In My Arms Tonight

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In My Arms Tonight Page 13

by Bailey Bradford

  Determined to get the matter resolved, or at least to bring it up and make it clear he was very interested in more than just this one night between them, Glenn started to roll to his back, only to freeze when James inhaled noisily then exhaled with a soft snore.

  Glenn considered his position, in bed with James, naked, covered in cum—and James with one arm around him and the other pillowing Glenn’s head. James, sleeping, relaxed except for the way he held Glenn, as if he was something, someone, important. It wasn’t the answers Glenn wanted, maybe even needed, but for this moment, he decided it was enough.


  Bailey Bradford


  Chapter Twenty

  Waking up with cum plastering your cock to your thigh was not fun at all. James woke on his back, a furnace blanketing his side, and pinching pain spreading from his thigh and groin. He blinked into the brightness of the room, momentarily disoriented by the sated feeling and the heat beside him. Why was the light on? Then he remembered and it all hit him like a bucket of ice water—with icebergs in it. He sucked in a shaky breath, chills skittering over his skin despite the warmth of Glenn’s body. James wasn’t scared exactly, but he was surprised, and trying to decide if it was a pleasant or shocked surprise.

  He ran over every detail, from the moment he’d realised who was outside until he’d fallen asleep after coming so hard he’d thought his balls turned inside out. Which would explain the sticky discomfort in his lower region, James thought, rolling his eyes. And if he was this uncomfortable… James eased onto his side, facing Glenn’s broad back—the man really had a sexy back, with shoulders so wide and muscled just right. The long planes of his back framed the indent of his spine, and his waist was narrow compared to his shoulders.

  And his butt, Jesus, James wanted to lick every bit of the dark fuzz on Glenn’s cheeks.

  He’d start at the deep dimples above his ass, then work his way down and cover every bit of Glenn’s butt with his mouth, nip and lick his way to the dark furrow between his cheeks and find the tight, hot hole nestled there.

  James groaned softly, partly in arousal and partially because his dick had hardened and damn near paid for it with skin removal. He glanced up towards Glenn’s head, but no, the man hadn’t turned it, didn’t seem to be breathing any differently as James examined him.

  James scooted down the bed, his heart beating faster as an idea occurred to him. He’d promised to fuck Glenn, hadn’t he? What better time than now? James had always loved messy, sweaty sex, and this was guaranteed to be just that. Except there was no ‘just’ to it, but he couldn’t think about that right now. Instead he slid down and held the phone close to Glenn’s ass so the light from the screen was cast over Glenn’s butt. He could see shiny patches of cum dried in the soft fuzz. It was the most erotic thing he thought he’d ever seen,


  Bailey Bradford


  at least it was when Glenn wasn’t sucking James’ dick or staring at him with that hungry look in his eyes.

  Lower still, as Glenn had one leg bent, partially spreading his ass and exposing the back of his balls, James could easily see the mess he’d left there. Surely Glenn had to be uncomfortable? If not, he would be when he tried to roll over—if he could roll over. The poor guy was probably stuck to the sheets in front. Glenn had come hard, and all that spunk he’d shot out had to have gone somewhere. James was afraid Glenn would try to roll and end up losing some of that sexy pelt on his chest, or the soft dark trail peppered with flecks of grey that lead down to his thick cock.

  James couldn’t let that happen. He might be fucked up, but he’d always been a considerate lover. And if Glenn happened to wake up while James was cleaning him, well then, they’d just see what came up. And that had to be the lamest pun ever, James decided as he eased off the bed. Apparently, sex, or at least really, really great sex, made him a goofy dork.

  He padded to the bathroom and flicked the light switch before walking over and turning on the sink. If he were a totally selfish prick, he’d use cold water on the cloth to ensure Glenn’s awakening. Lucky for Glenn, he wasn’t that big of an asshole.

  Once he got the water temp right, James wet the washcloth then he turned the water off and rung the cloth out. He walked back into the bedroom then stopped, a chill sweeping over him as he clenched the cloth in his hand. Warm water dripped down and splattered on the top of his foot. Something was wrong here.

  Glenn was still sleeping, the soft puffs of his breath loud in the quiet room. The clock on the nightstand read 4:31 a.m. James tried to gather himself against the unreasonable fear creeping over him. Then he remembered, something that had niggled at his brain earlier but now slammed into him.

  He hadn’t locked the front door, had been too enthralled by Glenn’s need, and his own, to even give it a thought. What am I afraid of? Jesus, Rollins is dead, the sick fuck who—hurt me is dead. No one is trying to get me!

  Still, his heart raced and his breathing shortened, the lack of oxygen numbing the tips of his fingers and toes. The washcloth fell to the floor as James shook where he stood.

  Something felt off, but was it his imagination or not?


  Bailey Bradford


  It’s all in my head! No one else is here besides me and Glenn! Snap the fuck out of it! James repeated the silent mantra to himself numerous times and had almost managed to calm himself when a soft sound from the living room sent him teetering on the brink of panic.

  What was that? What— it happened again, the sound of a footstep, light, almost silent, but in the quiet apartment the sound seemed eerily loud. James went rigid then began trembling so hard his teeth chattered, but his fear wasn’t for himself, not this time. His eyes sought out the sleeping form on the bed. The image was enough to help James keep it together, at least for a few more minutes. Glenn’s lips were parted slightly, the lower one puffy and slick, like it’d just been licked. Glenn had one hand under his head and the other curled up against his chest, as if holding himself or keeping his heart in check.

  James would have laughed at his fanciful thoughts if he weren’t so scared. Instead he took a deep breath, refusing to let the panic have its way. He’d be no use if he had an attack now, and keeping Glenn safe was his priority, which meant staying alert and clear-headed.

  I can do this. James took one step, then another, careful not to make a sound. The chirping of his cell phone alerting him to the fact that he had a new text message nearly made him piss himself. James was too startled even to make a sound, but he moved towards the phone, his common sense returning in a heartbeat. He could call Chase, or Xavier, or the police. Why hadn’t he thought of that sooner?

  Because he’d been terrified and because his head was still a mess, but he’d deal with that later. Keeping his ears primed for any other sounds, James picked up the phone, ready to call for help when the first few words of the text—all he could see of it without tapping his screen—stopped him. “Came up to check on you,” the message from Chase began. James felt his skin heat up and was sure he was blushing from toes to brow. “Saw Glenn’s car and wanted to make sure all was well. Door wasn’t locked. Was a little worried. Came inside, looks like someone had fun. Clothes scattered, lights on, and I want details ASAP! Locked up for you. Call if you need me.”

  James heard the locks being set—Chase and Xavier had a key. It was only Chase.

  James figured he was lucky his friend hadn’t decided to peek into the bedroom, but he supposed the clothes strewn about the living room did tell their own tale. And knowing Chase, he’d went through Glenn’s clothes and found his wallet. James couldn’t imagine his


  Bailey Bradford


  friend not doing his best to ensure those clothes belonged
to the same person who had parked outside. Chase was nothing if not thorough.

  Still, James thumbed a reply off, asking if Chase was locking the door. Better safe than sorry. His phone dinged instantly with an affirmation from Chase, as well as an apology for disturbing James and promise to talk to him—in other words, grill him, no doubt—after they’d had some sleep. James started to reply when a groan from Glenn distracted him. He looked at the man and set the phone down on the nightstand absent-mindedly. Glenn twisted on to his back, bringing the top sheet with him as it was plastered to his lower body.

  His eyes darted rapidly behind his lids before they fluttered then opened as Glenn cursed and reached for the sheet.

  “Not so fast,” James growled, though not intentionally. His voice was rough from sleep and residual fear, but the way Glenn’s eyes widened then settled on him as a hesitant smile tipped Glenn’s lips accounted for the roughness the next time James spoke. “Might want to let me help you. Normally I’m more considerate of my lover and make sure he doesn’t wind up glued to the sheets.”

  Glenn’s expression shuttered after a second, though he kept his gaze locked with James. “Am I?” he asked.

  James frowned. “Are you what?” It was too late—or too early—to be having complicated discussions.

  Glenn gnawed on his lower lips for a second before speaking again. “Am I your lover, or am I just someone to get off with for a night?”

  Oh shit! Are we doing this now? James sighed and looked around for the washcloth he’d dropped. Spotting it on the floor, he moved to pick it up. The little bit of distance helped, and James was able to look at Glenn and not squirm. “Let’s get you unglued, then we’ll talk, okay? But, I’d like—” James stopped, took a deep breath, pushed the words out past his fear.

  “I’d like you to be my lover, and me, yours. I’ve never been the kind to share the man I’m with.”

  Glenn searched his eyes for something and James hoped he found it. When Glenn’s expression eased, a slight smile curling the corners of his lips, James’ heart thudded rapidly and the invisible bands that had been compressing his lungs loosened.


  Bailey Bradford


  “All right,” Glenn said, sitting up and scooting until he had his back against the headboard. “I don’t want to share, either.” Then his bare smile turned wicked and heat licked James’ groin. Glenn’s eyes sparkled and he arched one brow. “Can that be all the talking for now? I mean, that was the big issue, wasn’t it? The one we needed sorted out the most?

  Because I really would like you to fuck me.”

  “Jesus, Glenn,” James ground out as his dick hardened immediately. “Yes. I mean—”

  James struggled with himself, his body raging to feel Glenn beneath him, Glenn’s tight silky heat gripping James’ cock. But his head was batting at his desire, his conscience scolding him. There was so much more they needed to discuss. James closed his eyes for a moment and tried to gather his wits. “There’s several ‘big issues’ we have to discuss, Glenn.” He opened his eyes and wanted to kick himself for having chased off that smouldering expression that had been on Glenn’s face seconds earlier. “I just…I want you to be sure, Glenn,” he said feebly. “I don’t want to be a regret for you, or a mistake, one you look back on and wish you could undo.”

  Glenn blinked, his forehead wrinkling as he frowned. “I would never think any of those things, James. Everything I’ve done since I met you, before then even, it’s been because of how I feel for you. Those were my decisions, and I don’t regret any of them. I won’t regret being with you, ever.”

  It sounded an awful lot like a declaration of love to James, even though Glenn didn’t say he loved him. It was still there, buried not so well under Glenn’s words, glowing brightly in his silvery eyes. There was no doubt, no hesitation, and no fear that James could detect, but then he shouldn’t have expected any. All that shit was his to carry and fight with. He was the one who was screwed up. Glenn wasn’t. He was good and stable and steadfast and—


  Glenn ripped the sheet off, exposing his hard, thick cock to James’ gaze. The man was simply magnificent, even with smudges of dried spunk on his torso and thighs.

  “That hurt,” Glenn grumbled, rubbing at his lower belly. James tried not to smile, because this was big, there’d been words exchanged, promises made, even if it was just to be together and with no one else. It was still a relationship, and he’d doubted he would be good for one of those. Yet with Glenn looking at him, that slight smile on Glenn’s lips and easy


  Bailey Bradford


  acceptance and trust in his eyes, James couldn’t find it in himself to push for any more conversation. They didn’t have to figure everything out at once.

  Glenn’s hand trailed lower, cupping his balls. His other hand fisted his dick, and James’ mouth watered as he thought about taking that thick stalk in his mouth again—or doing what he’d wanted earlier and rimming Glenn until he screamed with pleasure.

  James’ smile had to be every bit as wicked as Glenn’s as James stalked to the bed. He’d kiss every bit of Glenn’s skin, make him forget the small hurt caused by pulling off the sheet.

  Sounds like the perfect plan. James pounced. “Let’s see if I can make it better.”


  Bailey Bradford


  Chapter Twenty-One

  Glenn’s eyes bugged as James leapt at him. “Ja—” He didn’t get any further before James’ lips crashed against his. Taste, scent, touch, James dominated it all, wrapping Glenn in him so thoroughly Glenn knew he’d never be free.

  James’ tongue speared between Glenn’s lips, sweeping through his mouth and laying claim to every slick crevice. Glenn could do nothing but give and writhe as James’ cock rubbed against his. James shifted, his mouth still on Glenn’s, still owning, taking, drugging him with the kiss. Glenn’s legs dropped open as James wedged himself between his thighs.

  He thrust and myriad lights exploded behind Glenn’s eyelids. When James rocked against him again, Glenn twisted his head away, gasping, moaning as he teetered towards the precipice of release.

  “Wait,” he rasped, his head spinning as he tried to catch his breath and calm his raging body down. Much more of this and he’d embarrass himself. “James, wait,” he repeated as James nipped at his neck. Glenn managed to push against James’ shoulders, shoving him up a couple of inches. James blinked at him, looking dazed and horny and so sexy Glenn almost gave in. He cleared his throat and tried again, aware he’d barely even whispered the words before. “James, wait, please.”

  “What?” James shook his head as if trying to shake off the arousal driving him. He gave Glenn a horrified look then tumbled off him so quickly he slid off the bed.

  Glenn scrambled over to the edge of the bed and nearly knocked heads with James as the younger man shoved himself upright. “I’m sorry, I thought you wanted—I didn’t mean—”

  “I did want, I do, ” Glenn clarified, hating the look on James’ face. He didn’t want James to ever compare himself to the monster who’d hurt him, and Glenn was sure that was just what James was doing. Glenn slowly reached out and cupped James’ cheek, surprised at how cool the man’s skin felt beneath the light patches of stubble. “Come here, please,” he asked, waiting until James rose to his knees and moved forward, before moving back to make room for him.


  Bailey Bradford


  James climbed onto the bed and looked like he was going to curl into a ball before he took a shaky breath and met Glenn’s eyes. Glenn spoke before James could sink any further into the guilt that surrounded him like a cloak.

  “You didn’t do anything I didn’t want, I was
just really close to coming already and embarrassing the crap out of myself.” It was easier to admit that small humiliation than it was to see James suffering. Glenn’s cheeks burned but he smiled slightly as he continued. “I mean, just watching you watch me had me close to coming, then feeling you, tasting you, it just—” Glenn shivered and had to press his hand against his dick. It’d gone soft then hardened back up so fast he’d nearly hurt himself. “I think you could make me come just from sucking on my neck like you did earlier, and that’s…that’s embarrassing as hell for me to admit. I’m in my forties, this—” He gestured towards his dick. “This isn’t a new toy I just got. I know how it works and what feels good and—and none of the restraint I have exists when it comes to you.”

  As Glenn had spoken, James’ expression had shifted from one of guilt and self-recrimination to a smouldering, erotic one that sent goosebumps down Glenn’s spine. Still, the man didn’t so much as blink.

  Glenn scooted close enough to feel the heat rolling off James’ body. He kept his eyes locked with James’ pretty green ones as he took James’ hand and placed it on his cock. “Feel me, James. Feel how much I want you in me, how—”

  Glenn didn’t get any further before James tackled him, still holding his dick. James’

  lips slanted over his as James’ weight slammed down on him, pinning Glenn between that taut body and the mattress. Pleasure spiked from his groin to his nipples as James rubbed against him. Tiny spikes of tingling pain bloomed from his bottom lip when James bit it.

  James lifted his head enough to stare into Glenn’s eyes. “Are you sure?”

  Glenn huffed a strangled laugh as he tried to wiggle beneath James. His cock was as hard as a steel pipe. Surely James could feel it! “Does this seem unsure to you?” he asked as he thrust against James’ shaft.


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