Creatus Series Boxed Set

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Creatus Series Boxed Set Page 6

by Carmen DeSousa

  The cycle of new homes, verbal and physical attacks, and defending herself went on for years, and Derrick again questioned his decision, hoping he hadn’t made a mistake.

  At least he didn’t worry about anyone in the homes hurting her anymore; she’d learned to take care of herself. But her taking care of herself usually meant that she was sent away again. Most homes had a strict policy of ‘it didn’t matter who started the fight’; if the kids were caught fighting, they were evicted.

  Derrick ran his normal drive by, happy that she seemed to be doing okay in this current home. She was thirteen now, and she no longer bore the sweet, innocent look of the girl he’d seen five years ago. She’d dyed her hair with streaks of purple and orange, started wearing all black, and didn’t take any crap from anyone.

  He glanced at the time and then headed to Logan. Tori, Michael, and the rest of his friends were flying in from London for the last time tonight, and he had to figure out how to make it work with Tori. He had no desire for any other woman, so he didn’t understand it. She’d come home twice a year, and they’d always had fun, always made out until they fell asleep in each other’s arms. He just couldn’t bring himself to have sex with her, though he knew it was what she wanted, what he wanted really. Maybe it would happen then. And then he could forget about what might have been with Janelle.


  This time when Derrick arrived outside the airport, he went right to Tori. He grabbed her up and swung her around. He’d missed her so much in the last three months, and he really was going to try.

  “Much better,” she said with a seductive smile. She reached up and locked lips with him, but they had to get going. Airport security wouldn’t let you sit but a couple of seconds anymore.

  “What about me, Bro?” His brother released a hearty laugh. “Aren’t you gonna swing me around?”

  Derrick grabbed his brother in a bear hug, but he wasn’t about to swing him around. “I missed you, Mike. It’s good to have you home.”

  “Sure ya do. You just miss my magnetic personality, since you’re such a stiff.”

  “Yep. That must be it.” He opened the hatch and helped load all the luggage inside. “Hey, Ry…” Derrick reached for the youngest in their group, giving him an authentic hug. He’d always liked him. He had to go back to London for a couple more years, but he’d enjoy hanging out with him over Spring Break. “Hey, Jonas.” Jonas hugged him too, but Derrick could feel the tension, and based on Tori’s greeting, she’d kept herself for him.

  The group piled in his Navigator, and Derrick started for his place, knowing they’d all make their way to their respective homes on their own. Tori and Michael, though, usually hung out with him.

  Michael leaned over the center console. “So, I made us reservations…”

  Derrick glanced over his shoulder. “Reservations?”

  “Yep, I already called Dad. He approved vacation time for you; he’s gonna cover your rounds. I figured since Ry is only here for a week, and we’re all going to have to start our internships, we should take off a few days and enjoy ourselves. I booked us at the Mount Washington Resort. If we’re lucky, we should still be able to get in a little skiing.”

  “I wish you would have told me,” Derrick said.

  “Why? So you could have thought up an excuse not to come?”

  Derrick grimaced into the rearview mirror. “Fine. When are we going?”

  “Tonight. No time to back out. Just swing by your place and pack a bag, and let’s go. We’re all packed.” He laughed, seemingly proud of himself.

  Derrick glanced over at Tori, noticing she tried to hide her smile. Obviously, she knew about Michael’s plans.

  He could escape for a few days. Kristina seemed to be doing well at this new home. How much trouble could a thirteen-year-old girl get into in a few days? He had to start pulling back. He couldn’t watch over her forever.

  Derrick grimaced when they checked in. Why should he have been surprised? His brother had booked only one room for Tori and him.

  She nuzzled up against him as he signed in. “If it’s a problem, Mike said I could stay in his room.”

  “Not a problem and I’m definitely not letting you stay with my brother.” Derrick leaned over and kissed her. He’d said he’d try, and it appeared his brother wanted this too. Tori was back for good now. He didn’t have to worry that if they fell for each other she’d have to go away for months at a time. She was the logical choice, the perfect woman for him. Beautiful, sexy, smart, and she loved him. They’d been friends since they were children; this was just the next step.

  After unpacking their bags, they made their way to the rear of the hotel that overlooked Mount Washington. The sun had already set, but the streaks of pink and red it’d left behind provided a magnificent backdrop for a romantic evening. Even the heavens wanted him to fall, it seemed.

  Tori trailed him down a heated path to the pool. Snow-covered trees and shrubs surrounded the area. Even the gate and posts had a dusting of the white powdery flakes. The hotel could have donned the pages of a fairy tale in a majestic faraway land. So close to Boston and yet so far from his daily routine and concerns.

  Throwing her robe on a nearby chaise, Tori glided into the water. Her body, as always, was perfect. Her olive skin, smooth and blemish free, looked even darker than usual beneath her white bikini. Her silky hair reached the top of her bikini bottoms, the longest he’d ever seen it. Derrick followed her in cautiously. She’d take him to the precipice this evening, he was certain. Would he go over, or would he be able to resist her as he’d done in the past? Should he even try?

  She dunked her head and then came up in front of him, glistening, beckoning a kiss, but he held back, allowing the desire to build. He needed to want her completely. He needed to starve himself of her touch until he couldn’t take it anymore, until his heart cried out for her, and then maybe he’d fall.

  Her lip jutted out slightly. “Don’t you like the suit? I know you like white.”

  He smiled. “What’s not to like? You look like a goddess, Tori.”

  Slightly appeased, she bit her bottom lip, looking seductive again. “But you don’t want to kiss me?”

  “Oh, yes. Definitely. But, I want to let it build up until later.”

  “Mmm…I like the sound of that,” she purred in his ear. “Tonight, I’m going to make you forget everything in the world but me.”

  He gulped. How could she scare him? What was he afraid of? “There isn’t anyone but you, Tori. You know that.”

  “I want to make sure of it.”

  After swimming, they changed and met the others for dinner. Mike, now twenty-five to the world, took it upon himself to supply the wine for dinner. Derrick filled his glass repeatedly, hoping to clear his mind, to release his inhibitions. His kind didn’t usually marry; they fell. Once they made a conscious decision to spend the rest of their lives with each other, their souls connected in a palpable way. The feeling, supposedly, was electrifying, a sensation that couldn’t be faked or mistaken, according to his father. When you fell for your soul mate, you knew it. Usually just a kiss would start the reaction, and then, once you made love, your souls would connect forever.

  Derrick knew Tori was his perfect match, but he’d yet to feel the spark, so he was scared. What if his soul mate had already died? Was it too late for him? His father assured him that one would not fall without the other, so even if Tori knew what she wanted, she wouldn’t fall for him without him falling too. It was so convoluted that sometimes he wished it wasn’t a factor of their kind. Maybe it was because he was different from most creatus. Maybe that was why his brother could sleep with any woman he wanted.

  He filled his glass again, emptying the bottle.

  Michael set another one in front of him. “I’ll keep an eye on you, Bro. Lighten up and have fun.”

  “That’s what I’m afraid of. I don’t know if I can trust you as my keeper.”

  Tori squeezed his knee, and he jum
ped. This was ridiculous. He was forty years old for God’s sake. He emptied another glass, letting the warmth course through his veins. It felt good. He never did this.

  After dinner, Tori and he strolled to the fire pit. They skipped the complimentary cheese offered by the hotel, but accepted the free wine. Derrick slid into one of the Adirondack chairs, and Tori lowered herself sideways across his lap.

  Michael had found a cute strawberry-blonde to keep him company, but Ry and Jonas just discussed London and the differences between it and Boston. Derrick couldn’t make out any specifics. All he could think about was the beautiful brunette on his lap.

  He wrapped his arms around her shoulders and pulled her closer. He’d been watching those lips all night and couldn’t wait to taste them. The merlot she always liked tinted her lips, making them even redder and tasting of different berries along with the hint of spice, mocha, and oak. His body came alive with want and need.

  “Let’s not stop,” she whispered beneath her kisses.

  Her comment woke him, knowing the men around them had heard her announcement. His gaze darted up, catching Jonas watching them; even Ry had a scowl on his face. Did all the men want her? Why did she keep waiting for him?


  “Shh…” she cut him off, standing up and taking his hand. She didn’t allow him to pull free, and if he did, it’d look rude, so he followed.

  They rode up the elevator silently, then she trailed him to their room.


  “Derrick, for me, please?” She backed him up to the sofa beside a crackling fire. “I’m thirty-five, and I’m ready. I know I want to be with you forever, but even if it doesn’t happen, I’ll understand. I still want to make love to you.”

  “Tori, I’m drunk. I can’t. It’s not right—”

  She pushed him back onto the seat and straddled him. “Then we’ll just kiss in the privacy of our room, and whatever happens, happens.” She pressed her lips to his again and started unbuttoning his shirt.

  Images flashed through his mind of Tori in the pool, in the firelight, on top of him. She was beautiful, his best friend, and she wanted this. His body soared to life. Maybe he could force it. Then, she’d be happy, his family would be happy, and maybe he could escape the demons that haunted his nightmares nightly.


  Damn that girl! Derrick seethed. She was so smart, and yet she did the stupidest things. Why in the world was she out this late? You’d think watching Janelle die would have been enough to scare her, but it was almost as though she had a death wish.

  The men had stalked Kristina ever since she’d left her friend’s house, but they’d held back, waiting until no one else was around. They didn’t care that she was only fifteen. In fact, that had them salivating.

  “Don’t spook her,” the one said. “I don’t want her screaming. Just get her in the van, and we’ll have fun back at the club.”

  Oblivious in her miniskirt and tank top, Kristina strolled down the dark street, texting, not aware of her surroundings. How she’d even conned her foster parents to sign for a phone for her was beyond him. She’d always been good about working, though, so she probably agreed to pay more than it cost the woman. Kristina had been babysitting for neighbors since she was thirteen, always talking about how she was going to move south as soon as she saved enough money.

  She’d probably do it, too. Then how would Derrick protect her? He couldn’t very well leave his family to protect a bratty fifteen-year-old.

  Derrick took off in a sprint and leapt onto the next building. He had a pretty good idea where the other man planned to intersect with the van, so he’d get there first. Hopefully, when the others saw the van wasn’t there, they’d put off their attack.

  One look revealed he was correct. He glanced around and then pounced. The roof crushed under his weight.

  The slimeball jumped out of the driver’s side. “What the Fu—” Derrick grabbed him from behind, cutting off his air in a rear naked choke, and then threw him into the back of his van. He went to the front of the vehicle and shoved it back a hundred yards so it collided into a dumpster. From the end of the alley, passersby wouldn’t be able to see the black van, and it’d be a while before the man woke up.

  Derrick waited for Kristina to pass the alley, then grabbed the other two men, who’d peered down the darkened street, looking for their comrade.

  Careful of exerting just the right amount of force so as not to kill them, he smashed their heads together and threw them on the ground.

  He darted around the building and watched Kristina enter her apartment building. The girl would be the death of him, he was certain.

  “Tell me about these newest gadgets, Mike,” Derrick said as he slammed through his brother’s office door. “I need one that will track a cell phone. You got that?”

  “Yeah, man. I got that. But, why?”

  “Just a hunch,” Derrick said.

  “I thought that was my job, tracking down hunches. What’d you see? Do you have an idea who the vigilante is? It’s starting to tick me off. The Boys at Boston PD don’t care that someone’s trying to clean up the streets. And now there’ve been sightings…people saying an angel saved them.” Mike narrowed his eyes.

  Derrick shook his head. “Not me! You know me better than that. I’ve only protected Kristina. Besides, from the reports you’ve shown me, I think whoever’s doing this is just looking for an excuse to fight. He’s having fun terrorizing humans. I have nothing to prove. No, I need the device for something else. As I said…just a hunch. I just want to have a little fun tracking someone.”

  Mike harrumphed. “You, have fun? Yeah, right.”

  “Just give me the damn program, Mike.”

  “Touchy…okay.” Michael typed a few keys on his keyboard. “What’s the number?”

  “Just give me the name of the program, and I’ll take care of it.”

  His brother leaned back in his chair and sighed. “Oh, no. No…Not happening.”

  Derrick threw up his hands. “Fine. I’ll go find it on my own. Of course, maybe I’ll get in trouble by hacking into some private government-controlled website.” Derrick turned and strode toward the door.

  “Get back here. But, dude, please be careful.”

  “You going to run and tell Dad on me again, Mike? That was rather childish, don’t you think?”

  He shook his head, dropping his eyes to his keyboard. “I like my job, and I like you as my boss. I’d rather you not be banished.”

  Derrick sat across from him. “I have to keep her safe. I owe it to Janelle.”

  Mike nodded. “I guess I understand.” He printed out the info and handed it to him. “Just be careful, okay?”

  “Always am.” He stood up to leave again. He needed to get back to the hospital.

  “Hey, how’s Tori?”

  Derrick shrugged. “You spend more time with her at school than I do at the hospital.”

  “That’s not what I meant.”

  “I know what you meant, Mike, and it’s none of your business.”

  He walked out. He was so tired of the family butting into his love life. Why was it so important that he fell for Tori anyway? Maybe he was broken. He’d tried really hard not to blame his brother, the reason he was certain Michael had agreed not to tell his father that he was watching.

  Derrick wouldn’t do anything to endanger his family, but he had to keep Kristina safe. When she was old enough to take care of herself, he’d stop. He certainly couldn’t continue to watch her for the rest of her life. He just needed to get her through these teen years, as Janelle would have done if she were still alive. Then, he’d be able to move on with his life, knowing he’d given Janelle the one thing she wanted.


  Kris let the screen door slam behind her, knowing that her foster parents hated it. Good, she hated them.

  “Where ya going, Kristina?” Liz called from the porch.


>   “It’s a school night, young lady. You be home by ten.”

  Kris lifted her head in acknowledgement, but then hopped in her friend’s Honda Accord. Yeah, like that was gonna happen. Tonight was the night of her first frat party. Not many sixteen-year-old girls could claim that privilege. She’d posted it all over Facebook, so her friends would be expecting some juicy pics. Her current guardians would be lucky if she came home by three.

  She exhaled a long breath as she collapsed in the passenger seat of her best friend’s car. “OMG! Freedom!”

  Beth shifted the vehicle in drive and drove away from the lopsided parallel parking job she’d done in front of her foster parents’ apartment building. She pulled her eyes off the road for a second. “Wow. I like the dress—” Her friend lifted the hem of her dress, running her fingers over the embellished silk. “Is that the Sherri Hill? Where d’ya get the cash?”

  Kris propped up her feet on the dash, displaying her new platform sandals with four-inch heels and twinkling crystals.

  “Dang…girl. Did you rob a bank?”

  She smiled. “Not exactly.”

  Her girlfriend arched an eyebrow. “You didn’t!”

  “I did.”

  “How much did you get?”

  “Two thousand dollars on eBay. Enough to take off if I want.”

  Her friend shook her head, huffing out a breath. “Yeah, right! Where would ya go?”

  Kris shrugged. “Anywhere? Somewhere warm. I hate Somerville. We get a few weeks of sweltering heat in the summer, and then the rest of the year is just cold and wet.”

  “I don’t know, Kris. I don’t know if I could have sold my mother’s jewelry. Didn’t you say one of the pieces belonged to your grandmother?”

  “Yeah. But if my mother hadn’t been wearing that stupid ring, that dirtbag probably wouldn’t have jumped us when I was eight. I’m better off without it.” Kris reached for the stereo and cranked up the alternative rock station. “Anyway, shut up! I wanna rock tonight.”


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