In My Arms Tonight

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In My Arms Tonight Page 17

by Bailey Bradford

  Ewers blanched and held a hand up. “Stop. I don’t want to know. But, I’m glad you won’t be moping around looking like a kicked puppy anymore.”

  Scowling, Glenn started to retort when a sharp rap on the door startled him so much he jumped. Ewers rolled his eyes and hollered, “Come in,” and Glenn twisted around in his seat to see who was interrupting—saving him?—from this humiliating conversation.

  Becky, the chief’s receptionist, opened the door and came in. “Sorry to interrupt, Chief, but Charlene is here with lunch. I didn’t know if you wanted me to keep her waiting.”

  Every bit of irritation and embarrassment fled from the chief’s expression as he shook his head. “No, send her on in. We’re done here anyway.”

  “Yes sir,” Becky said, winking at Glenn.

  What the hell was that about?

  “Glenn, I don’t care how you do it, make that thing invisible before your next shift,”

  Ewers ordered, rising from his seat. “Now go on so I can have lunch with—” The office door opened and Charlene walked in carrying a basket full of something that smelt heavenly.

  “Charlene,” Ewers cooed, seemingly forgetting Glenn even existed. “Come in and have a seat.” Ewers took the basket from her and dropped a kiss on the pretty blonde’s lips.

  Charlene stopped and put a hand on Glenn’s shoulder as he started to rise. He looked into her sky blue eyes, about to excuse himself. “Stay. I brought plenty. I’m sure Howard won’t mind.”


  Bailey Bradford


  Glenn kind of doubted that, but Charlene was irresistible and lunch smelt so good his mouth was watering. He swallowed and didn’t bother looking at the chief, knowing the man would be trying to encourage him to leave. “If you’re sure you don’t mind?”

  “Not at all,” Charlene said, her eyes brightening as she grinned. “I’m glad you and James are working things out.”

  “What—” Glenn shut his mouth and groaned, dropping his head into his hands.

  “Christ, did everyone know?”

  A delicate hand thumped him on the back. “Pretty much, yes, and everyone’s happy for you two. You ought to know how much men gossip, but it’s all good stuff. Your friends were worried, about you and James both.” Glenn peeked at Charlene from between his fingers. “You need some lipstick for that.”

  Glenn dropped his hands to his lap and gawped.

  “Not the actual lipstick itself,” Charlene continued, then the woman actually—and Glenn didn’t know why it surprised him, Charlene wasn’t the least bit timid—had the nerve to cup his chin and tilt his head away so she could poke at the hickey with her other hand.

  “Yeah, the regular lipstick tube will do it. I think I have one in my bag.”

  Glenn might have argued with Ewers, but he sure as shit wasn’t arguing with Charlene. He watched her, half terrified as he did so, while she plucked a short burgundy tube from her purse and held it out to him. “Here, take this and go to the restroom. Just press and twist like this.” Before Glenn realised what she was doing, Charlene pressed the top of the tube to his neck and twisted, hard. Glenn yelped and slid halfway out of the chair. “What the he—heck!” That had smarted!

  Charlene snickered and thrust the lipstick at him. “Take it and do just what I did, except try not to be so wimpy about it. You just press and twist until the whole area is bright red, and it breaks the blood up under the surface and helps fade the hickey. You might need to do it a few times, though. That one’s pretty dark.”

  Glenn pried his hand open and caught the lipstick when Charlene dropped it. “How’d you learn about this?”

  Ewers started mumbling and Charlene tittered. “A trick I knew from when I was a teenager and had to, er, help out a friend. Howard was pretty impressed that it worked.”


  Bailey Bradford


  Charlene frowned. “I guess I could tell Adam about it now. No way was I telling that boy how to hide hickies when he was a teenager and all hormone-y.”

  Glenn was trying not to laugh over the whole bit about Ewers being impressed the stuff worked. But why hadn’t the man said something about it instead of suggesting—

  ordering—Glenn cover the mark with makeup?

  As if he knew what Glenn was thinking, Ewers shrugged. “Didn’t want to have to explain how I knew.”

  “Men,” Charlene snorted. “Go get that taken care of and let’s eat.”

  Glenn headed off to the men’s room and went to work turning the side of his neck into a God awful looking mess. He glared at his reflection and was wondering if maybe Charlene wasn’t pulling his leg, because now a good half of his neck was bright red and hurt like a mother. He reached up and poked at the tender skin, hissing when it burned. Maybe he’d twisted a bit too much? Glenn leaned closer. Was it fading, or did the red now surrounding it make the mark look lighter? Glenn couldn’t tell, and he was over the whole trying to tear his skin off bit, at least until he could tell if it worked. Besides, there was lunch waiting and even if he had to sit in the office with Ewers glowering, it’d be worth it to dine on Charlene’s cooking.

  He stepped out of the bathroom and nearly collided with Maya Jiminez. “Sorry.

  Excuse me—”

  Maya’s eyes rounded and she looked from his neck to his hand then back a few times before Glenn remembered he was holding the stupid tube of lipstick. He shoved it in his pocket roughly—too roughly as the lid popped off and he smeared the pink stuff all over his hand and inside his pocket. “Shit!”

  “No kidding,” Maya said, sounding angry and resigned at the same time. “I was going to ask you out again, but I guess now I know why you’ve been saying no all this time.”

  Glenn’s cheeks flamed but he glared at the woman angrily. Why was it people thought being gay meant wearing makeup and flouncing around in heels and dresses?

  “What is that supposed to mean?”

  She gestured at his neck. “You got that monster from someone.” She stood on her toes and leaned closer, peering at his neck closely. “I think you were a little too enthusiastic with the cap, though. You’ll be lucky if your whole neck doesn’t look like bruised.”


  Bailey Bradford


  Glenn was fixing to ask if every woman knew about this particular trick when someone walking in the front door stopped him cold. Two someones, actually. Maya turned and nodded. “Those are my clients, the Strattons’. Seems they want an employee of theirs bailed out.” Glenn forgot about lunch, lipstick and hickies. James’ parents were here, they weren’t ever going to leave the man in peace.

  “Gotta go,” he muttered to Maya as he swerved around her. “Les, I need to take off,”

  he told his friend, tipping his head slightly towards the Strattons, who hadn't yet noticed him as they were huddled together discussing something.

  Les had his stony , I will tear you to pieces expression in place as he glanced at James’

  parents. “Go on. I'll explain it to Charlene, and she won’t let Ewers shit bricks.”

  “Thanks.” Then Glenn was out of the door.


  Bailey Bradford


  Chapter Twenty-Six

  James had just finished arranging his next therapy session, to be held in Xavier’s office at the club. It was the only place he could think of where he’d have some privacy and it wasn’t here, which was important to him. He was going to get past this, and an important step was being able to go places. Today, if he could have, he’d have been up at the police station, although he doubted very much Glenn would appreciate James riding to his rescue like Glenn was some damsel in distress.

  Or a boyfriend who couldn’t be trusted not to be seduced
by a wily PI. James did trust Glenn, though, and he knew the man didn’t need him trying to defend Glenn against his boss. Besides, James had met Norman when Charlene had brought him over once. Seemed like a really nice guy.

  Although he might need to revise his opinion on that, James thought when he looked out the window upon hearing the rumbling of an engine. Glenn was out of the car like a shot, and he looked so distressed James couldn’t get the door open fast enough to suit him. He was almost down the stairs by the time Glenn was at the foot of them, and the relief and tender look in Glenn’s eyes made James want to do something totally corny like fling himself at the man and cling until he couldn’t cling anymore.

  James settled for grabbing the back of Glenn’s head and holding it still while he kissed them both senseless. His thumb traced over that patch of marked skin repeatedly as Glenn moaned softly and pressed tighter against him. His engorged dick bumped against James’, jerky little thrusts that threatened to drive James to his knees right there at the foot of the stairs. His own erection was already leaking, eager to play. James broke the kiss long enough to mutter, “Inside, now,” and together they thundered up the steps and in through the doorway.

  Glenn slammed the door shut and twisted the deadbolts, then, panting, he leaned against the door and held up a hand. “Wait a sec,” he rasped, closing his eyes as if trying to find a measure of restraint. “We need to talk. Your parents are in town.”


  Bailey Bradford


  James was surprised that the news only slightly tempered his arousal. The anger he had felt at his parent’s betrayal was still there, but the softer emotions and the hotter desire he felt for Glenn muffled that anger. Perhaps, he thought, time had helped do so as well. He still wanted to jump on Glenn and pound him into the floor, but the man’s body had tensed, a tic kicking up at the corner of his right eye. James cupped Glenn’s cheek and stroked the spot with his thumb, just as he had the mark he’d left. Glenn shuddered and opened his eyes enough to spear James with a smouldering look. James smiled slightly and released Glenn, knowing if he didn’t take a few steps back they’d both be naked and moaning in a matter of seconds.

  “Okay,” James said, blowing out a shaky breath. “All right.” He nodded as well, then turned and forced his legs to carry him into the living room where he sat in the chair rather than on the couch. If he got too close to Glenn, he couldn’t trust himself not to try to distract the man in ways they’d both enjoy.

  Once Glenn sat, crossing his legs then cursing and uncrossing them as he readjusted his cock in his trousers, James leant back—because he wanted to pounce—and folded his hands over his belly. “Did the PI you arrested try to do… anything?”

  Glenn’s head whipped up—he’d been glaring at his groin like it was a particularly badly behaved pet. “You’ve heard about Leaks, then?” James didn’t think he was misinterpreting the slightly panicked look in Glenn’s eyes.

  “I did,” James admitted gruffly, “and I also heard you declined his…offers.”

  Glenn bobbed his head and sighed agitatedly as he scrubbed a hand through his hair.

  “Yeah. He’s not a bad looking guy or anything—” James’ stomach plummeted—“but he’s not you. I wasn’t even tempted.”

  If it was possible to glow from sheer joy, James figured he was doing it. It gave him the strength to forge ahead into what could be scary territory, for Glenn and himself both.

  Scooting to the edge of his seat, he held out one hand. Glenn took it, his cheeks turning ruddy and his gaze dropping down to stare at their joined appendages.

  “Glenn, look at me,” James said softly. Glenn’s grey eyes rose to meet his and James melted inside. “You love me.” He didn’t know where he got the confidence to say it, unless it was from the man who’d waited for him, believed in him all these months. It had to be, he thought. Glenn made him stronger, his faith made James braver.


  Bailey Bradford


  Glenn swallowed a couple of times then stood, his hand still in James’. He walked over and knelt between James’ knees, looking up at him with such adoration James wondered how the hell he hadn’t seen it sooner. Glenn tugged his free and framed James’

  face with shaking hands. A slight pressure and James followed the silent plea, leaning down and opening for Glenn just as the man said, “Yes, I do.”

  James held on to Glenn’s broad shoulders as the man kissed him so tenderly it made James’ eyes prick with tears. Glenn’s gentle kiss, combined with the knowledge that he had this wonderful man’s heart, caused the tears to spill over. James wasn’t ashamed, didn’t think less of himself for that. He knew there were some things that deserved his tears, and joy like that which was singing throughout his body and soul was definitely one of them.


  Bailey Bradford


  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Glenn stroked James’ wet cheeks with his thumbs, tracking the moisture as he looked into James’ eyes. In their depths, Glenn saw everything he’d hoped for—the return of his love, the wonder and hope, and, whether it was his ecstatic imagination or not, a glimpse of their future life together. It wasn’t difficult to ask for what he wanted this time.

  “Make love to me. With me,” he amended. James’ lids dropped closed and his swollen lips quivered as he nodded. Glenn’s body tightened, fluttering sensations spread from his gut. He reached for James’ waistband as he slashed his lips over James’.

  The moan James fed into him made Glenn’s fingers tremble as he worked James’ cock free. James pulled back, gasping. Glenn tilted his head down and watched as he bared the fat cock he’d soon have in him. He clenched his cheeks in anticipation.

  “Condoms and lube—” James began, placing a hand over Glenn’s, stopping him before he could get a hold of James’ length.

  Glenn looked up and was only a little hesitant when he said, “I want to feel you, just you James. I know you’re safe. I am, too. I can show you—” It would mean stopping and going back to his place to get the papers, though. Glenn bit his bottom lip as he argued with himself over whether or not he could wait that long.

  James cupped his chin and gave Glenn a mind-melting kiss. When he lifted his lips, Glenn’s head was spinning. “Nothing between us, then. There won’t ever be anyone else for me.”

  Glenn took it as the declaration he knew it was meant to be. Had he ever felt so happy, so loved? He didn’t think so. “You’re it for me, too. I do love you,” he murmured, then bent and sucked the tip of James’ cock between his lips.

  James’ strangled shout consisted of words too garbled to make out, but Glenn thought he’d heard ‘love’ in them. James framed his face and tugged, lifting Glenn’s mouth from his cock. Glenn looked into those gleaming eyes, so pretty they made his breath stutter. “I love you, Glenn. I want to say it now, when you know it isn’t just passion talking.”


  Bailey Bradford


  Glenn grinned and turned his head enough to nip the base of James’ thumb. “I’d know—but you can say it as often as you want, in passion or anything else.” He’d waited long enough to hear it, to know it, that every admission of love from James would be treasured.

  “Glenn.” That was it, just his name, but it turned Glenn inside out, made him vulnerable in a way he’d never imagined—and warm with the knowledge that he was safe, his heart was safe, in James’ hands.

  The kiss James gave him started out sweet but quickly morphed into a passionate claiming that Glenn surrendered to wholly. His body sang with pleasure, his nipples peaked tight against his undershirt. James groaned, growled, then he plucked at one of Glenn’s nipples through two layers of material. “Want to feel these,�
� he grumbled as he pinched a taut nub.

  Like Glenn was going to protest that. He stood and quickly divested himself of his clothes while James did the same. James started to reach for him but Glenn had another idea in mind. He slid to his knees and palmed James’ balls as he swallowed down half of James’


  James grunted and his thighs shook. His stomach rippled and he leaned over Glenn slightly, resting his hands on Glenn’s shoulders. Excitement coursed through Glenn. He sucked hard, tongue swirling, saturating James’ dick in saliva. That was going to be his lube.

  He’d meant it when he said he wanted to feel James.

  “Glenn, fuck,” James ground out as Glenn buried his nose in James’ red pubes. He inhaled deeply, filling his lungs with the musky scent of the man, then nudged his nose a little further into that bush, forcing James’ cock in deeper. The urge to gag was almost overwhelming, but Glenn would be double damned if he let anything screw this up, even his own reflexes. His body could just cope with it. Swallowing wasn’t as easy as he’d hoped, but Glenn managed it and was rewarded with a shout from James that likely shook the windows—of Chase and Xavier’s house.

  “Oh my God,” James panted, his hands curling against Glenn’s shoulders. “Oh my fucking God, how—”

  Glenn sucked back up the length, his tongue dancing over a thick vein. He scraped the sensitive underside of James’ crown with his bottom teeth, a light friction that dragged a raw


  Bailey Bradford


  sound from James. Glenn mouthed the glans and fisted the base of James’ cock while alternately rolling and tugging James’ balls. He pursed his lips and sucked the sweet little slit, then dived back down, the taste of pre-cum coating his tongue. This time he managed to swallow with a bit more ease, but when James thrust Glenn very nearly embarrassed himself.


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