet my mom.

  I notice everyone has found a spot in the living room and it looks like a bunch of friends are watching the news together over coffee. I smile at them and mouth a silent “thank you”.

  I open the door and immediately notice that my mom is not happy. She’s dressed casually, but still has her hair and make-up done. She is stunning and intimidating at the same time. I got my dark hair and blue eyes from my mother, but I don’t think I could ever pull off her level of sophistication.

  I see her assistant, Jenny, behind her. What the hell is going on?

  “Hey, Mama, what a surprise. What are you doing here? Is everything okay?”

  They breeze into the house and take a look around at the surroundings.

  “Hey, Mrs. Hayes, how ya doing?” Kendall asks as she’s lounging on the couch.

  “Hello Kendall, we missed you at the gala.”

  This is good; if my mom is making casual conversation then things can’t be too bad.

  Mom looks at me and then directly at Finn, “I need to speak to Ravenel and Finn for a few minutes in private.” She announces to the room, but I know the effect is for me alone.

  I turn and lead my mom to the kitchen.

  “Would you like some coffee?”

  “What I want is to know what the hell went on last night?” She practically yells at us. Then she points to Finn, “Did you know what was going on? Was she with you?”

  “Jenna, calm down. I was there the whole time and the place was solid.”

  “Is this what you two call “laying low”? There’s a video on the internet that’s playing the whole show. They even identified Raven by her full name.”

  “Mama, calm down. We just wanted to dance and it was a new place. We were safe. And I don’t know what video you are talking about. We didn’t record it.”

  She blows out a breath, “Honey, someone did and put it on the internet. How can you remain anonymous when you and your band of misfits show up to a dance club? It brings attention to you.”

  There’s concern in her voice. I know the other room has heard every word.

  “I know you get worried, but honestly, I haven’t had any threats since last year. All of my friends know what happened and we’re careful. We just went out and had a great time. It was just a friendly show. We saw a lot of people we used to dance with and it was exciting.”

  Mom looks at me and breaks into a wide smile. “Well, since it was so exciting, why don’t we watch it so I can see you girls back in action?”

  I realize that she wasn’t mad at all, but she wanted me and Finn to know how concerned she was that I exposed myself. She’s worried some crazy radical will come after me again.

  “What do you mean watch it? I don’t even know where to find it.” The fact that there’s a video of us dancing doesn’t sit well with me.

  “Why do you think Jenny is here? She’s setting up the video on your TV right now. She downloaded it for me this morning and we transferred
it to a digital format. And I have a surprise for you.”

  I can’t do this. I’ve never been able to watch myself on the screen. I get nervous and self-conscious. It’s different when I’m in the moment with the energy and the music blaring. I can’t watch it in my living room with a room full of friends.

  “No way. Finn, go stop her. I hate watching playbacks.”

  Finn starts laughing and leaves the room. I need coffee like now! I get out two mugs and pour some for my mom and me. I yell into the other room, “Jenny, you want some fresh coffee?” She declines and I go about pouring the milk and sugar.

  My mom gets close to me and whispers. “For the love of God, who is that guy in the living room? Is he a friend of the guys?”

  “Yes and no. He is a friend, and he’s also Declan Collins. He’s the guy I was telling you about. He’s Abbi and Ella’s brother.”

  “He’s gorgeous. Have you seen his eyes? Does he have a girl-,” she stops talking and the realization hits her. “Is he the one you’re dating?”

  “Yeah, kind of. We had a fight a couple weeks ago and he’s trying to convince me it was a huge misunderstanding. We have a date tomorrow night so I can hear his side of the story.”

  “What kind of misunderstanding?”

  “Remember the pictures for the “Who’s Who”? She nods, “He thought I had a thing with Finn and Max. He sort of got mad.”

  “Well, it is a hard relationship to understand, but I’m sure you can work it out. Why don’t we go back in there so you can introduce me properly?”

  She winks at me and I know her look; she likes him.

  When we get back, everyone is awake and all the girls hug my mom. I go straight to Declan.

  “Mama, this is Declan Collins.”

  She reaches out her hand to him. “Nice to meet you. I’m Jenna Hayes.”

  He takes her hand and smiles widely. “So nice to meet you, Mrs. Hayes.”

  “Please, call me Jenna.” She drops his hand “Oh, I almost forgot. I have a surprise.” She goes to the door and Jenny and her grab something from the front porch. When she turns around, Harper and I scream at the same time. She has bags full of food from our favorite deli in Brentwood.

  “When did you do this?”

  “When Jenny called this morning to tell me about the video. I decided I needed to talk to you and see it for myself. At first I was furious because of the exposure it gave you, but then I changed my mind and wanted to watch it. I knew the girls were here and I had a feeling your little group may be hungry. I sort of expected Jimi and Gabe to be here too. Don’t worry; I have enough food for everyone.

  I take the bags and head to the kitchen. She has gone all out; there is a variety of bagels with different flavored cream cheeses, smoked salmon, shaved turkey, sprouts, fruit salad, pasta salad, dessert pastries, and a tray of brownies. I laugh because this is a hangover spread.

  Everyone filters in the kitchen to fix their plates.

  Tripp sees the variety and laughs loudly, “Jenna, you are a gift. If I wasn’t so scared of James, I would steal you out from under his nose. We would run away never to be seen again.”

  “Watch it, Tripp. If my dad even hears you talking like that, he will make it so you are never seen again.”

  The whole mood in the kitchen is happy and the conversation is easy.

  After we fill our plates and return to the living room, Tripp and Finn set up the video and I groan. “Can we please not do this? Isn’t there a game we can watch or something?

  “Quit your bitchin’. I want to see how awesome we look and I want to watch Jason’s face as I deny him. It was an epic performance.” Kendall throws a grape at me.

  I settle on the floor next to Declan and the video starts. I almost choke as I watch myself flip over Harper and land in some guy’s arms. When he lifts me up and spins me around, I see how close my crotch was to his face and I can’t watch anymore. Declan puts his arm around me and leans in close, “That was the sexiest fucking part of the night besides your outfit. It was almost too much for me to handle because of how close he was to you, but it gave me some ideas.”

  I feel the blush creeping in my cheeks and squeeze my thighs together. I look around, but no one seems to have noticed that the temperature in the room just went up.

  He just chuckles.

  When the video is over, everyone’s cheering and my mom is doubled over with laughter. Kendall is pointing out Jason’s reaction to her spin with some hot guy. My mom and Jenny finally gather their composure and my mom wants a tour of the house. Abbi agrees to show them around while I rush to clean up my room. Charlie helps me make the bed and Harper cleans the clothes off the floor. Kendall straightens the bathroom since we trashed it last night getting ready.

  When the tour gets to my room, my mom loves it. She and Jenny repeatedly tell us how cute the whole place is. Jenny gushes over the front walk and porch and Abbi tells her about her green thumb.

  Two hours later, my mom, Jenny, Finn, and Tripp all leave. I’m exhausted and we all decide to take a nap. I can’t find Declan, but I guess he’s in the bathroom. Kendall lays out on the air mattress because she wants to watch TV. I go to my room and take off my bra from under my t-shirt and throw it to the side. I finally look up and screech. Declan is laying under my sheets shirtless and staring at me.

  “You scared the shit out of me. What are you doing?”

  “I need a nap too. I get ready quicker than you.”

  “Why don’t you nap at your house? Wouldn’t you prefer the peace and quiet of a house without six women in it?”

  “Nope, not if you are one of the women.”

  I watch him intently for a minute and allow my eyes to gaze over his perfect chest and abdomen. I involuntarily lick my lips.

  “You can molest me much easier from over here. I won’t even put up a fight.” He reaches his arms out to me. “Babe, come here.”

  I don’t even care how pathetic I am; I go straight to him and crawl up in the bed. He grips my arms and hauls me so I’m straddling his hips. He whips up, takes the back of my head, and pulls me into a deep kiss. One hand slowly grazes up my side while the other hand massages my head. I feel him growing hard underneath me. He moves so that he grinds against me through the sheets and my pants. I grind back. I know if we keep this up, I’ll come from sensory overload. I’m so lost in us that I don’t hear the door open.

  “Shit! Sorry! I wanted my phone and it’s in my purse on your nightstand. Y’all don’t let me stop you. I’ll just go now.” Kendall might have tried to hide her amusement, but I could hear it in her voice.

  “This is why we’re going to my house tomorrow night. Absolutely no chance of interruptions.” He pecks me lightly and rearranges me to his side. “Let’s get some sleep. I have to be at the bar in a few hours.”

  I can’t clear my head. My whole body is tense and I know my pants are soaking wet. “Declan,” I murmur.

  “Hmm, baby?”

  “I’m kind of uncomfortable now.”

  He leans down whispers in my mouth, “Sparkle, I’ve been uncomfortable since our first kiss, but I swore to go slow. Just hang in there with me and I will take care of you.”


  My mind fills with thoughts of him taking care of me.

  Chapter 22

  Thank You

  Declan woke me from my nap to kiss me goodbye before he headed out to get ready for his show. Sayge isn’t scheduled to play at The Steamroom until 9:30 tonight. I promised him that my friends and I will be there and I’d meet him before the show. Everyone slept through most of the afternoon. The whole crew is much more subdued tonight. We all get ready together, but without the gusto we had last night.

  I don’t know why, but I let Charlie do my hair and make-up while Kendall picks out my outfit. According to them, the soon-to-be-my-again boyfriend needed a little reminding of what he “almost lost”. Large curls cascade down my back and there’s bobby pins arranged throughout my hair so no strays f
all into my face. My face make-up is light, but my eyes pop with a smoky eye shadow and navy eyeliner.

  The outfit is impractical, but I agree anyway. Kendall has dressed me in black and white leggings and a black, oversized tunic top. She wrapped a bright red belt around my middle and topped it off with short black boots. The outfit screams high society clubbing rather than rock and roll bar.

  When I get to the kitchen, I’m the only one who’s not wearing jeans; I’m suddenly suspicious.

  “Why don’t I get to wear jeans too? Kendall, what’s going on?”

  Each one of them yells out a number and Harper writes them down.

  “Four.” Kendall.

  “Six.” Abbi.

  “Seven.” Charlie.

  “Ten.” Harper.

  “Only one.” Ella states matter-of-factly.

  “Ye of little faith, Ella, look at her closely. She’ll have at least one before we get through the door.” Kendall replies with a smirk on her face.

  “What are y’all talking about?”

  Since Charlie has no filter, she pipes up, “We each threw five dollars into a pot. We’re betting on how many guys hit on you tonight. It was all for the cause. You look like sex on a stick.”

  I’m so glad I’m across the room because I want to strangle her. “You are joking, right? There is no fucking way I am leaving this house. Wait, what cause?”

  “The Declan don’t-fuck-up-again cause.”

  “You’ve got to be crazy. You realize he’s insanely jealous, right? I have spent months convincing him that Finn is just a friend. If I show up deliberately trying to attract attention, he’ll freak.”

  “Serves him right. He needs to know how lucky he is to even get a second chance. This will be good for him; I promise you. He has my seal of approval, but I think he needs to be put in his place. He needs to understand how desirable you are.”

  I think about this for a minute and decide it could be fun. I smile widely, but then remember Ella’s guess. “Okay, I’ll play along. But Ella, why did you guess only one?”

  “Because when Declan sees you, he’ll flip his shit. My guess is you’ll get hit on once on the way to see him. He’ll openly threaten anyone within hearing distance not to touch you.”


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