Ruthless (An Enemies To Lovers Novel Book 4)

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Ruthless (An Enemies To Lovers Novel Book 4) Page 4

by Michelle Horst

  “Yeah, about that,” I say as I let out a heavy breath. “I’m not sure what that was. It was confusing, to say the least.”

  She sighs and looks at me. “That makes two of us. I have no idea what’s going on between Rhett and I. One second he’s flirting with me and getting my hopes up, and the next he’s fucking some sleaze.”

  “Why are you even friends with the guys?”

  Yes, they’re off the charts hot, but that doesn’t mean I’d be friends with them. Tonight just proved what kind of men they are. Womanizing bastards.

  “It’s a long story.” When the silence stretches between us, I start to think that Evie’s done talking, but then she says, “They’re not as bad as I’ve made them out to be. I wouldn’t want you dating any of them, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t good friends. They were there for me when I had no one else.”

  I steer the car the short distance home, and as I park in front of our apartment building, I ask, “What do you mean by you had no one else?”

  Grabbing our bags, we get out of the car and only when I close the front door behind us, does Evie continue.

  “I have no family. After spending years going from one foster family to another, I figured living on the street would be much safer for me. I was literally starving when I finally got a job cleaning houses.”

  I make us some coffee as Evie sits down on the couch. When I’m done, I take the cups to the living room and sit down next to her.

  She takes a sip before she whispers, “I’m not proud of what I did, but it was a job. When you’re dying of hunger, you stop thinking about what’s right and what’s wrong.”

  “Cleaning houses is nothing to be ashamed of,” I say as I place my hand on her knee.

  “I did it topless,” she whispers so softly, I almost miss the words.

  “You did what topless?” I ask, not sure I’m hearing her right.

  “I used to work for a cleaning company where the uniform was a g-string and heels. The clientele were all men who expected you to clean their dicks with your mouth while you’re at it.”


  I can’t picture Evie doing something like that. Not knowing what to say, I go with keeping quiet and absorbing what I’ve just learned from her.

  “After one of the parties, Rhett made use of the company. I was a part of the group of girls who were sent to his house.”

  “Now I really don’t like Rhett,” I mumble under my breath.

  Evie shakes her head. “It’s not like that. It was the only time he used that service, and it was meant as a practical joke on the other guys. The guys were more uncomfortable than we were.”

  “That’s hard to believe,” I say as I drink some coffee.

  “Really. Logan left the second the first girl took off her jacket and started cleaning. Carter was glaring daggers at Rhett. To be honest, Marcus and Jaxson were too busy eating to care about the half-naked girls walking around them. I didn’t even get as far as taking off my jacket. Rhett took one look at me, and the joke was over.”

  “Over? How? What did he do?” I’m so engrossed with what Evie’s telling me that I totally forget about the coffee in my hands.

  “Rhett paid us and told us to leave. Before I could walk out of the house, he took hold of my arm and held me back. He asked me how old I was.”

  “Shit. How old were you, Evie?” I asked shocked. I thought this happened last year.

  “I had just turned eighteen. Age means nothing when you’re living on the street.”

  “You’ve known Rhett for three years?”

  “Yeah, but it feels like I’ve known him all my life, or at least the part that matters.”

  “What did he say when you told him you were eighteen?”

  I hate that Evie had such a hard life, but the romantic part of me wants to hear how he swept her off her feet and saved her.

  Evie looks down at her cup as unshed tears make her eyes sparkle.

  “He started asking one question after the other. Where was my family? Why was I so skinny? I panicked and tried to run away. Where I came from no guy showed interest in you unless they wanted you to spread your legs.”

  Evie places the empty cup on the coffee table. I quickly do the same before I lean back and take her hand in both of mine.

  “Rhett wouldn’t let me leave. Only after he explained that he wanted nothing from me, did I calm down enough to talk to him. I was honest. When I told him I just started the job and couldn’t afford to lose it, he got upset. I explained that I was living on the street and it was my one chance at getting a place to stay. He offered me a deal I couldn’t refuse.”

  I have to bite back the tears as my heart bleeds for Evie so I can squeeze out, “What kind of deal?”

  “He said he would make sure I had a place to stay, and he would pay for my studies as long as I kept my clothes on.”

  “Huh?” Now I’m really lost.

  “The guys pay my rent.”

  My mouth drops open in surprise.

  “The guys?”

  “They all took me under their wing. They pay for everything I need.”

  “And all you have to do is keep your clothes on?” I ask to make sure they’re not taking advantage of her.

  “Yeah. I have to focus on my studies. No dating. No screwing around. Nothing which involves me getting naked.”

  “Seriously? No dating. That’s a bit much, don’t you think?”

  “They’ve made it clear. The guys want me to focus on my studies so I can make a life for myself.” Evie leans closer to me until she catches my eyes. Her smile is soft as she whispers, “They want me to become independent. All my life I had to live with the scraps people threw my way. Rhett and his friends aren’t throwing scraps at me, Willow. I don’t even have words to describe what a difference they’ve made in my life. They are giving me the power to take care of myself by helping me get a decent education.”

  I swallow hard on the lump in my throat and lean in to hug Evie.

  “I’m glad they’re helping you,” I say as I pull back. “If you don’t mind me asking.” I bite my bottom lip, hoping I’m not pushing things. “Why were you upset when you saw Rhett with that other girl?”

  Evie takes a deep breath as her shoulders slump.

  “I love him. He just sees me as a little sister, and I know I should get over it, but I can’t. Believe me, I’ve tried.”

  “Does he know how you feel about him?”

  She nods with a look of dejection on her face.

  “I told him last year. He said he cares about me, but he doesn’t want a relationship with me.”

  “That sucks,” I say as I feel myself deflate next to her. It would’ve been a perfect ending to their story if Rhett could love Evie back.

  “I’m going to sleep. Thanks for listening to me.”

  “That’s what friends are for.”

  We hug, and as Evie walks to her bedroom, I take the empty coffee cups to the kitchen.

  I leave the light on and check that the door is locked before I turn in for the night.

  Leigh should be home soon. She’s having dinner with a group of med students. She’s supposed to be taking a break before she starts her residency.

  I take a quick shower before I put on my pajamas and crawl into bed.

  Lying in the dark, I think about Marcus. The man has me in knots. I can’t figure him out. His eyes tell me one thing, while his attitude clearly sucks.

  I have a feeling there’s more to Marcus than what he wants me to see. I’ve always liked a challenge, and I definitely don’t scare off easily. I’m going to dig until I find out who the real Marcus is.

  Is he a womanizing bastard or has he been hurt? Maybe that’s why he keeps everyone at a distance.

  Hell, by the time I’m done with him I might just decide to study psychology. Leigh would get a kick out of that.

  Chapter 5


  After last night’s party, I’m so fucking tired. I swear I coul
d sleep for a week. I glance at my bruised knuckles. It will heal like it always does. It was more satisfying beating those fuckers who were chasing Della, than the sex with whats-her-name was.

  As I walk to the door, I notice a piece of paper on the dresser. I pick it up and see that it has a number with the words ‘call me’ scribbled on it.

  “Hell no. Once was enough for me.”

  Throwing it in the trash, I head downstairs to see what the others want for dinner.

  I hear Evie’s voice and almost go back to my room. Lately, every time we’ve seen her, she’s had someone new to introduce to us.

  I walk into the living room, and even though my guard instantly goes up when I see Willow, I’m relieved that there are no new faces.

  “Where’s Leigh?” Jaxson asks from where he’s sitting next to Willow.

  I sit down on a single seater, content to just listen to the conversation.

  “She has a headache,” Willow responds. She watches Jaxson a little too closely for my liking, then says, “You asked where Leigh is.”

  My eyes dart to Jaxson, and I zone out of the conversation going on around me as I examine his expressions.

  Interesting. Jaxson has never shown interest in a girl before. Leigh gave him hell this morning. It was entertaining to watch. But looking at Jaxson now, it’s clear he’s interested in Leigh.

  I need to remember that Willow is observant. Nothing seems to escape her attention.

  How fucked-up would it be if we all fell for a girl? I shouldn’t joke about shit like that. In only a few weeks we’re leaving for New York. Besides, we’re all practically allergic to commitment, so there’s no need to worry about anything serious happening.

  My eyes are drawn to Willow. Because the girls left the party early the night before, I didn’t have to talk to her. We only greeted each other, and that was barely civil.

  I hate that she becomes more beautiful every time I see her. I’m starting to notice when she smiles, there’s a dimple on her left cheek. She has expressive eyes, and I can see the love she has for Leigh shining from them as she talks about her friend. Everything about her draws me in, like a moth to a flame.

  When Jaxson stands up, I’m caught off guard for a moment. I got lost in starting at Willow. As he walks away, I take my chance and move from the single seater so I can sit next to Willow.

  As I sit down, I leave no space between us. Throwing my arm around Willow’s shoulders, I pull her closer, until I can smell the fresh scent of her hair.

  Her body stiffens, and her eyes widen at my bold move.

  Resisting the urge to bury my face in her hair, I lean closer to her ear, and whisper, “You just can’t stay away, can you? We can go upstairs right now, and I’ll scratch that itch for you.”

  She turns her face slowly until our eyes meet. Lowering her lashes, she stares at my mouth, and the need to kiss her slams hard against the steel barriers I’ve constructed around my heart. She draws her bottom lip between her teeth and lets out a sexy-as-fuck groan, which instantly makes me hard.

  Slowly, she lets her bottom lip slip from between her teeth. She moves closer, and I'm starting to think she’s going in for a kiss. But instead, she whispers wistfully, “The only itch I want to scratch is the one where I get to slap that arrogant look off your face.”

  I’ve got to hand it to her, she’s brave.

  I turn my face slightly, so the corners of our mouths brush. The slight touch sends sparks of awareness rippling through my body.

  “Babe, if you’re into kinky shit, all you have to do is say so. I’m always willing to try new things.”

  She pulls away so she can glare at me. Instead of giving me a piece of her mind, she just looks at me. She holds my eyes until it becomes uncomfortable.

  Fuck, there’s no way I’ll win a staring contest with her. She’s definitely skilled in that department.

  I drop my eyes to her mouth, but that only makes her reach out to me. She places her hand on my cheek and the soft touch borders on painful. It reminds me of what I want but can’t have.

  This is derailing fast. Too fast. I’m losing control of the situation.

  “Look at me,” she whispers.

  My eyes snap back to hers, and I make sure I give her the coldest, hard look I’m capable of. Although the second our eyes meet, my control slips even more. Her brown eyes are filled with understanding and compassion. It’s a look only Jaxson has given me.

  “I see you, Marcus Reed. You can pretend all you want, but I see the man hiding behind this stupid mask of arrogance.”

  Shock ripples through my body and I forget about the image I’m trying to uphold. For a moment I’m flayed open, bearing my soul to her with just one look.

  I try to think of something I can say that will make her angry. My mind races to find anything that will make her hate me.

  Damn it! She can’t like me.

  She has to be the one to walk away because there’s no way I will be able to. I’m too intrigued by her, which will be my downfall.

  She pulls back her hand, and she leans forward, pressing a kiss to my cheek.

  “Never treat me like one of the sluts you take to your room. I don’t deserve that kind of treatment.”

  With two sentences she strips me off every trick I’ve used in the past. It has always worked on others. Everyone but Jaxson… and now Willow.

  When she sits back, she holds her hand out to me.

  “Even though you’ve been nothing but a dick to me, I like you. Let’s wipe the slate clean. I’d rather be your friend than your enemy.”

  I look down at her hand then back to her face. She smiles at me, and I feel the first crack in what I thought was an impenetrable wall between the world and me.

  Can I be friends with her?

  I’ve never even considered it. I could give it a try, and if it doesn’t work out, I can end it.

  Will I be able to end it?

  She’s still holding out her hand, waiting for me to shake on it. I take her small hand in mine and watch how my fingers wrap around hers.

  We’ll be friends. Nothing more.

  At least I’ll be able to see her smile. That’s worth a try, right?

  “Friends.” It’s all I can manage.

  Her smile widens, making the dimple show. She pulls her hand from mine, while I’m still trying to regain control of all the unfamiliar emotions.

  I watch her greet the other guys before she leaves with Evie.

  Not wanting the guys to notice that I just got my ass handed to me by Willow, I get up and go back to my room. I need to process what just happened.

  But I have no idea where to even begin.



  I took a huge chance last night, and I hope I won’t regret it.

  I might be making a huge mistake, giving Marcus a chance, but I think there’s so much more to him than the cocky smirk and callous behavior.

  If I’m right about him, there’s a possibility that we can become good friends.

  That’s why I’m knocking on his front door at nine in the morning. I only have to be in class at twelve, so I thought we could spend some time together. It’s the only way we’ll get to know each other.

  When I knock again, Carter opens the door. He looks surprised to see me, and I’m sure Marcus will be even more shocked.

  “Is Marcus here?”

  “He’s up in his room,” Carter says as he lets me in.

  I glance up the stairs. “Which room is his?”

  “The one at the end of the hallway.”

  I smile nervously at Carter, not that he sees it because he’s already walking away from me.

  As I climb the stairs, I take deep breaths. I can’t help but feel anxious. I wasn’t lying when I told Marcus that I like him. I really want to be friends with him, but that doesn’t take away the fact that he’s dangerously hot. I think that’s how he fools people into believing he’s a badass. They’re so blinded by his looks that they
don’t see the real person.

  When I get to his bedroom door, I knock first. There’s no answer, and as I slowly open the door, I pray he’s alone in bed. It would definitely not be a good start to our friendship for me to walk in on him and a girl.

  I peek around the room, and when I see him alone in bed, I smile with relief. I leave my bag at the door and walk to the side of the bed. He’s lying on his stomach with his arms tucked under the pillow. I watch him sleep, his face relaxed and free from worry. There are no angry scowls.

  As he starts to wake, he turns onto his back, and the covers get stuck under him. I can’t keep my eyes from exploring his chest, taking in every muscle and curve. I notice a scar on the left side of his chest. The slight imperfection ads to his beauty.

  He lifts a hand to his face, which makes my eyes dart away from his chest. The last thing I need is to be caught staring at him.

  “Morning,” I say brightly.

  He darts up as if I tasered him. For a moment he looks confused, but then his features become guarded again. He moves so fast, I have to take a step back so he can get out of bed. He grabs a shirt and quickly shrugs it on before he turns back to me.

  “What are you doing in my room?” His voice is rough and sexy as hell.

  “I thought we could spend the morning together so we can get to know each other.” He gives me an incredulous look. Before he can think of an excuse why we shouldn’t spend some time together, I say, “Just as friends. Consider it a fresh start. Let me buy you breakfast.”

  “Just so we’re clear,” he says as he steps into a pair of jeans, “this better not become a habit.”

  “It won’t.”

  I smile widely, and inside I’m dancing with happiness. So far it’s going much better than I thought it would.

  “Also, when we spend time together it will not be a date.”

  “Of course.”

  When he’s done slipping on his shoes, he comes to stand in front of me.

  “I have rules.”

  I nod, keeping quiet so he can tell me his rules.

  “No dating.”


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