In My Arms Tonight

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In My Arms Tonight Page 19

by Bailey Bradford

  They hadn’t pushed for more, but it was time he talked to them. He’d rather do that face to face than on the phone, but he didn’t want to leave James here, either, so Glenn wasn’t sure how exactly he’d tell his parents. His siblings would have to be filled in on the phone, mostly. Only Veronica might be able to meet him at his parent’s place.

  “You’ve gone awfully quiet,” James observed, and Glenn glanced up to discover three sets of eyes watching him.

  “Just thinking,” Glenn mumbled before taking a big bite of his toast.

  James leaned over and whispered in his ear, “Looked like very serious thoughts. Will you tell me later?”

  Glenn nodded and found James’ hand, squeezing it lightly. That seemed to be all James needed to hear. He sat straight and finished off his breakfast before speaking again.

  When he did, Glenn decided he was done, too. James sounded utterly certain and calm when he said, “I need to talk to my parents.”

  Glenn pushed his plate away as he looked at his lover. There wasn’t a hint of fear in the man’s expression.

  “You can call them,” Chase began.


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  “No,” James waved that idea off. “They’re in town anyways. Obviously they aren’t going to quit, since they had their pet PI spying on me again.”

  “He didn’t admit to that,” Glenn pointed out, but he couldn’t see any other reason Leaks would have been here.

  James snorted. “Right, what else would he have been doing here? I don’t know why he wouldn’t just admit it.”

  “Me either, but yeah, I am sure he was watching you, or us.”

  Chase leant forward and gave a feral grin. “I can take him out if he comes snooping around here.”

  “Down, boy,” Xavier muttered, and Glenn wasn’t sure if he was talking to Chase or himself. Xavier looked more than a little turned on as he licked his lips.

  Chase batted his lashes at his lover. “I’ll take care of that when we’re done here.”

  Guess that answered my question.

  James chuckled then continued speaking. “Anyway, there are some things I need to say to them, that they need to hear. I was wondering if we could use your living room. I’d like them to see that I’m not confined to this apartment, and honestly, if they get mad like I expect, I don’t want one or both of them leaving in a huff and tumbling down the stairs at my place.”

  “That’s fine,” Chase answered without hesitation. “Just name the date and time. We can be there if you want.”

  James chewed his bottom lip for a moment then looked at Glenn. “As if you even have to ask,” Glenn told him, unable not to smile at the man.

  James’ relief was palpable as he slid an arm around Glenn’s shoulders. “If you could let me know what your schedule is, I’ll work them in when you’re available.” He looked at Chase and Xavier. “As for you two, I appreciate the support. I’ll leave it up to you. All I ask is that no one threatens to maim my parents when they say something asshole-ish, because they will.”

  Chase groaned and Glenn felt like doing the same. He wasn’t going to be able to be quiet if James’ parents started in on their son—but he thought he’d be capable of refraining from threats of violence. Chase didn’t look as sure about himself.

  “I’ll try?” he said.


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  Xavier tugged the man to his side. “Maybe we should stay in the office while James talks to his parents. That way we aren’t very far away, and he’ll have Glenn with him.”

  Xavier grinned at Glenn and Glenn nodded. He wouldn’t let anything happen to James, and wouldn’t let anyone hurt him, not if he could help it.

  Glenn turned to James. “When do you want to do this? My evenings are pretty much free. I’m off Thursday and Monday if you’d rather have them over earlier in the day.”

  James shook his head and looked so happy Glenn’s heart ached. “No, not your days off. After all, I want to spend those with you in bed.” Flames of desire licked Glenn’s insides, warming him and hardening his dick. James’ sultry expression only lasted a second or two but it was long enough to make Glenn yearn to feel James inside him again.

  “I’ll call Mother and set up a time for tomorrow evening, around seven?”

  Glenn nodded and Chase and Xavier said they could make arrangements for Troy to run the club for a while. Glenn helped clear off the table, then he and James did the dishes while Chase and Xavier told them stories about the club. Glenn listened, but his mind was on the coming confrontation—that’s what he thought it’d be, not a calm conversation. He hoped he’d get a chance to speak to James’ parents alone. There were a few things they needed to hear, and Glenn damn sure meant to make certain they listened.


  Bailey Bradford


  Chapter Thirty

  James couldn’t quite keep his hands from shaking as he tried to button his shirt.

  “Here, let me,” Glenn said as he came to stand beside James in front of the dresser mirror. A quick kiss then Glenn gently pushed James’ hands aside. He buttoned James’ shirt then drew him closer for a deeper, wetter kiss.

  “Thanks,” James murmured. He rested his head on Glenn’s shoulder for a few seconds. Glenn’s arms felt so good around him, made him feel safe. The way Glenn caressed his back, slow, soft strokes from shoulders to the waistband of his trousers, made James feel loved.

  “You look gorgeous, if it helps,” Glenn murmured. “You’re the strongest person I know, James. You can do this.”

  James sighed as Glenn’s words filled him with a sense of happiness. The man did know how to nudge him out of a funk, but—“I don’t think I am the strongest person you know.” James lifted his head and stared at Glenn until the man’s cheeks turned ruddy. Then he smiled and traced the heated marks with his fingers before turning to look at them in the mirror. “We do look pretty fucking hot together.” James was wearing new black suit Chase had bought for him. Even though it was off the rack, it fit well, and, paired with the pale blue shirt and sooty tie, he did look a lot better than he had even a week before.

  But Glenn was unbelievably sexy. The tailored suit fitted his form perfectly, accentuating his broad shoulders and narrow waist. James couldn’t help but run his hand over the plump swell of Glenn’s ass, then around to massage his cock through his clothing.

  “Jesus, James,” Glenn held onto James’ shoulders as he panted softly, his eyes losing focus the more James touched him. “Please don’t…don’t make me mess up this suit, it’s the nicest one I’ve got.”

  James hadn’t realised Glenn was that close, but since he was… It didn’t take but a few seconds to drop to his knees and unzip Glenn’s trousers. Glenn stuttered out a ‘Please’ and James was only too happy to oblige. He fished Glenn’s dick from his boxers, noting the slick,


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  clear pre-cum on the tip of his dick. “I’ll take care of you,” James said just before sucking the crown into his mouth.

  “Ungh!” Glenn kept his hands on James’ shoulders, not pushing, just leaning, or maybe holding himself upright. James grinned around the stalk in his mouth then bobbed down, sucking hard. He wedged his hand into the V of the zipper and palmed Glenn’s heavy balls. A roll and a tug, and they were drawing up to Glenn’s body as he shuddered so hard James was surprised he didn’t hear Glenn’s bones creak.

  James stretched one finger back and prodded at Glenn’s hole, not enough to penetrate but certainly enough so that the man would feel the pressure. Glenn’s strangled shout was music to his ears. James did it again, this time also sucking down Glenn’s cock, taking as much into his throat as he could. At the sa
me time he swallowed, he pressed against Glenn’s sac and inserted the tip of his finger in Glenn’s pucker.

  If he’d thought Glenn shook before, he’d been wrong. That couldn’t have been more than a twitch, because Glenn’s entire body clenched, shook and shivered as spunk spurted from his dick. James pulled back enough to catch the next burst on his tongue, moaning at the taste and the way Glenn’s ass hole squeezed around the tip of his finger. God, he wanted that to be his cock feeling that ring contracting around it! He probably had time, maybe. If he could get Glenn to relax, loosen that sweet little hole up enough—

  A smack on the bathroom door nearly caused James to injure them both. “Uh, guys?”

  Chase called out, “I’m really sorry to interrupt what sounds to be an incredibly hot and jealousy inducing bout of sex, but, ah, company’s here early.”

  James’ arousal withered in an instant, leaving him feeling weak and sweaty with nerves. He didn’t even have the energy left to be embarrassed by the knowledge that Chase had got an earful.

  “Come on, honey, you can do this. We can do this,” Glenn said, calm as if he’d not just shot a gallon of cum out of his dick. He slid his hands to James’ biceps and helped him stand.

  “I know they can still hurt you here.” Glenn placed a hand over James’ heart. “But remember, they can’t hurt you physically, and you have friends who love you—and me. I’ll never betray you, James, and I will always believe in you.” There was no doubt in Glenn’s touch, his voice, or his eyes.


  Bailey Bradford


  Everything about him spoke of his sincerity, and James felt the knot of fear and anxiety loosening in his chest. He even managed a small smile. “You’re right, and…and thank you, Glenn.”

  The shuffling of feet outside the door—obviously done on purpose, because Chase could teach a ghost how to move quietly—reminded James that they needed to get moving.

  He helped Glenn put himself back to rights then, after a last check in the mirror that made James grin because of how swollen and red his lips looked, he took Glenn’s hand and headed out of the bathroom door. Chase was waiting for them in the living room, and when he glanced at them a flush turned his cheeks pink as he waved a hand through the air.

  “Uh, hey. Sorry about interrupting, but they’re early.” Chase tucked his hand in his pocket then promptly pulled it back out.

  It made James grin, seeing his normally unshakeable friend flustered. That helped to counter the unease at having to see his parents again. “It’s okay. Glenn, at least, was finished.”

  Glenn made a strangled sound that had James shooting him an apologetic look, but when he saw the amusement dancing in his lover’s eyes, his concern that he’d overstepped vanished.

  “Yeah, I kinda heard that,” Chase admitted, then cleared his throat and smirked. “And you look like you just, you know. Your mouth is all…” Chase blinked and the blush darkened. “Anyways, it might give your parents a clue. I hope I get to see their expressions, because it’s obvious, at least to me, what you were doing even if I hadn’t heard Glenn when he—” Chase stopped talking and pivoted on his heel, rushing towards the front door.

  Glenn’s low chuckle sent flames of desire licking over James’ groin, threatening to rouse his softened dick. “Poor guy,” Glenn murmured as Chase padded down the steps. “He had a hard-on that looked painful.”

  James stopped in his tracks for a second, then he burst out laughing. He hadn’t even noticed, but if he’d been the one walking in on sounds like that, coming from Chase and Xavier? Yeah, he’d have been turned on—not that he’d have wanted to play, and he didn’t think Chase did, either. That was a line they’d never been tempted to cross, but they were men, and sometimes a decent breeze could make them hard. Hearing someone receiving pleasure would arouse just about anyone.


  Bailey Bradford


  “Well, maybe he and Xavier won’t be hovering in the kitchen then.”

  Glenn snorted as they left the apartment. “Right, hovering. They’ll probably be fucking like horny monkeys while we’re in the living room.”

  James snickered and locked the door. “Wouldn’t put it past them, or past Chase, at least. He’d come twice as hard knowing it’d freak my parents out.”

  “Might make for a shorter confrontation, then,” Glenn said. “After you.” James went down the stairs, revelling in the feel of Glenn’s hand on his lower back. Once they hit the ground, Glenn linked their fingers together and smiled reassuringly at him. “Remember, I’m here. I’ll try not to interfere, but if your parents cross the line, I can’t promise I won’t get involved.”

  James nodded, returning Glenn’s smile. “Okay.” His smile dimmed when he saw the long black limo in the drive. “Presumptuous as always,” he muttered, his stomach starting to burn. God forbid his parents not try to turn this into some money backed power play.

  Obviously they hadn’t been having a limo cart them around, not if they were in town. Les and Glenn both would have noticed that God awful thing and known they were here.

  “It’s probably a case of overcompensation.”

  James grimaced as he turned away from the limo. “Just, ew. I don’t want to think about what my dad could be overcompensating for. Or my mother.”

  “You’ll never have to rent a limo to prove anything,” Glenn told him, and James couldn’t not smile. They walked across to the house and James went up the back steps first.

  He held the door open for Glenn then followed his lover inside. Inside, he could hear the low rumble of Xavier’s voice and the flat, emotionless tone of his mother’s. Whatever they were saying, Xavier sounded pissed and barely restrained. Chase chimed in with a “Hey, you can always get the fuck out of our house,” and James figured he’d better get in the living room before all hell broke loose.


  Bailey Bradford


  Chapter Thirty-One

  Glenn squeezed James’ hand, pride swelling in him. James was incredible, with a core of strength in him that stiffened his back and straightened shoulders. Though there’d been moments of doubt and fear in James’ expression, and a flash of anger that had made his eyes burn, James slipped on an implacable mask of calmness that was simply amazing to see.

  And when the man strode in the room, his presence commanding the attention of the four people seated there, Glenn knew that pride he’d felt had to be showing on his face.

  Though he’d intended to stand back and try his best to sear Mr and Mrs Stratton with his gaze, the fact was Glenn could hardly look away from James, and he had a feeling there was a sappy looking smile on his face as James took his hand. Glenn stopped beside James, forcing himself to look at the people in the room. As soon as he saw Xavier and Chase’s angry visages, the first stirrings of renewed anger began to sizzle.

  “Mother, Father, I hope you’re not insulting your hosts,” James said. “I know I had better manners than that drilled into me.”

  “James,” Mrs Stratton blanched but her eyes glistened and Glenn hardened his heart against feeling any sympathy for her. They’d have left James in that quack-shack and let the doctors pickle his brain with meds.

  Mr Stratton rose from his seat, his face contorting in a most unpleasant way as anger struck his features. “Shearing. How long have you been taking advantage of our son? I wonder, what really happened when you were supposed to be interviewing James?”

  Glenn’s stomach clenched along with his free hand, which he longed to slam into Mr Stratton’s face. In his peripheral vision, he saw Chase lunge, heard him curse as Xavier jerked him back down onto the couch, but Glenn’s main attention was on James, who’d released his hand and took the few steps forward to bring him within inches of his father. The look on James’ face now was one G
lenn hadn’t seen before, a fury that brought a coldness to his eyes and voice, and sharpened the planes of his face. James kept that icy glare on his father while he spoke.


  Bailey Bradford


  “If you dare to insult Glenn or myself in such a manner again, it won’t be Chase or Xavier throwing you out of this house. Mind your manners, with my friends and with Glenn.”

  Mr Stratton didn’t seem impressed, leaning forward until his nose almost touched James’. “He’s got you brainwashed! Can’t you see, you’re just a young plaything to him—”

  “Enough!” James didn’t roar it, but he might as well have with the firm steely tone he’d used. Mr Stratton blinked and took a step back. “You will not cast aspersions on his character or mine with such ridiculous accusations! After what you and Mother have done, neither of you have the right to come into my friends’ home and insult them or the man I love!”

  “James, we only want what’s best—” Mrs Stratton stopped the trite words when James whirled around to face her. She’d risen from her seat, but under her son’s accusing stare, her legs trembled and she sat again, with all the grace of a drunken horse. Glenn wondered if the quivering of her bottom lip was a planned attempt at manipulation or true emotion—and what emotion it was, if that were the case.


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